Break Your Rule

Kkubi OS Festival
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Genre: Angst, Romance

Summary: After telling her mom that she's attracted to women, Kkura has been set up for blind dates with men. Her mom had a hard time accepting her daughter's orientation. Tired of doing what she doesn't want to, Kkura thought of a plan to convince her mother to stop being her match maker. She'll look for someone to pretend to be her girlfriend. Eunbi took the job on one rule: no falling in love.

Word Count: 7572

Hashtag: #KkubiFestival_BreakYourRule


Break Your Rule


"Don't forget your date tonight."

- Mom



Kkura let out a deep sigh upon reading her mom's message. For the past weeks, her mother has been setting her up for blind dates. This is after she told her mom that she doesn't like men. She hasn’t mustered the courage to tell it to her until her mom acted as her match maker. She thought that maybe her mom is finding it hard to accept what she admitted. She's attracted to women. If ever she would go on a date, it would be with a woman. Having that thought, she gave in to what her mom wanted. She went to every blind date set up for her. So far, all of it ended on one date. This time, Kkura wanted to stop going on the dates her mom arranged. She doesn't want to waste her time and give false hope to every man that she will meet but she also doesn't want to disappoint her mom. Today, she came up with a plan. She hoped it'll convince her mom to stop being her match maker. She called her best friend, Chaeyeon to help her.



"Where are you? Can we meet?"


"Cafe'. I'm interviewing applicants."


"I'll go there."



Kkura hurriedly went to her best friends cafe'. It's closed to give way for the job interview. When Kkura arrived, she saw the line of applicants but she still went in to meet Chaeyeon. One of the staff approached her and told her to wait as her best friend is in the middle of an interview. A few minutes later, Chaeyeon came out but immediately said that she can't stay out long. Kkura nodded then asked her to sit.



"I need your help."




"I don't want to go on blind dates anymore."



Chaeyeon held her laughter.





"I have a plan."


"Spill it."


"I'll pay someone to pretend to be my girlfriend and introduce her to my mom."




"I thought maybe this will convince her to stop setting me up on dates."


"Why not try a dating app?"


"I actually thought about that too but I'm not just into it."


"So, what do you need me for?"



Kkura pointed to the line of applicants. Chaeyeon chuckled.



"Number 19"


"Why her?”


"Why not? Can you recommend someone?"


"No. I can't disclose their personal information."


"I know. I'll wait here until she's done."


"Good luck."



Chaeyeon went back in, Kkura waited on her table. After a long wait, she saw applicant no. 19 went out. Kkura got up and followed her. Standing in front of the cafe', Kkura greeted the applicant.






The woman looked up then smiled.





"So, you got the job?"


"How did you..."


"Oh...the owner is my friend. I was there inside a while ago."


"Ah...they said they'll contact me. You know the typical response."


"So, you're looking for a job?"



The woman smirked.



"Isn't it obvious?"




"It's okay. Did you apply too?"



Kkura smiled before responding.



"No. I asked her for help."



"I actually want to offer you a job."







The woman started to get doubtful and Kkura quickly sensed it.



"Don't worry. I'm not a bad person. You can check my background if you like."


"So, what's the job?"


"Pretend to be my girlfriend."



The woman was surprised on what she heard that she wasn't able to respond. Kkura checked the time. She had to prepare for her date tonight. She waited for the woman's response but there's none.



"I can explain to you in detail some other time. You seemed shocked and there's somewhere I need to be. So...can I get your number?"


"Won't you get my name first?"


"Oh, sorry...what's your name?"




"Nice to meet you, Eunbi. I'm Sakura, Kkura."


"How much?"


"Money is not a problem. I'll pay you every time we meet."


"How far we'll have to go? I mean..."


"Don't worry; we won't have to touch each other. No skin ship except in front of my mom."


"I'll do it."





Eunbi nodded.



"Thank you! I know you have questions. Let's meet next time to discuss your job description."



They exchanged numbers then went their separate ways.


Sakura went on her blind date. She told herself that it'll be the last one. She also told her mother that. She even hinted that she's dating someone now, a woman. Her mom is still not buying anything she says.

Kkura wondered if her plan will actually work. She contacted Eunbi and they agreed to meet at Chaeyeon's cafe'. When Kkura arrived, Eunbi is already there.







There was a short silence before Kkura spoke again.



"Are you sure you want to accept my job offer?"


"I just need to pretend to be your girlfriend, right? I think I can do that."



Kkura explained her situation and why she needed someone to act as her girlfriend. She told Eunbi her job description. First, her job has to remain a secret. Second, they have to make up a story on how they met and ended up with each other. Kkura will tell her when they have to meet or be together. She even assured Eunbi that they only have to act sweet in front of her mother. She also said that they don't have to meddle with their personal lives while they're pretending to be lovers.



"Basically, that's it. Just do that and we're good", Kkura said.


"How long are we going to do this?" Eunbi asked.


"Hmmm...One month?"




"You think it's enough including the break up?"


"Ah, it's actually up to you. I'm fine with anything. I just needed a job now."


"Let's do that then. I've told you my rules, how about you, do you have any conditions or something."


"Just one"




"Don't fall in love with me."



Kkura paused upon hearing what Eunbi said.



"I can do that", she responded.


"When do we start?"



After meeting with Eunbi, Kkura stayed at the cafe' to wait for Chaeyeon. Her best friend has been nagging her for an update regarding her plan. When Chaeyeon came in, she saw Kkura smiling all by herself. She hurriedly approached her.



"Hey", Chaeyeon greeted.


"Oh, you're finally here", Sakura replied.


"What's up?"


"She took it."




"She said she needed a job, so..."


"You explained everything to her?"


"Of course"


"What's your next move?"


"We'll meet again to take some pictures and stuff, invent our "love story" then we're good to go."


"You have this all planned out, huh?"


"Yeah, I just want my mom to realize what I want. This is the last move so I have to make sure everything will go as planned."


"Though I don't completely agree with you on this, I want you to be happy. I hope this goes well but I also hope you'll find someone to love for real, a girlfriend, not a pretend girlfriend. I wish that for you."


"I want that too. Who knows? Maybe after this make believe relationship, I'll find the one for me."



Eunbi and Kkura have been in constant communication since the day Eunbi agreed to be Kkura's fake girlfriend. In all those times, it's all about planning their fake relationship. As previously agreed upon, they don't have to mind each other's personal business. Today, they met to take pictures together. Both of them brought set of clothes to have different outfits for the photos. They even changed locations for taking the shots. At first Kkura was hesitant to have skin ship with Eunbi. The latter noticed it so she took the lead. She held Kkura's hand, intertwined their fingers, she wrapped Kkura's arms around her shoulder.



"I remember I said no skin ship..."


"It's okay. I'm your girlfriend, right?"




"We have to look like a couple, without awkwardness. Let's just do it so the photos we'll look believable. Just treat me like how you treat your girlfriend."


"I've never had one."


"Oh. Sorry."


"I told you, I've just had blind dates with men. I never experienced dating a woman although I want to."


"You're dating a woman now. I'm your girlfriend, Kkura."



Kkura became more relaxed after their conversation. The plan she had in my mind is not that easy to execute. There are things to consider if they really want to be believable. She realized it's hard not to get emotions involved. They have to believe that they are in love with each other to look real. She has to keep in mind that she's dating Eunbi now. She has a girlfriend. And they love each other.


After taking tons of pictures, the two called it a day. They went to a restaurant to have dinner and finalize their fake love story that they'll share just in case Kkura's mom asks. After placing their order the two browse at the pictures they took.



"We look good together", Eunbi commented.



Kkura was a bit surprised on what Eunbi said.



"No one will doubt us after seeing these photos", Kkura replied.


"This is a good start."


"You did a good job."


"We did."



When the food arrived, the two ate silently. Their quiet dinner was interrupted by a phone call. It's Kkura's mom. Kkura excused herself to answer the call. When she returned to their table, she saw Eunbi scanning their photos.



"I'm sorry about that. It's my mom."


"It's okay."


"I told her I'm on a date. She immediately asked for a proof. I told her I'll send one later."


"Let's take a selca now."


"Should I send it to her?"


"Of course, I'm your proof that you're dating."



Kkura smiled.


When dinner is over, the two get ready to go home. Kkura offered to drive Eunbi home, the latter took it. On their ride home, it is also quiet except for some questions they ask each other regarding their fake relationship.


"Why did you offer me this job?"


"I was just about to ask my friend for help but it happened a job interview was being held. I saw you in line with the applicants that day. I was planning to choose whoever but you caught my attention. And, you're number 19, that's my birthday."



Eunbi smiled.



"Thank you for choosing me."


"No, I should be the one thanking you for agreeing on this "job"."


"I needed the money. My situation is not that good."


"Of course I can't ask your situation."


"You can't."


"I hope things get better."


"With you too, I mean with your mom and what you want to get out of this."



Their conversation was interrupted by another phone call from Kkura's mother. As she was driving, Kkura answered on speaker. She glanced at Eunbi upon picking up.





"I saw the picture you sent."


"You believe me now?"


"Is she your girlfriend?"




"She's pretty."


"She is."



Eunbi was just listening on the mother-daughter conversation.



"When are you going to introduce her to me?"


"Soon, you'll meet her soon."


"Okay. I guess it's time for me to understand what you really want."


"Thanks mom. I'll see you soon."


"See you. Take care."

When the call ended, Kkura and Eunbi looked at each other.



"Your plan worked", Eunbi commented.



Kkura smirked.



"We're just off with a good start."


"You can just drop me off on the next bus station."


"Ah, okay."


"Just call me for our next meet-up."


"I'll wire the money tomorrow."



It's been a week since Kkura and Eunbi started "dating". Today, they decided to finally meet Kkura's mother. Kkura has been hinting on her mom that she's dating. They also sent a selca so they expected everything will go smoothly. Arriving at her mom's place, Kkura let out a deep sigh.



"Why am I being nervous?" she blurted.


"Isn't that a good thing?" Eunbi replied.


"You think so?"


"It's the normal feeling when you are about to introduce your special someone to your family. You get nervous, you want them to like her and accept her."


"I guess you're right."


"Don't worry. I think we're more than ready for this", Eunbi uttered as she held Kkura's hand.



Kkura looked at Eunbi then smiled.



"Let's go inside."



When they entered, Kkura's mom is waiting for them in the living room. They were greeted with a smile. Hand in hand the two moved forward to face the hardest part of their plan, meeting Kkura's mother. Now, sitting on opposite sides, Kkura didn't waste any time and went on introducing Eunbi as her girlfriend. Eunbi smiled as she looked at Kkura's mother.



"Nice to meet you", she uttered.


"Do you really love my daughter?" Kkura's mom questioned.


"Mom!" Kkura butted in.

"What? I just wanted to know if she really loves you. Is there anything wrong with that?"


"Kkura, it's okay."


"You call her Kkura and not baby or some cute pet names?"


"Mom, please!"


"I like her name. I love calling her, Kkura. She likes it too. We don't need pet names or whatever."


"You haven't answered my question."



Kkura was about to in again but Eunbi spoke first.



"I love her. So much", Eunbi uttered while looking straight into Kkura's eyes.



A short silence followed after.



"Mom...this is what I want. She's the one I love. This is your daughter, this is who I am. I would be glad if you accept me as I am and support who I want to love", Kkura uttered.


"I just want the best for you."


"I know, but you cannot force me on something I don't want. I went on every single blind date you set for me so that I won't disappoint you. If you can't accept me liking someone on the same , I'll understand. I just hope you won't push me to like men because you think that's what's best for me."



A longer silence occurred after.



"If this is what truly makes you happy, I guess I have to accept it. Though, it won't be easy on my part but, I'll try. You're my daughter and I love you, I should be the one supporting and not rejecting you."


"Thank you, Mom. I love you, too. No more blind dates?"



Kkura's mom chuckled. Eunbi held her laughter.



"Why would I set you up on a blind date when you have the one you're dating beside you?"



Kkura smiled. She looked at Eunbi who was smiling as well.


The moment they stepped out of the house, Kkura hugged Eunbi making the latter flustered. When Kkura came to her senses, she let go of Eunbi then apologized.



"I got carried away. We passed the scariest part, I'm just so relieved."


"I told you we're ready."

"You did a really good job."


"You too, so, what's next?"


"Let's see...for now, let's celebrate! I'm so happy. Come on, let's drink!"



Eunbi just followed what Kkura wanted. They had some drinks and Kkura can't stop expressing her happiness. She did all the talking that night while Eunbi quietly listened. Kkura pointed out every detail of what happened earlier. She kept complimenting Eunbi for acting so well as her girlfriend. She began telling stories about herself. At first, Eunbi ignored it but Kkura continued sharing how her dad left her mom, how she was left with her mom as her siblings were both married.



"Kkura, you don't have to tell me everything", Eunbi said.


"Oh! I forgot. Nothing personal, just pure business", Kkura replied.


"Are we done for the day?"


"Ah...yes! Sorry. I talked too much today."


"It's okay. I'll go ahead. Just update me on our next move."


"Okay. I'll call you."


"Be careful when you go home."


"Thank you for today, Eunbi."


"I just did what I have to do. No need to thank me. You're paying me to do this."



Eunbi left. Kkura drank a glass of soju as she watched her fake girlfriend walk away from her.









"It's my birthday this weekend. Should we go out on a date?"



Eunbi smiled as she read Kkura's message.



"I mean, just for show. For sure my mom will ask what we did on my birthday."



Eunbi's face straightened. She sent a reply.



"So, how do you want to celebrate your special day?"


"Let's watch a movie."


"Alright, see you this weekend."



Kkura dressed up like what she usually wears on her blind dates before. After all, she's going on a date with her girlfriend...her fake girlfriend. Kkura bought their tickets, popcorn and drinks. She waited for Eunbi to arrive. Ten minutes before the movie starts, Kkura got anxious as her date is not showing up. There's no text either. She stood up and looked around. A familiar voice called her from behind. When she turned, she saw Eunbi. Her jaw dropped upon seeing her pretend girlfriend. A stunning beauty is standing in front of her.



"Sorry, I'm late. Let's go, the movie is about to start."



It took a few seconds before Kkura responded.



"Ah, it's okay. I got everything. It's just you I'm waiting for."



Eunbi picked up the popcorn and rushed to the movie theater. Once they found their seats, Kkura handed a can of Sprite to Eunbi.



"How did you know?"


"Well, when we meet up, you always order Sprite so..."


"Thank you!"



Kkura smiled. A couple of minutes before the movie start, Kkura told Eunbi that she's not used to watching horror movies. She easily gets scared. Eunbi whined at Kkura for not telling it sooner because she even asked her what she wanted to watch.



"You wanted to watch this and I thought maybe it's good to try something new", Kkura replied.

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Sakura1207 #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Now its midnight and im crying because of this🥲🥲🥲its so impressing… but i am happy again since i found its he😇😇😇 i love it so much and thank u authornim
Reader46 #2
Chapter 36: I enjoyed this so much that i dont have words to say. I mean I'm out of words, i cant think that well now but i like this. A lot. My brain is full of it.
Youre good and this is good and its just a whole 9k words of fun. I'm glad a friend told me to read it because then i wouldnt get to experience this. Thank you for this amazing os.
violentsushi #3
Chapter 35: is the reason love for eunbi keeping zombie kkura hostage? i kinda have a feeling like it might be something darker than that, maybe an obsession. this was painful, i'm not sure what i expected reading a zombie fic. i feel like those rarely ever have a happy ending.
violentsushi #4
Chapter 36: ahhh, i love this one. thank you for writing this authornim, i'm very surprise you wrote a kkubi. although knowing you were the one who wrote this, i have a suspicion you wrote this while thinking of sakukaeun. 😛 while this was very good, i wish i had a longer slow burn.
violentsushi #5
Chapter 37: reading the final version, it a lot more polished than the draft. the beginning was less confusing, and we get to know more about eunbi. and the confrontation between kkura with the chief of the kempeitai is understandable this time, i still remember asking who mizawaki was. i mention it before but i really like this os, so thank you very much for writing this. that ending still make me cry again. and i know it took a lot of your time to write it, but some people in the comments are asking for a sequel so... 😁
Chapter 9: it's eunbi....
Chapter 19: oh my ;~; if only their parents told her in the beginning... they could met between the last decade ;~;
Chapter 5: luckily eunbi didnt mind with mint-choco lol
1752 streak #9
Chapter 38: congratulations!!!! and great job to all the authornims!!!!!!!
Chapter 38: maru-chan number 1! xD