Ich Liebe Dich

Torn In Two Because Of You
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1942, close to noon

"What's she doing here?"Scowled Matteo, standing in the middle of the sitting room, glaring at Renada, who rolled  her eyes at his childishness.

"Your house is a war zone in my opinion and it needs to be tidied up, and you need to learn your manners too, Monsieur Engel,"Shot back Renada pompously.I gave a sheepish look.The shelves were empty, the sofa had boxes of clutter placed there, and the plates were stacked up high like tall buildings.

Renada insisted that she come over for the next few months to help take care of the house.

A few days earlier, we had a conversation.

"It's impossible to leave."

"Bien sur que c'est impossible !  We are in a full fledged war, Leo,"Said Renada.

"But if only we could have fake papers to sneak past the border,"I said quietly.

"It is too risky! I have seen people like you, desperate to leave this godforsaken place, and end up arrested, deported off to labour and concentration camps.  Good and innocent people like you, all marched to their deaths by a tyrant whom your people call their  leader. I would not want you and Matteo to suffer such a fate."

And that was the end of it.


Later we had cassoulet for lunch before Renada disappeared on an errand at the market.

There was a sudden rumble as if from the deep.

The sound of artillery were  like drums ringing in my ears.

I hated gunfire.

Matteo instinctiv

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