
Torn In Two Because Of You
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96 avenue Victor Hugo, Paris, France



Thirteen days till we leave for Strasbourg.

Thirteen days till I welcome myself into his warm embrace.

Thirteen days till I can find my way to him.


But today had felt different.

Today the clouds were dark.

The incandescent light seemed to overshadow the darkness, but it wasn’t comforting.

Today the world seemed full of sorrow.


Sitting in the middle of my room, staring at the only black and white photograph I had of Leo.

The only visual memorabilia I kept in the pocket of my coat, closest to my heart.

And I still remembered how he looked like that day we went with mutti and vati for a family photo shoot in the far outskirts of Berlin.

Raven locks that only gleamed a dark oak colour with gold in the bright sunshine, downturned chocolate brown eyes, a wry smile written across his face, his pale hands that looked like streaked marble settled around my shoulder.

That day the sky was a beautiful light hue of Zaffre.

The verdant hills of the countryside were smeared with tints of smaragdine and virdigris.


That was all before everything came crumbling down,

Before my life ever was the same.


Neither Reveries nor Elysian visions were true.


I silently hoped,



what I had with Leo w

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