Special OS 03 A Love, Bittersweet

Kkubi OS Festival
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Genre: Historical Fantasy

Summary: Different timeline, different era. A crazy love story transcended the logic of time and space. A pretty grandma one day appeared in Sakura's life asking the Japanese to find her. With no clue left, Sakura embarked on a dangerous journey, with one mission; to find the pretty grandma.

Word Count: 17171

Hashtag: #KkubiFestival_ALoveBittersweet


A Love, Bittersweet

by wotma81


It’s March 11th, 1975. Eunbi stares at the Catholic Orphanage signage. Her heart is aching for her lover, but how can Sakura know it’s her? She looks around to find the playground where Sakura might be at, playing sandcastle from what she can recall. A group of kids are running, playing tag games, carefree from the world's shackles. Eunbi takes her sweet time enjoying watching Sakura from far after she spotted the girl trying to build up a sandcastle. 

“Are you Sakura?” A ten-year-old Sakura looks up to see someone foreign, someone she had never seen before, calling her name. 

“Yeah,” Sakura answers cautiously, watching Eunbi slowly approaching her, curiosity planted on her visage, hidden from the old woman’s vision. 

“It’s really you, my Sakura,” the teary-eyed Eunbi who Sakura deduces might be really old, older than her orphanage keeps her distance from the stranger. 

“Excuse me, grandma, I don’t know you. If you want to adopt me, you need to talk to Sister Im,” Sakura pointed out to the primary office of the orphanage, hidden behind the enormous church. Eunbi glanced at the direction Sakura pointed, noticing the lack of nuns in the vicinity. 

“No, I just want to see you. You’re really small, young, but I’m now old and wrinkled,” the woman chuckles lightly at herself. Sakura looks carefully at this foreign grandma who might know her. Her eyes are expressive, but it’s odd. Sakura feels she has seen these eyes, but it’s impossible. She feels a familiar feeling surrounding her when she gets into the pretty eyes, but the moment she refocuses her eyes on the old, wrinkled face, the feeling lingers but doesn’t stay. Its paradox. She feels like she knows her, but at the same time, she doesn’t. 

It’s too much for the ten-year-old developing brain to process. One thing she is sure of, this beautiful grandma must be a heartthrob when she was young. She’s so pretty and beautiful and, and Sakura is already running out words to describe her beauty as expected with the limited vocabulary of a normal ten-year-old. 

“Do I know you, grandma?” Sakura squeaks, still wary at Eunbi, but she can’t shake this feeling that this pretty grandma might be someone who holds the key from her past. She might be her long-lost relative from Japan who only found her now, two years after the car accident which took her parents earlier, causing her to be the lonely orphan in this foreign land. 

“Find me, Sakura. I’ll be waiting for you,” Eunbi fixes her gaze at Sakura, taking as much as she can, trying to remember all these details. This will be her last meeting with Sakura, albeit it is the first meeting for the Japanese. Again, it's a paradox. 

Eunbi is fleeing, leaving the tiny Sakura behind whose gaze burns on Eunbi’s back, watching every step she takes. After a while, Sakura merely shrugs and continues to build her sandcastle, which is then only missing the tower. 

“Such a pretty grandma,” Sakura mumbles alone.

Since that fateful day, Sakura can’t stop herself to wonder about the pretty grandma from time to time. Sakura truly wants to know who is the pretty grandma but as seasons change, her natural curiosity slowly fades away along with the passing time. 

She never gets the answer to the identity of the pretty grandma, and life continues. Long before she had realized, ten years had passed as she moved onto the next chapter of her life. 


“Congratulations Sakura! The youngest songwriter to win the song of the year award! I’m so proud!” Mr Lee, her peculiar producer, tries to hug her but the talented songwriter bows instead, trying to avoid the crushing hug. When they met for the first time, she thought her producer was another crook in the industry, but she’s glad that her first impression was wrong. Mr Lee is a kind soul who is a tree hugger and probably a hippie too. Sakura smiles politely at his compliments, waiting for her turn to talk since Mr Lee now rambles about newborn chicks he adopted. Sakura tuned out from the conversation after a while. 

The after-party following the music award ceremony is depleting her energy, and she wants to escape to the solitude that her room has to offer, but she knows her best friend's duo will not allow it. Crap, she forgot that Mr Lee is now talking to her about how South Korea needs more hippie soul. Her brain is planning an escape plan, and Sakura is impressed with how detailed the plan is. Back to the dry, boring and senseless conversation. She just needs to mutter a few polite words, then she can stay as far away as possible while waiting for the late duo. God bless Mr Lee’s soul, but the young songwriter is unable to keep up with Mr Lee, the chatterbox who loves to jump from a topic to another. She can feel her energy drained and her feet hurt, tired after standing too long, 

“Thank you for always believing in me, Mr Lee,” Sakura said sincerely, knowing very well without his support, she would not be where she is now. Even though he’s a bit peculiar for Sakura’s taste, it’s undeniable that her strange producer is a good employer. Cultivating her creativity and giving a chance for Sakura to take on, and now she just won the Song of the Year award. How brilliant 1985 for her! 

“Without your continuous support I won’t be here,” Sakura adds and a polite smile appears. Mr Lee looks touched by her gratitude and that his eyes getting red, teary-eyed, probably still in disbelief how lucky Sakura is, how lucky they are. It might be the beginner’s luck amongst so many well-known composers and songwriters, Sakura who is still a novice and newbie to the industry captures the public’s attention with her hit song, L.O.V.E. 

She recognizes Hyewon’s voice arguing with the bouncers of the party, insisting that the Miyawaki Sakura is her best friend. The slight commotion goes unnoticed by the party crowd, but Sakura knows better than letting the argument

escalate to a physical fight. She knows Hyewon never backs away from a brawl. Chaeyeon who almost lost her voice in trying to stop Hyewon from clawing the bouncer’s face looks relieved to see Sakura. 

“Excuse me, they’re with me,” Sakura intercepts the heated argument, and she quickly pulls Hyewon to the bar, followed by Chaeyeon. 

“Give us the best bourbon. My friend over here won the song of the year,” Hyewon orders cheerfully, earning a glare from Chaeyeon. 

“I should scold you now, but I don’t want to spoil the mood.” Hyewon grins at Chaeyeon’s darkened face, trying to calm herself while Sakura can only sigh. She knows Chaeyeon would’ve slammed the door if they were at home and Hyewon probably will end up sleeping in the living room or worse, in her room, hogging the bed and the blanket. Certainly, that’s not how she wanted to end the celebration. 

Hyewon kissed Chaeyeon’s cheek in an attempt to subdue her lover’s anger. Chaeyeon chuckles enjoying her lover’s affection, which is very rare, especially in a public setting. Sakura shakes her head, seeing how easy it was for Hyewon to persuade Chaeyeon. This couple truly is her bosom friend, glued to her since middle school, and they are now sharing a house. There are times when their moans were too loud and had disturbed Sakura’s slumber or when their fights almost split the house into two different war zones. But at the end of the day, they will make up their differences with kimchi jjigae as the consolation from the Japanese. It made her wonder if she will ever find someone like her best friend, someone special that she can call hers. The yearning for romantic love seldom occurs, but she’s only human, starved from the unconditional love that she didn’t get to enjoy from her parents. Maybe it’s her fate to be alone and enjoy her solitude. Nonetheless, she’s still young. Twenty and still have plenty to go. 

“Earth to MS, the great Miyawaki Sakura, one and only,” Chaeyeon raises her wine glass towards Sakura before drinking it in one gulp. 

“Argh, my throat hurts,” Chaeyeon exclaims, inviting a snarky comment from Hyewon who mumbles ‘barbaric idiot’ and Sakura merely laughs, enjoying their closeness like they’re in their own world, shying away from the blaring noise the crowd made. 

“I’m tired. I want to go home,” Sakura exhales loudly, weary after a long day. 

“But we’ve just got here. I even dressed up, Sakura. We’re not leaving until we finish this bourbon,” Hyewon cradles the bourbon, cradling it like it’s a newborn baby. 

Sakura sighs again and exchanges looks with Chaeyeon, who can only sigh at Hyewon’s demand. 


“Let’s go see a fortune reader,” Chaeyeon shouts randomly, unable to adjust her volume, making Sakura wince at her.

“Brilliant idea Chaeyeonnie,” a rare term of endearment comes out from Hyewon, proving that she too is too drunk for her own good. 

“Why am I always the last man standing every time we drink?” Sakura mumbles, is too tired to handle two drunkards at the same time. Sakura wishes she was at home, lying comfortably on her bed, ready to sleep away from this earthly world. Maybe she can revisit her fond memory of a mysterious but beautiful grandma who visited her when she was 10 years old. 

“Tada! We have arrived! Let’s go inside,” Chaeyeon roars at Sakura’s left ear, making her flinch and follows the drunkard duo into a small fortune reader shop which could barely fit all three of them inside. 

“Ah, interesting trio,” the fortune reader greets them and Sakura greets her back with a small nod and she finds it odd this shop was still open at 4am. 

‘Like, what kind of fortune reader shop is still open at 4am? Is the fortune reader trying to lure all the drunkards to read their palm line?’ Seeing how her best friends were gullible enough to go to this shop, she concludes her initial thought turned out to be correct. 

“I guess you both are a couple, though the time is not ideal yet for the same- relationships,” the fortune reader says calmly to the shocked couple who looked like they just took a cold bath in the middle of winter. 

“How did you know?” Hyewon looks at the fortune reader, unable to contain her suspicion towards the stranger. 

“It’s obvious to me; maybe because I can see your aura with your girlfriend. The synergy just confirms that you’re a couple. I rarely receive couples like you, but I welcome all couples,” the fortune reader explains, hoping she conveyed that she meant no harm to the couple. 

Chaeyeon who’s too eager to know more almost knocks into the glass ball. Luckily, the fortune reader’s reflex is faster than the clumsy drunkard’s. 

“Sorry, I just wanted you to read my palm and my girlfriend’s palm,” gesturing to Hyewon with heart eyes when she mentions her girlfriend. 

Sakurai is still standing, hovering at the couple who are now seated with their backs straight, ready to hear their palm lines interpretation. 

“You are bestowed with wealth, but you need to fight for your love,” the fortune reader cites after seeing Hyewon’s palm. 

“Aww baby, for you I will fight the world,” Hyewon drawls at Chaeyeon closely that Sakura can smell her nasty drunk breath but Chaeyeon, who seems immune to that, closes the gap to kiss her sweetheart. 

“And for you, don’t shoulder all the burden by yourself. Please share with your beloved. Your luck in love is great, however, your luck with others is not as good. If you invest, you can easily get scammed.” The fortune reader says with a serious face, noting how vulnerable Chaeyeon is to bad people as she easily trusts others.

“I guess you’re the one wearing the pants in our relationship,” Chaeyeon smiles at Hyewon who couldn’t stop gazing at her girlfriend, ready to jump at her but still able to maintain her decorum. 

“How bout you, young woman?” The fortune reader looks up and stares straight at Sakura. Sakura tries to hide her curiosity because she thinks palm reading or fortune reading is just a ton of what people who lack effort will believe in. She’s not gullible enough to believe in those false claims. So what if the fortune reader can spot her best friends as a gay couple. Anyone who has keen eyes can see the obvious. Especially when they’re in the drunk mode. 

“No, thank you. I guess we’re done here,” Sakura taps on Chaeyeon’s shoulder, ready to leave the shop. 

“You don’t believe in these don’t you?” The fortune reader’s eyebrow quirks, challenging Sakura to refuse. 

“Yes, I think it’s bull,” her straightforwardness can easily come off as a snarky comment but those who are close to her know, it’s just how Sakura is. No sweet words except in her songs. 

“You’re not curious who the pretty grandma is?” The fortune reader provokes, knowing it will hit a sensitive spot in Sakura. 

Sakura’s knees feel wobbly. ‘How did this stranger know? Is she a mind reader? Maybe she’s a mind reader that’s disguised as a fortune reader.’ 

“Who are you?” Sakura could no longer hide her curiosity. 

“How did you know?” Sakura keeps her steely gaze at the smirking fortune reader. 

“I’m merely a fortune reader. Not more, not less.” 

“But how did you know about the pretty grandma?” Sakura continues to interrogate the fortune reader, hoping she will spill the beans. 

“There are things in the world which can’t be explained with words, but only those who have been through it will know.” 

“What do you mean?” Sakura asks, still trying to maintain a calm persona. However, her heartbeat is not slowing down and she can feel the rush of flight or fight. 

“The world is full of mysteries, and there are things that just can’t be explained. I mean no harm, but I want you to know your love is someone unattainable. It’s a dangerous journey, but if you keep your faith, you can be with her.” 

Sakura’s eyes dilated with her heartbeat beats erratic and she wonders if the fortune reader truly knows the identity of the pretty grandma. 

“Do you perhaps know who she is?” The question sounds foreign in her ears. She couldn’t believe that she asked before she could stop herself.

“I don’t know. I’m sorry I can’t help you with that, but she’s someone who is coming from your past and is connected to your future.” The fortune reader looked sincere when she said she’s sorry, but Sakura’s mind is clouded with possibilities or more like generating possibilities. 

“What do you mean she is connected to my future? Is she a relative of mine?” “I don’t know honestly. But she is someone who knows you well.” 

Only when Chaeyeon almost falls from her chair does Sakura realizes she’s forgotten about the drunkards. Hyewon and Chaeyeon are already cuddling as if they’re in the privacy of their home, and Sakura notices the sun is slowly rising from the front door of the shop. 

“How much do I need to pay?” Sakura is now ready to draw money from her wallet. 

The fortune reader is smiling, “Thirty thousand won, please.” 

“Hell, that’s ing expensive,” Hyewon groans but Sakura has already put a fifty thousand bill beside the glossy glass ball. 

“Keep the change.” 


“Are you still stuck with the fortune reading? Oh my god, Sakura, it’s just for fun. It’s not something so serious that we should ponder about it in every minute we’re awake.” Hyewon sounds exasperated at Sakura, who is still fixated with her fortune reading. 

“Yeah, Hyewonnie is right. I don’t think it’s even real,” Chaeyeon pushes the breakfast plate comprising hotdogs and eggs to Sakura, gently gesturing to her to eat more. 

“I have told no one about the mysterious pretty grandma except to you both. Of course, I freaked out when she suddenly brought it up. I mean, if you were in my position, wouldn’t you freak out too?” Sakura looks anxious, in disbelief that now someone else had known about her secret. 

“You thought we didn’t freak out? We sobered quick enough that we both thought we’re losing our goddamn mind,” Hyewon adds nonchalantly, munching the hotdogs ignoring Sakura’s visible frown. 

“If you’re really worried, maybe we can try to find out about the pretty grandma. I mean, I am always wondering if she really is pretty? You said she's really old, like a hundred-year-old.” 

“I was ten at that time. Any adult does looks too old than their real age,” Sakura remarks, making the couple laugh merrily, easing the tension in the atmosphere. It’s not funny but Sakura finds herself joining the laughter feeling a bit better than before. Chaeyeon whose laughter can generate the house’s electricity with

her decibels suddenly stops with her eyes wide like saucers. Chaeyeon just had her Eureka moment and is impatient to share her brilliant idea. 

“I know where to begin. Let’s start on the day she met you Sakura.” Chaeyeon says. 

“It was March 11th 1975. Not too cloudy, not too warm. Just the right weather to play sandcastle.” Sakura says while her mind wanders back to that fateful day that sealed Sakura’s destiny. 

“Can you try to remember if you have seen her before March 11th? You thought she might be your relative. Can you recall seeing her maybe in a family gathering? Or maybe she is not your relative, but someone who knows your family in Japan.” Hyewon suggests the possibilities trying to think what could be the reason the pretty grandma to see Sakura before disappears, vanishes without a trace. 

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen her before actually. But for some reason, I have a feeling that I have known her for all my life which is really confusing to me.” 

“But how can you feel like you know her all your life when you just met her?” Hyewon asks. 

“I know it sounds crazy but that’s what I felt when I first saw her on that day,” Sakura answers. 

“Then let’s go to the library and try to find any clue that we can find from March 11thin 1975.” Chaeyeon finally shares her brilliant idea, smiling with confidence that they will find a clue from the library. 


“Look! Computers! They are Dells,” Hyewon excitedly jumped after seeing a row of new computers in the library earning weird looks from the users. 

“Shh, Hyewon, we don’t want to be banned from the library. We can’t find anything if we get banned this early,” Chaeyeon tries to calm her sweetheart while apologizing profusely to the librarian who comes to check the erupted noise. 

Sakura ignores the mischievous duo and quickly approaches the stern library. 

“Excuse me, mam, can you help me find the newspaper archives on March 11th in 1975?” Sakura sought the librarian’s help desperately hoping she would disregard Hyewon’s fuss. 

“You mean all newspapers?” The librarian inquires and Sakura nods at her eagerly. 

“Yes, all, doesn’t matter its sports or politics or even celebrities gossip. I need it all for my research.”

“You’re lucky since we’re a small library, so we only keep the archive up to twenty years. If you want to find it longer than that, you need to go to the National Library.” 

“Oh, thank you so much. I didn’t know about that.” She is grateful that the stern librarian cooperates well with her request. 

“Sure, just give me a moment.” Sakura bows, showing her appreciation to the librarian, who quickly escapes to the back of the library, probably where all the archives are. 

While the couple is still gawking at the computers, Sakura discovers a table at the quiet corner, secluded from the library’s patrons. The couple quickly spots her and already takes their respective seats opposite Sakura. 

“I can’t believe that our neighbourhood library has five new computers. Five!” Hyewon shows five fingers, astonished that she can smell the computers and looks dreamy about her new experience. 

“Five!” Chaeyeon mirrors her girlfriend’s gesture, showing her palm signifying five at Sakura, who is exasperated now, thinking the duo might not be helpful for her mission. 

“Guys, focus! Remember, our mission is to find out who is the pretty grandma,” the Japanese whispers harshly to the duo, reminding them about their purpose to come to the library. Hyewon’s eyes glint when she hears the word mission while Chaeyeon salutes her, looking determined to do her best for the mission. 

“So where to start?” Hyewon asks. 

Right on cue, the librarian comes with a cart full of the old newspapers dated back on March 11th, 1975. Sakura thanks the librarian who glares at Hyewon for daring to cause a fuss in her library earlier and the model only smiles sheepishly, muttering ‘sorry’ to the stern woman. 

Chaeyeon already divides the archives evenly within three of them and the trio immediately scans the mountain of papers. They don’t expect there will be a lot of newspapers in Seoul alone, and Sakura sees there are some Jeju newspapers 

among the archives, and surely this mission will take more time to be accomplished. 

“Are we going to skip meals?” Hyewon dreads for her future and exhales loudly. 

“I hope not, I’m going to die if we skip even one meal,” the foodie continues, lamenting at her wretched fate, hopeful it will not end this way. 


Hyewon stares at Chaeyeon’s watch, her head is propped with the thickest dictionary she can get from the rows of the books nearby to their occupied table. She is restless, starved, and she needs to recharge her energy. They started at 10 am and now it's almost 6 pm. 

“I guess that’s it,” Chaeyeon whispers to no one in particular.

“We had checked every newspaper, right?” Sakura inquires, aware they have done their best, but it’s futile and leads them to nowhere. 

“Yes, I even checked Seoul newspapers twice in case we missed anything,” Chaeyeon answers, yawning and then stretching to straighten her back. 

“Can we eat now? My body is shaking, asking me for food,” Hyewon grumbles while her stomach rumbles asking to be fed. 

Sakura is disappointed with the outcome of their mission, but she knows from the beginning this might be worse than finding a needle in the haystack. Her hope deflates fast, leaving her more tired than before. 

The trio is tidying up the archives and loading them to the cart quietly before returning it to the librarian. Sakura knows this might take days, or worse it will be weeks, but she can’t really afford the luxury as she promised her producer, Mr Lee, that she’s going to write the next hit song in two weeks. Guess mission is delayed for now. 


“Oh Sakura, you’re here,” Mr Lee greets with a beaming smile at his favourite songwriter and Sakura bows respectfully. 

“Yes, Mr Lee. I’m trying to write the next hit song but I guess I’m lost.” Sakura sighed feeling sombre and the failed mission affects her mood. 

“I guess even the great MS needs new scenery to be inspired.” The old producer says, thinking how he can help the Japanese to be inspired again. He knows he has something that may help her. 

“Sakura, have you’ve been to Jaebuk before?” 

“Jaebuk?” a puzzled Sakura trying hard to recall if she ever heard of this obscure city. 

Sakura shakes head to answer and Mr Lee continues, “Yeah that’s what I thought. But if you want to find some inspiration maybe you can visit there. The Grand Hotel in Jaebuk is a 5-star hotel. Who knows, maybe you’ll find something to inspire you to write the song.” 

“Oh, but I don't think I have heard about Jaebuk at all. Maybe I’ll fly to Jeju instead.” 

Mr Lee laughs merrily, “I have a voucher for a VIP room in Jaebuk Grand Hotel from a TV executive. I don't know to whom I should give the voucher since I’m busy. You go there and enjoy the new scenery, Sakura. You deserved some vacation.” 

“Thank you Mr Lee.” 

She has lived in South Korea since she was eight years old but Jaebuk doesn't ring any bell at all. Since this vacation is sponsored, she wants to take this opportunity to relax as she mentally exhausted from everything; from the failed mission and her failure to write a song which rarely happens to her.


Apparently even her korean best friends have never heard of Jaebuk as well. Sakura hopes this Jaebuk city or town is not a deserted place and prays that Mr Lee is not trying to pull a prank on her. She manages to get a map to Jaebuk from the fourth travel agency she visited a day prior to her trip. Surely she doesn't want to end up at some scary and obscure place. 

The travel agency manager is kind enough to explain to her that Jaebuk is an old town and was a famous place to visit during the 1920s. Sakura thanks the kind manager for giving a detailed map to Jaebuk and hopefully she can reach Jaebuk safely. 


‘Looks old, this place,’ Sakura thinks to herself slowly driving past the gigantic gate welcoming her to The Grand Hotel. 

The Grand Hotel really suits the name of an enormous three stories high, white painted building, sitting at the top of the hill, overseeing the Jaebuk town. No one can deny the Grand Hotel is exuding a historical charm paired with a grand design imitating the English-style architecture which is uncommon especially in a small town in Korea. 

Sakura is slowly driving nearing the grand entrance of the hotel. She packs a small luggage that will probably last for a few nights in case she will overstay. 

A porter is waiting for her to stop her convertible at the designated parking spot. He bows at Sakura welcoming her to The Grand Hotel, taking her luggage and ushering a car attendant to park her car at the parking spot not far from the entrance 

The porter who introduced her as Kyungsoo, a very young man, maybe a year younger than Sakura, startled with her luggage’s weight. He jokes that its too light and leads her to the lobby of the hotel. 

She is amazed to see a water fountain in the middle of the lobby, with a variety of colours of kois, adding to the grandeur of the fountain. The white, marble floor matched with extrinsic paintings of the ceilings causes Sakura momentarily forgetting that she is in the Jaebuk town instead of London. 

The young porter smiles at Sakura’s astonishment and gently calls Sakura to check in at the reception counter where a male clerk is attending another hotel guest. She nods muttering ‘thank you’ and quickly checks into her room. 

The check-in procedure only takes a few minutes and now she is following Kyungsoo to her room at the highest floor, probably where all the VIPs' rooms are. She hides her amazement when they step into the elevator. Everything in The Grand Hotel lives up to its name, from the gate until the elevator. She is

quite impatient to see her VIP room and silently thanking Mr Lee for giving the free hotel voucher to her. The hotel is indeed splendid. 

Kyungsoo smoothly unlocks the door with a click before putting her luggage in the wardrobe. He informs her she may contact the reception counter if she needs any assistance and wishes her to enjoy her trip in Jaebuk. Sakura thanks him and gives a generous tip to him before he bows and closes the door back to his tasks. 

She looks around at the VIP room where the wall panels of red and gold textured material, above them panels of richly finished wood curving to a ceiling. A working desk with a few hotels pamphlets, probably the meals menu and some sheet of info regarding the hotel and the town for the visitors awaiting Sakura to read. Everything is gracious-looking. 

She vaguely remembers the only hotel she had stayed during her days in orphanage was the YMCA hotel room for the Catholic camps. She is not used to the luxury and tiptoeing at the room still amazes with everything. 

She steps forward to the balcony feeling the afternoon breeze gently blowing her hair. She can see almost the whole Jaebuk town from the balcony and the hills surrounding the town. She can spot the church which is probably the bigger building after the Grand Hotel in Jaebuk. The rows of shops centred around the church and the houses are spreaded out among the fields at the foot of the opposite hills. 


Sakura is hungry after three hours driving from Seoul to Jaebuk and she is now checking the menu pamphlet tempted with the delicious pictures of their menu. She quickly takes her room key and walks past the elevator to take the spiral staircase that resembled the famous staircase in Disney movie, Cinderella. 

The dining hall is just next to the staircase and a waitress waiting for the hotel patrons bows at Sakura before leading her to the dining table. Sakura quickly orders steaks and mushroom soup and the waitress returns with watermelon juice for her before going back to the kitchen again. 

The dining hall is similar to the Victorian style. A lovely hall, with red velvet curtains overlooks the green manicured lawns. The ceiling overhead is intricate and heavy looking with a chandelier hanging as a crystal pendant. 

It seems the dining hall is less crowded at 3 pm and Sakura enjoys her meal, finishing the plates in less than half an hour. She doesn't have any plan in her itinerary yet and is taking time to start roaming around the hotel, admiring the architecture and enjoying the lush green scenery. 

She passess by the hallway connecting the dining hall to the lobby. It's full of old portraits which she finds out are the Kwon family who is the founder and owner of The Grand Hotel. She studies the portraits that start with Kwon Yul, the founder and the first owner of The Grand Hotel, looking expensive in her 

western-style suit. Then she moves on to the next frame where a picture of a newly constructed hotel has been officiated by the family. A family portrait of

the Kwon family is in the next frame and she stops at a portrait of Kwon Eunbi as how its been introduced with a line of paper, located directly under the portrait. 

‘The eyes look familiar.’ 

Sakura moves closer to the portrait and the familiar feeling starts to linger, but she doesn't want to make a rushed decision. She tries to compare and without doubt, its her. Even with no wrinkles and grey hairs, she knows it's her. She can feel her hands become clammy with sweats, her irregular heartbeat drumming loudly. She must find out who this Kwon Eunbi is. It's highly likely she might be the grandma or someone who might be related to the pretty grandma. This is the biggest clue that she can find in the whole of Korea and she’s not going to waste this chance. Now, she needs to confirm the identity of Kwon Eunbi. 

“Excuse me, may I know about the Kwon family, especially Kwon Eunbi?” Sakura asks the male clerk, glances at the word Kim is written on his nametag. 

“Yes, Miss Miyawaki,” Sakura is impressed that he can recognize her, “Kwon Eunbi is the daughter of the founder, Kwon Yul.” He looks around at his desk trying to find something before he pulls out a pamphlet that is hidden under the guest log book. 

“This is the pamphlet of the mini museum of the Kwon family in Jaebuk town. Kwon Eunbi is a renowned female singer in Korea during the 1920s.” Mr Kim smiles fondly. 

“If you’d like to learn more about the Kwons, you can visit the mini museum. It's just next to the church. The museum’s caretaker actually worked for Lady Kwon until she passed away. She is the right person to ask if you love to know more.” 

“Thank you so much, Mr Kim.” She takes the pamphlet, skimming through the information before stopping at the visiting hours. 

“Kyungsoo!” Mr Kim calls the porter, and the young man half jogs to the reception counter. 

“Miss Miyawaki needs her car now,” he says, passing Sakura’s car key for him to retrieve from the parking lot. 

“Faster Kyungsoo! We don't have time,” Mr Kim urges Kyungsoo and Sakura looks grateful, thanking Mr Kim’s quick response. 

In less than ten minutes, Sakura already drives her convertible passing the gate moving onto the main road before she starts speeding. 


The drive from The Grand Hotel to Jaebuk usually takes twenty minutes according to Kyungsoo however Sakura has reached the museum in ten

minutes. She quickly parks her convertible in front of the museum and her screeching tyres creates smokes earning a look from the confused caretaker who is ready to lock the museum door. 

She quickly walks to the elder woman who Sakura guesses around 70 years old. “I’m sorry mam, but is the museum close?” 

“Yes, I thought there will be no visitors after 4pm.” The elderly answers, still confused at this young woman who suddenly appears, seems impatient too. 

“I’m from Seoul. I stayed at The Grand Hotel and would you mind if you keep it open for me?” Sakura pleads with her round eyes hopeful that this elderly will fall for it. 

“Aigoo, I guess why not.” The caretaker chuckles at Sakura’s cute plea before unlatching the door’s and gesturing to Sakura to come inside. 

“Thank you so much mam. How much do I need to pay?” 

“Its free dear.” The caretaker stares at Sakura’s a beat longer trying to remember if she has seen this young woman before. 

“Have I met you before dear?” She inquires. 

“No, this was the first time I travelled to Jaebuk.” Sakura answers decisively. 

“You looked familiar though.” The caretaker is still unconvinced with Sakura’s answer. 

“Oh really? Uhmm, maybe you have seen me in the newspaper?” She suggests. 

“I'm a songwriter. I won the Song of the Year award last year,” Sakura adds, trying to help jog the caretaker’s memory. 

“Oh really? Yes, it must be why you do look familiar.” The elderly accepts the songwriter’s explanation and leaves Sakura to her own device, looking around at the museum. 

“Mam, may I ask you about Kwon Eunbi?” The young woman asks before the eldery can take another step. She turns around at her and smiles fondly, probably remembering Kwon Eunbi from her memory. 

“Kwon Eunbi was the greatest female singer in the 1920s.” The caretaker says with a pride shone in her face. 

“Yes, that’s what I heard from the hotel's reception.” 

“Oh you mean Heechul,” Sakura her head then slowly shakes her head, implying that she doesnt know Heechul. 

“It's Kim, right?” She nods at the elderly. 

“He’s my son,” the elderly explains.

“Ohh no wonder he’s really handsome. His mom is really pretty.” Sakura compliments. 

The caretaker laughs pleased at the compliment, “ You’re really funny.” “What is your name dear?” The elderly asks curious. 

“Sakura, mam.” The songwriter smiles politely. 

“Sakura?” The elderly repeats her name, her head, trying hard to remember if she knows any Sakura. Sakura, herself, is now confused with the caretaker’s reaction. 

After a few minutes of awkward silence, the elderly asks again, “Are you Miyawaki Sakura?” 

“Yes, mam. I’m Miyawaki Sakura.” She replies, more confused. “How?” The elderly look paler, after hearing Sakura’s answer. 

“It's impossible! And you looked exactly like her. Like Eunbi’s Sakura.” She mutters and the Japanese feel unsettled with the elderly’s response. 

“What do you mean?” Sakura looks baffled and unsure how to react after hearing she is Eunbi’s Sakura. 

With a tender expression, the elderly cupped Sakura’s face, and Sakura froze with the affection displayed from the stranger who is determined that she has met her before. 

It feels forever to Sakura until the elderly disengage and walk away to fetch something. 

“Stay here. I will get the book that Eunbi unnie left for me.” She instructs the Japanese, while Sakura is still standing frozen, trying to make sense of this situation. 

‘What does she mean I’m Eunbi’s Sakura? If Eunbi is the pretty grandma, then I only met her once,’ She is still perplexed and doesn't notice the caretaker now is back with a tray of tea and a black, leather book. The caretaker signals the bewildered Japanese to take a seat in front of her while she pours the tea to Sakura’s glass. 

“Eunbi unnie gave me this book a day before she passed away. She told me to swear on my life to never read this until the right time comes. She said one day Sakura will walk to the museum and that’s the day I should pass this book to her. I mean to you.” 

Sakura examines the black, leathered book and flips through the pages only to see her handwriting is written all over the book. Her hands are shaking, shock is all over her face. 

“Don’t be scared Minju. It's me, Sakura. That's what you told me when we first met,” the old lady smiles at her trying to soothe Sakura’s overwhelming emotion.

“How do you know my nickname is Sakura?” 

“Drink the tea. It always calms me,” the elderly drinks her tea and looks pensive. 

“Eunbi is searching for you after you left on that night. She can't accept that you’ve gone from her life. It's difficult for her to move on. I never asked her about you after that.” 

A silence quickly befalls before Minju, the elderly continue. 

“You were there, in 1920, in Jaebuk. I don't know how you did that, but I saw you in 1920. Somehow you managed to travel back to 1920.” 

This feels surreal to Sakura. 

‘What if this is an alien abduction? What if this is fabricated by the aliens to convince her to join them in their mothership?’ 

She pinched her thigh hard, hoping she will wake up from this weird dream. Maybe she imagines too much about her pretty grandma. The black book falls down to the carpeted floor interrupting Sakura’s spiralling thought. She picks up the book, caressing the leather, visualizing Eunbi in her mind, smiles at her. She feels something that she has never felt before. She feels connected to Eunbi. Her heart yearns for Eunbi despite the crazy revelations that she can travel back to the past. 

A drop of tear stained the page she was reading. She is crying and she cant stop the tears from rolling down her cheeks. Her mixed emotions overpowers her logical brain. Maybe, just maybe she can time travel. 

“I do miss Eunbi unnie from time to time,” Minju wipes her tears with her knitted handkerchief. 

“I don’t know why I cried. It's just this feeling is too overwhelming and I haven’t met her yet.” 

“Yes it's true. You haven’t met her yet. Maybe this is your fate, Sakura.” 

“Do you want to know who she is,” an inviting question to which Sakura nods eagerly. 

“She was born to Lord Kwon Yul, a distant relative of the Joseon dynasty. But after Japan slowly took over Joseon, Kim Yul returned back to his hometown Jaebuk staying far away from Goseong. And he got married to Lady Sooyeon, a minor nobility from the eastern Goseong. 

Kwon Yul gave up his nobility in exchange to protect Jaebuk town from the impending Japanese forces and managed to save everyone in the process until Korea achieved its independence.” 

Sakura nods trying to remember the history she learnt in school but is quite sure she never heard of this town’s name or Kwon Yul before today.

“The Kwon family of Jaebuk has been known as a merchant, a trader since before. So Kwon Yul decided to build The Grand Hotel even though Jaebuk is a small town. Even though at that time the whole townsfolk thought he’s crazy, the investment was worth it. Jaebuk is in the middle of Gyoseong and the Yellow sea, hidden by the hills making it ideal for other nobles to have vacation.” 

Minju pauses, taking a deep breath before resumes. 


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Sakura1207 #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Now its midnight and im crying because of this🥲🥲🥲its so impressing… but i am happy again since i found its he😇😇😇 i love it so much and thank u authornim
Reader46 #2
Chapter 36: I enjoyed this so much that i dont have words to say. I mean I'm out of words, i cant think that well now but i like this. A lot. My brain is full of it.
Youre good and this is good and its just a whole 9k words of fun. I'm glad a friend told me to read it because then i wouldnt get to experience this. Thank you for this amazing os.
violentsushi #3
Chapter 35: is the reason love for eunbi keeping zombie kkura hostage? i kinda have a feeling like it might be something darker than that, maybe an obsession. this was painful, i'm not sure what i expected reading a zombie fic. i feel like those rarely ever have a happy ending.
violentsushi #4
Chapter 36: ahhh, i love this one. thank you for writing this authornim, i'm very surprise you wrote a kkubi. although knowing you were the one who wrote this, i have a suspicion you wrote this while thinking of sakukaeun. 😛 while this was very good, i wish i had a longer slow burn.
violentsushi #5
Chapter 37: reading the final version, it a lot more polished than the draft. the beginning was less confusing, and we get to know more about eunbi. and the confrontation between kkura with the chief of the kempeitai is understandable this time, i still remember asking who mizawaki was. i mention it before but i really like this os, so thank you very much for writing this. that ending still make me cry again. and i know it took a lot of your time to write it, but some people in the comments are asking for a sequel so... 😁
Chapter 9: it's eunbi....
Chapter 19: oh my ;~; if only their parents told her in the beginning... they could met between the last decade ;~;
Chapter 5: luckily eunbi didnt mind with mint-choco lol
1761 streak #9
Chapter 38: congratulations!!!! and great job to all the authornims!!!!!!!
Chapter 38: maru-chan number 1! xD