Private Message

"Okay sit your down there Baekhyun," Luhan clapped his hands, gesturing to Baekhyun's swivel chair. The boy was tackled into the chair, his friend's grip on his shoulders tightening as he muttered to himself quietly. "I need to see what I can do with your hair." 

The room looked like a bomb had hit it

The room looked like a bomb had hit it. Clothes, shoes, makeup, makeup brushes, accessories and ties were all over the place. The bed was the only cleaned area of Baekhyun's bedroom which is where many of his friends had sat themselves down after Luhan had finished with them, many of them having decided to chnage their hair colours for the big night. 

Baekhyun had taken it upon himself to snap pictures for his friends, knowing that their profile pictures on their chat app were old and didn't reflect what they looked like now. Baekhyun's in particular was a photo his Eomma had taken of him in his sophomore year when he had bleached his hair,  it was about time that he changed it. 

"Lu, I want to look hot tonight." Baekhyun blurted out the words before his mind could even register what they were. His cheeks darkened in colour once his friend froze in his movements, wide deer eyes blinking at him through the mirror. "I want to have fun and I want to show everyone that I'm not just some nerd who is effected by their harsh words and actions... I want to give them something to remember me by." 

"Oh Baekhyun," he gushed, smile creeping onto his lips. "don't worry." He gently pressed his puckered lips against Baekhyun's cheek. "I'm going to make you look so ing hot everyone will want a piece of that ." 

"Careful," Minseok warned them from his spot on the bed, his attention divided between them and the box hair dye in his hands. "Baekhyun belongs to Park and I for one don't want to be the one to explain why Baekhyun isn't interested in him anymore." 

"I agree." Kyungsoo chirped, voice barely audible over the hairdryer Tao was using to dry his recently dyed black hair. "If Chanyeol knew that we let you go off with some other guy, the fact that I'm Satan won't even save me." 

"I wouldn't even think about doing that!" Baekhyun flat out declined, shaking his head. "Plus the guys at my school are jerks, it's bad enough that I have to breathe the same air as them I'm not leaving with one of them!" 

Luhan tightened his grip on Baekhyun's shoulders, forcing him to remain still as he inspected his hair. The hairdryer was turned off and Luhan exchanged places with Tao, the two of them muttering quietly to themselves before the taller settled behind Baekhyun with a smile. 

"At least someone in this room takes care of their hair!" He scoffed, eyes glaring through the mirror at Minseok who gave him the finger without sparing him so much as a glance. Baekhyun released a puff of air at the sight of it, eyes inspecting Tao's face for some sort of reaction. He didn't get one. 

"He's been too distracted by Jongdae's to think about doing anything else." Baekhyun muttered, smile curling in the corner of his lips. The group of boys let out a series of laughter though Minseok remaind focused on the box hair dye, cheeks coated in a sweet pink hue. 

"I'm going to put the dye in now Baek," Tao explained, gently patting him on the shoulder. Baekhyun stood up from the chair, following behind his firned into his ensuite bathroom. Minseok let out a sound of protest, Tao snatching one of the colours from his hand on his way into the bathroom. 

Baekhyun felt his hands clamming up at the sight of the colour on the box, surely Tao was kidding right? There was no way that he would be able to pull off that colour! "A-are you sure?" he wondered, once he had settled himself down in front of the bathroom mirror. 

"Have faith in me little one," Tao teased, winking at him through the mirror. "I'm merely going to add to your beauty!" 



"And that is your hair done!" Luhan grinned turing off the hair dryer, his own hair wrapped in a towel after appealing some of his own hair dye.

"Damn Baek is looking fine~" Kyungsoo grinned clapping his hands applauding the two beauty experts. 

"Okay so once my hair is done it's time for clothing!" Luhan announced with the clap of his hands.

Baekhyun slipped off the swiverl chair, allowing Luhan the opportunity to rest his tired legs. Minseok had decided to keep his blonde though he had begged Luhan to change up the style a little, something his best friend was willing to do within a heartbeat. The eldest had already got dressed into his suit and Baekhyun couldn't stop myself as he snapped a picture. 

"Yah Minseok I told you that we would get ready after I finished my hair!" Luhan pouted noticing that the elder was already finished and ready to go.

"Luhan we all know how long that's going to take... Baekhyun is our main priority since it's his dance!"  Kyungsoo and Suho nodded in agreement ultimately forcing Luhan to agree and allow everyone else to get dressed including Tao while he and Baek stayed in their robes.

As his friends entered and exited the ensuite bathroom, Baekhyun couldn't help but feel excitement bubble up in his stomach as the realisation of the night finally took hold of him. Not only was he going to be facing his biggest fear, he was no longer lonely. He finally had friends that would remain by his side throughout the entire night despite the venom filled words directed their way. 

To keep this moment in his mind forever, Baekhyun rose his phone's camera and snapped each of his friends as they finished up their final looks. 


Picture after picture of his friends and Baek was finding it hard to cope with how amazing they looked but in his mind he constantly asked the question

Picture after picture of his friends and Baek was finding it hard to cope with how amazing they looked but in his mind he constantly asked the question. Will I look good enough to join them by their sides?

It was a topic he didn't want to know the answer to right now. He took over blow drying Luhan's hair while Tao took his time getting his and everyone else's makeup ready. Baekhyun sat back and watched as his friends rushed to do their makeup, promising that they would be all over him when they finished with their own transformations. Baekhyun didn't mind being left until last, especially once he saw how excited everyone was to get to dress him up! He even found himself watching Tao as he worked the eyeliner along Kyungsoo's eyelid. 

When Luhan was ready, Baekhyun began to think that this wasn't a good idea after all. Every single one of his friends began fussing over him, poking and swiping at his face with different makeup materials. He couldn't admit it out loud, but the way his heart was racing in adoration was cause for concern. He had always dreamed of this and now that it was finally happening he couldn't stop the tears from welling up in his gaze. 

"Guys seriously all of this isn't necessary," Baekhyun tried to reassure this bickering friends. "all you need to do is style my hair and do my makeup-" 

"Have you cleaned yourself up?" Suho randomly blurted, eyebrows furrowed together in the center of his forehead. Baekhyun's head snapped to look up at him, confusion riddled throughout his facial expression. A quick glance to his thighs brought a bright red blush to Baekhyun's cheeks. Why the hell was that necessary information? 

"I told you to do it when I left you alone to clean your hair in the shower." Luhan provided the information Baekhyun was unwilling to give to their friend, the graduate staring at him in betrayal. 

"Yes I did but I don't know why that's necessary information-" 

"Chanyeol wanted to know if you did because he says you might get the idea to leave with some other guy-" 


"Why don't we do your makeup first? We don't want your suit to get dirty by and mistakes and what not!" Tao smiled that innocent grin Baekhyun was beginning to loathe, he was trying desperately to change the topic of conversation and unfortunately Baekhyun had to let him do it. 

The finished look came about 15 minutes later, Tao having used the smallest amount of makeup Baekhyun had ever seen. When he glanced in the mirror a few minutes later he was surprised to find that he didn't even look as if there was any makeup on his face, though he could tell in a certain light that there was. 

"What exactly did you do to my face Tao?" He wondered glancing into the mirror after praising the boy for his work.

"I just concealed this one little pimple you have here Baek.." he admitted moving the boy's bangs from my forhead to show where the zit had been. " I couldn't pass up the opportunity to giuve your eyes a sultry look! Don't you think that they make you look magical?"

"I don't even think the Fairy Godmother of Cinderella could do a better job!" Baekhyun admitted, his words sounding like a joke though he meant every word. 

Baekhyun was quickly urshed to the dubbed hair chair, Luhan meeting him with a hairbrush in one hand and a paste-like gel in the other. On the table before him sat the rest of his materials, Baekhyun hoped that he wouldn't have to worry about those bobby pins. He had seen how frustrated Kyungsoo got when they were in his hair, Baekhyun definitely didn't the added stress. 

When the craze was over, and his friends had stepped back from their masterpiece. Baekhyun was allowed to glance at himself in the mirror, his jaw dropping at the sight of himself. 

He looked hot and he fit well with the classic suit and tie theme that his school was throwing

He looked hot and his outfit fit well with the classic suit and tie theme of the ball his school was throwing. Although he was glamed up Baekhyun still felt like his normal self, he didn't notice he had makeup on and the suit was a comfortable fit meaning that he would be able to stand the night without being frustrated with it being either too long or too warm.

Stepping out of the ensuite bathroom Baekhyun pulled his friend's attention away from their phones, they squealed in delight and snapped pictures of him encouraging him to do different poses. He entertained them by falling into a few practised positions, earning himself even more praise. 

Though he had almost cried multiple times already, Baekhyun still couldn't wait to see what else the night had in store for him. 


They had gathered in the kitchen after cleaning up the mess they had made in his bedroom, Suho taking it upon himself to call a taxi so they would get to the dance on time. The rest of the group sat by the island in the kitchen, feasting on some fruit Baekhyun had found in the fridge. The boy nibbled ona strawberry, stomach too twisted to think about eating. 

As he glanced around the room, he was still surprised to find his friends there with him, making jokes and giggling amongst themselves. The night was almost perfect, obviously he was still very upset that Chanyeol couldn't be there but he was beyond grateful that his boys were there in his place. 

"Hey Baek?" Tao wondered from his spot in front of the fridge, Baekhyun raised his head to make it known that he was listening. "Is this the type of ball where the punch gets spiked by some jock desperate for attention?" 

"You need to stop watching American teenage films Tao." Kyungsoo deadpanned, placing a hand on his shoulder on his way back to the island. 

"Well now I don't want to go!" Tao huuffed, closing the fridge and allowing his hands to cross against his chest. 

Baekhyun giggled against the strawberry, he had just messaged his Eomma and Chanyeol to let them both know that he had decided to go to the dance. His Eomma was delighted to hear the news, having called to congradulate him for his decision as well as introducing herself to his friend group. The boys were delighted to talk to her, Kyungsoo even feeling confident to thank her for her meals that she had prepared for Baekhyun's last night at home.  

"Does everyone have their tickets?" Minseok wondered, pulling the boy from his thoughts. 

Baekhyun grinned and slipped the ones he had magicaly recieved in the mail from his back pocket, displaying to the grouyp the white and blue slips of paper that looked more like bookmarks than tickets. "I think I have everything.. phone, keys, ticket and some money just in case!" 

"Nope you're still forgetting something." Suho shook his head, index finger coming to rest against his chin as he led the rest of the boys towards the front door. Baekhyun followed them close behind, brows furrowing in the center of his forehead as he plucked the key from his keychain readying himself to close and lock the door behind them. He had tried to explain that they should stay in the house until he figured out what they meant but Tao had pulled him over the threshold of the house before he say anything else, reluctantly he locked the door. 

Once he turned back to face them and his garden, the air in Baekhyun's lungs was knocked out of his body. He stared with a dropped jaw at the rose petals that had somehow appeared from the bottom of his porch. 

"Oh, that's right!" Suho shouted, clicking his fingers as he pulled Baekhyun down the steps of the porch and onto the petal track. "You're missing a date!" 

"I thought you guys were my date?" Baekhyun wondered, bewilderment evident in his voice. The boys behind him could only laugh, continuing to push him along the rose path.

Just what the hell was happening?  

He decided to entertain his friends, following the path of rose petals around his house. Baekhyun's jaw dropped upon seeing the silhouette of one tall guy currently fixing his black tie, his steps slowed down at the sight of him the breath hitching in his throat. Kyungsoo took it upon himself to push Baekhyun forward, giggling quietly to himself as Baekhyun turned to look at him in surprise. Kris smiled as they strolled towards him, his arm stretching out to hand Baekhyun a white petaled rose. 

"Here you go." he greeted with a wink before stepping aside and letting Kyungsoo continue to lead Baekhyun along the rose petal path. 

"Was that who I think it was?" Baekhuyun whispered into his best friends ear. Kyungsoo could do nothing but chuckle as he led his friend further down the path.

The next person to surpise the boy in the blue suit was Jongdae, who filled Baekhyun's vision with a tie-less suit. He was holding another white rose, his lips curled upwards in his trolling smile. "For you" Baekhyun accepted the flower and like before Jongdae rushed to stand next to his boyfriend. The boy in the blue suit glanced over his shoulder as Kyungsoo nudged him to keep walking, his excitement bubbling as he watched the two boys be welcomed to the group.

"Did he always wear glasses?" he wondered aloud, finding Kyungsoo's eyes. His best friend regarded him with a small smile on his lips, his eyes rolling in their sockets. 

"You get really chatty when you're nervous." Baekhyun could do nothing but nod his head, his griop getting tighter on the flower stems. "Don't worry it will be fine!" 

Baekhyun was surpised to see how the trail coninued into his backyard, how had he not seen this while he was in his bedroom? Another silhouette appeared his very eyes, this time Baekhyun rushed towards it rather slow himself down to approach cautiously. "Lay?"

"This is you Baekkie!" he grinned, showing off his famous dimple that Baekhyun recognised from whenever they spoke on their video calls. The boy in the blue suit accepted the blue rose, surprised to see the flower's colour. He smiled as Lay gently patted himj on the shoulder on his way towards Suho, the two meeting with a sweet kiss on the lips. 

He gently set the blue rose down next to the two white flowers, his cheeks burning as Kyungsoo gently nudged him to continue walking. "Kyung?" He called, getting a hum in response. "What exactly is happening right now?"

"Do you trust me?"

"You're literally Satan why would I-" 

"Then believe me when I say that you're in good hands, no one is going to hurt you." 

"But youre all here!" Baekhyun gushed, excitement bubbling in his stomach. 

"Not everyone." his best friend corrected making the pain of Chanyeol being in Japan hurt more. 

Baekhyun noticed that when they had entered the backyard the rose trail had divided itself into two, Kyungsoo had originally brought him down one path which brought him to Lay. Now, Kyungsoo was gently coaxing him towards the other pathway that would have led them around the other side of Baekhyun's house. 

The boy in the blue suit could feel the tears prick his eyes as he finally came to notice the final two silhouettes waiting for him, he picked up his pace and rushed towards them with a big watery smile on his lips. 

"For you, maknae!" Kai winked passing him another blue rose.

"Here you go Eomma!" Sehun grinned passing Baekhyun the final white rose.

Baekhyun could feel the tears perk his eyes as he gazed around at all his friends who stood in a circle around them

The group gathered around the final two boys, their smiles widening when they noticed how close Baekhyun was to crying. The boy in the blue suit had shived his face into the bundle of flowers he had recieved, sniffing their sweet scent but it was ultimately to hide the fact that he was so close to crying. 

"Tao and Luhan are going to kill me!" Baekhyun's voice was broken, he tossed his head back and waved air into his eyes hoping that he could prevent the tears from falling and ruining hjis makeup. "I can't believe that you guys did this!" 

"It's ain't over yet!" Jongdae cheered, lips curling into a mischievous grin. He rubbed his palms together and cleared his throa, Kai and Sehun launched into action reaching behind their legs to pick up large cue cards. 

Baekhyun's brows furrowed as he concentrated on what was written out on Jongin's large white card, his lips pulling upward as gently swiped against his waterline. 

Cinderella must go to the ball!

"I am your fairygod mother!" Kyungsoo announced, pulling out a small child's fairy wand complete with sparkles and ribbons that definitely didn't belong anywhere near his best friend. Still, Kyungsoo seemed to enjoy the situation, a small content smile settled on his lips. 

"You can

A. Go back inside and sleep

B. Go to the ball with one of the flower boys

C. Find your Prince at the ball


D. A wish of your own

I must say Baekhyun each one comes with a price so you must choose wisely, once you have chosen I will ask you again to finalize your answer okay?"

Baekhyun nodded, trying to act serious to help ease his best friend's obvious discomfort. He turned his attention to Sehun, his son having possesed the cue card with his options. As his eyes glanced over his options, Baekhyun found himself settling on one almost instantly though he knew that there was no way they would be able to fulfil it. "No matter what I choose it won't happen..." he whispered.

"Just pick one Baek" Suho's soft voice came from somewhere behind him. "wait for that magic!"

"Who allowed Satan to be the godmother by the way?" Kris wondered, breaking the serious atmosphere hanging over them.

"Shut up Kris!!" they all choired together. 

"I choose D.." 

"So what shall be your wish Baekkie?" Kyungsoo wondered, waving his wand around slightly as if powering up its magic.

"I want Chanyeol here..." he whispered yet everyone could hear him.

"Baek..." Kyungsoo's voice trailed off, the wand falling to the ground as he launched himself at his best friend. The rest of those within the dubbed 'Bottom Groupchat' rushed to circle around their friend, embarcing him tight in a group hug. 

"No it's okay!" he rushed to explain, sniffling back his emotions. "I know you can't do that since he's in Japan but since you asked for me to pick something I-" 

"Hey um.." Lay tried to interrupt Baekhyun's rant, though the boys crowding around the youngest continued to talk dulling out his words. 

"I'm so sorry Baekhyun, we shouldn't have even put it onto the cue card, please don't be upset!" Minseok pouted, massaging the boy's neck in hopes of calming him down. 

"I was really hoping that we would be able to slow dance tonight," he chuckled, smiling sadly up at his friends who gazed back at him with saddened eyes. "I helped taped some the ballons to the ceiling and I thought it would be funny to dance beneath them. I wanted to hear him praise me for dancing even though I would be standing on his toes the entire time." His words made the small group giggle amongst themselves. 

"Welkl maybe it's a good thing that he's not here!" Tao exclaims, his excitement making Baekhyun raise a brow. "It's prom night! Usually prom night is when people loose their ity so be thankful that Chanyeol and his seven point five inch isn't here, otherwise you wouldn't be able to walk to the airport tomorrow!" 

"Tao!" Suho screamed, scandalized by the words that were spewing from the taller's mouth. Baekhyun couldn't help but laugh, gently resting against Kyungsoo to hold himself up from how strong he was giggling. 

"Tao I thought I told you that the size of their isn't important," Baekhyun managed to say when he managed to settle his laughter. "what they do with their that's important." 

"And I thought that I told you that I haven't 7.5 since sophomore year," a familiar deep voice spoke from behind him, goosebumps instantly prickled along Baekhyun's skin. From the shock of his presence, Baekhyun dropped the bundle of flowers the boys had gifted him when he came across them on the rose petal path. 

He slowly his heel only to come face-to-face with the tall giant whose hair had once been dark but now was a bright silvery grey, which made the black suit he was wearing look even better. He held a small bundle of roses too but Baekhyun disregarded it when his eyes found Chanyeol's. 

"C-Chanyeol?" He stuttered, the tears welling up in his eyes all over again. 

"Hey baby." The taller grinned, spreading his arms apart. Baekhyun didn't waste another moment, running across the grass to jump straight into his crush's arms. 


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749 streak #1
Chapter 33: Welcome back and thank you for the update, I really enjoyed this chapter. The others pressing them for details was too funny, but they were right to keep the specifics to themselves. I love that they’re getting to know each other again, and it’s not a case of too much, too soon.
749 streak #2
Chapter 32: Aww, the entire scene in the garden was just beautiful. You can feel the mentioned chemistry, it’s practically palpable. Happy New Year and thank you for the update.
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 2: Nice start - I like the back and forth in the chat!!
749 streak #4
Chapter 31: Thank you for the update, you never disappoint.

I hated that the little witch managed to hurt Baek, but at least Chanyeol was able to dish it back to her. Needless to say, I don’t think she’ll be hurting anyone else.

The guys banter is so much fun to read, especially Sehun’s comments. That boy is a whole mood on his own. Baek and Chan’s reactions to each other never get old either. Can’t wait to see the start of university life.
749 streak #5
Chapter 30: Oh my gosh, all the drama surrounding their first meeting could not have been more fitting, I absolutely loved the buildup. Chanyeol’s “hey, baby” was so y, but not sure it was meant to be exactly.☺️ I can just see Baek taking a flying leap into his arms. Thank you so much for this update.
749 streak #6
Chapter 29: A lot sooner than he thinks!😉 I loved this chapter, Baek’s happiness at seeing the others was palpable. I almost shed a tear myself when he hugged everyone.🥹
749 streak #7
Chapter 28: The suspense is killing me! I can’t wait for Chanyeol to show up and surprise Baek.😁
749 streak #8
Chapter 8: I’m still getting caught up, but this is so cute! I love your idea of telling the story through the chat room, as well as the characterization. The different personalities really shine through.