Chapter 11: Heart to Heart

Phoenix Aurora (Got7 Jinyoung X OC)





The sound of knocking from outside continued, growing louder with each passing second and sending another jarring throb through Soyoung’s head.


“Jang Soyoung!” Jinyoung’s voice echoed through the library, growing more concerned as Soyoung didn’t respond. Something told Soyoung to say something, anything to get him away from the door. However much she tried though, her voice seemed to stick in , caught in place along with her labored breaths. 


“If you don’t say anything, I’m coming in!” Jinyoung announced. 


“Your Highness, you shouldn’t bother the empress!” The eunuch who had left with him urged. 


“Quiet!” Jinyoung replied, “You are dismissed!” Soyoung heard the eunuch hesitate, then his footsteps slowly faded into the distance.


“I’m coming in, alright?” Jinyoung called after a few more seconds had passed. Soyoung’s chest tightened in terror.


No, I can’t let him see me like this!


She tried to rise to her feet, but her legs gave out again from beneath her with a thump. Soyoung gritted her teeth, casting her gaze around the room for where she could hide. She hated the idea of hiding; she was a warrior, not a coddled flower who had been hidden in the inner palace her entire life! But right now, Soyoung had to admit that she was in no condition to prevent Jinyoung from coming into the room. All she could do was hide away and hope that Jinyoung gave up if he didn’t find her by her desk. 


Soyoung’s gaze fell on the rows upon rows of books that she kept in the library for reference material. 







Jinyoung felt his heart begin to pound in his chest as his calls went unanswered. 


Did she leave already?


No, that wouldn’t make sense. He had barely stepped away from the library before turning back. Where could she have gone in that short a period of time? 


“Jang Soyoung!” He called again. There was silence for another few moments, then he heard a loud thump from inside before silence descended again. Jinyoung’s chest tightened with anxiety, his hand falling to the center of the door. And yet, he hesitated before he pushed it open. 


It was clear that Soyoung had wanted to be left alone, away from his presence. If he barged in now without her permission, what would she say? Wouldn’t she become even angrier at him? 


Yet, a little voice inside him told him to stop hesitating.


The longer the silence inside continued, the more anxious Jinyoung felt and the more certain he became that something had gone wrong. Even the scene outside the library was wrong. The servants in Soyoung’s retinue had disappeared, likely dismissed for the night. How could they leave the ruler of the entire country with no one to serve her the entire night? Even if that could be explained away, Im Hyojun’s presence was also notably missing. Even if the servants agreed to leave, Hyojun’s loyalty would not allow him to do so.


Taking a deep breath, Jinyoung shoved open the door. The room was filled with the light glow from the lit candles, but appeared to be entirely empty. The desk where Soyoung did her work was unoccupied, the golden petitions stacked untouched on top. Jinyoung frowned.


Did she really leave?


A quick look around the room proved that the young empress indeed did not appear to be in the library as she had said she would be. Jinyoung waited for another moment, then turned to leave the room. His footsteps slowed, however, as a loud thump came from further in the room. Jinyoung’s brow furrowed, and he turned in the direction the sound had come from.


“Your Majesty?” He called. No response came, and Jinyoung walked cautiously in the direction the sound had come from. If it wasn’t the empress, then who could it be? This was the empress’ private library; certainly no one dared to sneak in without permission. 


“Is anyone there?” Jinyoung called again as he stepped into the inner parts of Soyoung’s library. The other side of the library was filled with rows of books and records, likely political documents that Soyoung kept for reference. Another thump came from within the shelves, and Jinyoung gulped before turning the corner and finding nothing.


Perhaps it’s just an animal that got in?


The sound of a book falling off a shelf caught his attention, and Jinyoung steeled himself before heading towards the next aisle down.Taking a deep breath, he turned quickly into the aisle, expecting to find the worst, but he froze at what he saw instead. 


“Your Majesty!” Jang Soyoung lay half sprawled on the ground, a few books lying next to her hand. Her hands trembled as she attempted to keep herself propped up, her entire body clearly completely sapped of its strength. Her face was pale, beads of cold sweat running down her cheek. Her chest was heaving as she struggled to breathe, and her eyes widened in horror as she saw Jinyoung. A few fallen books lay next to her hand, the source of the falling sound Jinyoung had heard a few moments earlier. Swallowing hard, Jinyoung hurried forward and knelt down next to the fallen empress.


“What’s wrong?” He asked, “Are you injured? What happened?” Soyoung shook her head and gave him a feeble shove, attempting to make him leave.


“I’m fine.” She mumbled as she grabbed the chair next to her for support, her voice barely audible, “I’m fine.” Jinyoung watched as she barely managed to push herself to her feet, wobbled for a few seconds and then tumbled down again. Jinyoung barely managed to grab her before she fell, her body falling limp like a doll’s into his arms. For a moment, Jinyoung was startled by how weak Jang Soyoung felt. Gone was the proud and powerful warrior empress, never showing even a mere sign of weakness. 


“Something must have happened.” He murmured, “You are not fine!” He carefully eased Soyoung against the chair and rose to his feet.


“I’ll go get an imperial physician.” He said, “Wait here.” He turned to go but a light tug on his sleeve pulled him to a stop, and he turned to see Soyoung gripping the end of his sleeve tightly. She shook her head as their eyes met, a pleading gaze on her face.


“No.” She rasped, every word sounding like it took all the strength in her body to enunciate, “You cannot!” Jinyoung sighed and shook his head.


“Now is not the time to be stubborn.” He protested, “I’ve never seen you like this before! You must-” He cut off as Soyoung turned away from him and coughed, one hand clenching at her chest. It was a horrible, wet sounding cough, the sign of something gone terribly wrong. Then, a few seconds later, Soyoung’s body heaved, and Jinyoung’s eyes widened in horror as she vomited blood, the red sticky fluid splattering onto the ground in front of her. 


“Soyoung!” Her name rushed from Jinyoung’s lips before he could stop it, his chest clenching in terror at the sight in front of him. Before he could think again, Jinyoung fell to his knees by his wife’s side, one hand gently rubbing her back as her body trembled beneath his palm. His heart pounded in his chest as the red blood pooled in front of the young empress, ragged coughs escaping her lips as she struggled to catch her breath. 


Was she injured? Attacked after Hyojun left? Why is she spitting up so much blood? 


Thoughts rushed through Jinyoung’s mind as he tried to pull something from the many books he had read, but his mind was far too scattered to analyze any one of them.


“Something is definitely wrong.” He said at last, “Please just let me get an imperial physician! You’ll die like this!” Soyoung shook her head again, pulling a handkerchief from her sleeve and dabbing at her lips before responding. 


“It’s just arsenic.” She gasped, “It won’t kill me.” Jinyoung’s jaw dropped.


Did she just say arsenic? 


“But isn’t that…?” His voice trailed off questioningly, and Soyoung lifted her gaze slowly to meet his wide eyes.


“Correct. It is poison.” She replied grimly.





Soyoung’s entire body felt like she had been dumped into a pile of snow while only wearing her thin nightgown, but felt like it was on fire, making every word difficult to speak. The tightening in her chest had eased after she had coughed up blood, but her head still spun and her body felt like it had been sapped of all of its strength, as if she had just fought two battles back to back. She had never felt like this before, even after she had dispelled the rebels coming from the empire’s central regions.


It seems...I underestimated the strength of the poison they put into Jinyoung’s water.


Park Jinyoung looked terrified, his warm gentle hand on her back doing little to soothe the pain inside of Soyoung’s body. Soyoung wasn’t surprised; given that the Goryeo king had not made this prince participate in politics and instead allowed him to be sheltered inside the safe confines of the inner harem and the palace library, it was likely he had never faced such a situation before. A prince with no desire to take the throne would have no need to plot against others, nor would he need to be on the receiving end of attempts on his life. 


As soon as she confirmed that arsenic was poison, she could see the wheels turning in his mind as he recalled the events of that night. 


“If it’s poison…” He said, “Then where could it have come from? The food you ate surely came from the same source as what everyone else ate. The wine you drank was no different from what the court officials drank. The only thing that was different was…” Jinyoung’s eyes widened as he finally came to a conclusion.


“The water.” He said softly, barely believing what had happened, “It was in my water, wasn’t it? That’s why you were poisoned and everyone else is fine.” Despite the pain she was in, Soyoung cracked a tiny smile. 


Park Jinyoung may have been sheltered, but he clearly was not a fool. There was far more to his ability that met the eye. 


Of course, that didn’t mean he didn’t make blunders every now and then, as their argument during the day had shown. 


Jinyoung sighed deeply and shook his head.


“But arsenic is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, is it not?” He asked, “How did you know there was arsenic in my water?” Soyoung smiled faintly.


“Always curious, aren’t you, little poet?” She said, “You really want to know?” Jinyoung nodded, his brow furrowed in both concern and confusion. Soyoung paused for a moment to catch her breath before speaking.


“Help me to the bed.” She said, “My head is spinning so much, I cannot talk like this.” Jinyoung hesitated for a moment, then nodded. 


“Excuse me.” He murmured softly as he wrapped an arm around her waist and helped her to her feet. He let Soyoung lean on him as they walked away from the bookshelves, bearing most of her weight. Thankfully, the royal family had a habit of keeping a bed in the ruling sovereign’s personal library, on the off chance that the emperor happened to spend the night in the library rather than with one of his many consorts. If Soyoung walked out looking like the mess she was right now, she did not even want to begin imagining the rumors that would spread like wildfire throughout the entire palace. Jinyoung’s grip on her waist was warm and secure, never letting go for even a moment until they reached the bed placed on the other side of the room. Soyoung sighed deeply as he laid her down on the bed, carefully tucking the gold embroidered pillow under her head and wrapping the blankets around her. 


“Is that better?” He asked anxiously. Soyoung nodded and pulled the blanket closer around her. 


“It’s cold.” She murmured, “So cold.” Her body hadn’t stopped trembling since the effects of the poison had settled in, and by this point she felt like she had been thrown into an entire basin of ice. Jinyoung hesitated, then carefully took off the outermost layer of his clothing and wrapped the dark blue fabric around her. 


“How about that?” He asked. Soyoung shook her head again, her fingers trembling under the blanket. Jinyoug reached out and laid a hand on her forehead, a soft sound escaping his lips as he did so.


“You’re burning up!” He exclaimed, “No, I must go find a physician!” 


“Park Jinyoung!” Soyoung reached out and grasped his wrist tightly, “Just stay here. All you need to do is stay here.” Her grasp on his wrist tightened as the young prince looked down at her in hesitation.


“...Please.” Soyoung added quietly, so quietly she wondered if Jinyoung heard her. He gazed at her for a long moment, then sighed.


“Can you at least tell me why?” He asked, “You are the foundation of this country. If something happens to you…” Soyoung laughed dryly. 


“It is precisely because I am the foundation of this country that I cannot let anyone know.” She replied, “Think about it, Park Jinyoung. There is already much dissatisfaction over a young woman sitting on the throne. They are all searching for a weakness to exploit and get rid of me. I cannot let them see me in such a weak state.” 


The moment I show that I am incapable of ruling, those annoying old court officials will all look for a way to get a regent on the throne, and then….


If I fall, the country will fall with it.


Jinyoung frowned, but Soyoung could see her husband turning her words over carefully in his mind. Then, seeming to understand what she was saying, he sighed and nodded. 


“Then tell me.” He said, “What should I do?” 


“Stay with me.” Soyoung replied, “Just stay here and speak with me for a little while. I’m cold.” Jinyoung thought for a moment, then made a startling response.


“May I hold you?” He asked, “Another person’s body heat will likely make you less cold.” Soyoung gazed at him for a long moment, her lips parted slightly in surprise. It was an oddly forward request, one that she had never expected from her gentle little poet. For a moment, she thought she was hearing things, a hallucination brought forward by the effects of the poison. But, as he gazed at her questioningly, Soyoung realized that he really had asked such a question. 


Well...we are husband and wife after all. I suppose it would be alright.


“Alright.” She replied quietly, “Perhaps that would help.” Jinyoung swallowed hard, then pulled the blanket aside slightly before slipping between the blanket and the bed.


“Excuse me.” He mumbled softly before wrapping his arms around her. Soyoung’s breath caught in her chest as he embraced her. It was an awkward hug, and it was obvious that Park Jinyoung had never held a woman before in his life. Due to their close distance, Soyoung could feel the nervous hammering that was Jinyoung’s heartbeat in his chest. 


And yet, awkward as it was, Soyoung felt an odd sense of warmth run through her body. Jinyoung was right; the added body heat from his presence flooded through her body, chasing away the freezing cold and other discomforts brought on by the arsenic poisoning flowing through her veins. At the same time, Soyoung felt another sense of warmth besides the physical warmth brought by Jinyoung’s touch alone. It was a warmth that reached her heart, soothing the mess of emotions brought on by the poison, and it brought with it the unfamiliar sensation of…


Safety and security.


Soyoung could no longer remember the last time she had felt like this; perhaps it had been when she was a young child, before she went to train in the military barracks? Perhaps it was just before the prior emperor had died and the entire palace had been thrown into chaos? It was nearly impossible to pinpoint. 


“So what it feels like to be cared for.” She murmured under her breath. Jinyoung raised an eyebrow.


“What did you say?” He asked. Soyoung shook her head.


“Nothing.” She replied, “Thank you, little poet.” Jinyoung’s cheeks flushed slightly.


“It is nothing.” He responded, “You are only like this because of me, after all.” They lay in awkward silence for a few seconds before Jinyoung spoke again.


“ did you know there was arsenic in my water?” He asked, “You didn’t tell me yet.” Despite the pain she was in, Soyoung laughed ever so slightly.


“Ever the curious little cat, aren’t you, little poet?” She said. Jinyoung’s cheeks turned pink.


“I...I...just wanted to learn new things.” He replied with a slight pout. Soyoung smiled before responding to his question.


“The maid made a mistake.” She said, “That’s how I knew.” Jinyoung frowned in confusion.


“What mistake?” He asked. 


“The temperature of the water.” Soyoung replied, “Arsenic is usually colorless, odorless, and tasteless, often undetectable even with a silver needle. However, when it is heated, arsenic gives off a distinctive garlic scent. That is how I knew. Perhaps others would have missed it among the other food smells in the room, but I noticed it when the maid poured the water into your cup.” Jinyoung’s eyes widened with understanding, his eyes lighting up the way they did when he learned something particularly interesting.


“Then...why didn’t you uncover the maid’s plot right away?” He asked, “You could have easily had her arrested right there.” Soyoung shook her head.


“The maid was just a pawn.” She replied, “There is no way a little kitchen maid would dare make an attempt on the Prince Consort’s life. If we want to find out who really is behind this, then we have to wait.” She smirked slightly.


“Isn’t there a saying about that?” She said, “Setting out a longer line to catch the bigger fish?” Jinyoung chuckled softly.


“You’re right.” He replied. Soyoung laughed softly, then cut off as her chest tightened again, sending her into another coughing fit. Jinyoung patted her on the back gently, his embrace seeming to tighten unconsciously.


“But...why did you have to drink it for me and suffer like this?” He said, “Surely there was another way around the problem.” Soyoung shook her head as her chest eased slightly.


“There are two reasons.” She replied, “First, openly getting rid of your cup would have been too obvious. And second, your life would certainly be in danger if you drank it. On the other hand, if I drank it, I will certainly survive after I make it through tonight.” Jinyoung’s brow furrowed. 


“What do you mean?” He asked. Soyoung hesitated as she thought over how to respond. She had expected him to ask for more after she had said what she did, but did she really want to tell him the reason? Then, she recalled what had happened earlier that day. 


Part of the reason why we argued was because I didn’t tell him anything. I thought staying silent was the best course of action, but…


Could I have been wrong? 


Perhaps...if I took the first step…?


“Would you believe me if I said I’d been periodically consuming small amounts of poison every year since I took the throne?” Soyoung finally said. Jinyoung’s eyes widened at the new revelation, and blinked his eyes a few times as he turned it over in his head. Finally, he nodded.


“I would.” He replied, “Because it is something that you, as the most exceptional ruler in Yuan history, would do. It was to build up your immunity, wasn’t it? I read about it in historical records before.” Soyoung stared at him, taken aback by his answer. Then, she turned her head away and laughed softly in amusement.


“What’s so funny?” Jinyoung asked. 


“You can be too honest sometimes, do you know that, little poet?” Soyoung replied after she had collected herself, “You say exactly what you think.” Jinyoung pouted slightly at the comment.


“Confucius once said if you are honest, people will rely on you.” He replied. A tiny smirk turned up one corner of Soyoung’s lips.


Of course he would refer to old philosophical texts.


“You’re correct.” She said at last, “It was to build up my immunity. Someone tried and failed to poison me the first month I was on the throne, and since that day I decided I had to do something to build up my immunity.” Her fingers tightened unconsciously over the blanket.


“In this palace, where there are many princes and princesses, to survive to adulthood is no small task. You must be accomplished without drawing the ire of those who could compete with you. To survive as an accomplished royal through adulthood is even harder.” Soyoung continued, “That is the double edged sword of any royal family that rules China. You enjoy a life of riches and fortune, but your life could be taken from  you in an instant.” Jinyoung in his breath slowly.


“Then...who else knows about this?” He asked, “ don’t do this alone, do you?” Soyoung smiled faintly.


“Eunseong knows.” She said, “He is the one who provides me with the poison.”


“And Hyojun?” Jinyoung asked, “Surely your personal guard should know.” Soyoung shook her head.


“I only do it after he’s off duty.” She replied, “It’s usually over within a night anyways. The fewer people who know, the better it is for both me and others.” She sighed quietly.


“To be honest, I did not want you to see me like this either, so weak and vulnerable.” She admitted, “And yet, you found me anyway.”


“You must have been lonely this entire time.” Jinyoung said softly, “It must have been hard to go through this each time all by yourself.” Soyoung’s eyes widened slightly at his words. In her entire life, for as long as she could remember, no one had ever said such things to her before. There were those who revered her and those who hated her for becoming empress, but never had anyone besides Eunseong ever looked at things from her point of view before.


“Haven’t you heard?” She responded at last, “The loneliest person in the world is the emperor.” Jinyoung bit his lip. 


“I have.” He said, “And I can’t say that I’ve experienced the same thing before. But Your that I have seen a little more of your world...can you stop holding me at arm’s length? We may not hold feelings for each other, but at the very least, can I be someone you trust when things like this occur?” Soyoung gazed at Jinyoung for a long moment, turning over her husband’s words in her mind. It was clear what his words meant; he wanted to be part of her world, to not be kept in the dark about everything. 


Am I ready for that?


Something inside her told her she was.


It had been a mere few months, but Jang Soyoung had chosen Park Jinyoung precisely because his background was clean and trustable. There were no potential strings holding him back and there was little chance he would have ulterior motives underlying his actions. During both times there was trouble at court, Jinyoung’s intellect and willingness to help had proven useful.


Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to let the little poet know a little more. 


“Park Jinyoung, I have already lost so much in this life.” She answered, “I do not wish to lose more. If I trust you, then I have only three conditions: never turn your back on me, trust me as I trust you, and stay alive. That is a royal order.” Jinyoung’s lips parted slightly in surprise at her request, then his lips curled up into a warm smile. 


“Yes, Your Majesty.” He said softly, “I will obey those orders. And...I’m sorry.” Soyoung looked at him curiously.


“What are you apologizing for?” She asked. 


“I...went overboard earlier today.” Jinyoung replied quietly, “I think I stepped over the line. And then tonight, you’re suffering because of me.” Soyoung stared at him for a moment in surprise. She hadn’t expected him to be the first to apologize, but it seemed like he had thought it through during their time apart that day. 


“I am sorry as well.” She replied, “I know I have been keeping many secrets from you, and that’s not fair to you. As for what happened tonight...I am the one who brought you here, and I have a duty to protect you. Do not blame yourself for that.” Jinyoung smiled hesitantly.


“Then...shall we be more open to each other in the future?” He asked. Soyoung bit her lip, then nodded.


“I will try my best.” She replied. Being open with another person was not something she was used to; besides Eunseong, Hyojun, and Yeojin, she was always careful to hide even the slightest emotions behind a calm mask, much less spoken words. 


And yet...if it was Park Jinyoung, perhaps it was possible. 


Seeming satisfied with her answer, Park Jinyoung nodded.


“You should sleep now.” He said softly, “We’ve talked for a long time and you must be worn out.” With a start, Soyoung realized that most of the symptoms of arsenic poisoning had faded during the time she was speaking with Jinyoung; while her chest still felt tight and her body was exhausted from its ordeal, her head had more or less stopped spinning, and the splitting headache had faded as well. Although her body still trembled, she no longer felt like she had been dumped in the middle of a snowstorm with barely any clothing on her body.


How strange.


 Usually, it took a few hours of nearly unbearable pain after she coughed up blood before the symptoms faded, and sometimes the pain lasted well into the night until Soyoung forced herself to fall asleep. 


And yet, this time Soyoung had barely noticed the discomfort after Jinyoung had tucked her into his arms. 


Her young husband gave her a questioning look as she gazed at him in wonder.


Park Jinyoung, just what is this magic that you hold?


“I could...sing you a song if you’d like.” Jinyoung offered as she hesitated. Soyoung raised an eyebrow.


“You can sing?” She asked. Jinyoung grinned shyly.


“Somewhat.” He replied, “I learned a little bit as a child.” Soyoung smirked lightly.


“Go ahead.” She said, “But you will be punished if it sounds awful. My head feels poor enough as it is.” Jinyoung chuckled softly, seeming to pick up that she didn’t really intend to punish him.


“Yes, Your Majesty.” He replied. Taking a deep breath, he opened his mouth and began to sing.


“The wind speaks with your tongue.


Talking about the rain falling in the distance.


I pause in my dream and count the years of memories.


Waiting for that passionate love.


I’d trade a lifetime of prosperity for a lifetime of suffering.


Drink a bottle of wine and seal up the story.


Love is the residual warmth of this world.


The flowers bloom and fall, leaving traces behind.


Keeping the innocence in the passing years only for you alone.


Love is the first spring in the wilderness.


Quietly pushing open the door to my heart.


No matter what, I will always be loyal to you.”


The sound of his voice was warm and soothing, easing the last of the discomfort in Soyoung’s chest and drawing her mind deeper towards the peaceful embrace of sleep. Slowly, her eyes fluttered close, and Soyoung finally let her exhausted body rest for the night. 


Thank you, Park Jinyoung.





The lyrics to the song faded from Jinyoung’s lips as he watched Jang Soyoung fall asleep, her body finally relaxing for the first time that night. For a little while, Jinyoung couldn’t help but stare for a little while longer at his wife. They were a legally married couple, and yet he had never been given the chance to look at her from up close like this. Leaving one hand on Soyoung’s waist to keep her warm, Jinyoung propped himself up slightly and gazed down at the young empress. When she was awake, she felt tall and domineering even though she was shorter than him. Her eyes had the power to capture you tightly in their liquid ebony orbs and never let you go. Her fingers clutching the blanket beneath her were long and slender, perfect for nimbly turning and flipping a sword over in her hands. 


And yet, when she was asleep like this, Soyoung seemed quiet and peaceful, no different at all from the other young beauties at her age. Under the layers of soft fabric that formed her dress, Jinyoung could feel a distinctly slim figure, well toned from years of training and often emphasized by the royal tailors when they made her clothes. Soyoung had tall cheekbones, large oval eyes, and a high nose. The empress was known for both her beauty and political skill, and Jinyoung could clearly see why. If she had not become the ruling sovereign so early, many princes would have likely been vying for her hand in marriage. Color was slowly returning to her heart shaped lips, and for a moment, a thought flitted through Jinyoung’s mind.

I wonder what it would be like to kiss her.


A deep flush covered Jinyoung’s cheeks the moment the thought came to mind, and he shook his head furiously to clear his head.


Park Jinyoung, just what are you thinking?


Soyoung shifted slightly in her sleep at his movement, and Jinyoung froze until she fell back into deep sleep again. Then, he blew out his breath slowly and tucked his head against his pillow.


I should just sleep and stop thinking of silly things.





The sound of birds chirping drew Soyoung from the depths of her slumber, and her gaze fluttered open slightly to see that the sun had already risen. There was a newfound sense of warmth and comfort around her, but Soyoung couldn’t tell where it was coming from. The discomfort from the night before had all but melted away save for a slightly sore throat. Letting out a soft sigh, Soyoung rubbed one eye and sat up, letting the blankets slip down around her. Then, her gaze fell on a sleeping figure next to her and her lips parted slightly in surprise.


Park Jinyoung?


The young prince was fast asleep, one hand resting lightly on her waist. His other hand, as Soyoung realized with a start, was intertwined with hers, their fingers laced comfortably together.


When did that happen?


Soyoung’s cheeks felt hot, and she quickly fanned at her face to cool down before anyone came in and saw her looking flustered. Still, a thought fluttered across her mind as she gazed down at the sleeping Goryeo prince.


How strange. I’ve never slept so comfortably before ever since I took the throne.


It had been a rare dreamless night, one filled with comfort and security that Soyoung hadn’t felt since childhood.


Could it have been...because of Park Jinyoung?


Soyoung gazed in wonder down at her husband for a few long moments. He looked like a little child when he was asleep, innocent and uncaring about the troubles of the world. His chest rose and fell smoothly as he slept deeply despite being next to the woman he had married merely a few months ago. There could have been a civil war outside the room and he probably wouldn’t have noticed. His side of the blankets had been kicked aside at some point during the night, likely because it was too hot. Smiling faintly in amusement, Soyoung carefully slipped her hand free from Jinyoung’s and reached out to put the blankets in their proper place. Then, she stepped out of bed, pausing for a moment as the room spun briefly before she regained her sense of balance. Soyoung sighed deeply as she closed her eyes briefly. This always happened right after she was poisoned; although the effects were more or less gone, her body was still weak from its ordeal the night before. 


Still, there was no time to waste.


Soyoung had already pushed back morning court, as was her habit whenever she held a banquet and allowed the court officials to be drunk. If she canceled it altogether, someone would realize that something was amiss. Taking a deep breath, she pulled a golden cloak from the closet and wrapped it around her shoulders before walking to the door. The servants hurried to bow as she opened the library door, letting golden sunlight spill into the room behind her. 


“Your Majesty.” The servants intoned. Soyoung put a finger to her lips, motioning lightly towards the slumbering prince. Then, she shut the door behind her and turned to the servants.


“You two, stay here and wait for the prince to wake up.” She ordered as she pointed at two maids, “Don’t wake him up on purpose, wait for him to wake up on his own. It’s been a long night and he is surely tired.” As the words left , Soyoung realized that the servants were likely going to mistake her words as having another meaning, but she decided not to dwell on the matter. The servants could gossip however they’d like; neither she nor Jinyoung had done anything shameful either way. The maids exchanged startled glances with each other, then nodded and bowed.


“Yes, Your Majesty.” Soyoung nodded in satisfaction and then headed down the steps back towards her chambers to change before morning court. Before she turned the corner, she paused and turned back slightly towards her private library. The image of Park Jinyoung, curled up asleep on her bed like a little kitten, flitted across her mind, and a slightly amused smile turned up the corners of her lips unconsciously. 


“Your Majesty?” The attending eunuch asked, “What is so amusing this morning?” Soyoung cleared and shook her head, realizing she had been caught smiling.


“Nothing.” She said, “Let’s go.” She pivoted neatly on her right foot and resumed her trip to her chambers, but the amused smile remained on her face.


Rest well, little poet.


Author's note: Finally a little progress between the couple! Like this story? Please comment and subscribe for more!

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2034 streak #1
Chapter 37: The epilogue was so cute!!! And wow! They have so many kids... LoL... Hyojun leaving again was a bit sad but it's understandable. And the kinda Yi-En's punishment and story was funny. I really enjoyed reading this story. Hope to see you again in your future works. Wishing you good luck!!
2034 streak #2
Chapter 36: I still believe the story has come to an end. I'm still yearning for more! This was such an amazing story. Could even be made a K-drama if you ask me. Although, I do wonder if Yi-En's another consort now since they were legally married. Also, they both never addressed it. So I'm more curious than ever. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read the epilogue. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #3
Chapter 35: I knew it! I mean that can't be true, y'know with what happened the previous chapter. Poor Jinwoo though! That child was thinking his father was abandoning him. Although it was done for his own safety. I can't wait to see how she makes her reappearance. And also, about being Yi-En's princess consort. Will be back later to read more and catch up ^^
hakimmj #4
Chapter 37: Finally for now they be happy with all their children. Can't wait for more after this. Thanks for the updates! :))
2034 streak #5
Chapter 34: Wait what???? You must be be kidding right? I mean it's a trick for some greater good right? Why do you have to drop this bomb on us while we were all so happy about the way things were going? Anyway, enough of my dramatics, I know! Will definitely be back later to read more and find out what happens herein. So until then, no spoilers please!! ^^
hakimmj #6
Chapter 36: Finally! Their strong love for each other really makes them become stronger. Soyoung finally can reclaim hers and the family. Can't wait for more moments of jinyoung and soyoung with their children. Thanks for the updates;;))
2034 streak #7
Chapter 33: Definitely wasn't expecting the twist about the consort and her role in the chaos. Glad she decided to come clean at least now and that Soyoung took it well. And she's expecting again. That's for sure I think, with all the hint that's you've given us. And I can't wait to see how this develops further. But will be back later to read more ^^
hakimmj #8
Chapter 35: Can't wait to know the identity of the woman. My instinct is so strong for the revival of soyoung. Please make them meet again and be happy:((
hakimmj #9
Chapter 34: Oh my god!! Soyoung :((
I can't believe this. Jinyoung will be so sad for this. Hope to know what happen after this.
hakimmj #10
Chapter 33: Really happy when jinyoung is back and safe. Their moments with the little prince is so sweet, can't wait to read more of their moments. Hopefully soyoung is alright. Thanks for the updates.;)