
Torn In Two Because Of You
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And I heard everything from Renada,is it really true? I hope you're being well taken care of by Armand.

  I recently discovered something in Renada's attic a few days before. It was  a diary that belonged to her older sister Sophie.

And Ja,she never told me about that. Renada seems to have many secrets unknown to us. It worries me of the possibilities. Her mother had an affair with a Russian who was friends with Renada's father. But that was in 1935, the last entry was in February last year,i shall quote it for you:

'' I find it downright outrageous that the Vichy government has done nothing against the Nazis. Since when would France fall to an Anti Semitic old man with a hideous moustache who thinks himself as an exception from his ''Gold Standard'' of blonde haired blue eyed people  is as ridiculous as his radicalised beliefs ?

It is because of him that now Charles is  in Auschwitz,and what on earth can I do to help him and his family?

Nothing or course! It is useless! 

In the midst of all the chaos ,little Renada is dreaming of going to Berlin. What good would it do to visit the heart of such an evil place? I told her to do as she pleases because I don't care about her anymore. She's a thorn in the side,always whining about how she is treated at school for being an orphan.

" That's because you didn't heed my advice! It is dangerous to travel abroad " I once told her.

" Oh please,you didn't come along with us becaus

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