Private Message

Baekhyun was in the kitchen cooking himself some scrambled eggs when he heard his phone buzz from the opposite side of the room. He scrambled to grab the device before the eggs stuck to the bottom of the saucepan, his lips curling up into a proud smile as he succedded in his mission. 

The so called 'Bottom' groupchat had sent him a message, reminding him to join their videocall event so he could take part in getting Luhan ready for his surprise date. This time, Baekhyun turned off the heat -that had been cooking his eggs- off completely before leaving the room to locate his laptop. He returned a moment later, placing the grey device down onto the countertop. 

While keeping his attention on the eggs beneath him, Baekhyun managed to open up Skype and shoot a text to Suho letting him know that he was ready to go whenever they were ready to request him. He had just enough time to plate the food and take a seat at his island before his screen filled with Suho's Skype profile picture. 

"Hey Baek!" Kyungsoo smiled into the camera, his left hand waving at him through the screen. A smile naturally fell on his lips, excitement coursing through his veins as he waved back, seeing the rest of his friends behind Kyungsoo. 

"So, how is it going?" 

"Not so good.." Kyungsoo responded, pushing himself out of the frame to allow Baekhyun to fully see what was happening behind him. Luhan was easy to locate as he was the only blonde haired member of their little group, Baekhyun easily finding him sitting on a swivel chair in the centre of the room. Luhan was talking with Tao and Suho, arms flying all over the place as if he was trying to assist a plane landing. "I've been talked to them and my personal opinion would be the black outfit but Luhan said that he wanted bright and blinding colours." 

The camera shifted again, Baekhyun being allowed to see the dress options that had been laid out on one of their beds. The boy hummed quietly to himself, thinking through each of the options. "Jisoos is supposed to be bringing him to the movies so I'd go for something comfortable but casual." 

"So what should we do about the outfit?" Kyungsoo wondered, the camera turning again. Baekhyun noticed that he was put down in his starting position, his presence now being noticed by the rest of his friends. 

"Yeah Baek," Tao gushed, stepping up to Kyungsoo's side. "What do you think?" 

"Black jeans and his white shirt, add a chain and put that black leather jacket on, puff up your hair a bit and wear it with your white and black high tops. Or if you wanted a little colour change the jeans to blue denim and add that red, blue and yellow jacket thing." Baekhyun offered his opinion, shoving a folk-ful of his eggs into his mouth once he was finished. 

"That's actually not a bad idea.." Luhan announced, wheeling himself over to Kyungsoo's other side, he offered the boy behind the screen a bright smile. "Thank you so much Baek." 

"Baekhyun," Tao called, watching as the eating boy turned his attention to him next. "I'm doing his makeup but I'm not sure what to do..." 

"Keep it simple Tao, remember Sehun needs to think that this date is only going to the movies, Luhan isn't being taken out to a bar or strip club so no party makeup." 

The boys on the other side of the video call giggled amongst themselves, Baekhyun's heart full as he was the cause behind their laughter. With his food all finished, Baekhyun leaned against the backrest of his chair and simply watched as his friends got to work on styling Luhan up for his fake date. 

A ping had Baekhyun and those on his phone call all turn their attention to his phone, a message popping up on the screen which made his lips curl upwards in excitement. 

Real_Dumbo: Well our baby is all ready to do some date crashing!!

"Who is that Baek?" Suho wonderedfrom his spot behind Luhan. 

"Just Chanyeol." He admitted, opening the conversatopm and typing a quick reply choosing to ignore the obvious interested sounds his friends were making through their Skype call. 

Private Message: Real_Dumbo

Idontgiveacrap: Tell him to wait a little while longer!

It's only 5:30!

He should crash it just before 6!

Real_Dumbo: How does 5:55 sound?

Idontgiveacrap: Perfect 😁

Real_Dumbo: Great

I'll let him know 😉


"So what were you and lover boy talking about?" Minseok's sudden presence had Baekhyun's heart leap in his chest from fright. Glancing up at his laptop screen, Baekhyun released a sigh of relief once he noticed that his screen had spilt in two to accommodate the small group as well as Minseok. 

"Nothing!" Baekhyun defended himself with a glare, he gently placed his phone back down on the counter eyes narrowing at the clock in the corner of his laptop; not long left now! "He just asked if I was okay today since he has been asking me nonstop since I told you guys about Dara two days ago." 

"Min?" Suho called, stepping closer to the camera with narrowed eyes. "Where are you right now?" 

The said boy's cheeks flared in the glow of his laptop screen. "Well... that's why I decided to join you guys.." The silence coming through the line was deafening, everyone waiting to hear exactly what the boy had to say for himself. "I'm at Chen's." 

"I left you in our dorm though?" 

"Jongdae came to see me because he needed to talk to me," Minseok continued, shifting uncomfortably in the bed. "he took me here and well now we're together!" 

"You two ed again, didn't you?" Baekhyun deadpanned, his blunt question making an even deeper shade of red develop on Minseok's cheeks. 

"For five rounds, my is killing me!" Minseok whimpered, shifting once again. 

"Five rounds?!" Baekhyun winced at the loud shout coming through his speaker, his fingers rushing to block his ears before his eardrums burst. 

"Yeah.." Mineok agreed, bobbing his head. Baekhyun watched as Minseok's eyes glazed over as his mind no doubt brought forward the memories of a few minutes ago. "I'm just surprised he had it in him-" 

"If I wanted to know about your life I would have recorded it and put it up on hub, but since I didn't please stop talling about it!" Baekhyun begged, he was definitely going to find it hard to look Minseok in the eye again. 

A loud ringtone filled the kitchen, allowing Baekhyun the opportunity to breathe after such a filthy few minutes. He waved his group of friends off, wishing Luhan luck before he ended the phone call to answer his mother. 

"Hey Eomma!" 

"Hey baby, I just wanted to call and ask if you're alright? It's going to be anther long night at the hospital.

"That's okay Eomma!" Baekhyun rushed to reassure the woman, knowing how stressed she got when she was forced to do overtime without consulting Baekhyun about it first. "I'm fine by the way, I just finished talking with the boys!" 

"Let me guess.." she giggled. "the bottoms?

"Mom!" Baekhyun hissed playfully, knowing that his mother was only teasing. "We aren't bottoms." 

"Alright, whatever helps you sleep at night son! Will you be okay until I get home?

"Yeah I'll be fine." Baekhyun giggled to himself. "Lulu is going on a date with Sehun tonight, but he doesn't know about it yet." 

"Are you up to your matchmaking tricks again?" She wondered, laughing to herself. 


"Alright sweetheart, I have to go but I'll see you later okay?

"Yep," Baekhyun nodded. "bye Eomma!" 

"Bye Sweetheart!


Once the phone call with his mother was done, Baekhyun welcomed the silence that had fallen upon him. For yet another night he would be getting the house all to himself, which meant that he could anything he wanted. Ordering himself something delicious was certainly on the cards, but as it was too early for late-night delivery Baekhyun decided to watch a movie complete with popcorn. 

A quick glance through Netflix, Baekhyun decided to watch one of his comfort films. He let out an excited squeal when he came upon a familiar title, he rushed to get comfortable with his popcorn bowl and a fluffy blanket he would be stealing when he moved to the States for college. Fast and the Furious starring Vin Diesel and Paul Walker filled his television screen, cuddling into the blanket Baekhyun let out a content hum satifised with his quiet night in. 


Group Chat: Greg0r

Satansoo: *Picture message attached*

Notmystyle: Woah..

Chickennuggets4life: That's Lu?

Real_Dumbo: Who else out of this group has blonde hair?

Laymedown: Sehun and I do!!

Allihaveismoney: That's not what he meant Lay

Laymedown: Oh he meant out of the bottoms?

Real_Dumbo: I never said such a thing

Minnie: I'm not a bottom!

Idontgiveacrap: And yet your is sore from 5 rounds

Bubbleteaking: 5 ROUNDS?!?!

Notmystyle: Me and Chanyeol kept hearing thumping but we didn't think much of it... everything makes sense now...

Real_Dumbo: I'm moving to a different dorm

TrollingMachine: Oops sorry

Pandajams: Its nearly 6!!

Satansoo: Thank the devil

immanly: Is it normal to say I'm nervous?

Idontgiveacrap: Yes of course you're allowed be nervous!

A completely hot guy is coming to take you on a date

Bubbleteaking left the chat

Allihaveismoney: Huh that's weird

Satansoo: Where did Sehun go?

Real_Dumbo: He said something about a family thing

Chickennuggets4life: Really because he told me something different?

Idontgiveacrap: THAT'S OKAY KAI

He must have A LOT going on

Chickennuggets4life: Oh yeah!

Right a lot on his mind

Notmystyle: Oookay?

Pandajams: What is everyone up to anyway?

Laymedown: Playing cards

Allihaveismoney: Playing cards with Lay

TrollingMachine: I'm not saying

Minnie: Same here

Idontgiveacrap: Are you two seriously going at it again while texting us?!?!

Minnie: ...


TrollingMachine left the chat!

Minnie left the chat!

Chickennuggets4life: Ya nasty!

Real_Dumbo: I'm just lying on the couch

Notmystyle: I'm watching tv in my room

Real_Dumbo: With Tao

Pandajams: Guess I don't need to say now

Chickennuggets4life: I'm eating nuggets!

Satansoo: Waiting for Luhan to leave my presence

immanly: Dying of nerves

Idontgiveacrap: Well I'm watching a movie

Real_Dumbo: What one?

Idontgiveacrap: Fast And The Furious 6

Chickennuggets4life: Have you seen the others?

Idontgiveacrap: No Kai, I haven't, so I decided to watch it backwards

Chickennuggets4life: You could have just said no...

Idontgiveacrap: I know I'm sorry

Satansoo: A knock just came on our door...

Idontgiveacrap: Really?

Real_Dumbo: Its probably Luhan's date!

immanly: EH BAEK?!

Allihaveismoney: Anyone going to open the door?!

Laymedown: Let Jisoo in people!!

Chickennuggets4life: But it's not 6 yet?

Notmystyle: He's a whole 5 minutes early?

Satansoo: He keeps knocking!!!

Idontgiveacrap: Maybe he'll stop if you open the door?

immanly: I'll do it!


Satansoo: Why the hell is Sehun standing at the door?

Chickennuggets4life: ....No Way!!!

Idontgiveacrap: He did it!!!

Real_Dumbo: That's my boi!!!

Notmystyle: Hold on Chanbaek couple what the hell did you two do?

Real_Dumbo: Luhan actually didn't have a date he just said that to make Sehun jealous but I got Sehun to go and take Luhan out on a date instead

Idontgiveacrap: CHANBAEK?!?!


It's Baekyeol

Satansoo: I don't know what to be more shocked about...

Sehun coming and taking out Luhan

Or the fact that Baek admitted him and Chanyeol are a thing?

Idontgiveacrap: I DID NOT

Allihaveismoney: Awwww a ship name

Real_Dumbo: You technically did babe

Idontgiveacrap: I like Baekyeol better than Chanbaek

Notmystyle: Eh...

Idontgiveacrap: WITH NAMES PEOPLE

Me and ChanDork aren't a thing!!

Real_Dumbo: Yet

Idontgiveacrap: ...

Pandajams: OooOo this is interesting~

Idontgiveacrap: Yah!

Chickennuggets4life: You dug yourself a hole Baek

Idontgiveacrap: Its my grave..

Real_Dumbo: You can't die yet princess

Idontgiveacrap: Why the hell not?!

Real_Dumbo: We still have to meet, I have to get you to fall in love with me,
I need to whisk you off your feet, I need to propose, we need to have a child,
we need to get married and I need to love you for eternity! :)_

Idontgiveacrap: I just threw up in my mouth a little

Real_Dumbo: Oh shut up we both know you enjoyed it -_-

Idontgiveacrap: Lies!

Real_Dumbo: The sweetest lie in the world baby

Idontgiveacrap: I don't want a liar

Real_Dumbo: Let me tell you what's on my mind, sorry I can't be that guy don't expect too much I'm scared to begin

Idontgiveacrap: Ugh, I love that song

Real_Dumbo: I had a feeling you would

Idontgiveacrap: That doesn't change anything

Real_Dumbo: Change what sweetie?

Idontgiveacrap: That I like you or anything

Real_Dumbo: If you want to keep pretending you don't have feelings for me go right ahead
I know you're not being honest and that's okay baby!

Idontgiveacrap: Aish

Notmystyle: Sweet Lies by Exo my song 👏👏

Pandajams: The guy who does that rap is really cool

Notmystyle: Chanyeol actually sounds a lot like him when he raps

Idontgiveacrap: He raps?

Real_Dumbo: I need to for my music course I'm taking here

Idontgiveacrap: You took music?

Real_Dumbo: Music and Interior Design

Idontgiveacrap: No way...

Real_Dumbo: What's up buttercup?

Idontgiveacrap: We have the same classes...

Satansoo: They left!!

They went on their date!!

Chickennuggets4life: Really?! Sehun and Luhan???

Satansoo: YES THEY LEFT!!

Notmystyle: Finally!!

Pandajams: Looks like Baekhyun's pairings are working out after all!!!

Idontgiveacrap: Yeah... I guess so

Real_Dumbo: When are you going back to school?

Allihaveismoney: I won Lay in cards

Idontgiveacrap: The day after tomorrow

Laymedown: You cheated

How did you get all four kings?!

Allihaveismoney: Magic

Satansoo: I gave him my black magic book

Pandajams: That's my cue to leave

Notmystyle: BLACK MAGIC?!?!?!

Real_Dumbo: Eh...?

Pandajams left the chat!

Notmystyle left the chat!

immanly left the chat!

Allihaveismoney: Kyungsoo I told you that I didn't want that in the house!!

Satansoo: We aren't living together??

Idontgiveacrap: Pfft!


Laymedown: I'm confused Suho has black magic??

Allihaveismoney: No I don't Lay he's just kidding come on let's finish our game

Allihaveismoney left the chat!

Laymedown left the chat!

Idontgiveacrap: And then there was 4

Satansoo: Nope me and Kai have a date

Chickennuggets4life: Sorry maknae!!

Chickennuggets4life left the chat!

Satansoo left the chat!

Real_Dumbo: Just us left?

Idontgiveacrap: I think so...

Real_Dumbo: May I you to Pm?

Idontgiveacrap: Hahaha I don't see why not

Real_Dumbo: *holds out arm like a gentleman*

Idontgiveacrap: Hahaha you're crazy *loops my arm through yours*

Real_Dumbo: Well for you yeah

Idontgiveacrap: Aish ><

Real_Dumbo: Are you blushing?

Idontgiveacrap: NO

I mean no I'm not

Real_Dumbo: Okay shortcake let's go

*leads you in Pm*

(1) New message from Real_Dumbo!

Idontgiveacrap: Haha


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749 streak #1
Chapter 33: Welcome back and thank you for the update, I really enjoyed this chapter. The others pressing them for details was too funny, but they were right to keep the specifics to themselves. I love that they’re getting to know each other again, and it’s not a case of too much, too soon.
749 streak #2
Chapter 32: Aww, the entire scene in the garden was just beautiful. You can feel the mentioned chemistry, it’s practically palpable. Happy New Year and thank you for the update.
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 2: Nice start - I like the back and forth in the chat!!
749 streak #4
Chapter 31: Thank you for the update, you never disappoint.

I hated that the little witch managed to hurt Baek, but at least Chanyeol was able to dish it back to her. Needless to say, I don’t think she’ll be hurting anyone else.

The guys banter is so much fun to read, especially Sehun’s comments. That boy is a whole mood on his own. Baek and Chan’s reactions to each other never get old either. Can’t wait to see the start of university life.
749 streak #5
Chapter 30: Oh my gosh, all the drama surrounding their first meeting could not have been more fitting, I absolutely loved the buildup. Chanyeol’s “hey, baby” was so y, but not sure it was meant to be exactly.☺️ I can just see Baek taking a flying leap into his arms. Thank you so much for this update.
749 streak #6
Chapter 29: A lot sooner than he thinks!😉 I loved this chapter, Baek’s happiness at seeing the others was palpable. I almost shed a tear myself when he hugged everyone.🥹
749 streak #7
Chapter 28: The suspense is killing me! I can’t wait for Chanyeol to show up and surprise Baek.😁
749 streak #8
Chapter 8: I’m still getting caught up, but this is so cute! I love your idea of telling the story through the chat room, as well as the characterization. The different personalities really shine through.