Chapter 34: From Heaven to Hell

Phoenix Aurora (Got7 Jinyoung X OC)


A few hours after the sun rose, a cloaked figure walked slowly down the street, a bag of roasted chestnuts in her hand. A soft sigh escaped Soyoung’s lips as she walked along, her eyes slipping on instinct over the various people on the street. The streets were beginning to grow busier as the sun rose higher in the sky, the sounds of loud chatter filling the air. Soyoung barely heard any of what the shopkeepers were saying as she walked back to the inn where she was staying though. Her mind was instead filled with the words she had heard from the various physicians she had visited that morning. She had gone to more than one just to be sure, but all of them had come to the same conclusion.


“Congratulations, my lady. You are about two months pregnant.”


The words echoed in Soyoung’s mind as she wandered down the street, pulling the corners of her lips down into a pensive frown. 


Another child…


Given any other circumstances, Soyoung wouldn’t have felt so conflicted. But she knew very well that even with the evidence in her hands, there was still a long road ahead to removing her uncle and uprooting his influence in her court. It simply wasn’t the right time to be carrying a child, and yet…


Soyoung sighed again as she stopped in front of the inn, her hand wandering to her abdomen as she gave it an absentminded pat.


I’m sorry for having such thoughts, little one. It’s not that I don’t want you, you just had to come at such an inconvenient time.


“Mama!” The young empress looked up as a familiar little voice called out to her, a small smile crossing her face as Jinwoo tumbled out of the inn and ran into her embrace.


“You’re up early.” Soyoung murmured softly as she patted her son on the back of the head. 


“Because Mama not here!” Jinwoo answered, “Papa unhappy.” 


“Oh?” Soyoung answered with a soft laugh, “And where’s your papa?” 


“Soyoung!” Jinyoung’s voice told her the answer before Jinwoo could answer, and she looked up to see her husband standing in the doorway with his arms crossed.


“Husband.” She greeted with a small smile, picking up Jinwoo before walking over to Jinyoung.


“Where have you been?” Jinyoung demanded, “You’ve been gone all morning!” Soyoung chuckled and handed him her bag of roasted chestnuts.


“I left a note, didn’t I?” She said, “I said I was going for a walk.”


“For several hours since early morning?” Jinyoung demanded, “Don’t be ridiculous. Don’t you know how worried I was?” Soyoung smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.


“I’m sorry.” She murmured, “I was wrong.” Jinyoung sighed, her kiss seeming to melt away a little of his displeasure. 


“Don’t do that again, alright?” He said with a little huff. Soyoung laughed again and kissed his other cheek.


“You’re such a nag.” She teased as she plunked Jinwoo into his arms. 


“Only for you.” Jinyoung answered, a petulant pout on his face. Soyoung laughed and gave him a light shove.


“Alright, let’s get going.” She said, “I’m hungry.”



For several days, Soyoung mulled over how to break the news to Jinyoung while mentally adjusting her plans against Jang Jaewon for the growing child in her belly. As they had planned, their trip continued on to other cities in order to hide the true reason Soyoung had taken a trip out of the imperial capital. Finally, a few weeks later, after arriving in the next city, Soyoung decided it was time. While they were strolling along the marketplace, Soyoung bought a new toy for Jinwoo and secretly bought an extra baby rattle at the same time. After lunch, she took Jinyoung into their room and sent the guards away from their room. 


“Is something wrong?” Jinyoung asked, “You’re being awfully mysterious.” Soyoung sighed, the words seeming to clam up in as she struggled to break the news to her husband. It was a strangely nerve wracking thing to do; the first time around, there hadn’t been a need to tell him, and telling her husband was completely different from announcing her pregnancy to the nobles. For someone who had spent countless hours on the battlefield, Soyoung had to admit this was likely one of the hardest things she had to do.


“Take your time.” Jinyoung murmured softly as he took her hands and sat her down on the bed. Soyoung gazed at her husband and sighed softly as she lightly brushed a hand over his cheek.


“You’re too perfect.” She said softly, “So much that I feel bad sometimes, for all that I’ve done and hesitated over.” Jinyoung chuckled.


“You’re being strange, Young-ah. What’s going on?” He asked, turning his head slightly to kiss her palm. Soyoung took a deep breath and reached into her pocket to pull out the baby rattle. Jinyoung frowned in confusion as she placed it into his hand.


“But Young-ah, Jinwoo is too old for these things now.” He said, “Why did you…?” His voice trailed off slightly as he looked at his wife hesitantly, a light seeming to dawn in his eyes.


“Wait a moment.” He said, “Don’t tell me…are you…?” Soyoung swallowed hard and nodded as she took Jinyoung’s hand and lightly pressed it against her abdomen. 


“Just about three months now.” She answered softly. Jinyoung’s eyes widened, his lips moving silently as he stared at his hand.


“Are you sure?” He asked. Soyoung nodded.


“I went to several physicians just to be sure.” She answered, “They were all locals at the last city who have no imperial connections. They had no reason to lie to me.” Jinyoung’s lips parted slightly, a laugh of disbelief breaking free as he pulled Soyoung into a hug.


“I should have guessed!” He exclaimed, “This is wonderful! Jinwoo will have a sibling now!” When Soyoung didn’t respond, Jinyoung pulled away and lightly put a hand on her cheek.


“What’s wrong?” He asked, “You don’t look very happy.” Soyoung shook her head.


“No, I’m happy to have another child with you.” She said, “Jinwoo is getting older and will need siblings to play with too. But with all that’s going on, I’m…I’m worried. When I carried Jinwoo, my opponents didn’t plot against him as much because they thought they had won by removing you from my side. Even then, there were still dangers. But now, after we return to the capital, the next step will be to remove my uncle and his power from court. And in that upheaval, an unborn child will be the easiest target.” Soyoung swallowed hard again.


“...I’m afraid.” She finally said. Those two words weren’t something that she said very often, but this time, it was true. Jinyoung’s expression softened as he took her hands and kissed them gently.


“I understand.” He said softly, “And I’m not going to try and convince you the danger isn’t there. But Soyoung, since this child has decided to come to us now, I’m sure there is a good reason for its arrival. As the child’s parents, what we can and should do now is look forward to and prepare for its arrival the best that we can. As for those who are against us, I will always be by your side and protect you, the baby, and Jinwoo for as long as I can.” Jinyoung smiled warmly and lightly pressed at Soyoung’s furrowed brow.


“Instead of focusing entirely on the dangers, why not focus more on the positive aspects instead?” He continued, “For example, how I’ll be by your side this time.” Soyoung gazed at Jinyoung for a long moment, tears suddenly filling her eyes.


“Why do you always know the right things to say?” She muttered, rubbing at her eyes in vain. Jinyoung chuckled and gave her a gentle hug.


“Because we are a match made in heaven.” He answered softly, “And I’ll always be here for you when you need me.” Soyoung felt her heart lighten as she returned the hug, and the imperial couple sat quietly in each other’s arms for a long while. Then, Jinyoung spoke again.


“Do you think it’s a boy or a girl this time?” He mused. Soyoung thought for a moment before answering.


“I hope it’s a girl.” She answered, “A girl that I can teach how to fight on the battlefield.” Jinyoung’s eyes widened slightly in surprise before he laughed slightly.


“If that’s what you’d like, my love.” He answered. Soyoung chuckled and placed both their hands on her growing abdomen. 


“Just kidding.” She added, “Even if it’s a girl that only likes the feminine arts, I will still love her.” Jinyoung smiled and leaned down to kiss Soyoung’s stomach, sending light flutters through her body. 


“Little one, be good to your mother and grow up strong and healthy in there.” He said, “We can’t wait to meet you.” Soyoung chuckled.


“Do you think the child can hear you that soon?” She asked, “It’s only three months.” Jinyoung shrugged.


“I’m not sure.” He said, “But it wouldn’t hurt to try!” A mischievous look filled his eyes.


“Should I start reading poems to the baby?” He proposed, “Perhaps it will spark their interest in poetry early!” 


“Jinyoung!” Soyoung laughed as she hit his arm lightly, “I already don’t understand many of the things you say! Do you want our child to be spouting old sayings to me all the time as soon as they can talk?” Jinyoung shrugged again.


“I wouldn’t mind.” Soyoung laughed as she leaned in and kissed him, effectively shutting off any other ideas the prince had in mind. Jinyoung laughed but returned the kiss, already used to his wife’s habits.


“But Soyoung.” He said after they pulled away, “Are you sure it’s only three months along? Your belly feels bigger than that.” Soyoung frowned as she ran a hand over her stomach. Jinyoung had a point; she did feel bigger than she had been when she had been three months along with Jinwoo. But still, it was unlikely that all the physicians had been wrong on timing. 


“Perhaps I’ve been having too many snacks?” She mused with a shrug, “This child is simply growing more than Jinwoo was then.” Jinyoung chuckled.


“Perhaps I should start restricting your sweets.” He teased. Soyoung frowned and hit him lightly on the arm again.


“Do not even think about it!”


The remaining three months of Soyoung and Jinyoung’s trip passed by uneventfully, with the exception of Jinyoung’s protectiveness over Soyoung and Jinwoo’s boundless curiosity that sometimes got him into a little trouble the moment Soyoung turned her back for just a second. Soyoung’s pregnancy became an open secret among the imperial caravan, but it was well understood among every member that no one was to say a word about it to anyone outside of their group. Eunseong kept a close eye on his sister, and for what it was worth, Soyoung found this pregnancy far more calming than the last one. Jinyoung being by her side did wonders, and her husband was more than happy to satisfy her late night cravings or give her a gentle hug when her emotions decided to run wild. Sometimes at night, Soyoung would lie on her back while Jinyoung sang to the baby in her belly, and sometimes Jinwoo would join in as well. The little prince didn’t entirely understand what was happening yet, but he knew enough to know he was getting a baby brother or sister before long. The little boy would sometimes talk to the child, rambling on about his plans to play with his sibling after it was born, drawing a warm smile to Soyoung’s face. 


The trip came to an end all too soon, and Soyoung sighed as she realized she would have to return to the political battles she had long grown both accustomed to and tired of. 


“Shall we take another trip after things are settled at court?” Jinyoung asked as he packed his books, seeming to read Soyoung’s thoughts. Soyoung laughed softly.


“Perhaps in another year or so.” She answered, “I don’t want to leave this child alone too early, and Jinwoo will have to get an official tutor soon. It’s going to get harder to go on long trips like this.” Jinyoung smiled and walked over to pick up another book.


“Whenever you want to go, just say the word.” He promised, “I’ll always go with you.” Soyoung grinned and pulled Jinyoung in for a kiss.


“Thank you, love.” She murmured softly. Jinyoung leaned in for another kiss, but was cut off as the baby gave a sharp kick just as Jinyoung was leaning slightly against Soyoung’s stomach. Jinyoung fell back dramatically, one hand over his chest, drawing a laugh from Soyoung.


“Baby, are you jealous?” She mused, running a hand over her swollen stomach, “You have to let Papa give Mama kisses too, you know.” Jinyoung huffed.


“This child is going to interrupt our alone time in the future, I just know it.” He grumbled. Soyoung laughed.


“Why Jinyoung, are you throwing a fit because of a baby?” She teased. Jinyoung pouted and leaned in towards Soyoung again, only to get another kick.


“See!” He grumbled, “I’m your papa, you know!” He poked a finger at Soyoung’s belly, getting a fist nudge from inside in return. 


“I can’t believe you’re arguing with an unborn baby.” Soyoung said with a laugh, “Who would’ve imagined!” She rubbed a hand gently over her stomach.


“You have to be nice to your papa, okay?” She scolded lightly, “He sings you lullabies every night.” The baby responded with a flutter of movement, making Soyoung flinch as the breath was pushed out of her lungs from the rush of movement. 


“It’s so active.” She mused breathlessly, lightly patting her stomach to calm the child, “Jinwoo never moved around this much.”


“A little warrior in the making.” Jinyoung grumbled. Soyoung chuckled and pulled Jinyoung in for a few kisses.


“Is that better?” She asked with a smile. Jinyoung wrinkled his nose, but Soyoung could tell that he was trying hard to suppress a smile.


“A little.” He finally said reluctantly. Soyoung chuckled and gave him a light push towards their belongings.


“Go and finish packing then.” She said, “Eunseong will be here to check on me soon.” A knock on the door came a few seconds later, followed by Eunseong’s voice.


“Sister, are you inside?” He called.


“Come in!” Soyoung answered. The Grand Prince came in with his box of medical supplies as always, his usual questions rattling off his tongue before he even sat down. Soyoung merely smiled and answered the same way she always did, stretching out her hand for Eunseong to take her pulse as always the moment he finished with his questions. Eunseong’s slender fingers rested lightly over her wrist, and Soyoung waited for his usual report that the child was healthy or she needed to eat more of a particular food or something similar to it. The words didn’t come though, and Soyoung looked curiously at her brother as she watched a frown deepen on his soft features. 


“Eunseong?” She prodded, “What is it?” 


“Your other hand.” Eunseong said, his tone unusually serious. Soyoung felt increasingly confused, but gave him the other hand as he had asked. After taking her pulse on the other hand, Eunseong blew out his breath slowly, a strange look on his face.


“Brother-in-law.” He said, “Can you step out for a moment?” Soyoung and Jinyoung exchanged confused glances, but Jinyoung did as Eunseong had asked. Soyoung raised an eyebrow after she heard Jinyoung’s footsteps fade away.


“What is it, Eunseong?” She asked as her brother led her to the bed. Eunseong’s gentle hands lightly prodded her belly as she leaned back against the pillows, a worried look on his face. The prince didn’t answer, instead reaching up to press two fingers against Soyoung’s neck.


“Jang Eunseong!” Soyoung finally said, “Say something!” Eunseong took a deep breath as he finally sat back.


“There’s two things, Sister.” He said, “You’ll have to listen very carefully as I say each one.” Soyoung nodded, perplexed by the serious look on her brother’s face. 


“First.” Eunseong said slowly, “I suspect that you are carrying twins.” Soyoung’s jaw dropped.


“Are you sure?” She asked, and Eunseong nodded as he took her hand.


“Judging by your pulse, the current size of your womb, and what I can feel here,” He said as he lightly pressed Soyoung’s hand against two different parts of her belly, “There’s a high likelihood that there’s two babies.” Soyoung swallowed hard as she took in the news.




It wasn’t completely impossible, given that she herself was a twin. But knowing that and knowing that she was pregnant with twins was an entire thing altogether.


“Alright.” She finally said with a slight nod, “And the second thing?” Eunseong’s expression darkened at the question.


“And the second thing is…”


Jinyoung felt himself grow increasingly worried as no one came to call him back to the room where Soyoung and Eunseong were talking. His mind raced with the different possibilities of what could be happening, from the simplest explanation to the worst. Eunseong’s examinations were usually relatively calm events; Soyoung had been healthy for the entire time, and there were never any indications that something was wrong with the baby. What had he noticed this time that warranted Jinyoung leaving the room? When a maid finally came to get Jinyoung, he ran ahead of the young girl, so quickly that he was out of breath by the time he sprinted up the stairs and threw open the doors to the bedroom.


“Yeobo!” Soyoung was sitting in the same spot as he had left her, and Jinyoung quickly scanned his wife for anything that was amiss as he rushed to her side. 


“What’s wrong?” He demanded, “Why did Eunseong send me out of the room? What did he say?” Soyoung’s face was serious as she turned to look at Jinyoung. 


“Darling.” She said quietly as she took Jinyoung’s hands, “You’re going to have to listen to me very, very carefully to what I’m about to tell you, alright?” Jinyoung’s heart pounded in his chest as he nodded. Soyoung took a deep breath before speaking.


“You see.” She said, taking Jinyoung’s hands and placing them on her swollen stomach, “I’m carrying two babies.” Jinyoung froze, his mind whirling slightly as he worked slowly through what Soyoung was saying.


Two babies…?


“...Twins?” He finally said, sounding dumbfounded, “You’re pregnant with twins?” Soyoung smiled faintly and nodded.


“So, my love,” She continued, “You’re going to have a lot more extra work on your hands than you originally thought in a few months.” Jinyoung’s eyes widened as the news fully sank in, a broad smile crossing his face.


“That…that is marvelous!” He said in wonder, “I…I can’t believe it! Soyoung, that is wonderful news!” Soyoung’s smile brightened as she tightened her grasp around Jinyoung’s hands.


“It is, isn’t it?” She said, “But it also means twice the work. It will be much harder than it was with Jinwoo.” Jinyoung grinned and shook his head.


“I don’t mind!” He exclaimed as he pulled her into a hug, “I don’t mind at all! Is that all Eunseong had to say to you? He could have said that in front of me!” Soyoung laughed softly and patted him on the back.


“Yes, that’s all it was.” She answered. 


“I should tell Jinwoo!” Jinyoung declared, “I bet he’ll be so happy to know he’ll have two baby siblings!” Jinyoung bolted out the door in excitement before Soyoung could even respond, a happy laugh escaping his lips again as he ran off to where his son was playing outside.


The smile slipped from Soyoung’s face as she listened to Jinyoung’s footsteps fade away, a few sigh escaping her lips.


Forgive me, Jinyoung. 



It took about another month to return to the imperial palace, and by the time they arrived home, Soyoung was ready to fall into bed and not move for a full week. Traveling in general was exhausting; traveling while heavily pregnant with twins, with a toddler in tow, and a mind full of political battles to be fought upon return was a completely different level of exhaustion. Much as she only wanted to rest though, work always came first. A few days after her return, Soyoung summoned all the court officials to the palace and ordered that her uncle be brought from his manor as a criminal. Still, despite her order, Jang Jaewon walked into the main hall with his chin held high, a proud look on his face. The guards pushed at him to kneel, but the proud man defiantly refused.


“Leave it.” Soyoung said as the guards attempted to force him to kneel again, “This won’t take long anyway.” The guards took their leave, and Jang Jaewon smirked. It seemed that with Soyoung’s move to arrest one of his closest servants and put him under house arrest, he had decided to throw away even the act of decorum in front of the empress. 


“Your Majesty.” He sneered with a bow, “What task have you decided to give me today?”


“How rude.” Jinyoung muttered. Soyoung smiled calmly, folding her hands in front of her.


“Grand Preceptor, do you admit to your crimes of killing the previous emperor?” She stated, drawing shocked whispers from the gathered court officials. A brief look of surprise flitted across Jang Jaewon’s eyes, but it was quickly replaced by nonchalance. 


“Your Majesty.” He said calmly, almost jokingly, “I know your father’s death caused many issues after his passing, but everyone knows the previous emperor died of an illness. You cannot accuse someone who has been nothing besides a loyal servant of the court in all these years.”


“Oh?” Soyoung reached down to her desk and picked up one of the letters she had received from her aunt.


“Then, shall I read this letter to the entire court?” She offered, turning the letter so he could see the signet ring mark on the broken flap, “I’m sure everyone is very curious about what a prince of the empire had to say to his brother’s imperial consort.” The color drained slightly from Jang Jaewon’s face, and Soyoung smirked as she opened the letter and began to read, drawing out every word for effect. The letter Soyoung had chosen was the one that not only made clear the hidden relationship between Consort Qi and the Grand Preceptor, but also spoke of the plot against the previous emperor’s life. The rest of the color drained from Jang Jaewon’s face, and the murmuring among the court officials grew louder as Soyoung finished reading the letter.


“And as it just so happens, the herb mentioned in the letter creates effects that make the victim look like they died from an illness. So, Grand Preceptor?” Soyoung said, folding up the letter peacefully, “What do you have to say for yourself?”


“Your Majesty, that letter is a fake!” Jang Jaewon exclaimed, “Someone intends to frame me!” Soyoung smirked. 


“And tell me, Grand Preceptor, who would dare to frame you now?” She continued, “You see, I came across a very interesting person during my travels around the empire, and they just so happened to have quite a lot of evidence they had kept for many years in their hands.” Soyoung reached down and picked up the seal for everyone to see.

“I’m sure you recognize this stamp, don’t you?” She asked.


“I…I certainly do not!” Jang Jaewon insisted, but Soyoung could see that his resolve was beginning to waver.


“Oh?” Soyoung answered as she picked up another sheet of paper she had in front of her, “As it so happens, the imperial craftsmen keep records of every item the imperial family has ordered them to make.” She opened the paper with a flick of her finger, letting the sheet fall open right next to the ring’s stamp. Outraged voices began to fill the air as it became clear that the image sketched from the craftsmen’s records was the exact same as the stamp.


“Your Majesty, arrest this criminal immediately!”


“Please heavily punish this criminal who dared to plot against the previous emperor’s life!” 


Soyoung raised a hand to hush the court officials.


“What do you have to say for yourself, Grand Preceptor?” She asked, “Or do I need to bring out your butler to corroborate everything that’s here as well?” To her surprise, Jang Jaewon began to laugh.


“I see, so this is why you went on that trip, didn’t you, Soyoung?” He sneered, “You were looking for ways to get rid of me all along!” Soyoung merely smiled despite the direct slight he had given her by refusing to call her by title.


“Uncle, you brought this on yourself.” She said smoothly, “You could have chosen to live a loyal life, but instead you wanted to take what wasn’t meant to be yours.” 


“So what!” Jang Jaewon’s voice rose angrily, “My useless brother was never suited to be an emperor anyway! I was always better than him, but my father constantly favored my brother instead! The throne always should have been mine!” 


“Let it be decreed!” Soyoung’s voice rose over the commotion that was beginning to take over the main hall, “From today on, the Grand Preceptor is stripped of all rights and titles as a member of the imperial family and demoted to a commoner. He is to be exiled to the furthest corner of the empire and never allowed to enter the capital ever again. Guards, take him away!” 

“Jang Soyoung!” Jang Jaewon sneered as the imperial guards as they closed in on him, “Do you really think you won? This is only the beginning!” A crazed look entered his eyes as the guards began dragging him out of the main hall.


“I curse you, Jang Soyoung!” He shouted angrily, “I curse you and your husband to have a short marriage! I curse your child in your belly, that he will never know a parent’s love and grow up in complete loneliness!” His crazed shouts finally faded away as he was dragged further away from the main hall, and Jinyoung shook his head.


“What a bastard.” He muttered, “A crazy bastard.” 


“Your Majesty, why did you spare his life?” The court officials asked, “With all due respect, that man orchestrated the previous emperor’s death!” Other court officials nodded in agreement.


“Your Majesty, please amend your order!” Several court officials intoned together.


“Enough!” Soyoung said sharply, “I have no intention of changing my order. You are all dismissed!” She rose from the throne without another word, and the court officials could only bow as she swept out of the room with Jinyoung. 


“You did well.” Jinyoung murmured softly as they walked back towards their rooms, “Everything fell into place.” Soyoung turned to look at her husband.


“You seem to have the same question as the court officials did.” She mused, poking at his forehead. Jinyoung chuckled.


“You know me too well, Wife.” He answered. Soyoung sighed and took Jinyoung’s hand in hers as they resumed walking.


“No matter what he has done, my uncle is still a long-standing member of the imperial family.” She said, “And on top of that, his maternal line comes from a historically powerful clan from the eastern part of the empire. If I only executed him but spared the rest of the immediate members of the clan, people would say I’d targeted Jang Jaewon alone and doubt whether he’d actually plotted against my father or not. If I wiped out his maternal clan by reason of association with a traitor, I’d be deemed a cruel tyrant. Stripping him of his status and exiling him forever is the best balance between those two options.” Jinyoung nodded slowly, seeming to understand her thinking. 


“If anyone dares to call you a tyrant, I will shut their mouths immediately!” He declared. Soyoung laughed at the determined look in her husband’s eyes.


“And how do you intend to do that?” She asked. 


“Have Jia’er spread even worse rumors about everyone who spoke so rudely about you!” Jinyoung answered. Soyoung laughed and poked her husband on the nose.


“You’re so silly.” She teased. Jinyoung grinned and kissed her hand.


“One of the many things you like about me.” He answered smoothly. The imperial couple soon arrived at their rooms, putting a stop to their playful banter. Soyoung’s smile faded slightly as she saw a familiar bowl of medicine waiting for her on the table. 


“Jinyoung.” She said, “Can you do me a favor and bring me the records from my library table? I’d like to read them before afternoon court.” Jinyoung nodded and went off to the library, leaving Soyoung alone. Her smile faded completely as she picked up the bowl of steaming medicine and sniffed it carefully before walking over to the other side of the room and opening the window ever so slightly. Taking a careful look to make sure no one was watching, Soyoung poured out half of the bowl of medicine onto the grass below the window before closing the window and downing the rest of the medicine. The babies squirmed inside her as the medicine went down, and Soyoung smiled faintly as she ran a hand over her stomach.


“It’s getting cramped in there, isn’t it?” She murmured, “Just wait a little longer, you’ll be out of there soon.” The babies quickly responded to her voice with a flurry of kicks and punches, knocking the breath out of Soyoung’s lungs.


“Oof.” She grunted, “Easy there, I can feel everything now that you two are bigger. You’re not the only two feeling squished you know. I’m getting a backache as it is!” The babies calmed down as Soyoung rubbed the side of her belly soothingly, and a soft sigh escaped her lips as Soyoung sat down on the couch near the window, her gaze straying thoughtfully to the bowl in her hand.


“Don’t worry little ones,” She murmured to her belly softly, “I will definitely protect you both.”


Soyoung and Jinyoung were kept busy during the next month. With Jang Jaewon gone, Soyoung had to sift through and deal with all the officials he had wrongfully raised to higher positions or had used to his advantage and either punish or demote as she found necessary. On top of it all, the Goryeo king’s birthday was quickly arriving, which meant preparing a litany of gifts for the empress’ father in law. Despite her increasing discomfort and her growing size, Soyoung insisted on taking the lead role in everything. After all, she was not going to let people say that the empress of Yuan was lazy when it came to gifts for her father in law, even when he was the ruler of a vassal state. Even as the empress, some things couldn’t be avoided. Then, a few days before the imperial couple were scheduled to set off for the Goryeo capital, urgent news arrived. 


“Your Majesty!” The attending eunuch rushed into Soyoung’s library in a panic, “Your Majesty, this is terrible!” 


“What is it?” Soyoung demanded as she took in the eunuch’s disheveled appearance.


“One of the soldiers who was sent to the former Grand Preceptor to the exile land has arrived with an emergency message!” The eunuch gasped. 


“Bring him in immediately!” Soyoung ordered. A bloodied soldier barely standing on his feet was helped in by two other eunuchs. Soyoung frowned as the man fell to his knees in front of her.


“What happened?” She demanded, “Who attacked you?” The man was in terrible shape, and he seemed to struggle to say each word.


“Your…Majesty!” He wheezed, “The Grand Preceptor…he escaped! Soldiers came out of nowhere, and before we knew it…!” The man shook his head.


“I am the only one to survive out of all of them!” He gasped. Soyoung frowned as she took in the news. She had a feeling that her uncle would try to escape, but to break away while under the watch of an entire brigade of imperial guards was extremely bold, even for him. But at the same time, if he was able to escape with the help of an entire group of soldiers, then that meant he had long been building military support.


It also meant that he had other thoughts in mind.


“Send an entire battalion of soldiers to search for him immediately!” She ordered, “He must be located at once! And take this soldier away to get medical care immediately!” Several servants rushed to do as she ordered, and Soyoung sighed as she clenched her hand tightly into a fist.


No matter what, I won’t let you win, Jang Jaewon! 




Despite the chaos that broke out with Jang Jaewon’s escape, Soyoung and Jinyoung set off for Goryeo as scheduled. The trip went rather uneventfully, and soon the caravan was arriving in the Goryeo palace. Jinwoo was delighted to be on another trip with his parents so soon, and Soyoung swore his chatter could be heard from a mile away as Jinyoung patiently described his childhood home to his son. They were finally allowed to rest after giving greetings to the king and queen, and Soyoung sighed deeply as she sank into the soft bed that had been prepared for them. Jinyoung chuckled as he sat down behind her to massage her shoulders.


“It’s been hard on you, my love.” He said, “Thank you for coming all this way.” Soyoung smiled and reached up to squeeze his hand. 


“It is your father’s birthday.” She answered, “Of course I had to come. After all, you don’t get many chances to visit Goryeo, and I couldn’t let you come alone. Didn’t you see how happy the king was to see you?” Jinyoung kissed her hand sweetly.


“I think he was more excited to see grandchildren than he was to see me.” He said in amusement. Soyoung laughed.


“That’s true.” She agreed, “He even took Jinwoo into his lap immediately!” She shook her head. 


“If I hadn’t stopped him, our son would have talked to his grandfather until tomorrow night’s banquet!” She declared. Jinyoung laughed. 


“Jinwoo is a clever boy,” he said, “Of course my father likes him.” He moved over and put an ear to Soyoung’s stomach. 


“Have the twins been good?” He asked softly. Soyoung groaned and gave her belly a rueful poke.  


“They’ve been kicking all day.” She complained, “They’re more excited about this trip than the three of us combined!” Jinyoung chuckled as one of the babies gave a punch from inside as if to emphasize the point. 


“Be good, your mother needs energy to enjoy good food tomorrow.” He murmured as he gave Soyoung’s stomach a kiss. Soyoung smiled warmly as she watched Jinyoung interact with their unborn children.


“Jinyoung.” She said suddenly, drawing her husband’s attention, “If anything should happen to me, please take good care of Jinwoo and the twins.” Jinyoung frowned.


“You’re talking nonsense again.” He scolded, “Didn’t we already promise not to say such things after Jinwoo was born? Besides, why would something suddenly happen to you?” Soyoung shook her head and smiled faintly.


“Just…if.” She said quietly, “it’s hard to predict the future after all.” Jinyoung opened his mouth to protest but Soyoung gave him a stern look. 


“Promise me, Jinyoung.” She repeated firmly. Jinyoung sighed, then leaned in to kiss Soyoung gently.


“Alright.” He said, “I promise.” Soyoung smiled and kissed him again. 


“Thank you.” She said softly. 


“Soyoung.” Jinyoung said quietly, “Are you keeping something from me?” Soyoung swallowed hard but shook her head. 


“Of course not.” She answered, “Why would I?” Jinyoung opened his mouth to answer, but Jinwoo’s voice interrupted him before he could say anything.


“Papa, Mama!” The little prince burst into the room, “Look at this!” The little boy ran over with a new toy he had gotten from one of the king’s consorts, and before long, the original conversation had been completely derailed. Still, as Jinyoung looked over at Soyoung’s smiling face, he couldn’t push down the feeling that something was wrong. 


I hope I’m wrong. 




The Goryeo king’s birthday was one of the biggest events of the year, and the entire palace had clearly been determined to show off that fact to the world. The entire palace was lavishly decorated, and performances were held from morning all the way to night. Soyoung wore a purple hanbok to be respectful to her husband’s family, and she had especially ordered the tailors to make a smaller one for Jinwoo to wear. The little prince was easily the star of his grandfather’s birthday banquet. The nobles were completely in love with the lively little boy, and the maids spent the night attempting to keep the little boy in check as his boundless curiosity ran amok. Dinner began smoothly, and as expected, a long parade of elaborate dishes had been prepared for the king’s birthday, which were brought up one by one as the various nobles presented their gifts before their ruler. The guests took a break from dinner during the middle of the night, and the king rose to give a speech.


“I am honored to have all of you at my birthday today.” He said, “I hope you are all enjoying the night. I drink this cup in thanks to all of you.” The nobles bowed as the king drank the cup of wine in front of him, and then they drank a cup of wine in return. 


“May the heavens bless Your Majesty on this gracious day.” They intoned. The wine was refilled, and the king picked up his glass again.


“I drink this second cup to my son, Jinyoung, and his wife, our beautiful Empress.” He said, turning to each person as he spoke, “I thank them both for taking the time out of their busy schedules to come and attend my birthday banquet and to bring such an adorable grandson for me to see.” Jinwoo hopped to his feet as the second exchange of wine was finished.


“Royal Gandpapa!” He declared, “Jinwoo has gift for Gandpapa too!” The king laughed in amusement at the young boy’s bright eyes.


“Oh? What have you prepared for me?” He asked. Jinwoo ran to the center of the room and beamed in delight. 


“Papa teach Jinwoo a poem for Royal Gandpapa!” He answered, “I want to recite it for Gandpapa!” The room was filled with laughter as the king clapped his hands in delight.


“Go ahead!” He declared, “Let’s see what my smart grandson has to recite for me!” Jinyoung smiled as Jinwoo clasped his little hands behind his back and began to recite the poem he had taught him, the perfect imitation of Jinyoung when he stood by the window in the library and read from one of the various books in the room. He had to admit, his son had definitely inherited his taste for literature. He was barely three years old, but he spoke as well as someone at least a year older. He rattled off the poem without missing a beat, and Jinyoung thought Jinwoo would make even the scholars of old proud with the way he recited the words. The room burst into applause as Jinwoo finished, and the boy gave a little bow as Jinyoung had taught him.


“That was marvelous!” The king declared, “As expected of Jinyoung’s son! Tell me Jinwoo, what would you like as a reward?” Jinwoo looked curiously over at Jinyoung, who nodded encouragingly. The little boy thought for a long moment.


“Gandpapa, Jinwoo want a horse!” He declared, “One like Mama’s horse!” The king looked surprised for a moment, then laughed.


“Very well!” He said, “If that is what you want, then you can have the pick of the entire royal stable!” 


“Royal Father, please don’t spoil him.” Jinyoung protested, “He isn’t old enough to ride a horse yet.” 


“Nonsense.” The king waved a hand, “It is only right that a prince starts learning how to ride early! Don’t you all agree?” The nobles nodded in agreement, and Jinwoo looked over at Soyoung with a bright smile on his face.


“Mama!” He called, “Gandpapa said I can have a horse like yours!” Jinyoung looked around his father’s table curiously to where his wife had been seated on the other side as she didn’t respond, and he realized that at some point, Soyoung had turned her head away from the front of the room. 


“Mama?” Jinwoo said again, sounding confused as he started to make his way up the stairs to his mother. 


Then, a sound that Jinyoung would never forget reached his ears from Soyoung’s direction.


A sound of gagging, followed by the horrid sound of a series of wet coughs, and then, the screams of a few maids that were standing near Soyoung.


“The Empress!” The maids screamed in horror. Jinyoung leapt to his feet before his mind could even process what was happening, and within seconds he had rushed to his wife’s side.


“Soyoung-” his voice caught in his throat as he laid eyes on his wife, silencing whatever it was he had been intending to say. Dark red fluid rushed from Soyoung’s mouth and nose as she coughed, her hand doing little to stem the flood despite her best efforts. Jinyoung’s body froze in horror as their eyes met, and for the first time in a long time, he saw pain in his wife’s eyes. 


Something was terribly, terribly wrong. 


“Eunseong…Eunseong!” His voice screamed over the hushed whispers that had begun to take over the banquet hall, “Someone summon the Grand Prince here immediately!” 



Jinyoung paced nervously outside of the room as Eunseong tended to Soyoung, his heart pounding worriedly in his chest. What could have happened? Poison in the food? That was the most likely explanation, but everyone had eaten food cooked by the same group of people from the same pot. It was nearly impossible to poison only Soyoung’s food with that many pairs of eyes watching. Then what else could it be? Soyoung’s previous injuries had long healed, so that wasn’t it either. Jinyoung was drawn out of his thoughts as he felt a little tug on his sleeve, and he looked down to see Jinwoo standing next to him. The little boy’s eyes were wide with fear, his bottom lip trembling as he bit back tears. His chatty voice had died down during the chaos, as if he had noticed that something had gone terribly wrong.


“Papa, is Mama okay?” He asked. Jinyoung felt his heart ache as he knelt down to be eye level with his son. He could only thank the heavens that there had been enough people surrounding Soyoung when everything had happened that Jinwoo hadn’t gotten a good glimpse of what was going on. Whatever had happened, it wasn’t something a young child should see.


“Mama is…” Jinyoung struggled to find an easy way to explain things to his son, “Jinwoo, Mama isn’t feeling very well, so Uncle Eunseong is trying to help her. When we can see Mama, will you give Mama a hug and kiss like how she does it when you’re sick?” Jinwoo nodded solemnly.


“Yes Papa.” He said quietly. Jinyoung gave the little boy a gentle kiss on the forehead.


“Good boy.” He murmured softly. The sound of the room door opening drew his attention, and Jinyoung looked up to see Eunseong standing in the doorway.


“Brother in law, can you come in for a moment?” He said. Jinyoung left Jinwoo in Jaebeom’s care and followed the Grand Prince into the room.


“Soyoung!” He exclaimed in relief as he saw his wife sitting up in bed. Her face was pale but the blood had stopped and she was able to crack a small smile as he appeared. 


“Jinyoung.” She said softly, taking his hands as he rushed to her side.


“What happened?” Jinyoung demanded anxiously, “What’s going on? Are you better now? How are you feeling?” 


“Brother in law, perhaps it’ll be better if I explain the situation.” Eunseong interrupted quietly, “But please stay calm and listen to me, alright?” Jinyoung swallowed down the lump growing in his throat and nodded. Eunseong took a deep breath before speaking. 


“You see,” he said, “My sister has been poisoned.” Jinyoung frowned in confusion at the serious look on Eunseong’s face.


“And?” He prodded, “Soyoung is immune to most poisons by now, isn’t she?” Eunseong bit his lip.


“You see,” he continued, “It is an extremely rare slow acting poison that has been slowly attacking her system for several months now. And on top of that…I don’t know of any antidote for it.” Jinyoung felt his heart drop into the pit of his stomach as he took in Eunseong’s diagnosis.


Extremely rare meant Soyoung hadn’t been exposed to it before.


Not only that, there was no known antidote for it.


“How…?” His voice trailed off as he looked at Soyoung in confusion. The young empress shook her head.


“It was likely in the medicine for nourishing the fetus.” She said softly, “Poisons that rare don’t appear on a silver needle, nor would taste testers feel anything.” Jinyoung’s chest tightened as he forced himself to stay calm.


“And the babies?” He asked, “Have our children been harmed?” Eunseong shook his head.


“This type of poison is designed to attack an adult body.” He answered, “But at the same time, if the mother isn’t treated in time, then…” his voice trailed off but Jinyoung could guess what he hadn’t said. 


“So do you have any ideas on how to treat my wife?” He finally asked, “Surely you didn’t call me in here without one.” Eunseong exchanged a hesitant look with Soyoung before answering. 


“There is one method we can try.” He said, “But you are not going to like it.”


“Tell me.” Jinyoung insisted, and Eunseong sighed.


“Without a clear antidote, the only option we have left is to fight poison with poison.” He said, “But in order to do that, the twins cannot be inside my sister, or else they will be harmed.” Jinyoung nodded slowly. The suggestion made sense; even he had heard of the long-standing practice of strategically using poison to combat poison inside a person’s body.


“There’s something else, isn’t there?” He guessed at the troubled look on Eunseong’s face. Eunseong took a shaking breath.


“I can give my sister medicine to induce labor.” He answered, “The twins are already eight months old so they’re old enough to survive outside of the womb. But if she gives birth now, there’s a risk that the stress it would put on her body would cause the poison’s effects to skyrocket, and then…”


She could die before anyone could react.


Jinyoung found himself shaking his head before he could even process Eunseong’s entire sentence.


“No.” He said, “Absolutely not. We cannot risk Soyoung’s life like that.” 


“Jinyoung.” Soyoung touched his wrist gently, and with a start, Jinyoung realized he was shaking. Despite the situation, Soyoung’s dark eyes were calm.


“It’s alright.” She said gently, “I’ve already decided to take that risk.” 


“No!” Jinyoung’s voice rose, “It’s far too risky! I can’t let you put your life on the line like that!”


“Jinyoung!” Soyoung grabbed both of her husband’s hands.


“Listen to me!” She said firmly, “We only have three paths to take right now! One, do nothing and let all three of us die. Two, save my life at the expense of our children. And three, take the risk and perhaps save all three of us.” She placed his hand on her belly, and Jinyoung swallowed hard as he felt a ripple of movement under his palm.


“These are our children, Jinyoung.” Soyoung said firmly, “I will not be a selfish mother who sacrifices her children to save her own life!” Jinyoung felt himself waver as he gazed at the determined look on Soyoung’s face.


“But it is so risky…” he said quietly, tears filling his eyes. Soyoung reached out and pressed her forehead against his. 


“I promise you, Jinyoung,” she said softly, “We will spend the entirety of our days together until our hair grows white and our vision fades. Even then, I won’t leave your side. I swear.” Jinyoung closed his eyes and took a deep breath. In his heart, he knew that Soyoung was right. There was no other option in front of them.


“Alright.” He finally said shakily, “Let’s try it.”



The twins’ birth was surprisingly smooth, given the circumstances. Soyoung went into active labor within a few hours of taking the medicine from Eunseong, and she promptly drove the maids and Eunseong to an ancillary room as soon as her water broke. By the time she began pushing, only she and Jinyoung were left in the room. Soyoung wrapped her arms around Jinyoung’s neck and shoulders as she gave into each urge, a soft groan escaping her lips as their second child inched towards the outside world. 


“Are you nervous?” Soyoung gasped softly as she finished another push, her gaze falling on Jinyoung’s face. 


“Of course I am.” Jinyoung mumbled as he grasped her hand, “Who wouldn’t be under these circumstances?” Soyoung merely pulled him in for a gentle kiss before going into another long push. 


“What should we name them?” She asked as she fell back breathlessly, “I like the name Jihun, if there is a boy.” In a way, their current positions were rather opposite what they should have been; the laboring woman with her life on the line was attempting to distract her husband while he was a complete nervous wreck. Still, Jinyoung seemed to appreciate and pick up on her attempts to distract him. 


“Ji-hye.” He answered softly, “I hope we have a daughter filled with wisdom, just like her mother.” Soyoung thought for a moment and nodded with a smile.


“Then it’s settled-” She cut off as another contraction wrapped around her belly, her teeth clenching tightly together as she pushed. 


“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this.” She admitted with a breathless laugh. Jinyoung chuckled and kissed her sweetly.


“You don’t have to.” He answered, “Either way, I’ll be with you every time.” Soyoung smiled and hugged her husband, leaning into him slightly as if borrowing his strength. 


“I love you.” She murmured. 


“Do you think our children will ever arrive under normal circumstances?” Jinyoung mused, “They seem to have a knack for bad timing.” Soyoung laughed despite the discomfort she was in.


“They are the children of the most unconventional ruler in history.” She answered, “It’s only natural they have unconventional timing.”


“It was worth a thought.” Jinyoung chuckled.


A new contraction arrived, and Soyoung grunted softly as she bore down. 


“It’s coming!” She gasped, and a few pushes later, a wet baby slipped out of his mother and into his father’s waiting hands. Soyoung barely had time to admire her second son before her contractions began again, and half an hour later, a second baby was pushed out into her mother’s hands and shortly began to wail loudly. Soyoung sank to her knees as Jinyoung handed her their son, and tears filled her eyes as she gazed at her two newborns. The twins were smaller than Jinwoo had been, as expected of babies that had been born early, but despite their earlier arrival their cheeks flushed bright pink with oxygen, and their lusty shouts left no room for doubting their health and survival.


“Thank goodness.” She murmured softly as she nuzzled their wrinkled faces, “Thank you for being born healthy.” Jihun and Ji-hye wailed loudly as if to prove to the entire world that they had beaten the odds, making Soyoung laugh despite her exhaustion. 


“You two are no doubt my children.” She said softly, “You scream as if you rule the world.”


“Well done.” Jinyoung murmured as he kissed her cheeks and forehead, “I’m proud of you.” Soyoung smiled as she gazed at her newborns. 


“They both resemble you.” She noted with a little smile, “Especially Ji-hye.” 


“But they have your temperament.” Jinyoung replied softly, “They will grow up to be wonderful people, I just know it.” The babies and their mother were cleaned up by Eunseong, and at last the dreaded second step of the process had arrived. The swaddled babies were handed to their father, and Jinyoung lingered longingly by the door as Eunseong brought over an ominously colored bowl of medicine. Soyoung’s gaze lingered on Jinyoung and their newborns.


“Jinyoung.” She said at last, “I have one more thing to say.” She held out her hand and Jinyoung returned to her side. Soyoung clenched his arm tightly as she spoke. 


“Should anything happen to me, you must return to the palace to keep things calm.” She said firmly, “Even if I’m not there, the nobles on my side must see that you are alive and well. But even if that happens, you must leave the children here, do you understand? They are too easy of a target in a tumultuous court.” Jinyoung shook his head.


“Soyoung, don’t-“ he began but Soyoung cut him off. 


“This is an order, Prince Consort Jinyoung.” She said firmly. Jinyoung swallowed hard and bowed his head.


“Yes, I understand.” He said quietly. The imperial couple’s gazes lingered on each other until the door closed between them. 


“Soyoung!” Jinyoung shouted so his wife could hear him, “You must survive, do you hear me?” There was no response from inside the room, but Jinyoung knew his wife must have heard him.


“Papa!” Jinwoo ran up to him as Jinyoung slowly made his way down the stairs, “What is that?” Jinyoung smiled and crouched down so Jinwoo could see.


“This is your little brother and sister.” He said softly, “Jihun and Ji-hye.” Jinwoo gazed curiously at the tiny bundles in Jinyoung’s arms before poking Ji-hye’s cheek curiously. The little baby scrunched up her face at the sudden provocation and promptly began to wail angrily. 


“Jinwoo, you can’t do that to your sister yet.” Jinyoung scolded softly, “You have to be very soft with your siblings, okay? They’re still very small.” Jinwoo frowned in confusion at the wailing little baby, but nodded.


“But Papa, where is Mama?” He asked. Jinyoung smiled faintly. 


“Mama will come out soon.” He said, “Just wait a little longer.” The hours seemed to drag on, and all Jinyoung could see were shadows moving back and forth inside Soyoung’s room as Eunseong and his assistants moved about. For a few hours, the very air felt tense as everyone waited for news about the empress. 


Then, as the sun began to rise in the sky, all chaos broke out. 


Loud shouts could suddenly be heard from inside Soyoung’s room, footsteps rushing back and forth where they had been calmly moving about just a few moments earlier. Jinyoung felt his heart skip a beat as he heard Eunseong’s anxious voice rise from inside the room. 


Something’s wrong. 


Then, just as quickly as the chaos had arisen, everything suddenly went silent again. Jinyoung felt his throat to dry as a shadow approached the doorway, and the door opened to reveal Eunseong standing there. The Grand Prince’s face was ashen, and his body sagged as if he had lost all strength in his limbs. Then, slowly, he lifted his head and Jinyoung saw an unusually furious look in his eyes. 


“Men!” He demanded, “Arrest every maid that came with the empress from Khanbaliq!” Soldiers rushed to follow his order, and Jinyoung handed the twins to Jaebeom’s wife before walking up the steps towards Eunseong.


“What’s wrong?” He asked, “Why are the maids getting arrested?” Eunseong’s face was serious. 


“My sister, the empress, is dead.” He said.

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2035 streak #1
Chapter 37: The epilogue was so cute!!! And wow! They have so many kids... LoL... Hyojun leaving again was a bit sad but it's understandable. And the kinda Yi-En's punishment and story was funny. I really enjoyed reading this story. Hope to see you again in your future works. Wishing you good luck!!
2035 streak #2
Chapter 36: I still believe the story has come to an end. I'm still yearning for more! This was such an amazing story. Could even be made a K-drama if you ask me. Although, I do wonder if Yi-En's another consort now since they were legally married. Also, they both never addressed it. So I'm more curious than ever. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read the epilogue. But will be back later to do so ^^
2035 streak #3
Chapter 35: I knew it! I mean that can't be true, y'know with what happened the previous chapter. Poor Jinwoo though! That child was thinking his father was abandoning him. Although it was done for his own safety. I can't wait to see how she makes her reappearance. And also, about being Yi-En's princess consort. Will be back later to read more and catch up ^^
hakimmj #4
Chapter 37: Finally for now they be happy with all their children. Can't wait for more after this. Thanks for the updates! :))
2035 streak #5
Chapter 34: Wait what???? You must be be kidding right? I mean it's a trick for some greater good right? Why do you have to drop this bomb on us while we were all so happy about the way things were going? Anyway, enough of my dramatics, I know! Will definitely be back later to read more and find out what happens herein. So until then, no spoilers please!! ^^
hakimmj #6
Chapter 36: Finally! Their strong love for each other really makes them become stronger. Soyoung finally can reclaim hers and the family. Can't wait for more moments of jinyoung and soyoung with their children. Thanks for the updates;;))
2035 streak #7
Chapter 33: Definitely wasn't expecting the twist about the consort and her role in the chaos. Glad she decided to come clean at least now and that Soyoung took it well. And she's expecting again. That's for sure I think, with all the hint that's you've given us. And I can't wait to see how this develops further. But will be back later to read more ^^
hakimmj #8
Chapter 35: Can't wait to know the identity of the woman. My instinct is so strong for the revival of soyoung. Please make them meet again and be happy:((
hakimmj #9
Chapter 34: Oh my god!! Soyoung :((
I can't believe this. Jinyoung will be so sad for this. Hope to know what happen after this.
hakimmj #10
Chapter 33: Really happy when jinyoung is back and safe. Their moments with the little prince is so sweet, can't wait to read more of their moments. Hopefully soyoung is alright. Thanks for the updates.;)