Chapter 3

Where Your Heart Meets Mine



It has been two weeks since Jessica unnie came home. Our family spent the Holiday season this year in South Korea. We usually fly out to San Francisco, California to celebrate Christmas and New Year’s since my sister and I were born there, but there are too much work and backlogs to attend to so we decided to celebrate here instead. 


Of all the seasons in a year, I love fall and winter seasons the most, especially because you can layer up with clothing. And I’m very fond of sweaters, blazer jackets, trousers. I like the cold breeze of wind during this time of year. 


As the wind gently swifts through your face, as the white snow falls from the sky, as the colorful city lights illuminate the skyline, these little things bring a smile on my face. That’s me, I really appreciate simplicity. 


My thoughts were cut short when I heard my secretary ring my desk phone twice.


“Ms. Jung, I would like to inform you that Ms. Jessica Jung and Ms. Tiffany Hwang have arrived. Should I let them in?” My secretary informed me through the desk phone. 


Omg, I almost forgot about today! Unnie and I were supposed to accompany Tiffany unnie to run her errands for the wedding. 


“Thank you, Ms. Oh. Please let them in, I’m finished with the paperworks anyway.” Soon, I heard two english-speaking brunettes enter my office. I welcomed them with hugs and smiles.


“Hi, Soojung!” “Hi, Krystal!” 


“Hello Jessica unnie, Tiffany unnie! Let me just grab my bag first, then we can go.” 


“By the way, Krystal, did you check the box ‘with plus one’ in the wedding invitation? Jessica told me she RSVP’d without a plus one,” Tiffany unnie asked me. 


I shook my head and smiled politely, “No, unnie. I checked the box ‘without plus one’.” 


“I see! I thought all of my bridesmaids would bring their plus one’s, since my maid-of-honor here, your Jessica unnie, won’t bring one. But, no worries, baby Jung. Let’s go!” For a moment, I think I saw Tiffany unnie’s smile there. Huh?


Jessica unnie and I will participate in the wedding. She’s Tiffany unnie’s maid-of-honor, while I’m one of the bridesmaids. 


After entering one boutique store to another, we finally felt tired from all the shopping and running of last minute errands. We settled down in a cafe, ordered our pastries and drinks, then we went over everything we accomplished. 


I was taking a bite of my croissant when I heard Jessica unnie ask a question to Tiffany unnie, “must’ve been nice to finally make it official, right?” Tiffany unnie warmly smiled at her, “yeah. Taeyeon and I have been waiting for the right moment, and finally we found the perfect date next year, February 14th…” I could see how happy Tiffany unnie with her smile. 


“You two have overcome many things, I can still remember how you two bickered like an old married couple. Now, both of you are officially halfway there.” Jessica unnie laughed at the memory, and Tiffany unnie had her crescent eye smiles.  


I suddenly thought of something, “unnie, how did you know that Taeyeon unnie is the one for you? How did you know she’s the person you want to be married to?” 


Tiffany unnie and Jessica unnie looked at me with their teasing eyes. I held my hands up defensively, “I was just curious, that’s all. Really.” Don’t get me wrong, I was really curious though. 


Tiffany unnie then held her chin and thought deeply, “I won’t give you the cliché answers, like: ‘I looked at her eyes and I just knew it.’ Because what we have is not something out of a chick-flick, there are many times when our relationship becomes tough, really tough. When we started, we had many misunderstandings. We had moments when we realized how true the saying was: sometimes love isn’t just enough…” Tiffany unnie continued, “But I’m not saying this to discourage you. My point is, you have to remember why you’re with that person, you have to actively choose the person and to fight for the relationship no matter how challenging it is, you have to know whether they stand on the same page as you in the relationship. Most importantly, both of you have to discuss: do you see a vision for our future together?” 


And then, Tiffany unnie finally smiled at me, “...because for me, at least, without all of these things, everything in the relationship would be futile. I know I’m going to spend the rest of my life with Taeyeon, because she has proven to me all of these things. And on top of everything else, she chooses me everyday and she loves me for who I am.” 


I sat upright as I was still absorbing everything Tiffany unnie told me, when Jessica unnie suddenly interjected “Yah! Could you save some for me at the wedding? I’m the one who’s supposed to make you cry with my toast and speech, y’know?” I took a glance at her, wiping her nonexistent tears. 


We chuckled at her, “hey! Don’t blame me, it was your sister who asked!” 


We later on spent the rest of the day exploring the boutique stores in the mall, and we decided to dine all together come evening. Towards the end of our dinner, Taeyeon unnie arrived to pick up Tiffany unnie. And as we bid our good nights and goodbyes to the both of them, Tiffany unnie and Taeyeon unnie waved back and grinned at us. 


We were fetched by Mr. Kang, our family driver, and greeted us “Good evening, Miss Jessica and Miss Krystal.” 


After we settled down in the car, I heard Jessica unnie murmur “Ah, I’m so tired. My feet hurt…” and then she quickly drifted off to sleep. 


I, on the other hand, looked out the car window and kept replaying Tiffany unnie’s words in my head. ‘The thing Tiffany unnie and Taeyeon unnie share, will I find it in this lifetime?’ 




If there is one thing I hate about the holiday seasons, it’s the crazy traffic congestion it causes. Right now, I’m stuck here in this bumper-to-bumper situation on the major highway. 


You’re asking why I got stuck? Well, a dork texted me last minute that I should go straight to her place after I finish my work. So, you see, I'm currently on my way to my annoying best friend’s annoying place. 


Thankfully, after fifteen minutes, the traffic finally moved and I was able to reach my destination. The place is not annoying anymore hehe.


I parked my car, rode the main elevator, pressed Yuri’s floor number, and then I reached her condo unit. I fished out my copy of the room key, since that’s what best friends are for, right? 


After I closed the door, I was jumped at by the bride-to-be herself. “God, Taeyeon! You scared the living daylights out of me.” 


Then she did a fistbump to me and left me to watch the television in the living room. ‘What just happened?’ 


“Whoa, I didn’t know you’d be here. I could’ve brought you drinks or snacks had I known. Yuri’s text just said: ‘Bring your here after work.’” I sat next to her and asked what’s being played on the TV. 


This time I looked at Taeyeon, “I missed you, bro. I haven’t seen you in weeks! How’s the wedding preparations coming along?” and hugged her warmly. Taeyeon smiled at me.


She returned the hug and answered me, “I missed you, too, Am. Yeah, we’ve been quite busy. I never knew planning a wedding would be this complicated and tiring. Like, I never knew that the right choice of centerpieces and flowers would matter that much. Tulips, hydrangea, lily of the valley, oh… my head hurts just by thinking of it. Next time we go to a florist or flower shop, remind me to salute and thank them for their service.” 


I just laughed at her. I know she’s just saying all these, but it’s obvious how she’s having fun doing it. She’s getting married to Tiffany unnie after all. “How’s Tiffany unnie, by the way? I’m sure she’s excited. It’s less than two months from now.” 


“She’s doing really well. And honestly, I feel a lot less pressure because I’m with her. This stuff naturally comes to her, it’s insane.” Taeyeon answered with a glimmer in her eyes. This, my friends, is someone who’s obviously deeply in love with her beau. *Cough* whipped! *cough*


A voice coming from the bedroom door, “Oh, you’re here, Amber.” I stood up from the couch and hugged Yuri. “Yeah, you should’ve told me Taeyeon’s coming, I could’ve brought drinks or something.” 


Taeyeon shouted from the living room, “that’s okay! I’ve had my dinner anyway. I drove here as soon as I dropped off Tiffany at our place. She went out with her friends earlier.” 


I looked at Yuri and asked, “You? Have you eaten? I’m hungry though, I got stuck in traffic earlier.” Yuri went on to pick up her phone, “is pizza okay with you?” as she glanced at me, “and how about you, Taeyeon?!” She shouted across the living room. To which Taeyeon answered, “Could you add burgers and fries? Thanks!” Eh? I thought you’ve had your dinner already.


After we finished eating, Taeyeon kept fidgeting and finally told us the real reason she visited. I found out she just told Yuri to text me to go straight here, but she didn’t add any context as to why. 


“You see, you and Yuri are my bestest friends in the world. That’s why, it would mean the world to me if you say ‘yes’ to what I’m about to say,” Taeyeon began speaking.


Yuri looked at her as if she’s grown two heads, “Taeyeon, I know you’re beautiful. We all know it. But honestly, you aren’t exactly my type.” Sigh, again, why am I friends with this idiot? 


I urged Taeyeon to continue and ignore what Yuri said, “Go on, what is it?” 


“How would you feel if I told you that you two are my groomsmen–err, bridesmen? HAHAHA” 


Yuri and I spat out the drinks we were drinking. 


“Damn, it's a whole lot better when I played it out in my head than when I said it outloud,” Taeyeon said while laughing on the floor. This time, we were all laughing and had tears forming in our eyes.


After what seemed like an eternity of hysterical laughing, Yuri said, “I’m going to have a stomach ache later.” 


We finally stood up and went to hug Taeyeon, “Of course, Taeng. We’d be happy to. I can’t believe you felt the need to even ask. We were with you when you picked the rings, right? We were also there when you had gown-fitting, remember?” I smiled and told Taeyeon. 


Few moments later, we all hugged in a circle-formation, jumping like kindergarten kids. “Anything for you and Tiffany unnie, Taeyeon. Consider it done,” I smiled warmly at her, while Yuri was still recovering from her fit of laughter.


“Ok, good. It’s agreed upon then. You and Yuri are my best (wo)men! I expect your best behaviors on the day of our wedding. Otherwise…” Taeyeon glared at us and made a you’re-dead gesture with her finger sliding across her neck. 



Chapter 3 is here! KryBer is up~!
Hope everyone's having a great time, stay safe! Mask up!

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Hello! It's been a while. I just remembered my password haha. Hope everything's well, stay safe everyone!

Hope you'll bear with me, this is a work in progress. This is a thought that I've been thinking of lately, so~ I have to write this out of my system haha. Happy Holidays!


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12345qwe #1
Chapter 7: Gosh hahahaha can’t wait to see what happens to kryber!!
Amber is charming
amhar03 #2
Chapter 7: Aww cliffhanger..Cute amber being lovesick puppies :D
Satsuki12 #3
I love your story:)
Itsob_session #4
Chapter 7: Great update author! Keep going 👍❤️
12345qwe #5
Chapter 6: Omg can’t wait to see what will happen to kryber!!
Thanks 😁
amhar03 #7
Chapter 5: Great they smitten with each other!
amhar03 #8
Chapter 3: Love the dynamic so far.. keep it up author
Appledots5 #9
Chapter 2: Love it! Thank you
Appledots5 #10
Chapter 2: Love it! Thank you