Don't Say I Love You

Kkubi OS Festival
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Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Tragedy

Summary: Yearning for someone to save her from the depth of her suffering, Eunbi randomly call a number while being a sobbing mess. She expect to not receive any answer but when the owner of the other line answered her call, she is surprised hearing another sobbing at the end of the line. Two broken heart meet one another, will their heart broke even more or will they fill up their loose gap together?

Word Count: 7698

Hashtag: #KkubiFestival_DontSayILoveYou


Don't Say I Love You


She is sitting there, sniffling at the corner of her room, just beside the floor to ceiling sized window. She couldn’t care less about the violent knocking on that panel of glass as the pitter-patter of rains is washing the earth, away from the accumulated destruction made by her inhabitants. Her eyes moved towards the gloomy sky, carrying those large, black clouds towards her as if it could understand her devastation at the moment. The drops of that heavy rain hit on her roof, inviting intense howling of air inside her ears, but she just wouldn’t care.


If it’s her from before, maybe she will whine towards her lover who seems to fear nothing, exchanging a few soft words while cuddling and sharing their warmth. The dependable woman often showers her with sweet phrases that might cause diabetes to others. The one that swears she will be the one and only love in her life, Eunbi is hypnotized with those sweet promise for them both to be together until death does them apart. Yet, she is the one that breaks away without any explanation—that damn Kang Hyewon.


Even though she tried erasing their memories, Eunbi couldn’t just forget all those dear moments to her. She had been all alone since she was just a little girl, an orphan growing up in Seoul, in the metropolitan area. She’ll be lying if she ever says that life wasn’t that hard. At least it isn’t until she meets this certain girl by the name of Kang Hyewon.


She is totally the opposite of her, an ethereal beauty born within a filthy rich family and blessed with loving parents. She never envied the girl for having everything that she ever wished since Eunbi was a little girl. She continued working her off to pay her tuition fee and those head-chopping rent to ensure that she’d survive another day.


Out of nowhere, the perfect Kang Hyewon suddenly asks her to go out with her, which Eunbi, of course, declines without giving much thought. She never guessed that her rejection only caused an uproar within the college. Kang Hyewon persistently chased her down every hour she had without fail until Eunbi eventually said yes for all of those relentless efforts.


That certain part of memory feels like ripping her own skin from the flesh, inviting more tears on her soaked face. Just where did all those sparks go missing? When did all things start to crumble between both of them? She is unsure of it as she clenched her phone while sobbing by the wall.


“One time… Let me hear your voice just one more time…”


Maybe it’s the alcohol, or maybe it’s her tears; Eunbi couldn’t see clearly the number that she punched in her dial pad, but she didn’t bother to check it. There’s no way she can forget those digits carved inside her mind for the past seven years.


Please answer it.


A long silence can be heard across the other line.


Let me hear your voice.


It seems like the other line didn’t intend to pick up at all, given by the cold ringtone blasting through Eunbi’s phone.


Maybe, I am meant to not be loved.


As her hope began to dissipate along with the rain, an abrupt sound can be heard at the end of the other line as a raspy voice answering her call.




It’s not Hyewon’s voice. She knows how Hyewon’s voice sounds. However, her heart raced upon hearing those caller voices. No, it’s not the most beautiful, alluring voice that Eunbi ever heard. However, the fact that this person whom she didn’t know is crying too makes Eunbi feel that there’s someone out there crying with her.


“If you just want to prank call me, bug off!”


The voice sounds irritated, which surprises Eunbi, who is just too bedazzled by that hoarse, deep yet feminine voice who is sobbing while cursing her. She didn’t know what’s on her mind as she blurted out the next words out of sudden, “Let’s meet each other.”


“What the heck-”


“I know it sounds crazy but what about a cup of drink?”


A brief silence is what she got in reply, inviting nervousness inside her system. She didn’t know why but Eunbi did gulp hard when the stranger answered her with a strange reply, “If we are fated to meet tonight, then I’ll be waiting for you at IZ*Café.”


Hopes bloom inside her heart as she can see a faint light peeking in between her cracked, long, and barren tunnel.


“I’ll be sure to find you.”


Eunbi enthusiastically answers as she hastily wipes her tears and snots away with the hem of her clothes. Her heart is racing again, a strange feeling which she thought already lost in her life. As she is about to end the call, she can hear another reply at the end of the line.


“I’ll be wearing a black cap and white shirt.”


“See you soon then.”


How can she feel so exhilarated after crying like it’s the end of her world just now?


Emotion is such a strange thing for her, but she won’t look back again.


One might say that Eunbi is using this stranger as a rebound, but she didn’t think so. Even though she never saw this person, somehow, she had a familiar feeling upon hearing her voice. As if she heard that voice somewhere in her blurred, distant past.



“Crazy woman.”


Sakura sighed as she slumped her head on the counter of IZ*Café. Today isn’t a great day for her, as she just lost her best friend for life, Lee Chaeyeon. No, it’s not like Chaeyeon is dead or something like that, but the fact that her best friend suddenly married after she just confessed gave a big blow to Sakura. She always fawns over her best friends who are good in everything she does, come it in studying or working or socializing. Chaeyeon aced it all.


They had been such great friends since they were little girls, with Sakura following Chaeyeon wherever the girl went. They were inseparable, just like a pair of twins, some even called them soulmates, the perfect pair, and she believed that they both complement each other. Of course, Chaeyeon is kind towards her; she even comforted Sakura when she lost her bird pet as it was eaten by a stray cat when they were seven.


They were so great for each other, to the point that she can even finish Chaeyeon’s sentence at times. She thought that they had perfect chemistry with each other, that things might stay the same until they grow their white hair. But she was wrong. Things didn’t go through like she thought it ought to be.


For some reason, Chaeyeon grew a pair of sturdy, beautiful wings and flew away from Sakura, who is just static there, rooted to the ground. Even so, she wanted to be happy for her best friend. She just couldn’t let her long-held feelings go just like that. Thus, here she is, sobbing over a cup of oversweet latte, their signature drink whenever they are out for some girls day, in IZ*Café before getting a strange call.


It’s not like she isn’t used to scamming calls, but Sakura didn’t have much energy to deal with them at the moment, and thus, she just cursed whoever at the end of the other line without giving it much thought.


As much as she wanted to end the call, those quivering voices hit her ears, asking for something ridiculous, which made Sakura almost forget her grieve at an instance. Of course, she is petrified when the same person who seems to cry over whatever reason asks to meet her after being cursed!


What an insane woman.


Sakura shakes her head as she is intrigued by this lady. Despite those faltering voices, she somehow can sense some tinge of desperation, hope, and excitement mixed within this alluring voice that sends goosebumps throughout Sakura’s body. She thought, why not give this person a chance?


“If we are fated to meet tonight, then I’ll be waiting for you at IZ*Café.”


If Chaeyeon knew that she agreed to meet a total stranger, that girl would spank her to the point she couldn’t feel her for sure. Well, screw that. Chaeyeon might be too busy to even look after her. She already has such a pretty amazing lady by her side. Damn that Kang heiress, who appeared out of nowhere and snatched Chaeyeon away from her.


She pulled out her cap as she slumped her head on the table as she stared at the pillows of puffy, black clouds formed outside of the window. Judging by those clouds' opacity, Sakura can tell that a storm is coming to this town. Maybe it will be best for her to head home too before it’s too late. She can hear a few chairs inside the café being pushed, accompanied by hurried footsteps. Maybe there are a few people inside here who couldn't afford to be cooped up in this cramped space while waiting for those upcoming storms to subside.


Heavy droplets of rain hit the window as loud, purple thunder roared in the sky, warning for small creatures residing beneath them to take shelter, away from its wreath. How much time has it passed since the last call, the cherry blossoms wondered. Sakura fished her phone from her pocket as she stared at the last log call she had, which just been around five minutes.


It’s just five minutes? I thought I had waited for an hour.


She is lucky because IZ*Café operated for 24 hours, giving Sakura enough boldness to ask for the owner of those beautiful voices to search for her.


“Wait, I don’t think that I mentioned which IZ*Café I’m staying at.”


The realization hit Sakura as she just realized that she didn’t even mention which IZ*Café she is staying at, considering that there are around 25 franchises in Seoul alone. She reached her phone and almost hit the dial but abruptly stopped as she stared into the dark, distant sky.


Well, if we are meant to meet, then we’ll eventually see each other.


She slides her phone back into her pocket as she scoffs at herself. Why would she fluster just now? Is she that desperate and lonely, longing for a company just now?


Heck no.


Sakura softly knocked that wide, flawless forehead of hers as she rummaged through the printed tote bag, searching for her favorite portable game console. She thought that it might be nice to wait for this unknown lady while playing some games.


As she is too immersed in her own world, she suddenly feels someone is standing beside her, which makes her heart race. She didn’t know why she hesitates, turning her head towards the person who is patiently standing at the table's side, silently staring at her.


Ugh, what should I do? Gosh, what is this thumping inside my chest?


Before gathering her little courage and glance towards the person who is still waiting for Sakura to make eye contact, she took a big gulp. Something deflated within herself as she saw a waitress standing as she offered a wide grin at Sakura.


The girl with a white shirt then realized that she had spent more than two hours waiting for the unknown girl and her latte had already finished long ago. Feeling guilty for taking the space in this café and just ordering a latte cup, Sakura thought that she should be heading back.


Maybe, she’s just a bit disappointed after not meeting the crying girl over the line, but oh well. Maybe their fate stopped just at that abrupt call, ending whatever useless thought Sakura had just now. She put on her black cap in reverse before stuffing her belongings inside her white bag hurriedly, trying to leave the café as soon as she could.




The sound of the doorbell suddenly attracted her attention away from walking back home. She is unsure why her heart is racing upon seeing a woman drenched by the rain, panting inside the café. Those beautiful wavy, long hair looks like a mess as it is tangled and covered the woman’s face, who is now wiping away that dripping water from her body.


“Give me two cup of hot chocolate please.”


She dropped her bag on the table and pulled out her hand towel, making her way towards that woman. Even though she didn’t have any basis behind her assumption, she is sure that this woman called her about two hours ago. She can feel her hand trembles as she stepped in front of the woman while handing over her hand towel, trying her best to appear as normal as possible while saying, “Here, take this. You look so wet.”




Eunbi couldn’t think straight as she dashed out from her home. As soon as she is about to step outside, she can feel the rain pouring heavier than before, but she ignored that.


Grabbing a red polka dot umbrella, she started running towards the nearby IZ*Café to meet the peculiar girl who agreed to meet her. This timid heart of hers is begging for Eunbi to stop doing something crazy like meeting a stranger over a phone call, but she disregards that feeling. Not even a thunderstorm can stop her at this moment. She doesn't want to dwell over her heartbreak just yet, maybe saving that for later.


She scooted herself into the cafeteria, stirring the waiter with a cold shoulder, scanning for certain criteria in her mind as the pair of dark chocolate eyes of her work like a hawk.




There’s no one inside the café wearing a black cap and a white shirt, making Eunbi bow her head towards the waiter before running outside again. How come she feels exhilarated over her little hunt to meet an unknown stranger? It’s like her heart is screaming for her to act fast and find this fascinating woman who makes her heartbeat loud again.


“Shoot, there’s like 25 IZ*café around here, can I find her in time?”


She heaved a sigh as she came out from the sixth café, battered after running like crazy, catching buses and heading towards her target place. She couldn’t be sure if this water-soaked all over her body is due to her sweating too much, or is it the rain.


Her sore legs begged her to take a break, and she did, briefly. While panting heavily, Eunbi took out her phone from her leather bag and surprised upon finding out that she’s out searching for something undefined for almost two whole hours!


As much as she wants to find this person who tugged her heart, she knows that she is already at her limit. Thus, Eunbi took a deep breath and told herself, “This will be the last. If I didn’t see her tonight, then it’s just like she says, maybe we are not fated to know each other.”


Clenching her sturdy, small fist, Eunbi resumes her journey towards the last pit stop for today. However, unlike the other café, her heart suddenly beat out of rhythm, giving out some tingling sense which stunned her whole body.


Is this the place?


She pushed aside those glass doors while wheezing for breath as she wiped away those rains from her. She couldn't even see someone coming close to her until she heard a stammered yet soft voice spoke to her while holding a towel.


“Here, take this. You look so wet.”


Her crazy heartbeat suddenly stopped upon seeing a chiseled face with those lustrous doe-like eyes, which looked a little bit puffy and offered her a hand towel. She stares at the girl’s cap, black, and stealing a glance at the shirt, finding out that it’s white.


A winning smile crept on her face as she gently received those kind gestures by a bedazzled girl who looked perplexed for some reason. She dried her hair for a bit as she thought about using the restroom to dry off herself properly after this. Still, before that, she stared at the girl while offering the widest grin she ever had.


“Hi, I’m Kwon Eunbi. It seems like we are fated to meet each other, huh?”


“Ah, I’m Sakura. Miyawaki Sakura.”


“I know that this sounds rude but can I use the toilet first? It’s kinda cold being in this state.”


Offering an apologetic smile, Eunbi excused herself after the girl just stood there just like a statue while staring at her with a wide-open mouth. She takes it as a yes before trotting towards the toilet, leaving behind Sakura, who is too stunned at the front door of IZ*Café.




Holy shot, this is one fine woman all right.


Sakura couldn’t actually hear quite clearly what Eunbi said just now as she is too preoccupied seeing those hidden beauties under that drenched hair. She is petrified upon seeing that smile on Eunbi’s face, which invites some warm feeling inside her numb soul.


Adjusting her cap as she puffed her cheeks, Sakura moved towards her table. Two cups of hot chocolate were already there, waiting to be devoured by Sakura and Eunbi.


Maybe waiting for her is worth it, after all.


Tapping her fingers on the glass window, Sakura nervously waits for Eunbi to come and join her at the table. Her grieve from before just evaporated into thin air as soon as she landed her eyes on Eunbi. Call her being cheesy or sappy, or whatnot, but Sakura can sense something that warms her heart upon her gaze glides with Eunbi.


Isn’t it too absurd for Sakura to admit that she feels some zing with Eunbi although they barely meet for 30 seconds?


Her little thought was interrupted as she sees Eunbi emerge from the restroom and is searching for her. Extending her hand in the air, Sakura waved at Eunbi, which somehow looked so radiant compared to before. The girl who donned a simple yellow sweatshirt and jeans with her red high-cut sneakers waddles towards Sakura. 


The cherry blossom noticed that Eunbi is shivering while walking from the restroom just now. Sakura did not think twice as she pulled her gray hoodie out of the bag and offered IT to Eunbi, who looked equally gorgeous and surprised.


“Thank you. It’s sweet of you to give me this.”


“Don’t mind it. You look like you need a couple more layers than I do.”


Gosh, she never heard such angelic chuckles the entire of her life as Eunbi covered , hiding her perfectly creased nose from Sakura’s view. She has already lost count of how much she gulped after seeing Eunbi, but Sakura knows that she must play it cool. She mustn’t appear eager, or she might scare Eunbi out. To hide her nervousness, Sakura held up her cup and sips those hot chocolates, pumping a round of serotonin inside her system, making Sakura a tiny bit braver from before.


“Tough night, eh?”


“You bet. Never had it rougher than this, minus those times where I’m almost being homeless for missing paying my rent.”


“Really? Wow, you’re a tough cookie. A rare breed I must say.”


“Enough abo

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Sakura1207 #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Now its midnight and im crying because of this🥲🥲🥲its so impressing… but i am happy again since i found its he😇😇😇 i love it so much and thank u authornim
Reader46 #2
Chapter 36: I enjoyed this so much that i dont have words to say. I mean I'm out of words, i cant think that well now but i like this. A lot. My brain is full of it.
Youre good and this is good and its just a whole 9k words of fun. I'm glad a friend told me to read it because then i wouldnt get to experience this. Thank you for this amazing os.
violentsushi #3
Chapter 35: is the reason love for eunbi keeping zombie kkura hostage? i kinda have a feeling like it might be something darker than that, maybe an obsession. this was painful, i'm not sure what i expected reading a zombie fic. i feel like those rarely ever have a happy ending.
violentsushi #4
Chapter 36: ahhh, i love this one. thank you for writing this authornim, i'm very surprise you wrote a kkubi. although knowing you were the one who wrote this, i have a suspicion you wrote this while thinking of sakukaeun. 😛 while this was very good, i wish i had a longer slow burn.
violentsushi #5
Chapter 37: reading the final version, it a lot more polished than the draft. the beginning was less confusing, and we get to know more about eunbi. and the confrontation between kkura with the chief of the kempeitai is understandable this time, i still remember asking who mizawaki was. i mention it before but i really like this os, so thank you very much for writing this. that ending still make me cry again. and i know it took a lot of your time to write it, but some people in the comments are asking for a sequel so... 😁
Chapter 9: it's eunbi....
Chapter 19: oh my ;~; if only their parents told her in the beginning... they could met between the last decade ;~;
Chapter 5: luckily eunbi didnt mind with mint-choco lol
1761 streak #9
Chapter 38: congratulations!!!! and great job to all the authornims!!!!!!!
Chapter 38: maru-chan number 1! xD