Chapter 19: Little Fox

Phoenix Aurora (Got7 Jinyoung X OC)



A few days later, Jinyoung


As he had promised, Jinyoung went out of the palace with Hyeyoung a few days later to take her around the marketplace. The young princess seemed fascinated by everything she came across, her eyes lighting up at the slightest thing. Sometimes, she would pick up something she found interesting and turn to show it to Jinyoung with a bright smile on her face. Despite Soyoung’s warnings to him to be careful around Hyeyoung, Jinyoung couldn’t help but find himself smiling as he watched his sister in law wander around the different stalls to try simple snacks or buy little trinkets. Although they were from the same family, he was really beginning to realize that Hyeyoung and Soyoung couldn’t be more different. Hyeyoung was feminine, soft, and demure, all her expression revealing all the emotions she was thinking about. On the contrary, Soyoung was usually tough and firm, carrying a no nonsense approach to everything she did. When she wasn’t around Jinyoung, everything about her radiated a single warning: do not try to get close. Even after all this time, Jinyoung sometimes found it difficult to guess what Soyoung was thinking inside her mind. At the moment, he really was beginning to think that Soyoung had been worrying too much. Hyeyoung seemed like a carefree young woman, spirited in nature but well educated and acted in all the ways that society expected a woman to at just the right times.


“Brother-in-law?” Jinyoung blinked as he found himself staring at a little dog figurine. Hyeyoung giggled softly at his startled reaction.


“Here, a gift for you.” She said, pushing it into his hand. Jinyoung frowned in confusion.


“Why are you giving this to me?” He asked. Hyeyoung smiled.


“It’s a thank you gift for taking me around today.” She replied, “It reminded me of you.” Jinyoung chuckled softly and pocketed the figurine carefully. 


“I did not do much.” He replied, “You are too gracious, Sister-in-law.” Hyeyoung shook her head and smiled again.


“I also made food for our outing today.” She said, pointing at the basket that one of her maids was holding, “I hope you enjoy my cooking, Brother-in-law.” Jinyoung turned in surprise as he looked at the big basket that the maid was holding.


“You made so much?” He noted, “If I eat all that, I won’t have room for dinner tonight.” Hyeyoung giggled. 


“Royal Sister might get angry if that happens.” She replied, “Please save enough room for a meal with her.” Jinyoung smiled. 


“You are a considerate woman, Sister-in-law.” He said, “You know to think about Soyoung’s feelings as well.” Hyeyoung smiled graciously.


“In the end, you are still her husband.” She replied, “My sister was already kind enough to let me stay in the royal palace during this time. The least I could do is consider her feelings while I am borrowing you.” The two royals walked along for a little while longer before sitting down at a restaurant. Jinyoung ordered a few small dishes to go with the food that Hyeyoung had made, and the two chattered casually about books and poetry while they ate. Jinyoung found himself smiling in delight every time he tried each new dish. Although she was a royal, Hyeyoung’s cooking skills had clearly been well refined through years of practice. Each dish was flavored to just the right amount, the meat thoroughly cooked but still tender. Hyeyou had even prepared dessert, a light fruity cake that Jinyoung had never had before. 


“Sister-in-law, you are amazing!” He exclaimed as they finished eating, “I never imagined that a member of the royal family could cook so well!” Hyeyoung blushed at his praise. 


“You are exaggerating, Brother-in-law.” She replied humbly, “My mother was always a good chef, and she was the one who taught me how to make these dishes.” Jinyoung grinned. 


“Your husband is lucky to have a wife who cooks so well.” He replied, “He must yearn for your cooking every day.” Hyeyoung dipped her head slightly, the smile falling off her face. 


“My husband...doesn’t like me very much.” She replied, “So I do not cook for him very often.” Jinyoung frowned.


“But he seems to care for you.” He noted in confusion, “After all, after he and his brother began fighting, he sent you back to the capitol immediately.” Hyeyoung shook her head.


“That was only because I am a princess.” She replied, “He does not dare to let anything happen to me. But otherwise, he barely touches me at all. In fact, he keeps a lover outside.” Jinyoung frowned ever so slightly. 


“Why haven’t you told Soyoung about this instead of telling me?” He asked. Hyeyoung looked up, a startled look on her face.


“I...I’m sorry.” She said softly, ducking her head,  “Royal Sister is always busy, so I did not want to bother her with my matters. And I just feel so comfortable around you, it just came out.” Jinyoung sighed softly as he took in the miserable look on Hyeyoung’s face. For all intents and purposes, it didn’t look like Hyeyoung was lying. 


“Don’t apologize.” He said, “You can tell me whatever you want. Soyoung’s sister is my sister too, after all.” Hyeyoung’s eyes lit up at his response.


“You are so kind, Brother-in-law.” She said, “My sister is lucky to have such a warm hearted husband.” Jinyoung chuckled softly.


“Well, Soyoung isn’t exactly the type that needs protection all the time, so I’m not sure how much my warmth adds to my value as her husband.” He replied, “But I thank you for your praise anyways, Sister-in-law.” Hyeyoung smiled faintly.


“Royal Sister is a very strong woman.” She said, “I wish I could be like her sometimes.” Jinyoung smiled warmly.


“Soyoung is a rare type of woman in this world.” He said, “You have many admirable qualities yourself. There is no need to be like Soyoung.” Hyeyoung looked at him curiously.


“Brother-in-law, if you could choose again, would you choose a woman like me to marry or a woman like Royal Sister?” She asked. Jinyoung blinked in surprise, taken aback by the sudden question. It was a strangely bold question, and one that bordered on questioning the sovereign Empress’ character. When Jinyoung had been younger, he remembered hearing that his father had sentenced a maid to death for gossiping about the King and Queen’s relationship and whether they were a good match for each other.


“Sister-in-law, I would watch your tongue if I were you.” He warned quietly. Hyeyoung clapped a hand lightly over as she realized what she had said.


“I’m sorry.” She said softly, “I was genuinely curious and forgot for a moment.” Jinyoung sighed softly and shook his head reassuringly. 


“Thankfully, I’m the only one here right now.” He replied. Inappropriate as Hyeyoung’s question had been though, Jinyoung found himself pondering over an answer. It wasn’t something that he had thought about before; after all, what was done was done. There was no use in imagining how things could be different.


“I originally thought I would want a wife like you.” He said at last, “After all, that was the way my mother was, as are most noblewomen in Goryeo. But after marrying Soyoung…” Jinyoung tapped a finger lightly against his chin and smiled lightly as he thought of his wife. She was nothing like the soft noblewomen that he had come across in the past. But after spending so much time with her, something just felt right to be married to Jang Soyoung. He chuckled softly.


“I think it’s quite nice to be married to someone like her.” He said, “We’re living pretty well right now, and I can’t imagine living any other way. Besides, there are no “what ifs” in this life.” Hyeyoung gazed at him silently for a long moment, her head tilted slightly as she thought over his answer. Jinyoung raised an eyebrow.


“What is it?” He asked. Hyeyoung smiled faintly.


“Nothing.” She replied, “I was just thinking Royal Sister is very lucky to have chosen a man who loves her as her husband. They say that affection can be cultivated slowly after marriage, but love is an entirely different matter.” Jinyoung’s eyes widened.


“I wouldn’t go so far as to say I love her.” He protested quickly, “We’re just in a comfortable relationship.” 


“How do you know? Have you fallen in love before, Brother-in-law?” Hyeyoung pressed, as if she had seen something in him that he had not. Jinyoung laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck.


“I cannot say I have.” He said, “But I have not considered the question of how I feel about the Empress, nor do I know what love feels like. Do you know, Sister-in-law?” Hyeyoung thought for a moment, then shook her head.


“I must have thought too much, seeing how close you and Royal Sister are.” She replied, “Please forgive my impudence, Brother-in-law.” Jinyoung shook his head.


“No offense taken.” He said, and spooned some food onto her plate.


“Come, eat some more.” He said, switching the topic, “I can’t be the only one eating.” Hyeyoung smiled and nibbled on the offered food obediently. Then, although Jinyoung didn’t notice it, a slight satisfied smirk flickered over the corner of Hyeyoung’s lips before disappearing again, as if it had never been there to start with. 


After they ate, Jinyoung walked along the stalls with Hyeyoung for a little while before his gaze fell on a stand selling hairpins. His fingers trailed lightly among the different pins laid out in front of him before his fingers paused over one decorated in silver and pink flowers. 


“Sister-in-law.” He said, “How about I buy this for you?” Hyeyoung stared at him in surprise.


“What for?” She asked, “I have done nothing to deserve a gift.” Jinyoung grinned.


“This is a return gift for the delicious food you made for me today.” He said, “Do you like it?” Hyeyoung blushed slightly and nodded her head.


“Can you put it on for me?” She asked shyly. Jinyoung smiled and carefully slipped the pin into her hair as she had asked.


“How does it look?” Hyeyoung asked, shaking her head lightly to let the dangling decorations move lightly in the wind. Jinyoung grinned.


“It looks perfect for a lady like you.” He replied. Hyeyoung beamed and curtseyed politely.


“Thank you for the gift.” She said. The stall owner looked over Jinyoung and Hyeyoung as Jinyoung paid for the hairpin.


“Young man, you and your wife are so sweet.” He commented, “You two are a very good match.” Jinyoung blinked in surprise and shook his head furiously.


“You’ve misunderstood!” He exclaimed quickly, “This is my Sister-in-law. I am taking her around the city to visit because it has been a while since she has returned.” He turned his head to Hyeyoung, who was also nodding. The stall owner looked surprised for a moment, then laughed.


“My apologies. You treat your Sister-in-law very well.” He noted. Jinyoung nodded his head politely and then hurried off with Hyeyoung. Before he could address what had just happened, he heard a familiar voice call out to him.


“Jinyoung!” The young prince looked up in surprise to see Wang Jia’er standing a few feet away, his normal bright grin on his face.


“Jia’er!” He exclaimed. His friend beamed as he hurried over to him.


“I didn’t expect to see you out of the palace today! What brings you out here?” Jia’er asked, giving him a light shove, “You didn’t even tell me you were coming outside today!” Jia’er grinned cheekily as he leaned closer to Jinyoung.


“Did you have to escape the palace because your wife was wearing you out with all those responsibilities?” He asked, “I hear you’ve been busy with lots of foreign diplomats.” Jinyoung frowned and shoved his friend away lightly.


“I’m not lazy, unlike you.” He retorted, “I didn’t come outside to slack off today.” Jia’er looked behind him and spotted Hyeyoung, who had ducked behind Jinyoung shyly.


“Who is this pretty young lady?” He asked, “Jinyoung, you didn’t tell me you had met a new lady friend!” Jinyoung frowned and dragged Jia’er a short distance away from Hyeyoung.


“Don’t talk nonsense.” He said firmly, “That is Soyoung’s younger sister, Princess Hyeyoung!” Jia’er looked at him in surprise before frowning in confusion.


“Princess Hyeyoung?” He repeated, “Wasn’t she married off soon after the Empress took the throne? What’s she doing back in the capitol?” Jinyoung sighed and looked over at Hyeyoung, who only smiled back at him.


“It’s a long story.” He replied, “I’ll explain to you another day.” Jia’er’s frown deepened as he looked over at the maid standing behind Hyeyoung who was holding the empty food basket.


“Did the princess...make you food?” He asked. Jinyoung nodded.


“She prepared lunch today.” He replied, “She wanted to take a walk around the capitol and Soyoung said it would be alright.” Jia’er raised an eyebrow.


“And you...ate it?” He asked. Jinyoung frowned.


“Of course.” He said, “I couldn’t let my own Sister-in-law’s efforts go to waste. She is an excellent chef as well.” Jia’er sighed.


“Jinyoung, Jinyoung.” He said, “How could you just go and casually eat another woman’s cooking?” Jinyoung stared at his friend in confusion, and Jia’er sighed.


“Haven’t you heard of that saying before?” He said, “To capture a man’s heart, a woman must first capture his stomach! Why else do you think young ladies are always giving me lunch boxes?” Jinyoung blinked and laughed at the serious look on Jia’er’s face.


“I think you are worrying too much, Jia’er.” He said, “Hyeyoung is already married! And besides, I don’t think Soyoung can cook.” Jia’er sighed.


“It is only natural that the Empress of this entire empire cannot cook.” He replied, “But that does not mean you can go ahead and eat another woman’s cooking! How do you think Her Majesty will react if she finds out about this?” Jinyoung raised an eyebrow.


“I don’t believe my wife to be so petty.” He replied, “And in any event, I don’t think my Sister-in-law had anything other than good intentions in her heart when she prepared food for our little outing today.” Jia’er groaned.


“Very well then.” He said, nodding his head at the pin in Hyeyoung’s hair, “Why did you buy her a gift?” 


“It was a thank you gift for the food.” Jinyoung replied smoothly, “One should always return a gift for a gift.” 


“And you bought one for the Empress too, right?” Jia’er asked. Jinyoung shook his head.


“Soyoung doesn’t care much for things like hairpins.” He replied, “Even if she wanted one, she could have the best craftsmen in the country make several for her with a flick of her finger.” Jia’er sighed.


“You really do not understand a woman’s heart, do you Jinyoung?” He said, “The point is not whether she usually wants or needs one, the point is whether you thought to buy your wife a gift!” As Jinyoung stared at him blankly, Jia’er sighed and patted his friend on the arm.


“In any event, I’d be careful about that princess if I were you.” He warned, “A married woman should not be getting so close to another married man, especially if that person is her brother-in-law. With her status, I’m sure she knows that, and yet she is already trying to curry favor with you as soon as she returns to the capitol.” Jinyoung raised an eyebrow.


“You mean she is trying to get something from me?” He asked. Jia’er cast a quick look over at Hyeyoung, who only smiled innocently and bobbed her head politely.


“I’m not sure.” He admitted, “But if there’s anything I’m not lacking in, it is experience with women. When a woman has already taken steps to act kindly towards a man when he’s barely done anything at all, that usually means she has other motives. You should be careful around her. A woman’s heart is difficult to guess.” Jinyoung cast a look over at Hyeyoung, then back to the serious look on Jia’er’s face. His friend was usually mischievous and playful, and Jinyoung would usually laugh off half of what Jia’er said. But today, the warning look on Jia’er face made Jinyoung pause and wonder for a moment if his friend had seen something he hadn’t. On the other hand though, Jinyoung really couldn’t see Hyeyoung being anything but the kind demure young woman that she had been the entire time she was here.


“I’ll be careful.” He promised simply.


After parting with Jia’er, Hyeyoung and Jinyoung walked around the city until late afternoon, and the maids reminded the two royals they had to return to the palace before the evening meal was served. They returned to the palace with baskets of trinkets and snacks, the sounds of their cheerful voices filling the air as they walked. 


“Brother-in-law, I cannot thank you enough for taking me out to the city today.” Hyeyoung said as they walked, “I have not had so much fun in a long time!” Jinyoung smiled.


“I should be the one thanking you for all your gifts.” He replied smoothly, “And I’m glad I found someone who enjoys the scholarly classics as much as I do.” He reached into his sleeve and pulled out the little dog figurine.


“Besides, you gave me a gift as well, didn’t you?” He added, “I like it very much.” Hyeyoung giggled.


“It really does remind me of you.” She said, poking at the figure lightly, “It’s so cheerful, just like you.” Jinyoung chuckled.


“I will make sure I am always this cheerful around you.” He replied. Hyeyoung’s eyes lit up, and she nodded eagerly. 


“Brother-in-law, will we have the chance to converse again another day?” She asked, “I have so much fun talking with you!” Jinyoung smiled.


“Of course.” He replied, “As long as I am not working, I will always be open to talking with you.” Hyeyoung grinned and bobbed in a little curtsey.


“Then, I will take my leave, Brother-in-law.” She said, and walked off with her maids following closely behind her. Jinyoung watched until she turned the corner, then chuckled and headed towards the royal library. There was still some time left until dinner, and he figured he could get some reading done before he had to join Soyoung. He thought back to the day he had spent with Hyeyoung and their conversations throughout the day, and shook his head. It had only been a day, but he was certain there was no reason to be concerned about the younger princess. She was a simple girl, who only wanted to be loved by her husband and spend her days reading and painting. Surely, Soyoung and Jia’er had been worrying too much.


As Jinyoung disappeared into the royal library, a maid stepped out from behind her hiding place and hurried off towards the Empress’ private library. 




“Your  Majesty, there is a maid outside asking to see you.” Soyoung looked up in surprise at the attending eunuch’s announcement.


“A maid?” She repeated, “One of my maids on duty today?” The eunuch shook his head.


“Her name is Cui’er, she says she works in the seamstress department.” He replied. Soyoung frowned, wondering what a simple maid from the seamstress department needed from her. With Jinyoung’s birthday approaching soon, she had asked the department to begin designing new clothes for him as a present, but she didn’t expect it to be finished yet. In any event, even if they had somehow finished the basic design, it would be the head of the department coming to report rather than a maid. Soyoung shot a look over at Hyojun, but the young guard shook his head, seeming to know no more than she did. Finally, Soyoung tapped her fingers on the table for a few moments before nodding.


“Let her in.” She said, “I’ll see what she has to say.” The eunuch brought in the young maid, who was dressed in the light pastel pink uniform that marked her as a seamstress. 


“May Your Majesty live forever.” She intoned as she bowed deeply with her forehead touching the floor.


“You may rise.” Soyoung replied, “Tell me, why did you suddenly request an audience?” Cui’er hesitated for a moment before replying.


“Your Majesty, when I was returning from picking up new fabric, I came across something that I thought Your Majesty should know about.” She replied, “It has to do with the Prince Consort.” Soyoung raised an eyebrow.


“With Jinyoung?” She said, “Didn’t he go out of the palace today? What did you see?” Cui’er hesitated again, gnawing on her bottom lip nervously.


“I won’t punish you for what you say.” Soyoung added, “So go ahead.” Cui’er took a deep breath and blurted out what she had been hesitating to say.


“I saw His Highness walking with Her Highness Princess Hyeyoung, and the princess said she gave him a dog figurine.” She reported, “The princess said...the princess said the figurine reminded her of the Prince Consort!” Soyoung froze slightly, her fingers pausing on the petition she had been about to flip open. Giving a gift to Jinyoung wasn’t an issue; after all, her husband had spent most of his day with Hyeyoung. But to liken him to a dog...that was an entirely different matter. If someone else heard what she was saying and interpreted it incorrectly...


“Did anyone else see that?” She asked. Cui’er shook her head.


“I did not see anyone else nearby besides the princess’ maids.” She replied. Soyoung nodded, satisfied.


“Before I let you go, Cui’er.” She said, “There is one more thing I’d like to ask. What gave you the bravery to come directly to me and report what you heard? I spared you of guilt this time, but I could have easily done the opposite. Although Hyeyoung has been married out of the palace, she is still one of many masters here. What gave you the bravery to speak of her like this?” Cui’er’s eyes widened, and she quickly bowed deeply.


“Even a lowly maid like me knows how fondly Your Majesty thinks of the Prince Consort!” She exclaimed, “If something unsavory were to get out about the prince, that would certainly affect everyone around him. This servant dare not keep secret something that could prove so important to Your Majesty, even if it puts my own life at risk!” Soyoung sighed softly, her gaze lingering on the young maid for a long moment. Finally, she blew out her breath and leaned back against her chair.


“Very well.” She said, “You may take your leave. Do not speak again of what you heard today, if you’d like to save the head on your shoulders.” Cui’er nodded and bowed once more.


“This servant takes her leave.” She said before leaving Soyoung’s library. Soyoung watched the girl leave, then waved the attending eunuch out the door.


“Your Majesty.” Hyojun said softly, “Do you believe that girl? She could easily be lying.” Soyoung’s gaze lingered on the door as she thought for a few moments over what she had just heard.


“A maid usually wouldn’t risk her life to speak poorly of a master in front of her sovereign.” She noted, “But there’s only one way to find out for sure.” 


“You mean…?” Hyojun’s voice trailed off questioningly. Soyoung nodded.


“Go and summon Hyeyoug here.” She ordered, “I’ll see for myself what she has to say.”


Hyeyoung arrived soon after Soyoung sent a maid to fetch her. She curtseyed politely in front of Soyoung and looked at her sister curiously.


“Royal Sister, what did you need me for?” She asked. Soyoung let her gaze run over her sister carefully before she spoke, taking in the younger princess’ overall demeanor. It was clear that Hyeyoung had enjoyed her day outside with Jinyoung. Despite standing in front of her older sister and sovereign ruler, her cheeks were flushed happily, her eyes glittering with barely faded delight.


“Hyeyoung.” Soyoung said calmly, “I heard that you bought Jinyoung a gift while you were outside today, is that right? What was it?” Hyeyoung smiled and nodded.


“I bought a little figurine for Brother-in-law.” She replied, “It reminded me of him, and I thought I should give him a gift for taking me outside today. But did you hear about that?” Ignoring Hyeyoung’s question, Soyoung responded with a question of her own.


“And I hear it was a dog figurine, am I right?” She continued. Hyeyoung nodded, seeming to be confused.


“Yes, that’s right.’ She replied. Hyeyoung jumped as Soyoung slammed her hand against her desk, her gaze narrowing.


“Kneel down!” She ordered sharply. Although she looked confused, Hyeyoung did as she was told and knelt on the carpeted floor. 


“Royal Sister, what have I done wrong?” She asked. Soyoung sighed deeply.


“Little sister, you said that the Prince Consort of the Yuan empire reminded you of a dog.” She said coldly, “Tell me, do you think of Park Jinyoung as a dog who listens to the beck and call of the Yuan royal family?” Hyeyoung’s eyes widened, and she shook her head furiously.


“That is not what I meant at all, Royal Sister!” She protested, “I only meant that he looked as cheerful as the dog figurine! I never meant to speak poorly of Brother-in-law!” Soyoung’s gaze narrowed again.


“Listen carefully, Hyeyoung.” She said, “Only you know for yourself what it is that you were thinking when you gave him that figurine. But regardless of that, Park Jinyoung is my husband, the person who is second most revered in this country. I do not care if he was born in a vassal state, or if he isn’t the best politician or warrior. I only care that he took my hand in marriage. I will not have anyone speaking poorly of him. You should count yourself lucky that no one seems to have recognized him or you in the city today.” Hyeyoung gulped and dipped her head.


“Yes, Royal Sister.” She said, “I will remember.” 


“The royal palace is full of eyes and ears that are always watching and listening.” Soyoung continued, “One wrong word out of your mouth could spell trouble not only for you but those around you. It seems that you have forgotten that after you were married out of the palace.” Hyeyoung gulped and bowed her head silently. Soyoung sighed and crossed her arms.


“Slap yourself on the mouth.” She ordered, “You’re not allowed to stop until I tell you to. Take this as a lesson to watch what comes out of your mouth from now on, particularly when you are in the palace.” Hyeyoung’s eyes widened. 


“Royal Sister, you want me to slap my own mouth?” She repeated incredulously.


“Do you expect me to do it for you?” Soyoung replied coolly. The punishment was perhaps more severe than necessary, but when it came to this spoiled princess, she wouldn’t learn her lesson if Soyoung wasn’t firm with her. If Soyoung spared her now, there was no telling what she could do in the future. Hyeyoung hesitated, her hands clenching on her knees. While she said nothing, the look on her face told Soyoung all she needed to know. Although she was the one in the wrong, she didn’t want to accept punishment that easily. 


This is the Jang Hyeyoung that I know.


She could act as kind and demure as she wanted, but Soyoung knew better than to believe her that easily. Even though she would allow Jinyoung to draw his own opinions, that didn’t mean Soyoung would not draw her own. Hyeyoung slowly raised her hand and began slapping both sides of , the sound of her palm hitting against soft flesh echoing loudly in the air. At the same time, her gaze lingered on Soyoung even as she carried out her own punishment. The look was one of anger and bitterness, tinged with rebellion. Soyoung let her gaze meet Hyeyoung’s calmly, her hands folded neatly in her lap as she watched her sister slap herself.


I’m not afraid of you.


As the sound of slaps continued inside the Empress’ library, a maid turned from where she had been watching outside of the library and hurried for the royal library.





“Your Highness!” An unfamiliar maid’s voice drew Jinyoung’s attention from the book he had been reading, and he looked up in surprise as a young maid hurried in.


“Aren’t of Sister-in-law’s maids?” He asked, “What brings you here?” The maid had a panicked look in her eyes.


“Your Highness, please save my mistress!” She cried. Jinyoung frowned and closed his book, lowering it to the nearby table with a light tap. 


“Calm down.” He said, “What’s going on? Why do I need to save her? Didn’t she return to her quarters?” The maid shook her head.


“She was going to, but then the Empress called my mistress to her private library!” She replied, “It seems that the princess angered the Empress with what she did during her outing with you today, and Her Majesty ordered my mistress to slap herself on the mouth, and not to stop until she was told to!” The maid fell to her knees in front of Jinyoung.


“Your Highness, my lady is a delicate young woman!” She cried, “She’s never experienced punishment like this before in her entire life!” Jinyoung stared at the maid in surprise, Jia’er’s warning from earlier that day flashing through his mind.Had Soyoung heard about Jinyoung eating Hyeyoung’s food already? Soyoung had always been firm when it came to punishments, but she always doled out punishments that matched what the person had done wrong. Surely, she wouldn’t have ordered Hyeyoung to slap herself just for something so trivial. 


“I’ll go take a look.” He said, and hurried off towards Soyoung’s private library.


As Jinyoung approached the Empress’ personal library, he could hear the sound of slapping from inside, paired with the cries of another maid.


“Your Majesty, please call off the punishment! You may punish this servant instead!” The maid cried. Pushing open the library doors, Jinyoung took in the scene inside. Soyoung was sitting at her desk with Hyojun standing faithfully  next to her, her gaze cold as she gazed at the person kneeling on the floor in front of her. The person on the ground was Hyeyoung, who was currently alternating between slapping either side of . It was clear that the punishment had been going on for some time; Hyeyoung’s cheeks were flushed red from constant assault on the soft skin around , and her palms had turned a raw pink as well. Soyoung’s gaze fell on Jinyoung as he entered, a slight flicker of surprise crossing her face.


“What are you doing here?” She asked. Jinyoung swallowed hard as he looked down at Hyeyoung. 


“I…I heard you had punished Sister-in-law.” He replied, “I came to see what was going on.” Soyoung extended a hand towards her sister.


“As you can see, her punishment is to slap herself on the mouth until I say she can stop.” She replied calmly. Hyeyoung looked up pitifully at Jinyoung, and he swallowed hard.


“Soyoung, don’t you think it’s enough?” He asked, “Look, both her face and cheeks are red. Just what has she done that she needs to be punished like this?” 


“Hyojun.” Soyoung said, “How many times has Hyeyoung slapped herself already?” 


“Approximately fifty times.” Hyojun replied. Soyoung sighed softly. 


“Very well, you may stop.” She ordered. At last, the sound of flesh hitting against flesh stopped, and Hyeyoung slumped over into her maid’s arms, tears of pain streaming down her cheeks.


“Hyeyoung.” Soyoung said, “Before you go, apologize to your Brother-in-law.” Sniffling back tears, Hyeyoung turned her head slightly to look at Jinyoung. 


“I...I’m sorry for comparing you to a dog figurine.” She hiccuped, “I shouldn’t have said such a thing.” Jinyoung blinked in confusion.


“Is that all it was?” He asked, “Soyoung, is there really a need to punish her so heavily? I thought you were punishing her for something serious!” Soyoung sighed again and waved at the maid supporting Hyeyoung. 


“Take her back to her room to rest.” She ordered, “And stay inside your rooms for the next three days to reflect on what you’ve done. Hyojun, you may step outside as well.” The maid nodded, and carefully helped Hyeyoung out of the room, Hyojun following closely behind them. Soyoung waited until the sound of their footsteps had faded into the distance before she turned her attention back to Jinyoung.


“Now then.” She said, “Where were we?” Jinyoung frowned.


“I was saying, I thought you were punishing Sister-in-law for something serious.” He said, “In the end, it was just for a little gift? I can just put it somewhere else if you don’t like it.” Soyoung frowned.


“Park Jinyoung.” She said sternly, “Am I so petty that I would punish my own sister for a mere gift? If I did that, no one would be allowed to give you gifts at all.” Jinyoung’s brow furrowed, a feeling of exasperation welling up in his chest.


“Then what is it?” He asked, “What is so wrong with her giving me a gift?” Soyoung crossed her arms and looked down at Jinyoung coldly.


“She likened you to the figurine.” She replied, “Which means she likened you to a dog.” Jinyoung frowned.


“No, she likened me to the figurine, not to the animal.” He corrected, “She said the figurine reminded her of me because I am just as cheerful as the figurine.” Soyoung shook her head.


“If anyone had overheard your conversation, they would have most likely thought you were being compared to the animal, rather than the figurine.” She insisted, “And then, what would they say about you? Before you know it, others will be spreading rumors that the Prince of Goryeo, Prince Consort of the Yuan empire is considered a mere dog being fed by the Yuan royal family!” 


“It cannot possibly be that serious.” Jinyoung protested, “I doubt anyone even overheard. Even if they did, the commonfolk couldn’t have possibly recognized me.” Soyoung sighed in exasperation.


“Very well.” She conceded, “Let’s say that no one overheard that comment. But what about the next time, and the one after that?  Can you guarantee that no one will overhear you then? If I don’t correct Hyeyoung now, what will she compare you to next time? A cat on the roadside? One of the horses pulling the carriage?” 


“Soyoung, can you put aside the thoughts you held about Sister-in-law and only look at how she is acting now?” Jinyoung asked, “Regardless of how she might have acted in the past or what others said about her then, now she is simply a kindhearted demure girl who has been mistreated by her husband for a long time! Why must you treat your own sister so harshly?” Soyoung’s eyes narrowed.


“Is she entitled to escape punishment because she is my sister? No, it is because she is my sister, a well known member of the royal family, that I must be even stricter with her. As for you, Husband, you speak as if you know her very well.” She observed, “And yet you have known her for less than a month.” 


“And you surely barely know her either.” Jinyoung retorted, “I at least have spent a day with her. On the other hand, you both grew up in completely different places and barely interacted with each other!”


“How can you decide on what a person is like merely through conversation for one day?” Soyoung asked, “Park Jinyoung, you are questioning your own wife’s judgment over a woman you just met! Just what kind of spell has she put on you already?” Jinyoung sighed in frustration.


“I don’t know why we have to be arguing over this.” He said in exasperation, “She is a pitiful girl who needs someone to understand her. I’m not saying she was entirely right, but you didn’t have to punish her so severely. As for speaking up for her, I would have done the same for anyone else that I had met.” Soyoung crossed her arms and gazed at him for a long moment, an unreadable expression in her eyes. Her lips were pursed tightly, her body language warning Jinyoung that he had crossed the line, and he braced himself for more scolding.

“Very well.” She said at last, “If you would like to protect her so much, then go ahead. But I will tell you this, Park Jinyoung: the Jang Hyeyoung I know and the one that you think you know are very different. There are some things in this world that can’t be changed, and that girl’s personality is one of them.” She jabbed a finger into Jinyoung’s chest.


“Do not come running to me when you are the one who runs into trouble because of something she said or did, all because of your kind heart.” She warned coldly. Shooting one last glare at him, Soyoung walked past Jinyoung with a flick of cloth. Jinyoung groaned in exasperation and turned to watch her go.


“Soyoung!” He called, but the young empress completely ignored him. Then, as she reached the door, her footsteps faltered, and Jinyoung frowned as Soyoung seemed to lose her balance and fall against the doorframe. 


“Soyoung?” He hurried to his wife’s side and gently took her arm, “Are you alright?” Soyoung closed her eyes briefly and shook her head as if to clear it.


“I’m fine.” She replied, “Just a little dizzy.” Jinyoung sighed.


“You have been working too much because of the flooding issues in the smaller towns.” He chided. Soyoung pulled away from the doorframe and pulled her arm from his grasp.


“Go and pity your poor Sister-in-law.” She said coldly before continuing on her way. Jinyoung sighed as he watched her go.


I’m in trouble again.





Soyoung sighed as she closed the doors behind her to the innermost part of her chambers and sat down with a groan on the bed. She had been looking forward to seeing Jinyoung after he had been out all day, but that was not at all how she had intended their conversation to go. Just what had Hyeyoung told him, and what did she want? Soyoung sighed again and rested her forehead against her hand. The more she thought about it, the more dangerous it seemed to keep her sister around the palace.


I must move quickly to find out what happened at her marital home.


She trusted Jinyoung not to be seduced by Hyeyoung, regardless of her beauty and wits. But at the same time, Jinyoung’s heart was too kind, too soft; a few pitiful words were more than enough to earn his kindness and protection. Even if his heart wasn’t moved by her, his protective instinct would get in Soyoung’s way and get himself in trouble as well. The sound of soft footsteps came from outside the door, and a soft knock reached Soyoung’s ears.


“Your Majesty.” One of the attending maids called, “Your evening meal is ready. Would you like to eat now?” The smell of freshly made delicacies wafted into the room from the door, likely from the trays that a little army of maids were holding outside. Usually, just the smell of the royal kitchen’s food was enough to make Soyoung hungry, but today, the effect was the complete opposite. Soyoung coughed as a wave of nausea sent her stomach roiling as the smell of the evening meal permeated the air, and she quickly moved to pour herself a cup of tea to stem the feeling of bile rising in .


“Your Majesty?” the maid called again as Soyoung didn’t respond, and Soyoung groaned.


“I’m not hungry.” She called, “Take it away.” 


“Yes, Your Majesty.” The maid replied, and Soyoung sighed in relief as her nausea subsided along with the fading sound of the maids’ footsteps. Soyoung closed her eyes and sighed as she laid her head against the table. 


Nausea and dizziness in one day? What’s wrong with me?


Perhaps I really have been working too hard lately.





As night fell and the inhabitants of the royal palace retired for the night, a slender figure slipped out of the palace from a side door, followed closely by a young maid. The figure was wrapped carefully in a long cloak, her face hidden from view. The figure hurried along the quiet streets of the capitol city, carefully avoiding shops that were still open until she reached a large elaborate mansion. The guards at the front door let the pair in, as they had been told to by their master, and the figure continued until it reached the main hall. The room was still well lit despite the late hour, and in the front of the room sat Jang Jaewon. He had been staying away from court during the past few weeks under the guise of illness, but he was still well aware of all the events that had been transpiring, including the flooding issue that had arisen and the arrival of Princess Hyeyoung. The cloaked figure left the maid following her outside the room before stepping in and pulling back the cloak covering her face.


“Royal Uncle.” Jang Hyeyoung greeted, giving the Grand Preceptor a polite curtsey.


“Hyeyoung.” Jang Jaewon greeted with a nod of his head, “You’ve come just in time. Come and tell me what has been happening since you entered the palace.” Hyeyoung dipped her head and sat down on the other side of the table, folding her skirts neatly below her. As she sipped on a cup of tea, she recalled everything that she had been doing since she entered the palace to her uncle, from the story she had told  Soyoung to walking around the city with Jinyoung and then being punished by Soyoung. Jang Jaewon took it all in, nodding every now and then. When Hyeyoung had finished, he chuckled and put down the tea cup in his hand.


“You have done well.” He said, “I did not call you back to the capitol in vain. Continue doing what you have been doing. Remember, your goal is to drive Soyoung and her husband apart. I don’t care what you have to do to do it, or what happens to Soyoung in the end. Just continue what you’ve been doing, and I can guarantee the throne will be yours.” Hyeyoung smiled but continued looking at him expectantly, and Jang Jaewon chuckled.


“And of course,” He continued, “The child in your belly will be the crown prince as soon as he is born.” Hyeyoung beamed and folded her hands over her stomach.


“Thank you, Royal Uncle.” She replied.


Author's note: Welcome to the beginning of the angst arc! Will Hyeyoung succeed, and what will happen to our main couple? Stay tuned to find out!

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2035 streak #1
Chapter 37: The epilogue was so cute!!! And wow! They have so many kids... LoL... Hyojun leaving again was a bit sad but it's understandable. And the kinda Yi-En's punishment and story was funny. I really enjoyed reading this story. Hope to see you again in your future works. Wishing you good luck!!
2035 streak #2
Chapter 36: I still believe the story has come to an end. I'm still yearning for more! This was such an amazing story. Could even be made a K-drama if you ask me. Although, I do wonder if Yi-En's another consort now since they were legally married. Also, they both never addressed it. So I'm more curious than ever. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read the epilogue. But will be back later to do so ^^
2035 streak #3
Chapter 35: I knew it! I mean that can't be true, y'know with what happened the previous chapter. Poor Jinwoo though! That child was thinking his father was abandoning him. Although it was done for his own safety. I can't wait to see how she makes her reappearance. And also, about being Yi-En's princess consort. Will be back later to read more and catch up ^^
hakimmj #4
Chapter 37: Finally for now they be happy with all their children. Can't wait for more after this. Thanks for the updates! :))
2035 streak #5
Chapter 34: Wait what???? You must be be kidding right? I mean it's a trick for some greater good right? Why do you have to drop this bomb on us while we were all so happy about the way things were going? Anyway, enough of my dramatics, I know! Will definitely be back later to read more and find out what happens herein. So until then, no spoilers please!! ^^
hakimmj #6
Chapter 36: Finally! Their strong love for each other really makes them become stronger. Soyoung finally can reclaim hers and the family. Can't wait for more moments of jinyoung and soyoung with their children. Thanks for the updates;;))
2035 streak #7
Chapter 33: Definitely wasn't expecting the twist about the consort and her role in the chaos. Glad she decided to come clean at least now and that Soyoung took it well. And she's expecting again. That's for sure I think, with all the hint that's you've given us. And I can't wait to see how this develops further. But will be back later to read more ^^
hakimmj #8
Chapter 35: Can't wait to know the identity of the woman. My instinct is so strong for the revival of soyoung. Please make them meet again and be happy:((
hakimmj #9
Chapter 34: Oh my god!! Soyoung :((
I can't believe this. Jinyoung will be so sad for this. Hope to know what happen after this.
hakimmj #10
Chapter 33: Really happy when jinyoung is back and safe. Their moments with the little prince is so sweet, can't wait to read more of their moments. Hopefully soyoung is alright. Thanks for the updates.;)