Private Message

Satansoo: You both act like a married couple

Idontgiveacrap: We aren't you and Kai

Real_Dumbo: Nor are we married


Idontgiveacrap: Look at mister fancy words over here!

Real_Dumbo: Big words?


Its not fancy

Idontgiveacrap: No-one that I know uses it

Maybe the Queen of England but no one that I know

Real_Dumbo: Oh I'm sorry Mr Autocorrect

Idontgiveacrap: -_- I fixed a sentence once!

Real_Dumbo: And spelling

Idontgiveacrap: Just the words that will annoy me later

Our fingers go to fast typing on our phones to notice the fact we make mistakes so it's my job to alert people

Only when necessary because I don't care half the time

Real_Dumbo: So if I did...

The students left there books on the table

You would...?

Idontgiveacrap: Tell you that you need to go back to middle school to learn that it's Their

Real_Dumbo: Hey Baek?

Idontgiveacrap: Yeah?

Real_Dumbo: Baek?

Idontgiveacrap: ?

Real_Dumbo: Baek






The Baaek to my Chaan~

Idontgiveacrap: WHAT?!

Real_Dumbo: Anyone ever tell you you seem really hot when you're angry?

Idontgiveacrap: ...


I'm not angry

Real_Dumbo: Yeah rightttt

And my name isn't Dumbo

Idontgiveacrap: We'll that could be debated

Real_Dumbo: As much as I would love to hear the list of you prove your point
baby I can't I have to get back to training

Idontgiveacrap: So you're going to leave me all alone...?

Some wanna be boyfriend you are

Satansoo: I'm here

Idontgiveacrap: Correction

So you're leaving me here all alone with Satan?!

What kind of wanna be boyfriend are you?!

Satansoo: I'm not that bad..

Chickennuggets4life: Babe you told the kid in the grocery store that if he didn't
give you the last box of animal crackers that you'd hide under his bed tonight

Satansoo: He knew I was kidding

Chickennuggets4life: So a crying 3 year old child kid knew you were kidding about that?

Satansoo: ....yeah....

Idontgiveacrap: SEE!

Real_Dumbo: Eh....

You got Jongin...?

Idontgiveacrap: The one who worships him?!


Chickennuggets4life: Pfft I don't worship him

Satansoo: You worship me

Chickennuggets4life: Of course my Prince

Idontgiveacrap: See

Real_Dumbo: Yeah on second thought I think I'll stay

Idontgiveacrap: OH THANK YOU!!

I could kiss you!!

Wait um...

Satansoo: Damn maybe you should leave Baekhyun with me more often 😏

Idontgiveacrap: No no don't do that

Real_Dumbo: Nah I'd never force you into anything that you're not comfortable with

So if you don't want me to kiss you then that's okay

imabottom: Awww that's cute!

Satansoo: He cares so much about you Baek

Idontgiveacrap: I think you should try and woo my friends considering they practically love you

Real_Dumbo: Sorry but I'm not interested in them

Chickennuggets4life: Damn right you ain't! Kyungsoo is mine!!

Bubblteaking: Don't even think about going near Lu

Real_Dumbo: I'm not interested in them! Jeez you boys know that. Heck Kai I helped you get Kyungsoo

Satansoo: Woah woah what?

Chickennuggets4life: You guys had Baek as your MatchMaker

We had Chanyeol

Idontgiveacrap: I guess we indirectly met through you Kai

Real_Dumbo: I knew a lot about you from them 😂😂

Idontgiveacrap: They never told me anything about you!!

That's not fair

Real_Dumbo: Because I didn't want to come in like a bomb being deployed

Idontgiveacrap: Instead you came in when we were talking about your size

Real_Dumbo: By far the funniest moment in my life

Idontgiveacrap: You have a sad life then

Real_Dumbo: Of course I did but then I met you

My crush that I have never met before...

Bubbleteaking: Imagine if you two had met before!

Idontgiveacrap: That would have been funny

But also bad because we don't remember

Chickennuggets4life: It could be just you that forgot though

Idontgiveacrap: I think I would remember someone like Chanyeol

Real_Dumbo: Not if I didn't talk much

Idontgiveacrap: Huh, that's actually...

Satansoo: Ugh my computer is so annoying!

Idontgiveacrap: What happened Kyung?

Bubbleteaking: Well there goes that conversation

Satansoo: It keeps saying that I can't access the schools webpage from my server
which is complete bull because hello my server was designed by moi

Idontgiveacrap: And you're hacking into the schools mainframe why?

Satansoo: I want to have my name down for technology and photography club
because once the club's day happens there will be too many names on the sheet
that it will be gone so quickly so I want to put my name on their page already

Idontgiveacrap: Just use a that VR code I made

It breaks through any protectional system the site may have

Satansoo: Okay thank you!

Bubbleteaking: Did anyone understand that?

Real_Dumbo: Yep I know a thing or two about computers

Chickennuggets4life: Sehun and I clearly have no administration for this conversation

((I dont know one thing about computer software so I apologise if that was completely false))

imabottom: Baekhyun remember the Percy Jackson book series?

Idontgiveacrap: You mean the best Demigod book series?

Yes I do

imabottom: I want to do some drawing of them but I can't seem to get the movie image out of my head

Idontgiveacrap: Nooo You watched the movie

I thought you don't do that when you want to draw the book

imabottom: I know but Logan was so cute with his blue eyes and..

Idontgiveacrap: Lalalala~

Don't want to hear it!

Reread the books

imabottom: I do have time on my hands...

Idontgiveacrap: Than do itt

imabottom: Okay!

Thank you!!

Bubbleteaking: You guys really are nerds aren't you?

Idontgiveacrap: Got a problem with that?

Bubblteaking: No sir!

Chickennuggets4life: Dude he's younger than you!

Bubbleteaking: Have you seen Baekhyun angry?!

Chickennuggets4life: No...?

Bubbleteaking: Let's hope for your baby maker that you never do

Real_Dumbo: Hey Baek have you seen any marvel movies??

Idontgiveacrap: Iron man is my favourite


Real_Dumbo: Nothing 😊

Bubbleteaking: What month is it?

Satansoo: August

Idontgiveacrap: School starts the end of September

Chickennuggets4life: That means it's 2 months from Halloween...

Bubbleteaking: Greatttt...

Chickennuggets4life: Fantastic...

Idontgiveacrap: Okay I'm lost

Real_Dumbo: Nothing!

Nothing at all

Bubbleteaking: Well this has been an interesting day but I'm off to bed children

Chickennuggets4life: We are older than you

Well expect Baekhyun

Idontgiveacrap: Wait Sehun you have to log out!

Real_Dumbo: Nope he's gone

Chickennuggets4life: I'll hear all about it in the morning when Kyung wakes us all up

Idontgiveacrap: That is going to be funny as usual

Satansoo: Glad you find it amusing Baek 😊

Real_Dumbo: Oh Sehun you're going to be so grumpy in the morning

Chickennuggets4life: These 2 weeks cant hurry up, no?

Idontgiveacrap: As much as I would love to be there I can't so I apologise Kai

Satansoo: Nah don't mind him

He gets emotional and deep when he's sleepy

Idontgiveacrap: Thanks for the tip

Real_Dumbo: Shouldn't you be in bed asleep baby?

Idontgiveacrap: Yeah but I'm not tired

Real_Dumbo: What time is it over there?

Idontgiveacrap: It's early let's just leave that there ㅋㅋㅋ

Real_Dumbo: Go to sleep

Idontgiveacrap: I cant~

Real_Dumbo: Why not~

Idontgiveacrap: Because you're not home yet 😉

Chickennuggets4life: Woah woah woah there

Satansoo: Shut up!!

I will rip out your balls if you intrupt them again

Real_Dumbo: I'll be home soon baby

Idontgiveacrap: But I'm worried~

Real_Dumbo: About?

Idontgiveacrap: You getting hurt on the way home

It must be dark there by now

Real_Dumbo: You feeling okay Baek? You never really say stuff like this??

Idontgiveacrap: We'll I guess I should start

Just get home safe okay??

Real_Dumbo: Okay I promise

But you need sleep

Idontgiveacrap: Not until I know you're home

Real_Dumbo: How about you get to bed first and I'll wake you up when I get in?

Idontgiveacrap: Fine!

I'll turn on my notification bell on high but you better!

Real_Dumbo: I promise princess

Idontgiveacrap: Pinky?

Real_Dumbo: Pinky.

Idontgiveacrap: And don't call me princess

Real_Dumbo: Sorry beautiful

Idontgiveacrap: Aish 🙈🙈

Real_Dumbo: Goodnight baby~

Idontgiveacrap: Night Night




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749 streak #1
Chapter 33: Welcome back and thank you for the update, I really enjoyed this chapter. The others pressing them for details was too funny, but they were right to keep the specifics to themselves. I love that they’re getting to know each other again, and it’s not a case of too much, too soon.
749 streak #2
Chapter 32: Aww, the entire scene in the garden was just beautiful. You can feel the mentioned chemistry, it’s practically palpable. Happy New Year and thank you for the update.
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 2: Nice start - I like the back and forth in the chat!!
749 streak #4
Chapter 31: Thank you for the update, you never disappoint.

I hated that the little witch managed to hurt Baek, but at least Chanyeol was able to dish it back to her. Needless to say, I don’t think she’ll be hurting anyone else.

The guys banter is so much fun to read, especially Sehun’s comments. That boy is a whole mood on his own. Baek and Chan’s reactions to each other never get old either. Can’t wait to see the start of university life.
749 streak #5
Chapter 30: Oh my gosh, all the drama surrounding their first meeting could not have been more fitting, I absolutely loved the buildup. Chanyeol’s “hey, baby” was so y, but not sure it was meant to be exactly.☺️ I can just see Baek taking a flying leap into his arms. Thank you so much for this update.
749 streak #6
Chapter 29: A lot sooner than he thinks!😉 I loved this chapter, Baek’s happiness at seeing the others was palpable. I almost shed a tear myself when he hugged everyone.🥹
749 streak #7
Chapter 28: The suspense is killing me! I can’t wait for Chanyeol to show up and surprise Baek.😁
749 streak #8
Chapter 8: I’m still getting caught up, but this is so cute! I love your idea of telling the story through the chat room, as well as the characterization. The different personalities really shine through.