Chapter 4

Where Your Heart Meets Mine

“Well done! We’re right on schedule. The families of the bride and groom, please follow me this way.” 


“A-Team, are the piano and orchestra ready to perform? Wait for my signal, ok?”


“B-Team, make sure to usher everyone to their seats. Remember, crowd control.”


“C-Team, we’re about to begin the processional. Is everybody on the list present?” 


It is the day before the wedding, also known as the wedding rehearsal. As we all know weddings are months-long preparation, and for Taeyeon and Tiffany, their wedding has to be perfect. That is why they hired the best wedding coordinator in South Korea to guarantee that their plans for the ceremony are followed and fulfilled. 


The cathedral is filled with all walks of life; the members of the piano and orchestra, the entire team staff of the wedding coordinator—it is practically a grand wedding after all. 


Both of their families, closest friends, and all of the important people in Taeyeon and Tiffany’s lives are present here. 


Well, all except one... 


And it would’ve been fine if she had no participation in the wedding, but being personally handpicked as one of the groomsmen is a major role to fulfill. 




“Seriously, where the hell is she?” I’ve been texting her phone all day, but she hasn’t replied to any of my messages. She better come here quickly, I don’t want to get an earful from the bride.  


Uh-oh, I saw Taeyeon from a distance looking for someone. ‘Must not make eye-contact. Must not make eye-contact!’


 “Yuri!” Oh, .


I gulped. “Hi, Taeng. What’s up? The processional is about to start, you should be in front with your parents. Why are you here?” I smiled nervously and tried to sound nonchalant, but nothing about this very moment is nonchalant! ‘Where the hell are you, llama!’ 


“Yeah, I’ll be there in a few. Anyway, have you seen, Amber? I’ve been looking for her.” She kept scanning the area. I subtly took a glance at Taeyeon, she seemed calm, but her words were frighteningly low. Yikes. 


*Ring ring* *Ring ring* 


Phew, saved by the bell. Taeyeon answered her ringing phone. 


“Hello? Oh hey, Amber!” Great, just great. She didn’t reply to any of my texts, but she managed to call Taeyeon. That kid, really! 


“Yuri? Oh, she’s right here beside me. Really? What time are you going to be here, then?” Please, come quick. Please, come quick. 


“Ok, then. Be careful on your way here. See you, bro!” Taeyeon dropped the call and faced me, “Amber’s running late. She’s got a pile of work in her office. Tsk, that dork, being a workaholic even on the day of my wedding rehearsal.” Oh…


“Thank goodness, one half of my groomsmen is here.” She muttered under her breath, gritted her teeth, and then blankly stared at me. Uh-oh, that’s sarcastic. 


I can count in my hand how many times I’ve been terrified of Taengoo, today is definitely one of them. 


“Ms. Kwon, Ms. Kim, please go to your positions. We are about to start!” The wedding coordinator notified us. Taeyeon nudged me to stand in line, then she jogged to the front of the line to stand beside her parents. Her parents are going to her to the altar, where she will be waiting for Tiffany and her parents. 


Before the wedding coordinator could go, I informed her that our best friend, one of the groomsmen, was running late, and I told her that our best friend was listed under the name “Liu” in the processional list. 


She nodded in understanding, and announced “ok, everyone, the bride and groom, and their families have entered the cathedral. Please come forward as I state your name, this will also serve as the order of your entrance in the processional. Strictly follow the order. Got it?” 


“Ms. Kwon!” I stepped forward. “You will be partnered with….” 


The wedding coordinator skimmed her eyes through the list, “Ms. Jessica Jung.” 


“Ms. Kwon and Ms. Jung, please come forward! You will enter the cathedral in 10 seconds!” 


Ms. Jung? Who is she and whose guest is she? I don’t think Taeyeon mentioned any ‘Ms. Jung’ to us before. 


She better be friendly, at least. This wedding ceremony will be long, I might as well make some friends here.




“Ms. Kwon! You will be partnered with Ms. Jessica Jung.” Huh? 


I thought the maid-of-honor usually walks alone. Isn’t that customary?


Ms. Kwon? Who is she and whose friend is she? Was she ever introduced to us by Tiffany? Or is she a guest of Taeyeon? 


“Hello, I’m Yuri.” My eyes followed the sound of her voice, she’s now right beside me. ‘Wow, she’s tall. Even taller than Soojung, I think.’ 


“Guess we’ll be walking together, then?” 


Not to seem disrespectful, I glanced at her and nodded politely. 


“Jessica, huh? Such a beautiful name...” Her voice trailed, “...for a beautiful girl.” 


…what? “What?” 


That caught me off guard. Of course, I didn’t make it obvious, I maintained my composure. 


But when I faced her, I noticed she was smiling while looking far ahead. 


“It’s your turn. Please walk now, Ms. Kwon and Ms. Jung!” The wedding coordinator told us to move forward. 


I momentarily glanced at the woman beside me. Yuri, right? She still had this small smile plastered on her face. Even when we reached the altar, she was still smiling. That’s strange…


Is she a creep or something? Or was there dirt on my face? 


“...unnie. Unnie. Jessica unnie, were you even listening?” I was pulled out of my trance when I heard my baby sister calling my name. 


“Huh? Oh, Soojung? Sorry, I didn’t hear you.” She sighed at me. We were in the ladies’ room. 


“As I was telling you, I was supposed to walk with someone, too. But, the wedding coordinator told me the person was…” I couldn’t believe it’s evening already. I have been in a trance for more than 3 hours? 


“...Jessica unnie, you’re spacing out again. You know what, never mind. Forget about it.” She let out a frustrated sigh. 


“What’s happening with you? Are you okay? Do you need to rest? We can go, I’ll just have to message Mr. Kang to pick us up.” Soojung called out to me worriedly. 


“No need, I’m fine. Let’s go, we have to be at the rehearsal dinner.” 




“Next pair to walk the aisle, please come forward!” The wedding coordinator called our attention. “You will walk right after the maid of honor and best man.”


“Ms. Liu and Ms. Jung” 


I heard my name and got into position, but the person called to walk with me was nowhere to be found. 


“Ms. Liu? Has anybody seen Ms. Liu?” The wedding coordinator kept calling for a certain ‘Ms. Liu’. 


Then she turned to me, “Ms. Jung, do you know where Ms. Liu is?” The wedding coordinator suddenly asked me. 


“I… I…don’t know a ‘Ms. Liu’…” It’s true. I do not know a ‘Ms. Liu’, how am I supposed to know where that person is?


“Aish, we’re a bit behind schedule now because of this. Please tell Ms. Liu tomorrow that you’re the person she will walk with during the processional.” The wedding coordinator scrambled at the thought of going off-schedule.



In the end, I had to walk alone. 


All throughout the day, I was waiting for the Ms. Liu person to arrive and to apologize, at least, for the delay she caused. But even in the rehearsal dinner, she was a no-show! How unprofessional! 


I can’t believe I’m being paired up with someone whom I’m already annoyed with. I haven’t even met the person! 


That’s what I was trying to tell my sister, Jessica unnie, earlier. I was so irritated with what happened in the wedding rehearsal. 


I’m somehow relieved that Jessica unnie’s partner showed up in the processional, at least. 


Meanwhile, mine was late, a no-show, and unprofessional! Who does she think she is? 


And whose guest is she? Is she a friend of Taeyeon unnie? Because I don’t recall Tiffany unnie mentioning a ‘Ms. Liu’ to us before.


I was so frustrated, but my sister kept spacing out while I was ranting earlier. What’s with everyone today? 


That Ms. Liu person better be present tomorrow, otherwise, I’m really going to leave her behind and walk along the aisle alone.


I really hate unprofessional people.



Haha, let's have fun. 

Stay safe, everyone!

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Hello! It's been a while. I just remembered my password haha. Hope everything's well, stay safe everyone!

Hope you'll bear with me, this is a work in progress. This is a thought that I've been thinking of lately, so~ I have to write this out of my system haha. Happy Holidays!


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12345qwe #1
Chapter 7: Gosh hahahaha can’t wait to see what happens to kryber!!
Amber is charming
amhar03 #2
Chapter 7: Aww cliffhanger..Cute amber being lovesick puppies :D
Satsuki12 #3
I love your story:)
Itsob_session #4
Chapter 7: Great update author! Keep going 👍❤️
12345qwe #5
Chapter 6: Omg can’t wait to see what will happen to kryber!!
Thanks 😁
amhar03 #7
Chapter 5: Great they smitten with each other!
amhar03 #8
Chapter 3: Love the dynamic so far.. keep it up author
Appledots5 #9
Chapter 2: Love it! Thank you
Appledots5 #10
Chapter 2: Love it! Thank you