Chapter 26: A Gamble

Phoenix Aurora (Got7 Jinyoung X OC)



For the next three days, Park Jinyoung tried his best to regain his wife’s affections. 


Soyoung knew he was doing his best, she really did.


From morning until night, Jinyoung was nearly constantly by her side, so much that she had to force him to do something else on more than one occasion. If she needed something, Jinyoung was usually there to get it for her, so she never had to get up herself. Before long, Jinyoung had picked up on the times that she became hungry, and would show up like clockwork with boxes of different delicious snacks in tow. When Soyoung took her walks in the Royal Garden, Jinyoung was often by her side, and rambled on incessantly about his time at the restoration site in an attempt to entertain her. Despite Soyoung’s minimal reactions to his actions, Jinyoung’s efforts never relented. It was clear from his stories that he had matured beyond the innocent youth who liked to spend his days in the imperial library, filling his mind with idealistic values that would never fully work out in the real world. At the same time though, while Soyoung was thankful for Jinyoung’s small acts of help during those few days, she still found herself hesitating whenever she fancied the idea of opening herself to him again. She could tell that he was truly trying hard to regain her favor, and yet…


Was he doing it because he truly regretted his actions? Or was he doing it in order to help his country, and to help himself regain a better status in the imperial palace?


In the past, Soyoung would have never thought that her innocent young husband would hold ulterior motives, and yet, after all that had happened, she was no longer so certain.


One day, as Soyoung was conducting her usual weekly inspection of the military, she spotted one extra soldier practicing among the rest. 


“Well, look at that.” Yeojin commented from her place next to Soyoung, “That person certainly looks familiar.” Soyoung scoffed as she watched Park Jinyoung spar with the soldier in front of him. It was clear that he was outmatched, but she had to admit that the prince’s physical fighting ability had improved. While he had hesitated at the mere thought of holding an arrow in the past, Jinyoung now faced the much burlier soldier’s attacks with new bravado that hadn’t been there before. Even after he was knocked to his feet, Jinyoung bounced lightly back to his feet and jumped directly back into the match. The sun shone off the uniform that he had obtained, the uniform’s long sleeves doing little to hide the muscles that had been built along his arms and chest. It was clear that Jinyoung had been doing more than his fair share of manual labor over at the restoration site.


“He’s improved.” Yeojin noted as Soyoung failed to respond.


“So?” Soyoung replied at last, folding her arms over her chest. Yeojin smirked.


“Stop putting up a cold front.” She admonished, “Isn’t this what you wanted to see? Improvement so he’s not the gullible prince he used to be?” 

“Physical strength means little when it comes to that.” Soyoung replied shortly, carefully keeping a calm mask over her face. Yeojin smiled faintly and shook her head.


“Do you really think he could have built that physical strength without also building mental maturity over there?” She asked, “The area you sent him to is one of the poorest areas of this nation. He wouldn’t have survived for one month, much less five, if he hadn’t rapidly matured.” Soyoung raised an eyebrow as she looked up at her friend.


“Are you trying to convince me to forgive him?” She asked. Yeojin sat down next to her and shook her head.


“I’m merely trying to remind you how much he has changed.” She replied, “You are a stubborn person, I know that better than anyone. If you do not want him, no one can change your mind. In the end, the decision is up to you. And yet, even you cannot ignore the fact that he truly has changed since you sent him out of the palace, right? Or else, why would you have accepted his challenge to win back your heart in seven days?” Soyoung sighed.


“He has changed.” She admitted at last, “But everything that he has done so far...I don’t know what his motives are, and that makes me hesitant.” Yeojin sighed and cast her gaze back on the soldiers practicing below.


“Soyoung.” She said softly, “I understand why you are hesitant, and I know why you tend to question people’s motives like this. But when it comes to Park Jinyoung...perhaps you should make an exception for him.” 


“Why’s that?” Soyoung asked quietly, her gaze growing melancholy. Yeojin smiled faintly and pointed at Soyoung’s chest.


“Because despite what happened five months ago, that man...holds a very important position in your heart.” She answered, “And the longer you hold back because you are questioning his motives, the more painful it becomes for both you and him.” Soyoung’s lips parted ever so slightly in surprise at Yeojin’s statement, then smiled wryly as she shook her head.


“And if my heart is trampled again?” She asked. Yeojin’s gaze softened as she took in Soyoung’s expression before she answered.


“If that happens, you can cut him off from you forever.” She answered, “And I will not raise a single word in protest when that happens.” Soyoung sighed softly as she looked back over at the soldiers without answering. Before she responded to Yeojin though, a slightly amused smile turned up the corners of her lips as she spotted something new.


“When did we get another new soldier?” She asked, pointing down at the group. Yeojin frowned in confusion, then groaned as she followed Soyoung’s line of vision.


“Not again.” She grumbled. On the other side of the group of soldiers was Wang Jia’er, who, like Jinyoung, was sparring with one of Yeojin’s well trained soldiers. Like Jinyoung, it was clear that he was outmatched despites his experience teaching self defense to young children. Still, he bounced back every time he got knocked down, grinning at the challenge in front of him despite the pain that he had to be in. 


“Has he been frequenting our military camp?” Soyoung asked. Yeojin sighed and nodded, clapping one hand to her forehead.


“Ever since the prince returned, he’s been coming here every day to practice, saying that he wants to join my soldiers.” She replied, “I told him I don’t need new soldiers, but he’s very insistent. It looks like Prince Jinyoung’s return gave him new hope that he could change my perspective on him.” Soyoung chuckled softly as Wang Jia’er was knocked flat on his back once more.


“Perhaps you should sort out your love life before you talk to me about my relationship with my husband.” She teased. Yeojin scoffed.


“It is not a love life.” She protested, “He is merely a ridiculous suitor, and I do not intend to give in to his attempts. He is a well known casanova. I’m sure his attempts will fade sooner or later.” Soyoung chuckled again as Wang Jia’er looked up and waved up at Yeojin, who promptly crossed her arms and turned away from him.


“Perhaps, Yeojin.” She answered, “Perhaps.”


As the morning passed into the afternoon, Soyoung found that there were more surprises waiting for her. After returning to the palace and taking her afternoon meal while catching up on work, Soyoung went for a walk in the garden and found multiple people waiting for her in the pavilion where she usually rested.


“Crown Prince Jaebeom.” She said as she recognized who was there, “What brings you here?” Her polite smile faded ever so slightly as she realized who else had come with the Crown Prince.


“Prince Jinyoung.” Soyoung greeted coolly, “You have come as well?” The prince gave her a shy smile and nodded his head. Crown Prince Jaebeom cleared his throat to break the awkward tension quickly settling into the air.


“Your Majesty, forgive me for setting this up without asking you.” He said, “It has been a few days since I arrived and we have yet to sit down together as a family, so I thought we could share an afternoon tea together.” He motioned towards the table where various snacks and tea drinks were set up.


“As a family.” Jaebeom repeated, as if to emphasize his point. Soyoung sighed softly, her gaze flickering over to the young woman standing near Jaebeom. As Soyoung’s gaze fell on her, the young woman smiled and bobbed in a light curtsey. Based on her clothing, it was clear that this was Crown Princess Hyejin, and the two children peeking out from behind her skirts were the Crown Prince’s children. If it had been only Jinyoung, Soyoung would have turned around and left without saying another word. In front of all these people though, Soyoung had no choice but to accept the Crown Prince’s abrupt proposal. 


“Very well.” She said with a sigh, sitting down in her seat with a light ruffle of her skirts. A relieved look went through Jinyoung’s eyes as he exchanged a glance with his brother.


“Try this.” Jinyoung offered, pushing a plate of sweets towards Soyoung, who picked one up and nibbled on it politely. There was a shuffle of movement near Soyoung as the Crown Princess lightly tugged her children out from hiding.


“Siwoo, Soomin, go and give your greetings.”  She urged, lightly pushing her children forward. Soyoung looked down as the young prince and princess shuffled forward, their gazes cast up towards Soyoung in a mixture of curiosity and shy hesitation. 


“Greetings, Royal Auntie.” Their little voices chirped as they each bowed politely towards Soyoung. Soyoung offered them a tiny smile, and the young princess, Soomin, dashed forward a few steps boldly.


“Royal Auntie, you look prettier when you smile!” She chirped, her eyes wide, “Mama showed us your portrait before, but you didn’t smile there.” Crown Princess Hyejin looked up in alarm, but Soyoung only looked down at the little girl with a slightly amused smile.


“Oh?” She said, “How do I look in my portrait?” Soomin hesitated for a moment before pursing a frown onto her little face.


“Like this!” She answered, “Very cold!” 


“Soomin!” Crown Princess Hyejin finally scolded, “You are being rude to Her Majesty!” Soyoung gazed at the little girl for a long moment before letting a soft laugh escape her lips at the princess’ imitation. 


“It’s alright.” She assured Hyejin, “I will not hold an innocent child’s words against her. And besides…” Soyoung hesitated for a moment before reaching out and lightly ruffling the little princess’ hair.


“She’s not wrong.” Soyoung said, “I’ve heard that said more than once before.” Soyoung lightly patted Soomin’s cheek.


“She is a bold child.” She noted, “I like that about her. But Soomin, even though it is okay today, you must be careful not to say everything that is on your mind in the future, alright?” The little girl looked up at Soyoung with wide eyes and nodded. 


“Yes, Royal Auntie.” She said. Soyoung felt a light tug on her other hand, and she looked down to see Siwoo standing on her left side, his little hands wrapped around her much larger one.


“Royal Auntie!” He chirped, his baby tongue tripping slightly over the pronunciation, “Play!” Hyejin giggled as Soyoung blinked in confusion.


“Siwoo wants to play with you, Your Majesty.” She explained, “It seems that he has taken a liking to you.” As if to confirm, Siwoo picked up a little ball from the table and held it out to Soyoung. The young empress gazed at the little boy for a long moment, a mixture of emotions running through her chest. The little boy’s eyes were wide and trusting, his gaze pure and innocent and hiding nothing. Even though they had just met, his hands were clasped firmly around her fingers, as if he could tell that she could be trusted to be his playmate. In his eyes, there was no reservation, no hesitation at all. He liked his aunt, and to him, that was all that mattered. A light smile played across Soyoung’s lips as she took the ball from his tiny hand. 


Sometimes, I wish I could still be so trusting.


“Siwoo, don’t bother your Royal Aunt.” Jaebeom admonished, “What did I tell you and your sister before we left home?” Siwoo thought for a moment before pointing at Soyoung’s swollen stomach.


“Baby!” He chirped in response. Jaebeom nodded.


“That’s right.” He said, “Auntie can’t play with you right now, so don’t bother her too much.” Siwoo’s expression fell in disappointment, and Soyoung felt her heart soften despite her reservation towards the Goryeo princes sitting in the same pavilion. 


“It’s alright.” She interrupted, “I can still throw a ball.” Siwoo’s eyes lit up as he heard her speak, and he clapped his hands in delight. 


“Royal Auntie, will the baby play with us in the future?” Soomin piped up. Soyoung chuckled softly. 


“Would you want the baby to play with you?” She asked. Soomin nodded.


“I want more playmates.” She answered, “Little brother doesn’t always want to play with me.” Soyoung’s gaze softened. She could only imagine how lonely it could be for Soomin sometimes. The little princess was the eldest child of the future king of Goryeo, so there would certainly be many rules for her to follow. Playing with other children besides her brother or running along the streets of the capital with other children her age was likely out of the question. If she wanted a friend, that friend would have to be chosen carefully after much scrutiny by her parents and the king. For Soyoung at least, in her childhood, she had had the luxury of friendship from the imperial soldiers. But for Soomin, that wasn’t an option.


“The baby will have to grow more before it can play with you.” Soyoung answered at last, “It’ll be very tiny right after it is born. Can you wait for it to grow up a little more first?” Soomin’s eyes widened in delight and she bobbed her head happily.


“Will you come with Royal Uncle to play with us too?” She asked. Soyoung hesitated at that question, her gaze flickering ever so slightly to Jinyoung. Hesitation filled her husband’s eyes, and he looked like he wanted to say something before he averted his gaze. Not wanting to disappoint the child, Soyoung smiled and nodded.


“Alright.” She answered, “I will.” Soomin’s eyes lit up and she out her pinky finger, her eyes filling with determination.


“Promise!” She declared. Soyoung blinked in surprise for a moment before she laughed softly and wrapped her finger around Soomin’s.


“I promise.”




Jinyoung felt a small smile cross his face as he watched Soyoung play with his nephew and niece. It was a simple game of catch, but the children’s laughter filled the air all the same. Soyoung, on her part, seemed to be in a better mood because of the children. For the first time in what felt like forever, Jinyoung saw a warm smile cross Soyoung’s usually serious features, the soft sounds of her laughter sounding like music to his ears.


“I arranged this afternoon tea to give you another chance to talk with the Empress.” Jaebeom commented, “But it seems like the children have completely captured her attention instead.” Jinyoung chuckled.


“It’s alright.” He replied, “At least, she is finally smiling again, even if it’s just a little bit.” Ever since Hyeyoung had arrived on that fateful day, Jinyoung had barely seen Soyoung smile, and her serious face had only become more frequent as the situation had worsened. Despite the fact that her smile wasn’t directed at him, Jinyoung felt his spirits lift ever so slightly. Jaebeom smiled and lightly squeezed Jinyoung’s shoulder comfortingly.


“It’s interesting though.” Jaebeom mused as he watched the children play, “You spent all afternoon trying to get Soomin and Siwoo’s attention, and yet they’ve become attached to the Empress as soon as she arrived.” Jinyoung pouted slightly at his brother’s statement. It was true, of course; Jinyoung had tried his best to get his niece and nephew’s attention for days, but they only hid shyly away from him behind their mother any time he approached. And yet, here they were, playing happily away with Soyoung, the aunt they had never met before today.


“They’re just like their aunt.” He grumbled, “Barely even sparing me a glance even though I’ve tried very hard already.” Jaebeom chuckled softly.


“One day, they will see how good their uncle is.” He said, “And so will their aunt.” Jinyoung sighed. While Jaebeom was right, he couldn’t help but remember that he had only one week to recapture Soyoung’s heart and trust. Three days had already gone by, but there had been barely any progress. At most, Jinyoung could say her attitude towards him had returned to his earliest days in Yuan as opposed to a complete stranger, but that wasn’t what he wanted. The invisible walls around her were as strong as ever, and Jinyoung could feel Soyoung’s hesitation and reservation every time he pressed ever so slightly on those walls. 


Am I really going to have to leave again?


As the children tossed the ball back and forth with Soyoung, Jinyoung spotted a eunuch walk up to Soyoung and whisper something in her ear. A look of alarm crossed Soyoung’s face as she listened to the eunuch, her hands clenching tightly in an uncharacteristic display of concern. Her jaw tightened as the eunuch finished reporting, then nodded and waved him away. Returning the ball to the children, Soyoung rose to her feet and walked over to where Jinyoung, Jaebeom, and Hyejin were sitting.


“Something has come up in court that requires an urgent meeting with the court officials.” Soyoung said, “I will have to end this little afternoon tea here.” Jaebeom nodded.


“Of course, the country’s matters are more important.” He said. Jinyoung jumped to his feet as Soyoung turned to go.


“Should I come with you?” He offered. Soyoung turned back and looked at him, hesitating for a moment before shaking her head.


“Stay here.” She replied, then walked off. Jinyoung sighed as Hyojun appeared around the corner to meet Soyoung, and he watched as the two walked away. Still, Jinyoung couldn’t get the startled expression on Soyoung’s face out of his mind. Soyoung was always calm, barely batting an eyelash at any issue that arose even if it was a military ambush that no one had been prepared for. So this time, what had made her so taken off guard? Biting his lip, Jinyoung turned to Jaebeom.


“Hyung, I-” He started, but Jaebeom was already nodding.


“Go on.” He said, “Go and see what is going on.” Jinyoung smiled gratefully and bowed quickly before dashing off after his wife.





“Her Majesty the Empress has arrived!” The court officials quickly shuffled into position at the sound of the eunuch’s announcement, and they all bowed in unison as Soyoung took her usual seat on the throne in Mentality Hall.


“You may rise.” She said, her gaze calm despite the turmoil rushing up inside of her. She was usually calm regardless of what came her way, but today, things were different. 


After all, this emergency involved the still unborn life growing inside of her.


“Thank you, Your Majesty.” The court officials intoned. Soyoung frowned slightly and took a deep breath before speaking.


“You have all gathered here today because of all the rumors that have suddenly sprung up around the capital, correct?” She asked, “Can anyone tell me specifically what exactly these rumors are?” The court officials all exchanged hesitant glances, each silently urging another to step forward. Soyoung knew why they all hesitated. Although they all more or less knew what the rumors entailed, none of the court officials were willing to risk the head on their shoulders or their prestigious positions at that moment, particularly when Soyoung had heavily punished Lord Tsend and Khuu Batuhan not that long ago for conspiring to steal official court funds. Soyoung sighed as the old men continued hesitating.


“I won’t punish anyone who steps forward.” She said at last, “I am merely asking for a report. There is no crime for reporting the facts to me.” At last, one of the officials from the royal treasury stepped forward and bowed.


“Your Majesty, the rumors outside the palace involve a member of the royal family.” He said, “In particular...a rather young member of the royal family.” Soyoung’s gaze narrowed.


“Stop beating around the bush and get to the point.” She ordered. The man gulped and nodded.


“No one is sure where the rumors came from, but…” He bit his lip, “The rumors involve the little prince that Your Majesty is carrying.” He hesitated for another moment before speaking in a rush.


“The rumors all say that Prince Jinyoung is not the royal heir’s father.” He continued, “They are saying that Your Majesty shared a bed with a different man shortly after conflict arose between you and the Prince Consort because of the deposed Princess Hyeyoung, and that is when the baby was conceived! There are even rumors that a maid saw Your Majesty bring a man into your room more than once!” 


For once, Soyoung was stunned speechless. Based on the eunuch’s urgent tone and the court officials’ sudden convergence on Mentality Hall, she had expected some ridiculous rumor to be going about but this was an entirely different level. To directly attack her child before the baby was even fully formed, that was an entirely new level of low. And of course, this rumor put her into a very difficult position. If the baby’s father was not Jinyoung, then that called into question the child’s legitimacy. Countless emperors in the past had taken multiple wives and consorts and fathered children from them, but the situation with Soyoung was different. Her only husband was Jinyoung; it wasn’t like she had a harem of men waiting to serve her. Therefore, only children carrying her and Jinyoung’s bloodline would be considered legitimate. In the past, if an Emperor had a child with a woman outside of the palace, that child was considered illegitimate until the Emperor took the child’s mother and gave her a title. Even then, there would constantly be rumors plaguing the child as it grew up surrounding its bloodline and background. The same held true for Soyoung.


This matter, of course, was made more complicated by the fact that Soyoung’s child was implicitly known to be the heir to the empire by default. And yet, if there were questions surrounding the child’s paternity, even if it took the throne in the future, it would be difficult to obtain the respect and obedience of the court and the Yuan people. 


In short, it was a delicate situation that had to be addressed quickly, but also very carefully.


“You all are certainly smarter than to believe such things, am I right?” She asked coolly. The court officials all glanced at each other hesitantly before bowing together.


“No, Your Majesty.” They said in unison. Soyoung bit back another sigh as she gazed down at the older men standing in front of her. They all said they didn’t believe the rumors, but she knew that in many of their hearts, they would love to see Soyoung trip up like this. This one rumor had her, Jinyoung, and the child’s reputation on the line. If Soyoung truly had made such a major mistake, then it would be a large blow to her reign, which, for the most part, had been far more worthy of praise than criticism. It would be a clear weakness on her part, one that many of her quiet enemies would quickly grab onto to use against her or her child in the future. 


“Then, if you all believe that the rumors are false, what do you suggest that I do to address these rumors?” Soyoung finally asked. To her surprise, Jang Jaewon was the first to step forward in response to her question.


“Your Majesty.” He said, “We were all discussing this specific question just before you arrived.” Soyoung raised an eyebrow.


“Oh?” She said, “And what was the result of your discussion?” 


“We believe that the best option now is to send the child away to Ci’an Temple after it is born to be raised by the abbesses there until the rumors surrounding its lineage have faded away.” Jang Jaewon replied smoothly. Soyoung’s lips parted ever so slightly in a mixture of surprise and astonishment at her uncle’s suggestion. 


No wonder he spoke so boldly.


Jang Jaewon was usually a man of few words, preferring to stand by the sidelines while the court officials on his side did the dirty work in front of Soyoung. But this time, he had taken advantage of the situation and gathered the consensus of all the court officials in attendance before proposing this ridiculous idea to Soyoung, meaning that if she rejected the suggestion, she would be going against the wishes of the entire imperial court. 


This is another one of your schemes, isn’t it, Uncle? The rumors and pressing me into this metaphorical corner I have been trapped into, that was all your doing, wasn’t it?


Soyoung’s hand clenched tightly into a fist, the other arm wrapping protectively around her stomach on instinct as if she could protect the child within her that way. 


“Royal Uncle.” She said coldly, her voice seething with barely suppressed anger, “Do you know what you are saying? Do you not see the implication of sending this child away right after it is born?” If Soyoung sent the baby away as her uncle had suggested, it would be tantamount to admitting to the rumors that were currently spreading like wildfire. There would be no need for Soyoung to say anything; the people weren’t all fools, they would certainly read the most obvious implication hidden under her actions. Before she knew it, everyone would be saying that the Empress had given birth to a child sired by someone other than her husband, a child that had to be hidden to preserve the reputation of the imperial family. 


Once that happened, there would be no going back despite her uncle’s suggestion that the child would only be kept away until the rumors faded away.


The child would be stuck in Ci’an Temple forever.


“Of course, Your Majesty.” Jang Jaewon replied, “But at this moment, there are only two choices right now. One, follow the option that we have all suggested to you today. Or two, locate the source of the rumors and use that person to clear up the accusations.” His gaze was serious as he looked up at Soyoung.


“You are still young, Your Majesty.” He said, “You and the prince can certainly have more children in the future.” Soyoung’s eyes narrowed. Of course, she knew which option was easier. After rumors had spread throughout the city, mostly by word of mouth, it became nearly impossible to track down its original source. On the other hand, sending the child away as a mere newborn would end the rumors by sending the subject of the rumors away from the public eye. If Soyoung allowed the people to believe that the rumors were true, it was still better to end it there than to let the rumors continue spreading, changing and varying until it became far too damaging to the imperial family. In the long run, Soyoung and Jinyoung’s reputations would only suffer minimal damage, and there would be little risk of putting an illegitimate or disrespected heir on the throne in the future. For the child, it was also the second best option to finding the person who had spread the rumors; if the baby grew up away from the palace, then it would not be plagued by rumors and whispers its entire life. 


At the same time though, choosing the easier option for Soyoung and Jinyoung meant sacrificing her firstborn child’s happiness and depriving it of all it deserved to have. Being able to grow up under its parents love and affection, under Soyoung’s watchful gaze and tutelage, having the position of the eldest son of the imperial family, and the best education and training that a person could wish for...her child would have none of that at Ci’an Temple. Instead, the child would grow up barely knowing who its parents were, likely often wondering why its parents had left it at the temple instead of by their side. The child would become a prince or princess in name only, and nothing more.


As if sensing her anxiety, the baby nudged Soyoung’s hand lightly, drawing her attention down to her rounded stomach. From the beginning of its conception until now, the little life inside Soyoung had only had its mother to rely on, and Soyoung had done her best to protect the growing little child. The baby kicked Soyoung lightly again, and Soyoung’s decision was made.


No, she wasn’t going to fail her child now.


“No.” Soyoung’s thoughts slipped to her tongue before she could think twice, drawing surprised looks from many court officials. 


“No?” Jang Jaewon repeated, as if unsure of what he had heard. Taking a deep breath, Soyoung shook her head.


“No.” She repeated, her voice firmer this time, “I will not sacrifice the happiness of my firstborn for my reputation, and definitely not over an unsupported rumor like this.”


“But Your Majesty-!” One court official protested, then shut his mouth immediately as Soyoung glared down at him.


“I said, no!” She growled, “I will not send my firstborn away to Ci’an Temple. To even suggest such a thing to me is absolutely absurd. The blood of the imperial family runs within this child’s veins, as it does in mine. I have done nothing wrong and I will not make it seem otherwise. It is laughable that the imperial court pays all of you such high salaries every year to come up with such cowardly solutions.”


“Well said.” A new voice broke into the meeting hall, and multiple heads turned towards the new sound. Soyoung’s eyes widened slightly as she saw a young man walk through the doors to Mentality Hall and approach her before stopping a polite distance away and bowing.


“Jinyoung.” She said in surprise, “What are you doing here?” Park Jinyoung’s eyes glimmered slightly under the sunlight as he gazed up at her.


“Why shouldn’t I be here?” He replied, “My wife’s clean reputation is being called into question, and all the court officials are pressuring the mother of my child to give up her own firstborn over unsupported rumors. It is only right that I am here.” A surprised murmur rose up among the gathered court officials as they heard what Jinyoung was saying, and for once, Soyoung couldn’t blame them. Even in the Mongol’s more open minded society, a woman’s purity and loyalty to her husband was of the utmost importance. That principle held regardless of whether the woman was the ruling Empress or the lowest ranked slave. If any of the court officials standing before her today or their sons had even the slightest reason to believe that their wife had been unfaithful, Soyoung was certain that they would not hesitate to suspect and punish her if it became necessary. Even if it was a rumor, they would question the wife first, investigate the matter later.


And yet, Jinyoung was making it clear that he wasn’t going to follow that norm.


Unlike in the past when Jinyoung had wavered when Soyoung had expected him to trust her, this time, there was a determined expression in his eyes that told her he would never believe even a part of the rumors spreading around the capital. 


In short, he trusted that she hadn’t conceived the child with another man.


“Your Highness, this matter involves your reputation as well.” One court official reminded him, “We only wish to preserve the glory of the imperial family as much as possible. If we let rumors continue running rampant around the city like this, who knows what they will begin saying?” Jinyoung frowned as he glared at the older man before looking over at Jang Jaewon.


“Royal Uncle.” He said, “You said the only other option was to find out who started spreading these rumors, right?” Jang Jaewon nodded.


“That is true, Your Highness, but-” He began, but Jinyoung cut him off before he could finish.


“Then I will find that original source.” Jinyoung declared loudly, “And I will have that person solve the problem that they created. Won’t that be enough?” 


“But Your Highness, with all due respect, your reputation-” Another court official began before Jinyoung interrupted him.


“My reputation will survive this matter intact.” He said firmly, “I have done nothing that is morally, ethically, or legally wrong, and neither has the Empress. Or do you think that I do not know for myself whether the child in the Empress’ womb is mine or not? Do I need to reveal the details surrounding our bedroom business?” The court officials averted their gazes at Jinyoung’s challenge, none of them daring to answer. When he put it that way, of course none of them dared to continue speaking. Soyoung’s lips parted ever so slightly as she looked down at her husband, taking in all that he was saying. 


In the past, the Jinyoung she knew would have hesitated in the face of questioning by so many court officials. He would have never dared to speak so boldly and in such an openly defensive manner, even when Soyoung’s reputation was at stake, much less walk uninvited into a meeting between Soyoung and her court officials. On the contrary, he would have been more likely to at least half believe the rumors first, and investigate later. After all, wasn’t there a saying that there is no smoke without fire? He would have never taken a position so early on and spoken openly in front of the court officials about what that position was. 


He really has changed, hasn’t he?


“I will find the person behind all of this.” Jinyoung repeated firmly, “So all of you, stop insisting on such an absurd solution that isn’t really a solution at all. The Empress would never ask that any of you send your own children away, and I’m sure all of you will afford her that same respect, right?” The court officials hesitated for another few moments before bowing.


“Yes, Your Highness.” They intoned. Soyoung sighed softly.


“Prince.” She called, and Jinyoung turned to look up at her.


“Are you certain you can find who started these rumors?” She asked. Jinyoung smiled lightly and nodded.


“I will find them, and make that person grovel at your feet.” He answered. Intrigued once more by Jinyoung’s brave statement, Soyoung nodded.


“Very well.” She said, “Then I will await the results of your investigation.”


The next day, Jinyoung


For the entire next day, Jinyoung found himself walking around the entire capital city, asking every person he could about the rumors that had spread about the Empress’s child. Most people weren’t helpful to him; they had only heard the rumor from someone else, and that other person had in turn heard it from yet another person. As the court officials had said, the rumor had been spread mostly orally, making it extremely difficult to locate a source. Of course, that was likely what the person behind the  matter had wanted to begin with. By the end of the day, Jinyoung found himself exhausted and had barely anything to show for his efforts. But every time he grew tired, he thought back to the anger on Soyoung’s face as she had faced the court officials, and the fake smiles plastered onto their faces as the court officials had pressured her to give up her child, and he knew he couldn’t give up yet.


No, he wouldn’t let those scheming court officials have their way.


He had been bold and rash when he had marched directly into Mentality Hall and declared that he would find the answer that everyone else claimed couldn’t be found. At the same time though, Jinyoung wasn’t going to just stand by this time. This time, he would trust in what he knew about Soyoung and her character, and he would show those scheming court officials that they were wrong.


Of course, Jinyoung was well aware that the longer he spent on investigating this rumor, the less time he had by Soyoung’s side, and the lower his chance of regaining her affection. Regardless of what Soyoung thought of him in three days though, Jinyoung was well aware of what was more important at the moment.


And then, on the second day of investigating, one of Soyoung’s many informants around the city finally gave Jinyoung a lead into where the rumors had come from. It wasn’t much, just a slip of paper the informant said he had received one day that had the rumor written on it. The man said he had been given a little pouch of money along with the note, and simply instructed that he was to spread the rumor written on it. As for the person who had given it to him, the description the man gave gave no indication of who it could be. Still, a little was better than nothing.


Jinyoung sat in his room all night, turning the paper back and forth in his hands until he was afraid it would fall apart in his hands. It was just a slip of paper, a seemingly innocent piece of paper with a note written on it. No matter how Jinyoung looked at the paper, he couldn’t think of what to do next.


And then, as his fingers lightly rubbed the slip of paper one more time, a thought rose in his mind.




That’s right, the paper holds the answer!


As an avid reader, Jinyoung was well aware that there was more than one type of paper in the world. The imperial palace always imported the highest quality of paper, thick enough that ink wouldn’t run directly through but thin enough to fold and mold however the user wanted. And, as Jinyoung compared the slip in his hand to the stack of paper set aside in the imperial library for writing, he knew he had picked up on something important.


After all, the slip of paper in his hand was made of the same quality paper that was available in the imperial palace.


The next day, Jinyoung rushed to the two largest stationary stores in the capital, which were the only two places in the city that were allowed to sell the type of paper used in the imperial palace. While one store denied having sold the paper to anyone besides the imperial palace, the other store’s owner stated that he had, but refused to tell Jinyoung who it was. 


“Please!” Jinyoung pleaded, “I must know who else bought this type of paper! The entire imperial family’s reputation is on the line!” The shopkeeper sympathized with Jinyoung, but stated firmly that he had sworn the buyer that he would not tell anyone. Realizing that the man was not going to give in, Jinyoung had no choice but to leave the shop. 


Later that day, Jia’er came across Jinyoung in their usual tea shop, where the young Goryeo prince was sitting deep in thought. 


“You look troubled.” Jia’er noted as he poured himself a cup of tea. Jinyoung groaned and rubbed the side of his face. 


“That stubborn old man won’t tell me who he sold the paper to!” He grumbled. Jia’er chuckled.


“It’s rare to see our Goryeo prince in a bind like this.” He noted, “Who were you trying to talk to?” When Jinyoung named the stationary store that he had stopped by, Jia’er’s eyes widened ever so slightly before he chuckled.


“You should have said so earlier!” His friend exclaimed, “I am good friends with the shopkeeper’s daughter!” Jinyoung raised an eyebrow.


“I thought you had your heart set on pursuing General Han.” He reminded Jia’er. Jia’er scoffed.


“Don’t take things the wrong way.” He warned Jinyoung, “There is no longer any relationship between the lady of that store and me. We are merely friends now.” Jia’er thought for a moment before shrugging.


“But I suppose if she still holds feelings for me, I can’t help it.” He added, “I am quite handsome after all.” Jinyoung chuckled and hit his friend lightly on the shoulder.


“How arrogant.” He teased, earning him a hit in return from Jia’er.


“You shouldn’t tease me if you want my help.” Jia’er warned lightly with an amused smile on his face, “Although it is amusing to see that the usually straight laced scholarly prince actually knows how to joke around.” Jinyoung scoffed again and gave his friend a light shove.


“Are you going to help me or not?” He asked. Jia’er grinned.


“Just tell me what you need to know.” He replied.


Before long, Jia’er had found the answer that Jinyoung wanted. While the shopkeeper’s daughter hadn’t been able to ask her father directly about the purchase, she had sneaked into the back storage room where the account books were kept. Thankfully for Jinyoung, the shopkeeper always maintained meticulous records of who bought what from their store. Besides selling the high quality paper to the imperial palace, there had been only one other buyer who had bought that type of paper. The name though, wasn’t one that Jinyoung recognized.


Ahn Jeonghoon.


Who was that person and why did he spread such damaging rumors about the Empress? 




As if Soyoung didn’t have enough things to take care of, more trouble seemed intent on coming her way. On the morning of the second day of Jinyoung’s investigation, urgent news came from the military stations located near the former Jin territory, news that Soyoung had dreaded the  most.


As she had feared, the increased activity near the border had been hints of greater military insurrection to come. The day right after Soyoung had been confronted directly by the rumors plaguing her child, groups of Jin rebels had attacked one of the Yuan military stations en masse, and even managed to take it over. The rebels were more well equipped than the Yuan soldiers had expected, or so the report had said. If left unaddressed, it would only be a matter of time before the rebels turned their eyes on the other military stations lining their borders. And then, before long, the rebel groups would join together and launch an all out attack to regain their land and independence from Yuan rule. 


The timing, of course, couldn’t have been worse. At eight months pregnant, Soyoung’s body was feeling heavier than ever. The baby had grown even more, causing Soyoung’s uterus to constantly press against her lungs and often making it harder to breathe than normal. Sitting for long periods of time was completely out of the question. On top of the exhaustion from the nonstop stream of work, Soyoung could feel her body growing tired even quicker than before, even if she was just going about her normal daily routine. And then, every so often, Soyoung would feel slight cramps in her belly, which Eunseong told her was her body preparing itself for when true labor kicked in and it was time for the baby to be born.


In short, Soyoung was in no condition to be leading an army into battle.


And yet, there were few battles that Soyoung hadn’t personally participated in ever since she had taken the throne, particularly when the country was facing what was likely just the first in a stream of rebellions. Even if Soyoung sent Yeojin to suppress the rebels, she wouldn’t be at ease. 


At the same time, Soyoung was well aware of how delicate the situation was with the Jin rebels. Moving to suppress them could end the rebellion, but it also ran the risk of having the opposite effect and making matters worse instead. The Jin people had been looked down on by the Mongol tribes for years ever since their lands had been conquered by the Mongol khans, often delegated to the lower ranked positions in the empire. That made their people more sensitive to what happened around them, and prone to act in the extreme if instigated you do so. If the rebels managed to stir up the hearts of the regular population who had chosen to submit to the Yuan empire, then Soyoung would likely have a much bigger rebellion on her hands if she chose to directly crush the rebels head on. But even knowing all of that, Soyoung knew she couldn’t just sit on her hands and wait for the problem to fix itself. 


There were only two options Soyoung could choose from: one, send troops to capture the rebels who had managed to take over the Yuan military station and use them as an example to dissuade other rebels from attacking, or two, send envoys to arrange peace talks. Before the Mongols had fully taken over the Jin though, few envoys had made it to their territory and back alive, and Soyoung knew better than to risk that this time. In any event, when peace talks began, the rebels would inevitably bring up returning part of their land to them. But the moment Soyoung gave in and returned part of their land, that would be more of a slippery slope that would never end. Soyoung was not going to be the one ruler who opened the door to allowing the Jiny dynasty to rise again, after her predecessors had worked so hard to conquer them.


 In the end, neither option was particularly desirable.


And so, for the rest of the afternoon after receiving the emergency news from the military station, Soyoung sat in her personal library mulling over what she could do. No matter how she thought though, she couldn’t find a proper compromise between the two options that would allow her to use military forces while avoiding a full on rebellion from the Jin people that Soyoung couldn’t handle in her current condition. If Soyoung wasn’t heavily pregnant, she wouldn’t have hesitated in the least bit. She would have gone straight to the military camp and gathered her most trusted generals around her to discuss a battle strategy before heading out to the former Jin territory. The whole process would have taken less than a week. 


But now, of course, things were different.


Late in the afternoon, the attending eunuch stepped inside and told Soyoung quietly that Jinyoung wished to see her. Soyoung told the eunuch to send the prince away, but the young Goryeo prince barged directly into the library before the eunuch could even move. Soyoung groaned softly and glared up at her husband.


“Has spending time in the restoration effort caused you to forget all of your manners and etiquette?” She growled. Jinyoung sighed.


“My apologies, Your Majesty.” He said, “I know you are busy.” 


“Then you shouldn’t have come charging directly in!” Soyoung muttered, returning her gaze to the military map in front of her. Jinyoung was silent for a moment before he stepped forward and laid down a piece of paper on Soyoung’s desk. Soyoung frowned as she read the lines of text written on it, her irritation at Jinyoung’s sudden appearance replaced ever so slightly by curiosity.


“What is this?” She asked.


“It appears that the person who started the rumors began the process by writing the rumor on slips of paper and giving it to random people along with payment, instructing them to spread the rumor written on it.” Jinyoung answered, “Once the payor’s goal was reached, he told those people that he would return to pay them more money.” Soyoung’s eyes narrowed as she picked up the strip of paper. Given what the court officials had been pressuring her to do, there was no need to wonder what that person’s goal had been. 


“And?” She said, “Did you find out anything about this mysterious man?” Jinyoung nodded.


“I have good reason to believe that person goes by the name of Ahn Jeonghoon.” He answered. Soyoung’s eyes widened at Jinyoug’s answer, her body staggering slightly as she heard the name. Her breath caught in , and for a long moment Soyoung felt like she couldn’t breathe. Her fingers clenched tightly around the edge of her desk, so tightly that her knuckles turned white.


“Soyoung!” The young empress felt a hand grab her by the elbow, and she turned to see Jinyoung standing next to her, his warm hand on her arm. 


“Are you alright?” Jinyoung asked, his eyes wide in concern. Soyoung swallowed hard and carefully sat down in her chair.


“I’m fine.” She answered, although her voice trembled ever so slightly as she spoke. Jinyoung frowned.


“Do you know this person?” He asked, ‘Ahn Jeonghoon.” Soyoung bit her lip.


Yes, I do.


I know that name far too well. 


It could be a mere coincidence, but…


How could it really be a coincidence?


Soyoung took a deep breath and shook her head. It was better for Jinyoung not to know.


“No.” She replied, “I do not.” Soyoung took another deep breath before looking up at Jinyoung.


“How did you know that the person behind this is named Ahn Jeonghoon?” She asked. Jinyoung smiled faintly and began explaining the way he had remembered that there were different types of paper used across the empire, and upon comparison had noticed that this note was written on the same type of paper as the type purchased for the imperial palace. From there, it had only been a process of following this line of clues to figure out who had bought this type of paper recently. Despite the turmoil rushing through Soyoung’s chest at that moment, she couldn’t help but be impressed by Jinyoung’s line of thinking. Few people, including herself, would have thought to consider the minor detail that was the type of paper the rumor had been written on, and yet Jinyoung had considered it. And, if his findings were correct…


“I understand.” Soyoung said at last, “You can go now.” Jinyoung hesitated for a long moment.


“Is there not...anything else I can help with?” He asked. Soyoung shook her head.


“You’ve been helpful enough already.” She said, “I will take care of the rest.” Jinyoung’s gaze flickered to the map on her desk before bowing and leaving the room. After Jinyoung left, Soyoung sat at her desk for a while, her gaze focused on the map in front of her but taking nothing in as she turned the new information she had received over in her mind. At last, as the sun began to set, she sighed and looked up at the door.


“Is anyone there?”  She called. The attending eunuch stepped inside and bowed.


“Go and call Imperial Guard Hyojun here.” Soyoung ordered, “Tell him to come here immediately.” 


“Is there an emergency I should communicate to him?” The eunuch asked. Soyoung shook her head.


“Just tell him to drop everything he is doing and come here at once.” She said. The eunuch quickly left the room, and it wasn’t long before Soyoung heard the soft thud of Hyojun’s boots against the ground coming from outside her library. The doors opened to reveal the young guard, and he bowed politely in front of Soyoung. 


“Your Majesty, you called for me?” He asked. Soyoung sighed deeply.


“Yes,” She answered, “In fact I did.” Hyojun looked at her curiously for a long moment, and Soyoung sighed deeply.


“Hyojun.” She said, “Is there anything you would like to tell me about?” Hyojun looked taken aback for a moment before he shook his head.


“Is there anything in particular that Your Majesty is referring to?” He asked. Soyoung’s gaze narrowed as she looked down at Hyojun before picking up the strip of paper Jinyoung had given her and threw it down at Hyojun’s feet.


“Im Hyojun.” She growled, “Can you explain what this is?” Hyojun’s eyes widened as he picked up the piece of paper, surprise and shock running through his eyes for a brief moment.


“I...I am not sure what this is.” He answered, a bewildered expression taking over his sharp features. Soyoung gazed down at Hyojun for a long moment, trying to read what her personal guard was thinking. On any other day, Soyoung would have accepted what Hyojun was saying without a second thought. After all the years that Hyojun had spent by her side, Soyoung had thought she knew Im Hyojun very well, and she had been certain that he was one of the people who could never hide his thoughts from her. And yet, after talking with Jinyoung today and looking at what he had discovered, taking into consideration what Hyeyoung’s lover had told her, Soyoung couldn’t help but wonder if her thinking had been wrong all this time.


“I’m certain you know what this is.” She said at last, “Ahn Jeonghoon.” Hyojun froze, his gaze slowly moving up from the slip of paper up to Soyoung’s face. 


“Perhaps others wouldn’t have even considered the possibility that you would be the one who spread the rumors at the outset.” Soyoung continued before Hyojun could protest, “But of all the names you had to use when you went to buy that paper, you had to use that name.” Her hands clenched tightly around the edge of her desk.


“You might have assumed I’d forgotten.” She said, “But I would never forget the name that I personally bestowed on you, and used repeatedly when referring to you during our childhood years in the imperial army.” Hyojun’s lips parted ever so slightly in shock.


“Your Majesty, I-” He began, but Soyoug cut him off.


“Jeonghoon.” She said, “Ahn Jeonghoon. That is the name that I gave you back when we served as spies for the Yuan imperial army. I gave you that name specifically because I wished for you to become a proper soldier who followed the rules according to rank, but also a soldier who worked his hardest to rise in rank throughout his military career.” Another deep sigh escaped her lips as she gazed down at Hyojun with a mixture of sadness and disappointment.


“You thought that you could hide your tracks by buying paper used in the imperial palace, which could widen the search to everyone in the palace rather than you alone.” She stated, “But of all the names you had to use, it had to be that one.” 


“I am certain there is more than one person who has that name in this empire.” Hyojun protested, “Your Majesty, how can you be so certain that it was me?” Soyoung scoffed and nodded.


“Indeed.” She said, “There could be more than one person in this empire who holds that name. But Hyojun, you have forgotten something else very important. I was the one who taught you how to write when we were younger. And this...” She reached into her desk and pulled out another envelope that she had been keeping there.


“This is the letter that Crown Prince Jaebeom of Goryeo received telling him to come to Yuan because the relationship between me and my husband had broken down.” Soyoung said coolly, “Both this letter and the strip of paper spreading the rumor are in your handwriting. Perhaps others wouldn’t think of it, but I would never fail to recognize your handwriting.” Her hands trembled slightly as she threw the letter down at Hyojun.


“I have had more than one reason to doubt your loyalty recently, but I wanted to believe you.” She said, “Because you are my personal guard, the one who went through life and death with me multiple times since before I took the throne. But this time, I can no longer turn a blind eye to what is in front of me and pretend there is nothing wrong. You have taken actions that could harm not only me, but my husband and my unborn child as well, and I cannot just let that pass without doing anything.” Soyoung’s chest tightened, and she swallowed at the lump rising in before plunging ahead.


“Why?” Soyoung asked, “Did I ever treat you poorly in all your years of service? Did you ever lack anything that any of the other soldiers had? I treated you like my own brother. Why did you do all of this?” Hyojun took a deep breath and closed his eyes briefly before he looked up at Soyoung, his shoulders slumped as he seemed to realize that he could no longer deny what Soyoung was saying.


“Your Majesty, you gave me my position and everything that I have today.” He answered, “I will be forever grateful for that. But that person...that person who gave me orders, I owe that person my life. If not for that person, I wouldn’t have even entered the military camp and appeared by your side. And so, I am in no position to openly defy his orders.” Soyoung let out a shuddering breath as she looked at Hyojun.


“And so?” She said, “Because of that, you chose to betray me. I trusted you with my life, and are you telling me now that from the beginning, you were sent to serve as a spy by my side?” Hyojun sighed deeply, a defeated look entering his eyes.


“I’m sorry, Your Majesty.” He said quietly, “That was his first order to me. There is nothing else that I can say.” Soyoung’s jaw tightened as she gazed down at Hyojun’s bowed head, her chest tightening so much it felt like she could barely breathe. When Jinyoung had chosen not to trust her in the face of Hyeyoung’s accusations, it had felt like someone had taken a dagger and stabbed her in the chest before ripping her heart to shreds. For Soyoung, Jinyoung’s choice to stand against her had been one of the most painful experiences of her life. Hyojun’s betrayal though, hit her differently. For over a decade, she had entrusted Im Hyojun with her life; he had been one of the few people she could turn her back to and know that he would protect her rather than attack her. They had trained together in the military camp as children together, and he had been the one who had brought soldiers to save her and Eunseong after their mother had been killed by the rebels. She had expected that he would be by her side, and that she could trust his thoughts and opinions, for the rest of her life. Before a few months ago, there had never been any reason to question on whose side he stood.


But now, he was essentially admitting to her that everything had been a lie from the beginning.


From the beginning, Hyojun’s goal had been to gain her trust and earn a stable position by her side, and become the eyes and ears of the person who had sent him. Every step that he had taken since the first day had been with that goal in mind.


The truth and realization of the matter made Soyoung feel like someone had punched her in the face before gripping her heart in an ironclad fist. 


“Im Hyojun.” She said, her voice turning cold, “Go back and tell your master that if he wants to attack me, he can do it directly. There is no need to place his own people by my side, nor is there a need to bribe or manipulate those who I trust. I am not the young child who first took the throne, barely knowing what she was doing. Whatever he wants to throw at me, I will face them directly.” She didn’t name who she was referring to, but Soyoung knew that Hyojun knew very well who she was talking about even if she didn’t.


“Yes, Your Majesty.” Hyojun answered, a miserable look on his face. Soyoung sighed deeply and ran a hand through her hair briefly.


“Imperial Guard Im Hyojun.” She said at last, “Receive the orders of the Empress of Yuan.” Hyojun knelt in response to Soyoung’s order, his hands folded politely in front of him.


“From this day on.” Soyoung announced, “There will no longer be an imperial guard by the name of Im Hyojun in the Yuan palace. Im Hyojun is hereby stripped of his official position as the Empress’ personal guard and removed from the imperial military forces. He is to leave the palace immediately, never to return again. That is the order of the Empress of Yuan.” Hyojun’s face turned pale, and he bowed as Soyoung finished speaking.


“This servant thanks Your Majesty for sparing my life.” He said quietly. As Hyojun rose to his feet and headed for the door, Soyoung spoke one more time.


“Hyojun.” She said, and the young man’s footsteps paused as he looked back. Soyoung’s chest tightened again painfully as she gazed at the man she had once considered a trusted confidante.


“In all the years that you’ve been by my side,” She said, “was there even one time when you acted out of personal goodwill and out of our friendship rather than under the orders of your master?” Hyojun hesitated for a long moment before answering.


“I have always held Your Majesty’s best interest at the forefront of my mind.” He answered simply. Without explaining what he meant, Hyojun stepped out the door, and was gone. Soyoung gazed at the closed door for a long while after Hyojun left, her body feeling numb as the weight of the past few minutes sunk in. In the span of twenty minutes, it felt like all the strength in Soyoung’s body had been sapped out again, and this time, it wasn’t merely because she was carrying the weight of another little human inside of her. Soyoung had suspected Hyojun’s intentions before, but to hear it directly from his mouth, to have him admit it to her was all so overwhelming. In that moment, Soyoung could still barely bring herself to accept it. Soyoung sighed deeply and folded her arms on the desk before resting her head on top. 


Im Hyojun, why did it have to be you?





Jinyoung found himself restless in the few hours that passed after Soyoung sent him out of her library after he gave her the information he had found. For some reason, his heart felt troubled about the matter. Soyoung had said she didn’t recognize the name of Ahn Jeonghoon, but the caught off guard expression on her face suggested otherwise. Soyoung was a calm and careful person, Jinyoung knew that very well. If she truly didn’t know who that person was, she would have simply seemed puzzled or confused, or maintained the calm mask that she often wore. To have shown such obvious shock on her face...something must be wrong. At last, Jinyoung decided he couldn’t wait any longer.


She’ll likely scold me for being nosy, but I do not want to wait here any longer.


The Empress’ personal library was oddly quiet when Jinyoung arrived. The steps where the servants normally stood were empty, and Hyojun’s usual spot near the door was also empty. While the lack of servants was understandable, Hyojun’s absence struck Jinyoung as odd. While Soyoung normally sent the servants to go rest whenever she stayed up late into the night, Hyojun stayed nearby even if she told him to go. After all, the Empress’ safety was of the utmost importance, and Jinyoung knew that Hyojun took his job very seriously. So where was he now?


Frowning in confusion, Jinyoung opened the library doors carefully and stepped inside. Nothing seemed particularly out of the ordinary except for the pieces of paper thrown haphazardly on the carpeted floor. Jinyoung leaned down and examined the papers carefully. One of them was the slip he had given Soyoung, and the other...Jinyoung’s eyes widened as he read the contents of the letter on the floor.


So that is why Hyung suddenly decided to come and visit.


But what is this doing here?


After looking around carefully, Jinyoung’s eyes fell on a figure slumped over the large polished wooden desk on the left side of the room. Jinyoung’s gaze softened as he recognized his wife, and he carefully walked over to where the young empress was sitting. Soyoung was fast asleep, her chest rising and falling peacefully and her lips parted ever so slightly in slumber. Multiple maps were laid out over the desk, some with various markings scribbled over it. Jinyoung sighed softly and gently brushed away hair that was falling in her face. 


She must be exhausted.


Usually, Soyoung’s sharp senses would have certainly picked up on his presence the moment he walked in through the door. And yet, today, Soyoung had barely moved even when Jinyoung was right next to her. 


“Your Highness.” A soft whisper caught Jinyoung’s attention, and he turned to see the attending eunuch standing nearby with a fresh pot of tea. The older man waved Jinyoung to come with him, and the two men stepped outside of the room together. 


“What happened after I left?” Jinyoung asked, “Soyoung looks exhausted.” The eunuch sighed and shook his head.


“I do not know the details, Your Highness.” He replied, “But from what I could hear, it sounds like the person who started the rumors about Her Majesty’s child was Imperial Guard Im Hyojun.” Jinyoung’s eyes widened in shock.


“Sir Hyojun?” He repeated, “That’s impossible!” The eunuch shook his head again.


“It is hard to believe for me as well, but he admitted it in front of Her Majesty.” He replied, “As a result of his actions, Her Majesty stripped Imperial Guard Im Hyojun of his position and drove him out of the palace. Her Majesty shut herself up in the library right afterwards and hasn’t stepped out of the room since.” The eunuch sighed.


“Her Majesty has been through too much lately.” He commented, “As servants, we shouldn’t be making comments on our masters, but we can all see that Her Majesty has been bearing far too many burdens on her shoulders recently. Pregnant mothers are usually well protected and given as light of a burden as possible, but Her Majesty has had to deal with the former Princess Hyeyoung’s machinations, these baseless rumors that were suddenly thrown at her, the revelation that her own guard betrayed her, and now the possibility of a rebellion from the Jin people.” Jinyoung’s eyes widened slightly at the last item the eunuch mentioned. 


A rebellion now? If it’s not handled carefully, this could blossom into an all out war!


Soyoung couldn’t possibly deal with an all out war in her current condition!


“No wonder she’s so worn out.” Jinyoung said with a deep sigh. Hyojun’s betrayal had to have hit her hard; Jinyoung was well aware of how important the young imperial guard was to Soyoung. 


“Please encourage Her Majesty to rest.” The eunuch pleaded with him, “Her Majesty has been worn thin. She will collapse if this keeps up.” Jinyoung sighed and nodded. 


“I’ll do my best.” He promised, “You should go and sleep. It’s getting late. I’ll take care of Soyoung.” The eunuch bowed and left, and Jinyoung sighed again as he stepped back inside the room. His heart clenched painfully as he walked back to Soyoung’s side and took in her tired face. 


“Soyoung.” He murmured softly as he tapped her lightly on the shoulder, “Don’t sleep here. Go and sleep in bed.” Soyoung stirred slightly, her eyes fluttering half open at the sound of his voice. Jinyoung offered her a gentle smile as she looked at him sleepily. 


“Come on.” He said, “You’re going to get a sore neck sleeping like this.” Soyoung gazed at Jinyoung for a long moment, an unreadable expression on her face. Then, she smiled ever so faintly.


“How strange.” She mused as she reached out and patted him on the cheek, “Every time my heart feels terrible, you appear in my dreams.” She laughed softly and pinched Jinyoung on the cheek.


“What kind of magic is this?” She said thoughtfully, “Every time, you show up to comfort me without fail.” Jinyoung sighed softly.


“Soyoung, you’re not dreaming.” He murmured, “I’m really here.” Soyoung scoffed and rubbed at one eye sleepily.


“When would a dream figure ever say that they are a dream?” She asked. Jinyoung felt a mixture of emotions fill his chest as he gazed at his wife. Just how tired was she that she couldn’t even tell dream from reality? Turning her head slightly to one side, Soyoung sighed and held out her arms.


“Park Jinyoung, won’t you hold me for a moment?” She asked, “A lot of things have happened today, and I’m so tired from it all. Since it’s just a dream, it will be alright, won’t it?” Jinyoung’s heart clenched painfully as he took in Soyoung’s expression. In that moment, she wasn’t the proud and powerful empress of the most powerful empire on the continent. She was simply a young woman worn down by the events thrown at her from all directions, someone who needed comfort from a warm embrace. In that moment, Jinyoung wished that he could take even a small fraction of her pain and bear it on his shoulders instead of laying it all on her slender frame. Without another word, Jinyoung reached out and pulled Soyoung into his arms, one hand lightly patting her on the back.


“It’s alright.” He murmured softly, “You still have me.” Soyoung sighed and rested her head against his shoulder. 


“Park Jinyoung, I tell you this in every dream, but I will say it to you again.” She mumbled, “I missed you. I missed you so, so, much, more than words could ever express.” Jinyoung’s eyes widened as Soyoung’s arms tightened around Jinyoung’s waist.


She...missed me?


But if that’s true, then why did she act so coldly to me when I first returned?


Soyoung’s grasp slackened slightly a few moments later, her breathing falling back into a steady rhythm as she fell back into a deep slumber. Sighing softly, Jinyoung carefully slipped one arm under Soyoung’s knees and wrapped his other arm around her shoulders before standing up with her carefully ensconced in his arms. Then, he walked over to the large bed in the room and lay the young empress down onto the soft sheets, his hands quickly moving to wrap her up in the warm blankets. The light frown on Soyoung’s face eased ever so slightly at the newfound comfort, her body falling deeper into the embrace of restful sleep. Jinyoung’s gaze was soft as he looked down at his wife. The attending eunuch was right; this was all too much for Soyoung to bear on her own. She was strong, Jinyoung knew that. But in the end, she was only human, and every human had a limit to what he or she could do. He couldn’t just stand on the sidelines and watch as Soyoung pushed herself far past that limit. Even for someone like Soyoung, there came a time when a person had to share their burdens with someone else. Jinyoung’s gaze flickered over to the desk where the various military maps were scattered, his mind going back to the most recent issue that the attending eunuch had mentioned. 


A rebellion from Jin.


Jinyoung knew next to nothing about military warfare. The most he knew about Jin was what he had read about in books covering their history up until Genghis Khan and his successor had overtaken their territory, reducing the once proud Jin Dynasty to one part of the expansive Mongol empire. 


Still, Jinyoung didn’t want to let Soyoung face this matter alone. He had already let her face all the obstacles that came her way by herself for six months. He wasn’t going to let it happen again.


His decision made, Jinyoung reached down cautiously and laid a hand on Soyoung’s rounded stomach where their child was nestled. 


“I don’t know if you can hear me, little one.” He said softly, “But this is your father. And in front of you today, I will make the following oath. I, Park Jinyoung, Prince of Goryeo and Prince Consort of Yuan, swear that I will help my wife, the Empress of Yuan, end this war before it has even started. No matter what I have to do, I will do it.” He smiled faintly and patted Soyoung’s belly lightly.


“You will serve as my witness, right?” He asked quietly. For a long moment, Jinyoung was only greeted by silence, and he wondered briefly if he was just being silly. But then, Jinyoung felt a ripple of movement under his hand, followed by a kick from the baby against his palm. A wondrous feeling filled his chest as he looked down at his hand, a soft thrilled laugh escaping his lips.


“Thank you, little one.” He murmured, “I won’t let you down.” The baby kicked one more time against his hand, and Jinyoung rose to his feet. He gathered up the military maps scattered around Soyoung’s desk and stacked them in a neat pile before gathering the sheets into his arms and stepping out of the library. Looking up at the moon hanging in the sky, Jinyoung headed for the imperial military camp.


From the first day I entered the Yuan palace, Soyoung has been protecting me.


This time, I will be the person who protects her.



In the next two days, Soyoung barely saw any sign of Jinyoung. While he usually at least stopped by to give her snacks he had made at various hours of the day, or dropped in uninvited on her walks through the garden, he was nowhere to be seen in the last two days of Crown Prince Jaebeom’s visit to Yuan. Although Soyoung was rather busy with planning a potential military expedition to the Jin territories and valued the peace that Jinyoung’s absence brought, she couldn’t help but find it strange. He had sworn so definitively that he would certainly win back her trust within the week, and yet, he was nowhere to be seen in the last two days before his deadline. Soyoung tried asking Crown Prince Jaebeom, but he only answered that he had no idea. 


Those last two days passed by in a blur, and on the day Crown Prince Jaebeom was due to depart for Goryeo, Soyoung awoke to the sound of loud pounding on her door. Based on the faint rays of sunshine scattered over the floor of Soyoung’s bedroom, she guessed that it was still early morning, long before Jaebeom was scheduled to leave. 


What could be going on at this hour?


“Your Majesty! Please let me in!” It was Jaebeom’s voice, and for once, the elder prince sounded uncharacteristically panicked. Her senses on high alert, Soyoung swung her legs over the edge of the bed, grabbed a cloak to wrap herself in, and walked to the door to let the prince in. Jaebeom rushed in the moment she opened the door, his chest heaving as he gasped for air. It was clear that he had run directly from his guest room, his eyes wide with panic. Soyoung frowned slightly, making sure to send away the concerned servants hovering near the doorway before shutting the door and turning to her brother in law. 


“What is going on?” She demanded, “Did something happen?” Jaebeom held up a letter in his hand as he caught his breath. 


“Jinyoung…” He gasped, “It’s Jinyoung!” Soyoung felt her heart leap into as she heard what Jaebeom was saying.


“What do you mean?” She demanded as she forced herself to be calm, “What is wrong with Park Jinyoung?” Jaebeom took a shuddering breath as he held out the letter to her.


“I went to find him this morning, but he wasn’t there.” He replied, “All of his possessions are still there, but there were two letters left on the table, one for you, and one for me.” He pursed his lips tightly in worry before he continued.


“I’m sure the contents of your letter are about the same as mine.” He guessed. Soyoung raised an eyebrow.


“And that would be?” She asked, preparing herself for the worst. Jaebeom swallowed hard.


“He’s gone to the former Jin territory to conduct peace talks.” He replied. Soyoung staggered in shock, her mind going blank as she struggled to process what Jaebeom had said. 


To Jin…


“Your Majesty!” Jaebeom’s hand closed around her arm, steadying the young empress for a moment before easing her into a chair.

“I’m alright.” Soyoung said as she blew out a trembling breath, although she felt anything but, “I’m fine.” Scattered thoughts whirled around her mind all at once, each only holding her attention for a second before her mind flitted to the next. Traveling to former Jin territory was no joking matter, particularly now. Although their people paid taxes and tribute annually, it was no secret that animosity still bubbled below the surface. To the rebels, Jinyoung was the perfect lamb walking straight into the lion’s den. Just the very thought that her innocent husband could be captured and killed was enough to send panic striking directly at Soyoung’s heart.


“Why did Jinyoung go there?” She whispered, “What could he possibly have to do there?” Jaebeom sighed deeply.


“He said he was going there to stop the brewing rebellion.” He answered, “In his letter, he said he had a way.” Soyoung groaned.


“Has that man lost his mind?” She growled, “He may have an intelligent mind, but what could he do in the face of those rebels all on his own?” Her hand clenched tightly around the arms of the chair before she rose to her feet again.


“I must stop him.” She declared, her voice rising, “Someone get me a horse!” Jaebeom stepped in front of her, his arms outstretched to block her path.


“Move aside!” Soyoung growled. Jaebeom shook his head.


“Even if you punish me for insubordination, I will not move, Your Majesty.” He replied, “You may be the sovereign Empress, but you are also my brother’s wife and the mother of my future niece or nephew. Given your current condition on top of that, I cannot possibly let you go.”


“That is my husband who is walking directly into enemy territory!” Soyoung snarled, “Do you expect me to just stand on the sidelines and let him go?” It was one thing to know that Jinyoung was out of the palace but at the restoration effort where the people were at least friendly to him, but it was an entirely different matter to know he was headed straight for enemy territory. Jaebeom sighed deeply.


“This time, I must ask that Your Majesty stand back and let my brother do as he wishes.” He answered, “He may be inexperienced, but he’s not rash. He’s already improved a lot after leading the restoration effort. This time, won’t Your Majesty trust his judgment one more time and see what he manages to accomplish?”


“Then at least let me send men to block him before he gets too far.” Soyoung answered, “I won’t have to take a step out of the palace to do that.” Jaebeom shook his head.


“It’s too late for that.” He replied, “The soldiers at the gates saw him leave with General Han at the crack of dawn. They were headed straight for the Khanbaliq port. Even if you send soldiers now, they will have gone too far out to be stopped.” Soyoung frowned in a mixture of confusion and increased irritation.


“So it’s not enough that my husband lost his mind, but also my best general as well?” She said, “This is getting absurd!” Jaebeom sighed.

“Trust his judgment, just this once.” He repeated, “I have a feeling you won’t be wrong to do so this time.”


“And if…?” Soyoung let her sentence hang unfinished, but Jaebeom knew what she had left unsaid.


“Then I will take full responsibility.” He answered. Soyoung gazed at the crown prince for a long moment, taking in the unwavering determined expression that hand taken over Jaebeom’s sharp features. At last, she sighed deeply and sank back down into her chair.


“Alright.” She said, “Just this once.” 


The day dragged on slowly, and Soyoung found herself in a daze the entire day. Work was piled up in front of her as usual, but she couldn’t find the energy in her to even look at it. At last, she sighed deeply and pulled out the letter that Jinyoung had written to her. Soyoung let her fingers run over the neat elegant calligraphy on the front before she opened the envelope. Each brush had been put down with care and precision, exactly as she expected of someone like Park Jinyoung. As Soyoung pulled out the sheet of paper tucked inside, she found herself smiling slightly in amusement as she realized Jinyoung had written the letter completely in Mongol script. There were wrong marks all across the letter, but it brought a slight smile to Soyoung’s face nevertheless.


When did he get the chance to learn this?


Taking a deep breath, Soyoung began to read the letter.


To the Empress of the great Yuan empire, 


If you are reading this letter, you have probably realized that I have gone to the former Jin territory, where rebels are currently stirring in anticipation of a full out rebellion. If you are wondering how I heard about the matter, it was from your attending servants. Do not blame any of the servants for telling me about this; they told me because they too are worried about you and your health. 


Forgive me for acting without telling you first. I knew that if you knew what I planned to do, you’d never let me go. If you’d like to punish me, everything can wait until I come back. I will accept it all without complaint.


You might think that I have lost my mind, and perhaps I have. What right do I, a mere scholar from Goryeo, have to represent Yuan in peace talks with the rebels? I lack both the experience and maturity that many more experienced court officials have. What possessed me to plunge ahead like this?


And yet, when I saw how worn out you were, I couldn’t just stand by and do nothing. Of course, I am to blame for some of that exhaustion, I am aware of that. 


But, it is particularly because of that, that I will no longer stand by and let you bear all your troubles alone. You can take it as my attempt to make up for the damage that I have inflicted on you.


You may find it ridiculous, but I ask that you give me your trust one more time. I thought over what to do day and night for the last two days, and at last, this was the conclusion that I came to. Do not fear for me, because I have a plan in mind. I cannot guarantee that it will work, but the chances of it working are higher than failing. 


It is a gamble, but it is a gamble that I believe I will win.


And besides, hasn’t our entire relationship been a gamble since the beginning?


And so, do not worry. Take a well deserved rest and wait for my good news.


This time, let me share your worries. I will certainly come back to you alive and well.


Jang Soyoung, allow me to address you by this name one more time. 


Wait for me. 


Ever yours,


Park Jinyoung


Soyoung’s fingers trembled as she clenched the letter tighter in her hands, her breaths coming out in shuddered gasps as a wave of emotion washed over her. Her vision began to blur, and with a start, Soyoung realized that tears were rushing down her face. 


That idiot.


“Take a well deserved rest?” Soyoung’s voice shook as she gazed down at the letter, “How am I supposed to rest easy when you are playing a game like this? When you are making the biggest bet of your life, with your own life placed on the line as the prize?” It was absolutely absurd, and it was clear that Jinyoung knew it. 


And yet, he had asked her to trust him one more time. 


With the fate of the empire and his own life on his hands, he had asked her to trust him just once more. 


Soyoung took a deep breath before wiping at the tears on her face. 


“Very well.” She whispered, “If you dare to even put your life on the line, then I will trust you one more time, Park Jinyoung.” Her hands clenched tightly into fists as she looked down at the letter one more time.


“Don’t you dare to come back dead.” She whispered fiercely. 




The soft sound of birds cawing in the blue sky above filled Jinyoung’s ears as he swung onto the horse in front of him. Nerves made his heart flutter as he gazed at the land stretching out in front of him. After a boat ride that morning followed by traveling by horse all afternoon, he and Yeojin had left the capital city of Khanbaliq far behind them. In front of Jinyoung lay unknown territory, lands that he had never even thought of exploring before a few days ago. 


“Are you getting scared?” Han Yeojin’s voice drew Jinyoung’s attention to the young general astride the horse next to him. 


“You could still turn back now.” Yeojin offered, “You’d be back in the palace by daybreak tomorrow.”


“Of course not.” Jinyoung scoffed, “As the scholars of old taught, a wise man must keep his word. I swore that I would stop this rebellion, and I will certainly do as I promised.” Yeojin smiled faintly, seeming to be amused.


“You’ve changed, Your Highness.” She commented. Jinyoung laughed softly.


“So everyone says.” He answered. His fingers tightening over the reins, Jinyoung gazed once more at the land stretching out in front of him. 


“Let’s go.”

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2035 streak #1
Chapter 37: The epilogue was so cute!!! And wow! They have so many kids... LoL... Hyojun leaving again was a bit sad but it's understandable. And the kinda Yi-En's punishment and story was funny. I really enjoyed reading this story. Hope to see you again in your future works. Wishing you good luck!!
2035 streak #2
Chapter 36: I still believe the story has come to an end. I'm still yearning for more! This was such an amazing story. Could even be made a K-drama if you ask me. Although, I do wonder if Yi-En's another consort now since they were legally married. Also, they both never addressed it. So I'm more curious than ever. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read the epilogue. But will be back later to do so ^^
2035 streak #3
Chapter 35: I knew it! I mean that can't be true, y'know with what happened the previous chapter. Poor Jinwoo though! That child was thinking his father was abandoning him. Although it was done for his own safety. I can't wait to see how she makes her reappearance. And also, about being Yi-En's princess consort. Will be back later to read more and catch up ^^
hakimmj #4
Chapter 37: Finally for now they be happy with all their children. Can't wait for more after this. Thanks for the updates! :))
2035 streak #5
Chapter 34: Wait what???? You must be be kidding right? I mean it's a trick for some greater good right? Why do you have to drop this bomb on us while we were all so happy about the way things were going? Anyway, enough of my dramatics, I know! Will definitely be back later to read more and find out what happens herein. So until then, no spoilers please!! ^^
hakimmj #6
Chapter 36: Finally! Their strong love for each other really makes them become stronger. Soyoung finally can reclaim hers and the family. Can't wait for more moments of jinyoung and soyoung with their children. Thanks for the updates;;))
2035 streak #7
Chapter 33: Definitely wasn't expecting the twist about the consort and her role in the chaos. Glad she decided to come clean at least now and that Soyoung took it well. And she's expecting again. That's for sure I think, with all the hint that's you've given us. And I can't wait to see how this develops further. But will be back later to read more ^^
hakimmj #8
Chapter 35: Can't wait to know the identity of the woman. My instinct is so strong for the revival of soyoung. Please make them meet again and be happy:((
hakimmj #9
Chapter 34: Oh my god!! Soyoung :((
I can't believe this. Jinyoung will be so sad for this. Hope to know what happen after this.
hakimmj #10
Chapter 33: Really happy when jinyoung is back and safe. Their moments with the little prince is so sweet, can't wait to read more of their moments. Hopefully soyoung is alright. Thanks for the updates.;)