Private Message

"Alright children it's time to get up!" Kyungsoo screamed from the kitchen where he emerged with both of his hands clutching two oven trays. Baekhyun could tell how close his best friend was to banging the trays against one another in hopes that the noise would be enough to wake everyone up. 

"I'm awake!" Baekhyun rushed to prevent his best friend from waking up his neighbours, as well as his friends. Though his sudden shifting caused the pillow beneath his head to let out a frustrated groan as it's arms wrapped around his waist in a failed attempt to pull him back into their comfortable position. 

"What is going on over here?" Chen's voice was chipper first thing in the morning. Despite still being half-sleep Baekhyun's headache still managed to set his eyes on himself and Chanyeol, who were currently entangled in each other's limbs. 

"Well I was finally getting warm and was just about to fall asleep when I heard your annoying voice ring through my eardrums." Chanyeol's voice was remarkably low in the mornings, which brought a shiver down Baekhyun's neck. 

"Someone's grumpy this morning." Baekhyun giggled through his embarrassment, his fingers running through Chanyeol's hair as the taller tried to burrow his head into the smaller's chest. The elder grunted in response, snuggling deeper while trying to pull Baekhyun closer by his waist. 

"I highly doubt that Chanyeol is grumpy when it's his first time waking up next to you, in fact I would be willing to place money on just how happy he is right now!" Sehun grinned as he helped Luhan clear up the extra pillows and blankets that hadn't been used during the night. 

"What time did the both of you get to bed at?" Tao wondered, his face hovering over the cuddling duo from his spot on the couch. 

"About 4am this morning, I think?"

"Wait a second..." Jongin's eyes squinted in their direction, focusing primarily on the cuff of Baekhyun's long-sleeved pajama shirt. "Did you two change the PJs we last saw you in?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Chanyeol announced, raising himself from Baekhyun's chest as he sat up straight. He glared at his friend once he noticed that the smirk on Jongin's lips was only growing wider. 

"Oh really?" Kris chuckled, eyes crinkling as he viewed the new shirt on Chanyeol's chest. "I'm your roommate and even I can't recall that particular shirt!"

"I smell smoke, it must be someone's pants on fire." Chen laughed from the kitchen causing his strange cackle to echo throughout the house. 

"Baekhyun, your hair is wet.. did you have a shower?" Lay speculated, crouching next to the two suspects refusing to acknowledge what everyone else was implying. 

Within the blink of an eye, Luhan had climbed on top of the blanket and started his assault for answers by using one of the forgotten pillows as his weapon. The cushion was ed against Chanyeol's chest before it was redirected to hit Baekhyun's head. 

"Okay!" Chanyeol yelled, his entire torso reacting to the power behind the hit. In a desperate attempt to perserve the amount of hits directed at Baekhyun, Chanyeol decided to throw his upper body against the younger and take the blunt end of the hits. "Okay, Luhan, we surrender!"  

Once the assault had concluded and Luhan was otherwise satisfied , the livingroom refilled with their curious friends. They waited until they had gotten into a comfortable position on the blankets before they turned to face each other. A small smile developed on their lips while a pale pink blush dusted itself onto their cheeks. 


But nothing stopped Chanyeol from leaning down and connecting their lips. 

Baekhyun was initally surprised by the gesture, he hadn't expected Chanyeol to surprise him with something that he had been craving since the taller had appeared in front of him. During all those times when Baekhyun had fantasized about their first kiss, he never expected to recieve it when they were in such a meaningful place. It was the place that he had come to finalise his feelings for the latter, and now it had also become the place special enough to also hold their first kiss. 

His fingers tingled as he dragged them up to Chanyeol's neck, applying just enough pressure to ensure that the taller remained in place as Baekhyun tilted his head to try and find a more comfortable position on the hammock. When neither of them could locate a comfortable position that wouldn't result in an aching neck, Chanyeol took it upon himself to act first. His fingertips caused goosebumps to prinkle along Baekhyun's skin as they travelled to his waist, where they eventually slipped against the small of his back. The air was knocked from Baekhyun's lungs as Chanyeol picked him up and brought him to his lap, where the smaller casually stretched his legs out on either side of the latter's hips.

The hammock rocked in response to the sudden shift. Baekhyun sighed in content, allowing his fingertips to travel upwards and curl through Chanyeol's locks. Chanyeol on the other hand, felt himself overcome with a new sense of bravery. The heat from his hands travelled over the curve of Baekhyun's hips which drew a small moan from the latter's lips, Chanyeol ensured that their lips remained connected as the palm of his hands finally rested over the curve of Baekhyun's . 

Baekhyun's entire body burned at the touch, his heart hammering against his chest. His lower jaw slipping lower as he gently traced the outline of Chanyeol's lower lip with his tongue. The sound that erupted from Chanyeol's chest was addicting, it would definitely become one that Baekhyun would continue to pursue as their relationship progressed. 

As the kiss tiptoed into dangerous waters, the rocking of the hammock continued to depict a scene far more than what was currently unfolding. Though their kiss was no longer an innocent press of lip, the couple knew that nothing else would come from it tonight. This kiss was simply an exchange of emotions, a celebration of finally being together after months of only speaking through the phone. And while others might suspect an alternate explanation, it was only Chanyeol and Baekhyun who determined what that kiss meant to them. 

The dark clouds above their heads bellowed in from the west, carrying with them a large amount of water that would eventually need to be released upon the Earth. When the water was eventually released from the clouds, the couple refused to let it effect them. They remained glued to one another on the rocking hammock, wallowing in their closeness and their heated kiss. Eventually the rain got heavier and the droplets soaked through their clothes, bringing with it a chill that rattled both of their bodies. Baekhyun clutched Chanyeol's shoulders tight as he pushed himself agaisnt the latter's broad frame. Reluctantly, they both pulled away from each other, their lips curled upwards in the most dazzling smile either of them had ever seen. 

A giggle left Baekhyun's mouth before Chanyeol recaptured his lips in an innocent peck, the two of them rewarding the other with a series of small kisses before Baekhyun eventually pulled himself from Chanyeol's lap. Chanyeol chuckled as he accepted the latter's offered hand, using him to balance himself as he pushed off the swinging hammock. 

"You have no idea how long I've waited to do that..." Chanyeol blushed, his eyes squinting as the rain pounded against his face. 

"When were going to tell me that that wasn't our first kiss?" Baekhyun wondered, watching slightly amused as Chanyeol's eyes widened in surprise. "You were so delicate when you kissed me a few minutes ago, it felt almost exactly like the kiss I could recall from a memory I thought that I had dreamt. Did you recognise me?"

"I was actually hoping that you would remember it yourself." Chanyeol admitted bashfully. "You definitely changed since the last time I set my eyes on you but that puppy picture that Kris showed me reminded me of this boy I gave my first kiss to years ago."

"I'm sorry that I didn't recognise you," Baekhyun apologised. "but in my defense I have a goldfish brain."

"I'm a lot healthier than the last time you saw me," Chanyeol joked, shoulders lifting as he laughed. "I was quite a chubby baby."

"You were healthy," Baekhyun corrected the latter with a glare. "but yes, you definitely changed since then. Distracted by how sincere he wanted to appear, Baekhyun was rendered speechless as Chanyeol approached him once more and pressed their lips together again. 

"As much as I would love to continue this moment," Chanyeol panted, after having pulled himself away from the addicting lips in front of him. "but we're both soaking wet and we need to get out of these clothes or else we will end up getting sick and you can't have that since you have moving into a dormitory to do."

Baekhyun couldn't help the pout that developed after hearing Chanyeol cut their intimate moment short. However, it was the best option. No matter how desperate Baekhyun was to stay on Chanyeol's lap and kiss the living daylights out of him, he couldn't afford to become sick. Like Chanyeol had already stated, Baekhyun was expected to move into his dormitory and he wouldn't be able to do that if he was stuck in bed with a fever. So, without any verbal protest Baekhyun allowed his crush to take him by the hand and lead him through the gap in the wall and through his backyard. As Chanyeol led him up the three steps leading back into his childhood home, Baekhyun was again caught off guard as he ed up against the door while his lips were brutally attacked by a desperately addicted Park Chanyeol. 

Satisfied and officially out of the rain's clutches,the couple managed to escape up the stairs of Baekhyun's home after having tiptoed through the livingroom to grab Chanyeol's duffel bag where he would be able to salvage some extra clothing he had packed in case of emergencies. 

"I'll let you take a shower first." Chanyeol grinned down at the smaller who was curled up in his arms. 

"Are you sure?" Baekhyun's head shifted to meet his gaze. "I mean, you're just as wet as I am."

"Well in that case..." Chanyeol paused, deliberating if what he wanted to say next, would be recieved badly by the latter. ".. I guess.. we could shower together?" Baekhyun's cheeks burned. "We can wear our underwear like its swimming trunks, then we can change when we finish showering!"

"Okay," Baekhyun grinned, eyes shining as he delicately nodded his head in agreement. "let's do that then."

Chanyeol could feel his ears burn, his eyes dropping to the floor where he couldn't help but marvel at the mixture of both black and white tiles in Baekhyun's bathroom. His embarrassment got the better of him as he almost tripped over Baekhyun's t-shirt which he hadn't realised had somehow appeared on the floor alongside the latter's trousers. Chanyeol felt his heart race in his chest when his eyes travelled towards the shower curtain, where Baekhyun's head had just popped out with the sweetest smile on his lips. 

"You coming in?" 

It was ridicious how quickly Chanyeol was able to disregard his own clothes after that, a sweet smile and an excited tone was more than enough to warrant him to forget about how embarrassing this ordeal was and instead focus on fulfilling Baekhyun's request. Removing everything but his underwear, Chanyeol approached the shower curtain which was pulled back just enough for him to slip inside. Once beneath the water's spray, his shoulders relaxed and he instead decided to enjoy the moment and the extra time he gets to spend with his crush. 

Baekhyun giggled quietly, his sound barely being heard over the water rushing off his ears. However, being around his crush seemed to have provided Chanyeol with the ability of heightened senses, meaning that when Baekhyun shifted in front of him, Chanyeol was aware of his presence. However, he refused to showcase that he knew, which he used to his advantage. As quick as he could Chanyeol released a small growl and wrapped his arms around Baekhyun's waist, lifting him into the air which caused an equallly sweet squeal to be released from Baekhyun's lips. Chanyeol rushed to get him to quiet down, hushing him with a firm 'shush'. 

When they were both confident that Baekhyun wouldn't be making any surprise sounds, Chanyeol returned him to the ground. It was probably the right moment for the both of them to completely detach from each other, take back their hands and fingers from where they were placed on the opposite person's body. Neither moved to fulfil that suggestion. They had spent too much time away from each other and now that they had gotten a taste for what was to come, they couldn't pull themselves apart. Feelings swirled around the tight space between them, both of them refusing to be the one to terminate the staring contest they had going on. Baekhyun cracked first, glancing down to politely giggle into the palm of his hand. 

"What?" Chanyeol wondered, shifting his neck just enough to meet the latter's gaze after he gently nudged his chin. 

"I'm sorry," Baekhyun apologised, gently hitting his palm off the latter's chest. "I just never expected that the first time I meet you, you would end up in my shower with me in our underwear."

"Really?" Chanyeol chuckled. "You didn't expect at least some weird interaction between us, huh?"

"Not really, no." Baekhyun laughed, his shoulders shaking off the water droplets that had collected in his clavicle. "Though I didn't have you showing up to take me to my Ball on my bingo card either."

They both released a quiet laugh at that, their eyes locking in yet another staring contest. Thankfully, this one lastest even shorter than their previous one, with Chanyeol shyly looking away when he noticed his heartrate picking up again. 

"What?" Now it was Baekhyun's turn to ask what had happened. 

"It's nothing.."

"Tell me." he demanded, even using Chanyeol's own trick against him. Baekhyun gently nudged the latter's chin with his forefinger, forcing him to turn his head back to him. 

"I like the fact that I can surprise you."

Chanyeol adored the way Baekhyun's eyes sparkled, he liked the words that came out of Baekhyun's lips during the next second. "I like that about you too. I like the fact that your unpredictable, I like that no matter what you might do I feel safe."

"And if there is something that I want to do, but don't know how you'd feel?" 

"Like I said, I feel safe with you. I trust you and just so you know, I don't trust easily."

"Then you can hate me later." Chanyeol whispered, before he crashed his lips against Baekhyun's for the second time that night. 


"So are you going to tell us about what happened, or not?" Jongdae's loud voice reluctantly pulled the couple back from their reminiscing daydreams. 

"We just talked outside for awhile before becoming soaked by a sudden downpour of rain, we came in and showered before going to bed." Baekhyun took it upon himself to clarify, somehow managing to redirect his blood flow so it didn't pool in his cheeks. "Nothing happened."

Both himself and Chanyeol had agreed that everything that happened last night would be kept between them. As the night contained many intimate moments it was important that they wallowed in their private time alone first, before even thinking about allowing their developing relationship to become public knowledge. 





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749 streak #1
Chapter 33: Welcome back and thank you for the update, I really enjoyed this chapter. The others pressing them for details was too funny, but they were right to keep the specifics to themselves. I love that they’re getting to know each other again, and it’s not a case of too much, too soon.
749 streak #2
Chapter 32: Aww, the entire scene in the garden was just beautiful. You can feel the mentioned chemistry, it’s practically palpable. Happy New Year and thank you for the update.
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 2: Nice start - I like the back and forth in the chat!!
749 streak #4
Chapter 31: Thank you for the update, you never disappoint.

I hated that the little witch managed to hurt Baek, but at least Chanyeol was able to dish it back to her. Needless to say, I don’t think she’ll be hurting anyone else.

The guys banter is so much fun to read, especially Sehun’s comments. That boy is a whole mood on his own. Baek and Chan’s reactions to each other never get old either. Can’t wait to see the start of university life.
749 streak #5
Chapter 30: Oh my gosh, all the drama surrounding their first meeting could not have been more fitting, I absolutely loved the buildup. Chanyeol’s “hey, baby” was so y, but not sure it was meant to be exactly.☺️ I can just see Baek taking a flying leap into his arms. Thank you so much for this update.
749 streak #6
Chapter 29: A lot sooner than he thinks!😉 I loved this chapter, Baek’s happiness at seeing the others was palpable. I almost shed a tear myself when he hugged everyone.🥹
749 streak #7
Chapter 28: The suspense is killing me! I can’t wait for Chanyeol to show up and surprise Baek.😁
749 streak #8
Chapter 8: I’m still getting caught up, but this is so cute! I love your idea of telling the story through the chat room, as well as the characterization. The different personalities really shine through.