Chapter 2: Little Wildcat

Phoenix Aurora (Got7 Jinyoung X OC)



Soyoung could tell that the young prince was perplexed as she stood in front of him, a slight smirk on her face. The confused murmurs of the scholars around them continued unabated, although it wasn’t anything that Soyoung wasn’t used to by now. Since childhood, she had been surrounded by rumors, spread through hushed whispers among the palace servants to ranking members of royalty to common folk outside the palace. She had long learned to ignore the side glances that others gave her, had stopped wondering what lies they were spouting about her this time. In any event, one look was enough to silence them for a while. 


“Young Miss, can I help you?” Prince Jinyoung asked, looking confused as ever about her sudden appearance. Soyoung shot a look at the scholars around them, who promptly fell silent, before turning back to Jinyoung.


“Young Master is indeed a brilliant scholar.” She began, “I am impressed.” Still looking confused, Prince Jinyoung smiled politely and bowed. 


“Thank you for your praise, Young Miss.” He replied, “But may I ask why you…?” Soyoung crossed her arms.


“But I must ask you a question, because I am very curious, Young Master.” She said, “Why do you think the river should flow slower?” Prince Jinyoung stared at her in surprise.


“Pardon?” He asked, clearly taken aback by her question. Soyoung laughed softly.


“Why do you think the river should flow slower?” She repeated, “How do you know that something better isn’t waiting for the river in the ocean, something better than what the mountains can offer?” Prince Jinyoung stared at her for a long moment, attempting to collect his thoughts. Then, his lips turned up in a warm, amused smile.


“Young Miss asks a good question. No matter where the river goes, I think it shouldn’t ever forget where it has come from, and the shelter that the mountain provided for it.” He replied, “Perhaps it would be good for the river to join the ocean and become lost in its depths, but rather than rush forward too quickly, I think the river should slow down and enjoy every step along the path to the ocean. It is the same for people. No matter where we go in the future, we should not forget our roots, or what happened every step along the way.” 


Soyoung thought for a long moment, turning over the young prince’s answer in her mind. Then, the corner of her lip turned up in an amused smile.


I must admit, he has a point. Living life slowly, rather than rushing forward in everything. It would be nice if we could all do that.


“Very well.” She said at last, “Young Master is a thoughtful person. Then, there is one more question I would like to ask.” Prince Jinyoung smiled softly, and as much as Soyoung didn’t want to admit it, the sight of his smile made her heart flip for a brief moment. 


“Please go ahead, Young Miss.” He replied. 


“Can you, Young Master, make a poem about me?” Soyoung challenged, a small smile on her lips. Startled whispers filled the pavilion at the bold request, and Prince Jinyoung’s eyes widened slightly. Then, he chuckled.


“And if I can, Young Miss?” He asked. Soyoung thought for a moment, then grinned.


“Then I will drink a cup of wine to you, Young Master.” She replied. Prince Jinyoung looked surprised once again at her answer, then laughed.


“I will accept your challenge, Young Miss.” He said, “Please give me a few moments.” Soyoung watched as he paced around the room for a few long moments, his hands clasped behind his back, one finger tapping methodically against the other hand in a steady rhythm. Then, Prince Jinyoung pivoted on one foot and turned with a bright smile on his face.


“I have an answer!” He declared. Soyoung grinned and motioned for him to recite  his poem. Prince Jinyoung cleared his throat before beginning.


“Come not at dawn, 

For I am weary when the morning breaks 

After a long night spent in dreams of you. 


Come not at noon. 

When footsteps clatter round the splashing well 

And shrill tones jangle by the gatehouse door. 


But come at night 

When flowers of moonlight in the courtyard bloom

 And moonlight shadows paint the orchid screen, 

One shadow yours—another shadow mine. “


Soyoung gazed at Prince Jinyoung for a long moment, even as the scholars around them clapped and showered praises on the young prince for the poem he had just recited. It was an elegant poem, filled with the longing of a young man for his lover. If it had been recited to any other young woman, she would likely have swooned and turned red at the warmth and love embedded in each of the poem’s lines. 


But Jang Soyoung was no ordinary woman.


“Young Master, do you intend to imply that I am a woman who would sneak around and meet with forbidden lovers after the night has fallen?” She asked. A collective gasp arose from the people watching them, and Prince Jinyoung froze for a moment at the direct question. No matter which country they were in, it was an insult to a woman’s reputation, married or not, to imply she was willing to meet secretly with lovers at night. Only couples with something to hide would do something like that. Of course, Soyoung knew Prince Jinyoung wouldn’t be so foolish as to imply such a thing; he was royalty after all, and an intelligent person on top of that. Even if he didn’t know her, he wouldn’t have made such a beginner’s mistake.


But that only made her want to know how he would respond to such a question, no, such an accusation. 


Then, Prince Jinyoung took a deep breath and smiled, bowing politely before responding.


“Of course not, Young Miss.” He replied, “I apologize if my words led you to such a misunderstanding. Perhaps you can look at it this way. You give me the impression of a woman who would not settle for anything less than the best for your other half. And so, once you do settle on someone, you would surely be devoted to that person alone. Likewise, the person you choose will only want to be with you when he is at his best. And so, that time can neither be in the morning or in the afternoon, but at nighttime, when your other half can devote his full attention to you when there are no other distractions around him.”


Soyoung gazed at Prince Jinyoung steadily, her gaze  unwavering until he almost began to squirm under her scrutinizing expression. Then, a small smirk turned up the corner of her lips.


A man who thinks quickly on his feet and turns a crisis into an opportunity for praise. 


As much as Soyoung wasn’t easy to please, she had to admit that she was impressed. 


She laughed softly and waved a hand towards the servants to bring fresh wine over. 


“I believe I promised Young Master a cup of wine?” She said, pouring herself some of the clear, sweet liquor into the small green glass. Soyoung held out the cup towards Prince Jinyoung.


“I am a woman of my word.” She stated. She turned the cup around in her slender fingers for a few seconds before downing the small cup of liquor in one swallow. Prince Jinyoung stared at her in surprise, seemingly startled that a woman would openly drink wine this way, before smiling and chuckling softly.


“Young Miss is a good drinker.” He said with a polite bow. Soyoung almost scoffed at the statement. It was meant to be a word of praise, she knew. 


If there was one thing to be certain, her people weren’t one to hesitate when it came to drinking at events ranging from wedding banquets to royal feasts. 


But of course, the Goryeo people wouldn’t understand that. 


“My Lady.” Hyojun’s voice drew her attention as he appeared at her side, “It’s time to go. It is getting late.” Soyoung turned and looked up at where the sun hung brightly in the sky. 


“Indeed it is.” She replied with a nod, “Let’s go. I’ve seen what I needed.” Turning, she began to follow Hyojun off the pavilion, when Prince Jinyoung’s voice stopped her in her tracks. 


“Young Miss!” He called. Soyoung turned and smiled faintly, tilting her head silently in acknowledgement of his unspoken question.


“What is your name?” Prince Jinyoung asked curiously, “Based on your accent and how you carry yourself, it doesn’t seem like you are from Goryeo.”  Soyoung smiled in amusement at the question. 


He picked up on that already? So he’s not only a scholar, but an observant and astute man as well.


“You will know very soon.” She replied with a slight bow, “Now if you will excuse me.” 


“Young Miss?” Prince Jinyoung called again, “Your cup.” Soyoung paused, then looked down at her hand and laughed softly as she realized she was still holding the small wine cup.


“You’re right.” She said, and with a quick spin of her fingers, she tossed the cup in the Prince’s direction. He caught the cup with ease, staring in surprise at her at the speed with which she had tossed the small cup. Soyoung smirked, then turned, and followed Hyojun away.



Jinyoung watched as the young lady followed the young man who had approached her away, leaving as if she hadn’t just walked into the midst of a large group of young man scholars and challenged him to compose another poem on the spot.


It was almost like she was testing me on purpose.


Jinyoung slowly opened his palm and let the wine cup fall into his other hand. He gazed at his palm thoughtfully for a long moment and clenched his fist briefly, curious. 


That speed that she threw the cup with…


No, that definitely wasn’t an ordinary Goryeo woman. 


And what was that about her name? He’d know it very soon? 


Jinyoung shook his head, thoroughly perplexed. And yet, a slight smile turned up the corner of his lips. It was the first time he had come across a woman as bold as she was. It was as if she held the world in her hands, and she knew it.


It had been both a thoroughly perplexing and extremely intriguing experience.


The way her lips turned up in an amused smirk, the way her deep eyes held him in place as she gazed directly at him, the way she crossed her arms and leaned slightly when she stood, her stance firm and confident, the way her hair blew unrestrained in the breeze, even the way her long fingers held the cup in their grasp…


It all reminded Jinyoung of a slender wildcat, sitting in the bushes and watching from afar. 


There was a slight tug on his sleeve, drawing Jinyoung’s attention out of his thoughts. He turned to see Youngjae standing next to him, who nodded towards the sun. 


“It’s getting late, Highness.” He said, “Don’t you have an important event to get to tonight? The event is coming to a close.” Jinyoung looked at the sky, and noted that indeed, it was about time he returned to the palace to prepare for the banquet. Around him, as if the young woman’s departure had broken the spell her presence had set, the young scholars were beginning to clean up and bid farewell to each other, while some others had begun their own conversations among themselves. Youngjae gave Jinyoung a gentle shove.


“Go on.” He said, “You can’t be late.” Jinyoung smiled at his friend, then bowed goodbye to Youngjae and Yugyeom before hurrying back to Manwoldae Palace. As much as he didn’t want to attend, he would never hear the end of it from his father and Jaebeom if he didn’t dutifully appear on time.




A few hours later, Jinyoung found himself sitting in the palace’s main hall at a low table laden with food and fruits, dressed in elaborately decorated forest green robes. At his right sat Jaebeom, at his seat closest to the king reserved for the Crown Prince. Jaebeom met Jinyoung’s searching gaze, then waved a hand forward slightly. The signal was clear.


Sit up straight.


Jinyoung swallowed down a sigh and did as he had been told. Of course, heaven forbid the Mongol ruler to see the Goryeo princes at anything less than perfect. Slouching was out of the question. Frowning slightly, Jinyoung peered at the currently empty seat that had been set aside next to his father. Based on the size of the chair and its elegantly decorated backing, there was little question who the seat had been set aside for.


The Empress of Yuan.


Jinyoung wondered for a few moments what she would be like. He had heard stories, rumors spread around of course, but they tended to vary from one person to another. Some people said she was a kind and benevolent ruler, who drew the line between praise and punishment clearly, and never meted out punishment or gave favors unfairly. Others said she was the epitome of a Mongol huntress, beautiful but sharp and merciless in all she did, and completely unreadable. Still others said she was a combination of the two. There were only two things Jinyoung knew for sure.


One, her name in Korean.


Jang Soyoung.


Her surname referred to the arching bow, a nod to the Mongol’s notorious archery skills, and her name called for eternal beauty and prosperity, an auspicious name for both the country and the ruler herself. It evoked the image of a warrior astride her horse, a longbow in one hand and an arrow in the other, her long hair fluttering in the wind.


And second, that she was not a person that could be carelessly offended. 


Jinyoung would have to watch what he said and did. 


But perhaps, just maybe, he could wiggle his way out of the competition for her hand without making his efforts too obvious.


Then, the voice of the announcing eunuch rose in the air, cutting through the soft murmurs of hushed conversation that had previously filled the main hall.


“The Empress has arrived!” Silence immediately fell over the room, all of its occupants turning in near unison towards the entry as they rose to their feet. For a moment, Jinyoung could only see an empty doorway, and beyond it, the late afternoon sky darkening over the open air courtyard in the middle of the palace. Then, a figure appeared at the top of the steps, and Jinyoung felt his breath catch in his throat as the figure became increasingly visible.


The Empress.


She was a tall, slender woman, dressed in elaborate robes made of deep rosy purple fabric and decorated with bright silver swirls that twinkled in the fading sunlight. Her long black hair, pulled into a multitude of tiny braids, flowed freely down her back, and an equally elaborate traditional headdress had been wrapped around her head. Her hands were clasped politely in front of her, her back straight and her entire posture exuding an aura of pure confidence. 


Then, as Jinyoung’s gaze fell on the Empress’s face, a strange sensation of deja vu seemed to fill his chest.


Jang Soyoung was beautiful, and yet she looked so oddly familiar.


Her eyes were like pools of ebony stone, sharp and attractive at the same time. She had a doll-like, heart shaped face, and red, unsmiling lips. It was the face of an experienced ruler, one who had faced and overcome multiple struggles on the way to solidifying her power. 


And yet, for a brief moment, what Jinyoung could see was a vivacious young woman dressed in a seafoam green hanbok, one eyebrow raised inquisitively as he explained his poem, one corner of her pink lips turned up in an amused smirk. 


It can’t be her…


Why would the Mongol empress be wandering around in Goryeo clothing in the middle of the day? Just the thought didn’t make any sense to him. 


Then, the empress turned ever so slightly as she passed by Jinyoung, and the young prince found himself caught in her dark eyed gaze. Time seemed to slow for a moment, and then, Jang Soyoung’s lips turned up slightly in the tiniest of smiles. It only lasted for a second, and by the time Jinyoung took in what had happened, she had passed by as if nothing had occurred.


Shaking his head in confusion, Jinyoung tried to clear his mind as he watched the empress approach his father.


What just happened? Was I imagining things?


Lifting her head to look at the Goryeo king, who had come down from his throne to greet her, Jang Soyoung dipped into an elegant curtsey, one hand clasped over her chest.


“Greetings, King of Goryeo.” She said. Her voice was a crystalline pure sound, one that echoed with authority and held the listener captive within a few words. 


Once again, Jinyoung felt like he had heard this voice somewhere before.


The king quickly pulled the empress upright. While the empress had bowed out of courtesy to a man older than her young age, there would be no questioning who was really in control at the moment.


“Your Majesty is too kind.” He replied, “It is our honor to have you in our country. Please, come sit.” The guests returned to their seats, and soon the banquet was in full swing. And yet, Jinyoung couldn’t help but glance occasionally at the empress. No matter how he thought about it, she seemed awfully familiar. 


But at the same time, he couldn’t just go and ask if she had been at the teahouse earlier that day. It wasn’t his place, one way or another.


“What’s wrong?” Jaebeom asked softly, pulling on Jinyoung’s arm, “You’re staring.” 


“Is it obvious?” Jinyoung asked, his cheeks flushing slightly at having been caught. Jaebeom chuckled and shook his head.


“Just a little.” The Crown Prince replied, “I know she is beautiful, but staring is rude.” 


“Hyung-nim!” Jinyoung protested, “I am not staring because she is beautiful!” Jaebeom chuckled.


“If you say so, little brother.” He replied. Jinyoung sighed and poked aimlessly at the fruit in front of him. 


Perhaps I am just overthinking things.


Jinyoung’s gaze wandered slightly away from the empress, his eyes suddenly falling on a man standing at the foot of the short staircase leading up to the two rulers. A frown crossed Jinyoung’s face as he looked at the young man. He was dressed in dark blue robes, his long hair tied back into a simple ponytail, the pendant dangling at his waist signaling his position as the queen’s personal guard. In his hand, he held a silver sword, which was currently held securely in his crossed arms. His gaze traveled continuously over the main hall, keeping an eye out for any potential source of danger.


The empress isn’t the only one who looks familiar.

As the dancers in the middle of the main hall cleared the room after their performance, servants began to enter the hall to serve the main dishes. Jinyoung nodded politely at the maid that appeared in front of him, his eyes silently looking over the food that had been prepared. Surprisingly, it was all traditional Goryeo food. He had expected his father to order Mongol food in order to match the empress’s tastes, but it had turned out otherwise. He watched curiously as the servants approached the raised seating where his father and Empress Soyoung sat, conversing politely. The two servants took one step onto the steps leading up to the two rulers, then another, and then…


Jinyoung’s eyes widened in shock as the servant approaching the Mongol empress suddenly threw away the tray he was holding, and then lunged at the empress. Candlelight twinkled off something in the man’s hand, and Jinyoung realized that he was holding a knife.


An assassin!


“Protect the king!”


“Protect the empress!” Voices of shock filled the air, and the footsteps of soldiers rushed for the raised platform where the two rulers were sitting, but Jinyoung knew even with his limited fighting knowledge that they wouldn’t arrive in time. Even the empress’s personal guard, from his position at the foot of the stairs, was too far away. 


The empress was on her own.


But all of a sudden, something incredible happened. 


When the assassin had lunged, the empress had just picked up a cup of wine, her slender fingers twirling the cup slightly before taking a sip. As the assassin attacked, Jang Soyoung’s gaze shifted upward ever so slightly, but never betrayed a single drop of emotion. Without batting an eyelash, she threw the cup at the assassin, the little cup hitting full force against the outstretched knife. Jinyoung’s eyes widened as the assassin was sent tumbling backwards from the blow.


How hard did she throw that cup?


In that moment, Jinyoung knew he couldn’t deny it anymore. He had only seen someone throw a cup in that same way, with the same force, once before that moment. To have two things happen so close to each other was surely no coincidence. 


It’s her.


Before the assassin had caught his footing, the empress leapt nimbly over her table and gave him a hard kick, sending him tumbling down the stairs. Although the man caught his footing and nimbly lunged at her again, the empress dodged the blow just as quickly, and another swift shove had the assassin down on the floor in the middle of the waiting soldiers, whose swords immediately came down around the man’s neck, holding him in place. 


Jinyoung blinked in surprise at what had just happened. He had heard that the empress was an excellent fighter, but that had all happened within the blink of an eye. It was beyond his imagination of what a woman could be capable of.


“Who are you?” The empress’s personal guard snarled, “How dare you attack the empress!” The man laughed, a crazed expression in his eyes.


“Kill me if you dare!” He growled, “Let everyone hear of how cruel the Mongol empress is! It wouldn’t be the first time anyway!” The empress’s guard turned to look at Empress Soyoung, silently leaving the decision up to her. The empress looked at the assassin for a long moment before taking a step forward. Without saying a word, she reached out and pulled back the collar of the man’s shirt, her eyes narrowing at what she saw. Jinyoung followed the line of her gaze, then frowned as he saw elaborate lines of black ink spiraling over the man’s neck and collarbone.


What’s that?


Jang Soyoung smirked ever so slightly, let go of the man’s shirt and fixed her sharp gaze on him.


“Oh, but what should I do?” She said, “I’m afraid I’ll have to disappoint you. I never intended to kill you. Nor would I ever be so foolish as to cast a negative light on myself when it isn’t even true.” She motioned one hand to her personal guard.


“Hyojun, personally take this man outside the city and watch him leave.” She stated firmly.


“Jang Soyoung! You will regret not killing me today!” The man growled. Empress Soyoung smiled ever so slightly, even as the Goryeo officials and royalty gasped audibly at the assassin’s bold use of the empress’s full name.


“Go back and tell your master this.” She stated, “If he would like to throw me off the throne, he can come straight for me. I will welcome his challenges with open arms. But don’t ever pull innocent people into this matter.” She turned her back with a swish of her dress, then waved for the guard, Hyojun, to take the man away. The would-be assassin was dragged off kicking and screaming, his shouts fading into the distance as he was dragged out of the palace. Jinyoung gazed at the empress as she watched the man be dragged out, her face a mask of calm mixed with slight disgust. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, Jinyoung was impressed. 


Jang Soyoung could have easily ordered the man killed on the spot; there was little doubt that attempting to kill the empress was a crime worthy of death. Few would have questioned her choice to do so. But at the same time, her decision to sentence the man to death without barely a thought ran the risk that such a course of action would have portrayed her as a cold ruler who sent anyone who betrayed her to death. It was a fear inducing mechanism that some rulers had used in the past, but it made life difficult for everyone under their rule. There was another aspect to it as well: the man was clearly just a small player in a much bigger attempt to take her life and ruin her name; there was no way he was acting on his own. Killing him alone would accomplish little, if anything at all. By letting him go free, the empress was setting the bait for the bigger fish to come to her on its own. 


The empress was playing a delicate, but well strategized game. 


The king hurried over to the empress as she turned to look back at him.


“Your Majesty, my greatest apologies!” He exclaimed, “You must have been startled! It is my fault for allowing such a loophole in the security!” Jang Soyoung smiled ever so slightly, then reached out and patted him on the shoulder.


“It’s fine.” She replied simply, “It is nothing I haven’t seen before. I am not a weak woman, King of Goryeo. I will not blame you for this. And in any event, the man’s intention wasn’t really my life, but to sully my reputation in the eyes of the Goryeo people. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have come alone.” The king nodded, visibly relieved. 


“Then, let us return to our feast?” He suggested. Jang Soyoung smiled, but shook her head.


“I am a little tired of the festivities for now.” She replied, “Shall we get to the main point of my visit?” The king looked surprised.


“Your Majesty, I have already arranged for a competition amongst my eligible sons tomorrow.” He said, “You can see them at their best tomorrow and see who can win your hand in marriage.” Empress Soyoung shook her head.


“While I appreciate your efforts, King of Goryeo, there is no need for that.” She said, “I already have someone in mind.” The princes stiffened, startled by the sudden development. When had she been observing them close enough to pick her groom? What feature in any of them had caught her attention already?


“Then...which of my sons has the honor of catching your attention, Your Highness?” The king asked, looking confused at the empress’s sudden announcement. Empress Soyoung smiled, then began walking down the red carpet that lay across the path leading through the middle of the main hall. Gradually, her footsteps began to slow, until she came to a full stop in front of Jinyoung. His heart began to pound in his chest as the empress’s gaze met his, then her lips turned up into a slight smile. 


Please no.


“The one I would like to marry,” Empress Soyoung stated, “Is the Fifth Prince, Park Jinyoung.”

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2026 streak #1
Chapter 37: The epilogue was so cute!!! And wow! They have so many kids... LoL... Hyojun leaving again was a bit sad but it's understandable. And the kinda Yi-En's punishment and story was funny. I really enjoyed reading this story. Hope to see you again in your future works. Wishing you good luck!!
2026 streak #2
Chapter 36: I still believe the story has come to an end. I'm still yearning for more! This was such an amazing story. Could even be made a K-drama if you ask me. Although, I do wonder if Yi-En's another consort now since they were legally married. Also, they both never addressed it. So I'm more curious than ever. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read the epilogue. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 35: I knew it! I mean that can't be true, y'know with what happened the previous chapter. Poor Jinwoo though! That child was thinking his father was abandoning him. Although it was done for his own safety. I can't wait to see how she makes her reappearance. And also, about being Yi-En's princess consort. Will be back later to read more and catch up ^^
hakimmj #4
Chapter 37: Finally for now they be happy with all their children. Can't wait for more after this. Thanks for the updates! :))
2026 streak #5
Chapter 34: Wait what???? You must be be kidding right? I mean it's a trick for some greater good right? Why do you have to drop this bomb on us while we were all so happy about the way things were going? Anyway, enough of my dramatics, I know! Will definitely be back later to read more and find out what happens herein. So until then, no spoilers please!! ^^
hakimmj #6
Chapter 36: Finally! Their strong love for each other really makes them become stronger. Soyoung finally can reclaim hers and the family. Can't wait for more moments of jinyoung and soyoung with their children. Thanks for the updates;;))
2026 streak #7
Chapter 33: Definitely wasn't expecting the twist about the consort and her role in the chaos. Glad she decided to come clean at least now and that Soyoung took it well. And she's expecting again. That's for sure I think, with all the hint that's you've given us. And I can't wait to see how this develops further. But will be back later to read more ^^
hakimmj #8
Chapter 35: Can't wait to know the identity of the woman. My instinct is so strong for the revival of soyoung. Please make them meet again and be happy:((
hakimmj #9
Chapter 34: Oh my god!! Soyoung :((
I can't believe this. Jinyoung will be so sad for this. Hope to know what happen after this.
hakimmj #10
Chapter 33: Really happy when jinyoung is back and safe. Their moments with the little prince is so sweet, can't wait to read more of their moments. Hopefully soyoung is alright. Thanks for the updates.;)