Win Me over Ice Cream Cones

Kkubi OS Festival
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Genre: Comedy, Fluff, Romance, Slice of Life, Medical School

Summary: Becoming a doctor has always been Kwon Eunbi’s dream. But, medical school hasn’t always been easy for her; especially since a certain Miyawaki Sakura keeps on asking her to go out for ice cream.

Word Count: 5478

Hashtag: #KkubiFestival_IceCreamCones


Win Me over Ice Cream Cones


Eunbi opened her eyes; the dim light of her room coming into view. She yawned while rubbing her eyes, trying to wake herself up for another day. She never thought that the annoying sound of her alarm would soon turn into a lullaby that would lull her back to sleep. But, she had to get up or else she would completely flunk another exam. She tried slapping herself hard enough to wake up her sleeping mind.


"Eunbi. It's 2 in the morning. What is with that alarm?", a nun opened her door. 


"Sorry, sister superior. I still have to study that's why I set up the alarm at this time.", she answered half-asleep. 


The nun sighed. "Well, it can't be helped. Just make sure you turn it down a little next time. We wouldn't want the others to wake up.", the nun closed her door.


Eunbi stood up from her bed; walking straight to the bathroom. Freezing cold water met her face, immediately waking up her senses. She stared at herself in the mirror; she looked awful. Really really awful. 


She have always hated this state of hers. Blood shot eyes, darkened eyebags and dry lips. It was the worst. And it was really bad that she had no choice but to accept that this state of hers will happen frequently. She has to study until her eyes see the back of her skulls. She has to study until her grades are defined as incredible; she has to graduate with flying colors and latin honors. That was the only way for her to have a successful life. After all, she was an orphan. 


Eunbi wiped her face with a towel as she took a deep breath. She looked at the medical books all piled up and need readings. It was going to be another long and stressful day. She sat down on her chair as she took another deep breath. She grabbed a book; her eyes fixated on its title. 


Netter's Atlas of Human Anatomy.


Even the title itself was enough to give Eunbi such excrutiating headaches. She began reading in the parts where she left off last night; she had to read it extra careful because this is where her professor would get the test questions from. 


Medical School hasn't been a breeze for Eunbi; she suffered a lot of sleepless nights, migraines, insomnia, stress and anxiety. But, she had no choice. If she wanted a stable future, this is a good option. She has to prove the others who told her that orphans would never lead a successful life, wrong. 


However, that wasn't the only reason to why she wanted to pursue medicine. 


Becoming a doctor has been her ambition ever since her parents died. Unlike others who blame the death of their loved ones to the doctors in charge, Eunbi thought otherwise. When her parents were laying in their deathbed, Eunbi was heartbroken. She cried all night, all alone in that dark hallway. She was alone; but, not until a doctor appeared. The doctor hugged her tightly, apologizing repeatedly for her loss. The sincere words of her parents' doctor touched her heart. She felt how heartbroken the doctor was for people she did not even know; she felt the tears of the doctor touch her skin. She wanted to be a doctor like her. It was too bad that Eunbi never got her name, she remembered her face. But she never saw her again no matter how hard she tried. So, she made up her mind. 


"If I can't find you, then I'll meet you as a professional in the field too."



7:02 AM ≈ Monday



Eunbi bolted her way through the gates of her med school; not even minding her untied shoelaces. 


"Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t. I'm late!", Eunbi was frustrated at herself. Earlier, after studying for hours, she gave in to her bed's seductions thinking that it would only just be for a few minutes. But now, there she was; running late on her first period, again. 


"Professor Kim is so gonna kill me.", she said to herself before she ran faster than before.


Finally, the doors to the lecture hall was into view. Eunbi gathered all of her physical energy left as she ran with all of her might.


"Is Kwon Eunbi late again? I swear to God I'll let that woman see the other side of the mo-", the professor's words were interrupted when the door suddenly opened with such force. "P-present!! I'm here, professor!", an exhausted and panting Eunbi appeared. The professor released a sigh, "You and I will be having a talk after this exam, Kwon. Sit down."


Eunbi sat down at the nearest vacant seat, the exam papers were being distributed so she took the chance to fix herself a little. 


Once the papers reached her, her eyes widened at the questions. Luckily, the questions in the exam were about the topic she reread earlier for like 5 times, because she was too sleepy to notice that she was reading the same thing over and over again. Eunbi looked above as she proceeded to thank every god that existed for this huge luck bestowed upon her. 


The exams went by nicely thanks to her unexpected luck. Once the bell rang, Eunbi stood up to prepare and proceed to her next class. 


"Miss Kwon! Are you forgetting something?", oh yeah. She had to talk with her professor. Eunbi muttered a quick apology before walking to her professor.


"Miss Kwon. You have been late for 5 consecutive times this week. What is happening to you?", Professor Kim asked her. 


Eunbi scratched the back of her neck. "I haven't been sleeping well lately because of my studies. And sometimes, I drift off to slumber accidentally.", she grinned. 


Professor Kim sighed, fixing her glasses. "I can't punish you with community service this time and you are too old for detention, Miss Kwon."


Eunbi's eyes twinkled. "So, you'll let it slide this time, professor?"


"Of course, I won't.", professor Kim smirked. Oh no. Something inside Eunbi tells her that this is bad news. "For your punishment, you will be helping Miss Miyawaki with her studies for my subject. She has been flunking my class because of her sports endeavours.", Eunbi looked at Professor Kim with shock in her eyes. 'Anyone but Miyawaki!', she thought. 


"But professor! I'm busy with my studies too!", she tried talking back. "We are done talking, Kwon. It's either you tutor Miyawaki or you fail my class.", Eunbi felt herself getting annoyed as she looked at Miyawaki Sakura who was sitting on her seat, rather relaxed; too relaxed for her liking. 


"Eunbi! Eunbi, wait up!", she heard Sakura's calls from behind her. Eunbi quickened her pace trying to lose Sakura behind the crowd of students emerging from their lecture halls. 


She panted while catching her breath. She finally lost Sakura. To hell would she even try and tutor that obnoxious woman. Eunbi stood up properly, fixing her hair and posture. She turned around to go to her next class but she was greeted by a face that was too close to hers. 


"You think you lost me, Kwon?", Sakura smirked. Eunbi felt her heartbeat quicken; Sakura was too close. Eunbi sighed as she threw the scariest glare she had before she turned her back. 


"Come on, Kwon. Just teach me! Let's put the past behind us.", what past you say? 


2 years ago, when Eunbi first came to medical school, Sakura was already a famous freshman because of her skills when it comes to sports. And of course, with fame out comes that unpleasant attitude. She wasn't exactly a bully; more of a prankster. However, back then, she had to pick on Eunbi on the day that the latter hated the whole world. Of course, knowing Eunbi, she fought back and it certainly did not end well. After that, Sakura tried to apologize to her for days but was always shut out. It went on until Sakura just grew tired of it and left her alone; and now seemingly, fate decided to make their paths meet again. 


"'Past' and 'us' shouldn't be in the same sentence, Miyawaki.", Eunbi said, walking away from the other. 


"Come on, Eunbi. Just teach me, I have to pass this semester or else I'll get kicked out of sports club!", Sakura begged. Eunbi sighed as she turned to look back at Sakura; not like she also had a choice. "Library. After school.", Eunbi turned her back again on Sakura; walking away from the short haired woman. "Thank you!", maybe this wouldn't be as bad as she thought it would be. 


"You're late.", Eunbi glared at Sakura. "Coach called me over for a while. Sorry. Hehe.", Sakura grinned widely at Eunbi. 


'Tsk. She should be thankful she's cute.', Eunbi's eyes widen. 'What am I saying?!'


She coughed before bringing out such thick textbook it could already pass on as a grimoire. "We're studying anatomy today.", it is so gonna be a long day for Eunbi. 


They say time goes by fast when you're having fun. So, this was everything but fun. Time seemed like it was even slower than that sloth from zootopia. She did everything in her might to try and make Sakura memorize even just the parts of the human heart; but she can't even do it! Why did she even come to medical school anyway?


After an hour of an agonizing lesson, Eunbi finally decided to stop their session for the day. Her headaches were becoming worse every minute she spent with the other woman. At this point, she was better off beheaded. 


"Hey, Eun!", Sakura picked up all of her things and shoved them inside her bag; trying to catch up with the other. "Don't call me that."


"But we're friends!"


"No, we're not."


"Come on. Have ice cream with me. My treat!", she heard Sakura exclaim proudly. 


She shook her head at the overflowing childishness that Sakura exhibited. No way was she going to have ice cream with such human being. She carried on walking, not minding what Sakura was saying behind her. 


The days carried on the same. Eunbi rushing to school, studying until her eyes turn white and of course, her most dreaded part of the day. Tutoring Miyawaki Sakura. 


Fortunately, after almost a week of tutoring, Sakura was able to pick up a few things. But they were only the minor information! Yet the latter still had the audacity and energy to ask Eunbi out for ice cream every single time. And of course, Eunbi refused every single time. 


Another day came and it might just be the worst for Eunbi. She was late for half of her first lecture, forgot all about an upcoming exam that day, forgot her stethoscope at the orphanage, forgot her lunch. She basically forgot everything necessary. Eunbi huffed in annoyance, even the slightest thing was setting Eunbi's insides ablaze. Nobody should want to mess with her today. 


Well, nobody should. It doesn't mean nobody would. Because here was Sakura, asking her over and over again to get ice cream. That stupid ice cream. 


"Fine! But after this, don't ask me to get ice cream with you again.", Sakura shivered with the deadly gaze that Eunbi had upon her. "Y-yeah sure."


They arrived at the ice cream parlor, Eunbi was usually a fan of lively places, but she wasn't feeling herself today. The noise and colorful interior irritated the hell out of her and Sakura noticed. 


"You okay? Do you want to go to a different ice cream shop?", Sakura asked worriedly. Eunbi was about to snap but as soon as her eyes looked back into Sakura's deep brown eyes, she felt the noise of the world subdue. With each second that passed by, she felt herself getting pulled deeper into the ocean of Sakura's eyes. All she could see was her. Why? Why was this happening? Eunbi couldn't understand herself.


"Uh Eun?", Eunbi snapped out of her trance. "Uh y-yeah? It's fine here.", she muttered with her head down; afraid that Sakura might see her blushing face. 


Minutes passed by and Sakura gave her a cone full of chocolate brownie ice cream. 


"How did you know this was my favorite?", she asked curiously. 


Sakura laughed nervously as she stared at the cone of Irish cream ice cream in her hands. "Remember 2 years ago, I followed you almost everywhere to apologize? Well, I followed you to this ice cream shop multiple times that I just memorized your order. I hope I'm not too creepy.", she bowed her head down in embarrassment. 


Eunbi let out a little laugh, making Sakura look at her. And even in the bright fluorescent lights illuminating the ice cream shop, Eunbi still couldn't see the blush painting Sakura's face. 


Their days went on normally; surprisingly, they were getting closer than expected. Eunbi herself was shocked too, to learn that she would be very much comfortable and secure in Sakura's presence.


"Hey. I have to drop by my locker for a bit to get a few books. Do you want to wait here?", Eunbi asked Sakura. 


"I'll go with you.", Sakura smiled lopsidedly at the short haired woman. Cute.


The walk to the lockers was a bit too awkward. Yes they were getting quite close, but you still can't deny that there will be awkward moments like this one; especially if you're walking with someone special to you.


Arriving at the lockers, Eunbi punched in the passcode. But, a pink sealed letter caught their attention. Eunbi grabbed and eyed the letter curiously. 


"What is that?", Sakura asked. 


"I don't know. It was inside my locker."


Sakura grabbed the letter, sniffing it. "It's scented which means-", Sakura paused, gasping quietly. "Is this a confession letter?". 


The other woman took the letter from Sakura's hand, opening the seal. Taking out the letter itself, Sakura could see Eunbi's cheeks redden. She doesn't know why, but she suddenly had the urge to beat the guy who sent this letter, into a pulp. 


"Who sent it?", she asked under her breath. 


"Cho Seungyoun. I think he's that guy from my biochemistry class."


"What did he say?"


"He told me he liked me and wanted to talk after school at the field.", Eunbi felt a blush creeping on her face. Not because she likes this guy back. But because Sakura stared at her as if she was the only thing that mattered. 


"Will you meet him?", Sakura asked with her head down. 


"I don't know. Do you want me to?", Eunbi tried peeking at Sakura's face. 


"It's your choice.", the other woman said finally looking up at Eunbi. 


The hour passed by rather quickly. The moment Eunbi told Sakura that they should call it a day, the other bolted straight out of the door; not even bothering to say goodbye to Eunbi. 


Eunbi shrugged it off as she fixed her stuff up. After fixing both herself and her books, she headed straight to the field to meet up with her admirer. 

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Sakura1207 #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Now its midnight and im crying because of this🥲🥲🥲its so impressing… but i am happy again since i found its he😇😇😇 i love it so much and thank u authornim
Reader46 #2
Chapter 36: I enjoyed this so much that i dont have words to say. I mean I'm out of words, i cant think that well now but i like this. A lot. My brain is full of it.
Youre good and this is good and its just a whole 9k words of fun. I'm glad a friend told me to read it because then i wouldnt get to experience this. Thank you for this amazing os.
violentsushi #3
Chapter 35: is the reason love for eunbi keeping zombie kkura hostage? i kinda have a feeling like it might be something darker than that, maybe an obsession. this was painful, i'm not sure what i expected reading a zombie fic. i feel like those rarely ever have a happy ending.
violentsushi #4
Chapter 36: ahhh, i love this one. thank you for writing this authornim, i'm very surprise you wrote a kkubi. although knowing you were the one who wrote this, i have a suspicion you wrote this while thinking of sakukaeun. 😛 while this was very good, i wish i had a longer slow burn.
violentsushi #5
Chapter 37: reading the final version, it a lot more polished than the draft. the beginning was less confusing, and we get to know more about eunbi. and the confrontation between kkura with the chief of the kempeitai is understandable this time, i still remember asking who mizawaki was. i mention it before but i really like this os, so thank you very much for writing this. that ending still make me cry again. and i know it took a lot of your time to write it, but some people in the comments are asking for a sequel so... 😁
Chapter 9: it's eunbi....
Chapter 19: oh my ;~; if only their parents told her in the beginning... they could met between the last decade ;~;
Chapter 5: luckily eunbi didnt mind with mint-choco lol
1761 streak #9
Chapter 38: congratulations!!!! and great job to all the authornims!!!!!!!
Chapter 38: maru-chan number 1! xD