8. The Great Pretenders

Then There Was You

This case was in Jackson’s head for years. 


Yeah, sure he was a rookie back then - he wouldn’t understand a lot of things. Being assigned to your first death case was overwhelming. Maybe so overwhelming that your judgment is blind. As a young, unexpirenced policeman, it was predictable that he would exaggerate a lot. It should disappear from the memory. It was in a past, said and done.


So why was he now sitting in front of his computer, surrounded by old dusty files and weariness that was slowly making its way onto his eyes and body? 


Reason A: there was no new cases for him so he had some time on his hands. Reason B: he wasn’t a type of guy to break a promise once he made one to someone. 


It wasn’t easy to find these files. Usually you don’t have to dig deep into past cases if it’s not for something big. The guys from Criminal Department were kind enough to spare some time and help him going through the archive room to find these. When asked what for, he simply said it was for a revision to avoid mistakes in the future.


The police station was quite empty today. Some grandma came to complain about her young neighbors that make parties every two days. There was also a homeless guy, too drunk to not bother people passing by. Jackson’s office (or rather a large room he shared with few other detectives) was buried in the back of the building but the trip to the Crime Dep. gave him the chance to take a look at more often crowded space. It was already 3 hours, second time this week since he sat at his desk, stabbing his eyes in the stack of paper in between with computer screen. 


Name and surname: Bae Baek Ho


Date and place of birth: August 27, 1966\ South Korea


Height: 180cm


Profession: President and co- founder of K&B FINANCE GROUP


Death caused by a gun wound. Three bullets damaged internal organs.


Weapon type/number: Unknown.


Crime scene: Seoul’s main delivery port.


Culprit: Unknown.




“Ah! This makes my head hurt!” He let out a sound of frustration, grabbing sides of his head and squeezing his eyes. This was like a scene from poorly made TV show where nothing is like reality. How can a alleged homicide go without a perpetrator? Or witnesses? Murder weapon? Or even fingerprints? Even CSI Miami had better luck than him.



He remembered the investigation very vividly, as if it was yesterday. He and his supervisor at that time, Detective Park Jin Young with difficulties had to interrogate the victim’s family since the wife was in a state of distress and the daughter in too big of a shock to even make a sentence. Mr. Park was the one leading the investigation since Jackson was only an intern, assigned only to watch, learn and occasionally buy coffee. The rest was like climbing up the hill. Visiting closest friends, business partners and few people from closest environment. In the end, the were left empty handed since testimonies didn’t match and everyone had stable alibis. It ended pathetically- looking for a needle in a haystack exhausted the higher ups and the case was closed.


“There must have been something we missed.” 


A silhouette appeared in front of his desk. A man in his late 40s and way too gelled hairstyle put the coffee mug on the surface and send Jackson a gummy bear smile. “I applaud you Jackson on your diligence but you should probably take a nap.”


Jackson laughed but barely noticeable “Jin Young, is there anything for me to do?”


Older man flicked him on the forehead that successfully made Jackson wince. “It’s Detective Park for you, you brat.” He looked around the office as if someone could eavesdrop. Not really sure who, there was only them and few guys too busy snoozing on the couch or stuffing their mouths with soggy noodles. "So, how far are you with your little private investigation?”


Jackson rubbed the spot on his forehead and sunk into his chair, puffing the air out. “I’m very close sir, aside from complete absence of evidence, suspects or leads.” He looked at Detective Park, who seemed to not catch his sarcasm yet. “So in conclusion, not at all close.”


Detective Park frowned and rubbed his chin but in the end he didn’t graced his junior with any useable answer and slouched his shoulders. "Well, you chose to do this, not sure why to be honest. I believe you’ll find an answer.” He patted Jackson’s shoulder who was less than pleased with the lack of support. 


"Gee, thanks old man.” He mutterd annoyingly, which made the guy above him visibly offended.


"Hey! My soul is still young and I'm not even that old!” He tried to defend himself but the tantrum just made him fail miserably. He made his way far from Jackson’s desk but turned the last second. "Speaking of being young, can I ask you something?”


"When you froze it like that, I would rather not.” Jackson answered with closed eyes.


"It has reached my ears that you were seen with a someone, a woman to be specific few weeks ago at the local coffee shop. You found yourself a girlfriend my young boy?” Detective Park asked teasingly, sparkles in his eyes. The satisfaction only grew when he saw young boy's eyes shot open.


Jackson was slowly turning annoyed. "Since when I'm being followed? You've became a stalker or something?! And if you're being noisy, she’s not my-”


"I knew it! I knew you had it in you!” He excitedly praised him, without letting himself explain the absurdity of this situation. But Park didn’t let him, acting like a proud father. Jackson was close to explode with excuses but the old guy get ahead of him.


"If you ever need any love advice, you know who to ask. I'll teach you how to show a girl some fever~” He winked which made Jackson grimace in embarrassed disgust. Why couldn't he have more mature senior? "And by the way, the guys from department above are asking for pen drives from the captain’s office. Care to do that?” Before Jackson could protest, Detective Park cut him off. "Thank you Jackson! Do it quickly and make sure you introduce me to the lucky young lady!” He showed thumbs up and jogged out of the office. Jackson was not pleased with the situation.


"Stupid old man. Next time I'm gonna dump him in the Han River.”


He stood up, put hands into his pockets and walked to the Captain’s room. Before he knocked, he heard the foreign voice the other side. It was deep and raspy and that alone made Jackson surprised. Captain rarely has guests out of profession circle and that didn't sound like one of them at all. When well known voice of the Captain called him to enter, he slowly peeked his head inside before entering fully.


"Ehm, Captain? Am I interrupting?”


The man dressed in the uniform behind the desk, lightly laughed and just waved him off. "Don’t worry Detective Wang. Come in.”


Hesitantly, he stepped into the room. First, his eyes landed on the captain, whose attention was on the previously heard owner of the voice. On the couch under the window, was much older man- somewhere around his late 50s, dressed in a grey suit, shirt free from tie or even top buttons closed. The way he was sitting screamed intimidation- with his arms rested lazily on the headrest on bot sides and legs crossed over one other. In his hand was thick cigar form where small cloud of smoke was coming from. He looked more like Don Corleone from Godfather, minus the actually chivalry appearance. No, this was modern Yakuza looking mafia boss. His gaze was fixated on Jackson as if offended for boy’s overstretched staring.


"How can I help you, Detective Wang?” The Captain asked. 


Jackson’s eyes stayed for a moment on the guest. Something about him send a shiver down his spine. "Uhm..” He tore the gaze off and bowed to the Captain. "I was asked to deliver the pendrives to the department above. I was told that they are here, so if that’s not the problem-" Before he could answer, the small set of keys was thrown at him. Thanks to quick reflex he caught them successfully.


"Middle locker on the left.” Captain hinted lazily.


Jackson bowed and in silence headed towards the said locker. While twisting the keys between fingers, the two men behind him decided to continue their chit-chat. Jackson didn’t intend on eavesdropping but there was this strange feeling that told him to do his task as slowly and stay longer. 


"So, how are the preparation for the big day?” Captain ignored the young boy and fully focused on his guest. "I’ve heard there were complications with the date.”


The mafia guy just laughed, loudly inhaling the cigar. "It don’t remember any complications. Brats just decided to jump into waters too deep for them and went ahead with their plans. Risky, I’ll give them that.” He stopped for what Jackson was assuming, to grab the tea cup from the small plate. "I wouldn’t worry too much. I don't plan on changing my schedule. I have everything I need.”


That doesn’t sound very noble. Jackson was still shuffling through the boxes, hoping that his slow movements weren’t noticed. 


"Oh yeah. I've heard you’ve made a contract with some American electronics creators. Did they send anything worth attention?”


The next thing Jackson heard was a sound of wowing coming form his Captain.


"Amazing thing, right? Apparently this wristwatch model operates faster than any phone and stores more data than a computer. The Bluetooth retrieves information in 5 seconds and you don't even have to get tired to do so All you need to do is, to bring it closer ro the device and boom- the data are in here.” The mafia guy said proudly, tapping on the said watch screen. That was a little bit too open, considering he didn’t look like a good guy. And what was a person like him doing at police station, acting so comfortable with Captain?


"Today’s technology is unbelievable.”


Godfather look alike went silent for a moment before his aura changed to something darker, judging by the rasp of his voice. "Difficult times require difficult measures. I wanted to gave Joohyun an easy way out but that girl is stubborn just like her mother. What a shame of genes.”


What? Miss Joohyun? Who is this guy?


"Oh, Min Soo- don’t go too hard on her. She and that boy are just stupid kids. I doubt she will be able to fill the shoes of her father.”


Mi-as if Choi Min Soo? Don’t tell me-


"Jackson, have you found what you needed?” His thoughts were interrupted by Captain’s stern voice that made him jump. He quickly grabbed the pendrive he was holding already for a good minute and closed the locker. „Eh, yes sir! Sorry it took so long, there were a lot of those!” He waved the pendrive in the air, trying to not sound nervous. But the single stare from Choi Min Soo almost made his legs shake. Not because he was afraid of the man, but at the sudden realization of possibilities, clearing his path of fog clouding his investigation.


"If you’re finished, go back to work.”


"Roget that.” He returned the key and bow first to his supervisor. He hesitated before bowing also to the man on the couch. "Have a nice day, sir.” He quickly made his way to the exit, palms sweating. After he closed the door, he rested his back against the nearest wall and run a hand though his brown hair. What just happened? What was this man doing here? Why was Captain talking with him about things that in slightest didn’t sound anything good?


Choi Min Soo. He knew that name well. The CEO of the company rivaling with K&B Finances. A true shark in the industry. businessman with embezzlement, money laundering and countless bribes in his account. The list can go on, but it doesn't matter if his every offense was pardoned - according to Jackson's memory and knowledge. And why Bae Joohyun was involved? This man sure was interrogated on President Bae’s case but everything ended in the dead end.


This was suspicious. Jackson didn’t like it one bit. He has to reach the source of all of this.


I need to talk to Miss Joohyun about it. I have a bad feeling about this.  

»»————-  ————-««


Junmyeon can easily admit that his childhood and puberty period had its ups and downs. 


Up till age of 9, he led a string of small victories. One of the best students from Hanyang private elementary school. The youngest favorite of the jet set of the modern businessmen from his father's environment. Called "Little Prince Charming" by friends of his mother. Respected by classmates, admired by girls and praised by teachers. 


Fulfilling himself in everything he has tried. Whether it was to play the piano, ride a horse, or study at school. Trained both educationally and socially. A golden child being the pride of his parents.


Until the day she was born.


From the moment Yeri appeared in the family, Junmyeon felt a dark cloud growing around him day by day - probably everyone would call that a simple sibling jealousy. The secretive desire to regain once lost attention. The feeling that your place as an only child is in danger and you’re now only a second rate.


But Junmyeon was no idiot. Even as a young boy, he understood how much consideration and care should be given to a newborn baby. Despite a basic sense of loneliness, he had nothing against his younger sister. As an older brother, he tried to help his parents and not cause problems. 


It was only when Yeri learned to walk and talk that the clouds thickened. Suddenly, he found himself as a lead suspect every time his sister started crying or whining, which made his mother tell him to leave the room to not stir the drama. There wasn’t a day when she didn’t ran to report him to their parents for things he didn't even know had happened or she allegedly accused him for. He tried to fight her as they got older, but it never ended well for him. Their mother always reminded him that the role of older siblings is to care, defend and support the younger one.


This made him feel, not angry, but small, incompetent and confused. Asking himself if he’s doing things wrong since the person who should be dearest to him, rejected every proposal of a truce.


For years he was ashamed to admit to anyone that he felt terrorized by this little girl. When she left for England at 17, a wave of relief blew over his head. At last, self-confidence and a sense of value returned.


Which is why seeing her in all her greatness again after 4 years of no contact, has sent a shiver down his back.


"Well, , I guess the hell reopened." He muttered so quiet only Joohyun could hear it. At least he thought that.


"That's right, the royalty has arrived." She announced proudly, flexing like a model on the catwalk. Which was now basically both her personality and attire. The blending of black and white lines overlapping the faded shadows of the check from the neck to the shoes- everything presented on the fair brown color. She looked good, mature even- he could admit it.


But no matter what she’s dressed in, there was a devil somewhere beneath her skin.


"YR IS IN THE HOUSE!" Joohyun made an unnatural noise to herself, pointing at the newcomer, with excitement coming out of her ears.


Yeri quickly took a quick look at her and it was not even half a second before she embraced the same pose with the same facial expression. "BAECHU! WHAT'S UP ?!"


In the next moment, both were in a crushing hug, worthy of high school girl or maybe even elementary school children - jumping up and down in circles simultaneously. They were so happy to see each other it hurt. Junmyeon certainly did not share the enthusiasm. These two always teamed up against him in the past so the picture before him resembled more of a nightmare from his perspective.


So much for a dramatic entrance.


Junmyeon cleared his throat and after third, louder attempt, he finally grabbed  girls' attention. Yeri released her friend from embrace, looking at him with teasing eyes. She threw her long black hair behind her and rested her hand on the popped out hip. Her smile became more devilish as she looked between two folks.


"So nice to see you Jun. Even more pleasant to see my precious unnie.” She waved their intertwined hands. “Though I do hope I interrupted something." She glanced at Joohyun suggestively in which in response, the older girl raised her eyebrow questionably, not quite sure what she was referring to. 


Junmyeon kinda had the idea, but decided not to start any discussion in front of Joohyun. The consequences of their previous talk would end very awkwardly. "Yes, there's nothing unusual about it. After all, you are a master at arriving when you're unwanted." He said annoyed. He felt a headache coming and they didn't even managed to say hello to each other. He touched his temple. "You barely walked here and you're already striking a cord."


"Have I really? Well, thank God."  She answered pleased with the result of irritating him and with a eating grin on her face, keeping her newly learned posh style of being. Anything to get under his skin. She confidently walked over to him. He puffed out his chest, as if waiting for a challenge.


Joohyun watched this childish exchange, wondering if that's how it looks from the side when she and Jun start arguing.  


Jesus Christ. Here we go again.


The siblings were so close to each other that she was sure they could feel their own breaths on each other’s faces. The difference was that comparing it with few years back, they both looked like a stick was stuck in their asses, which made them both seem less intimidating. Plus the noticible height difference.


Joohyun suddenly felt as if she was 15 years old again and watched as Kim's siblings are separated by maids as they are ready to throw some fists over something stupid. But this time, there are no maids and instead of fists, they throw insults and harmless glares at each other. 


Apparently, this vision has taken her out of reality as these two were already in the good half of this interesting discussion.


"I came here in the hope that we were gonna make a joke of your life, brother, but I can see that life was already ahead of me."


He scoffed and put his thumb under his chin. "Only funs and games in your little empty head.” He shook his head. „And yet you seemed offended by my little jokes. Quite unfair I would say, considering I wasn't offended by our parents little joke."


“Okay, that’s enough of you!” Joohyun stepped up between them in hope to end the argument. She ignored the way Junmyeon was ready to tell her off and brought her attention to his sister. “Yeri, you didn’t tell us you were coming today. Why didn’t you call me? I would have picked you up from the airport.”


Yeri patted her on the shoulder. “Oh Hyunie, you know me. I like to surprise people. Beside, I know how busy you are and being your burden is something I wouldn’t allow to happen.” She said sweetly. She turned to her brother who had an uneasy expression. “I came here as soon as possible because my dear big bro so kindly asked for my help.” She started to wipe the front of his jacket out of invisible dust. “I would be a bad sister if I declined such request. Family has to support each other, right Jun?”


Junmyeon just stood there motionless. Something was wrong. He didn’t like this.


“Stop that.” His voice was stern yet a little bit high pitched.


She looked genuinely confused. “Stop what?”


“That. Being nice to me. You imposter.”


She laughed. “Comedian as always. I’m glad that got better over the years. And I don’t understand why you act so constipated. I agreed to help you after all.”


He inhaled deeply. He knew she was an essential here. But he would rather get strangled then admit that.


Joohyun just sighed. “I see everything is merrier when your family gets together.” She joked.


Junmyeon pointed a finger at her accusingly. “Shut it.”


She waved him off. “With that being said, I’ll leave you two to chat. I have a place I need to attend.” She went to grab her things and rang the intercom to give Jongdae a signal for her departure. Moving towards the door she gave Yeri a quick hug and a shove to Junmyeon’s shoulder. “Don’t forget we are going for a visit to the hospital tomorrow.”


How could I forget? The PR team has been breathing down my neck for the last month because of that.


He watched her opening the door. Something uncomfortable sat on his chest. Where would she need to be? There was basically nothing left to do for today. Jongdae and Seulgi also didn’t mentioned anything. 


“Where are you going?” He hated how desperate that came out. It was pure curiosity. Luckily, he didn’t noticed the side eye Yeri granted him. 


Joohyun turned half way. “I don’t see how that’s any of your business. You should know by now that I’m also expecting a family reunion if my own.” She glanced at Yeri. She waved her goodbye and with that, Kim siblings were left alone in uncomfortable silence.


Yeri paced slowly around the office. “You think mom will be able to make me japchae if I show up uninvited?” 


The scoff on Junmyeon’s face was enough.


»»————-  ————-««


Arriving at airport close to the evening should save a lot of trouble. There wasn’t many people around, most of them were either sleeping on the benches with luggage as pillows or occupying airport’s restaurants and cafes. The biggest rush was currently forming behind the red line were families or friends were waiting with signs for the passengers.


At least that what she imagined. 


Because now she was now at the entrance to the airport, with mouth shaped in letter O, looking at the sea of young girls squealing like psychos even though the plane hasn’t even landed yet.


All with posters and cameras ready to shove it in someone’s face. All of them were wearing masks or covering their faces with something else like caps or simply their hands. Something Joohyun never understood. If you’re gonna disturb a celebrity as a “fan”, at least have a dignity to to do it openly. You‘ll safe agencies a lot of time to find you and take actions against this psychotic behavior.


Seeing this mad group, Joohyun just her heel, threw her hands in surrender motion and sprinted to the car. "Nope. that.”


She jumped into the backseat of her company car and quickly pulled out her phone and started typing aggressively.


Jongdae turned in his seat, eyeing her with curiosity. “Let me guess ma’m, the crazy crowd is already in formation?”


“Yup.” She answered not looking at him.


“You’re asking Mr. Byun to somehow make it to the car?”


“Most likely.”


“Understandable. Wise move.”


A few minutes later from sending the text, the screams were heard through the car and airport’s entrance. Joohyun peeked through the window, watching how the crowd started to move towards them at rapid speed. She couldn’t see what was going on in the center of it but she only hoped he would make it out alive somehow. 


Being an idol is horrendous and this was just one of the examples right in front of her eyes. Disgusting.


Seeing how the airport’s entrance opened, Joohyun automatically side shifted behind the driver’s seat, making room for the guest that was about to come. Jongdae quickly left the car, circled it and opened the trunk. Luckily, there were few additional gorilla-bodyguards that were somehow able to keep the fans in control so the newcomer would comfortably move around. Well, as comfortable as it was possible.


The door opened and only for a second she heard ear piercing screams and cries before it muted down with a smash and now her loud, impossible to keep up with, annoying but incredibly talented cousin was stupidly grinning at her, close to her face.


He raised his Prada sunglasses from his nose, revealing his sparkling eyes. “Missed me Joo?” His voice certainly got deeper than she could remember. When you sing so much, it’s to be expected. 


The lack of personal space quickly got on her nerves so she gently placed her two fingers on his cheek and pushed him out of her face. “Don’t give yourself too much credit. We needed help and you were the only one that seemed available.” She tried to convince him. His gaze only said Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night.


He pouted like a little kid. “Oh come on! Why the cold shoulder?” He flicked the side of her forehead, making her yelp. "I haven’t seen you and auntie in ages! I’ve come all the way from America to play a gig on your little party. You can at least say hello, you moody rabbit.” 


“It’s not a gig. It’s an important event with very important people. I expect you to be on your best behavior.”


“Alright, mom.” He inserted his finger at the entrance of her ear which made her flinch at sudden contact.


She would slap him in the knee when front door opened and beside Jongdae, sat tall, handsome man.


“Mrs. Joohyun. It’s nice to see you.” He extended his hand which she gladly took. He send her a flashy smile.


“Mr. Lee. I’m glad you two made it in one piece.”


“Oh please, ma’m. Call me Joon Gi.” 


Joohyun giggled. "Thank you for keeping an eye on my troublesome cousin. I hope he’s not causing you any trouble.”


Joon Gi laughed adorably despite his manly appearance. "Not at all. I feed him 4 times a day and regularly take him on walks.”


Baekhyun, visibly displeased, broke their handshake and somehow offended, run an incredibly pretty hand through his brown hair. “I’m not a dog, hyung. My gosh, I’m gracing your asses with my presence and yet not a sign of appreciation.”


His childish attitude made Joohyun force herself to not crack a smile. She wouldn’t give him that satisfaction yet.


They took off, leaving crazy fan girls behind and headed for the hotel Baekhyun was suppose to stay for the time visiting. She did offered him to stay with her since his family was back in Busan but he declined. Not questioning his reasons, she let him be.


"I won’t lie, I’m surprised you decided to come.” She looked down, playing with her fingers.


Baekhyun was in middle of taking off his earrings. „Why? Your PR person said that it was urgent.”


"Weren’t you supposed to play on Jimmy Kimmel this weekend?”


He stopped his movements. The music playing from the radio was filling the silence in the car. Jongdae and Joon Gi knew better than interfere with their conversation. Jongdae rolled up the partition to give them privacy.


Baekhyun took out his phone and started scrolling through apps. “You think I would go to some crappy talk show where all they care about are some trash gossips rather than spend some time with my family? I’m not as bad as you think of me, Joo.” 


Candy Crush sound effect started to beep. "Besides, someone needs to help you take care of yourself.”


Joohyun snorted. She could take care of herself just fine. "Says the guy who can’t even boil an egg properly.”


"Come on! It was one time!” His outburst made her smirk which caused him to pout. “The level of disrespect.”


They’ve on the road for good 20 minutes. She glanced at him from time to time as he was playing games on his phone. The flashbacks from childhood floated her head. He was now completely different than she remembered him. Of course, she saw him on TV many times, but this was different. He was no longer this hyperactive kid that was making bets with kids from playground on jumping over them all. He was no longer that weird teenager that was scaring her with toy spiders. Beside her sit now a respectable artist, a grown man with over the top personality but also unspeakable talent and kind hearted personality. 


They may had had a disagreements in the past. He was annoying and so was she. But now whatever she thought of him, the image changed. He genuinely agreed to take part in her mess and that was enough to make her thankful. She was sure he will test her patience many times during his stay. Yet his presence made her slightly less anxious of what was about to come.


He noticed how she looked at him, face expression telling him she tried to say something. “What?” He successfully pulled her out of her head.


She shyly blushed and turned her face away. She only put her hand on her knee, palm facing up. He raised an eyebrow at the gesture.


“Better hear it carefully because I won’t say it twice. I’m happy you came. And…thank you.” She said in her softest voice, unknown to many.


And he sure did listen. He hid his phone and with a loud smack (because obviously) put his hand in hers, squeezing slightly. “No problem.” He said with a cheeky but genuine smile. It felt nice when she squeezed back.


Thank you for not leaving me.

»»————-  ————-««


To say Ji Soo was excited was an understatement. 


The moment her kids passed the doorway her eyes got filled with happy tears as she run to them and pulled her daughter into a crushing hug. Their father was no less enthusiastic. He also wrapped Yeri in a hug and ruffled the top of her head, much to her discontent. She was immediately buried with questions. When did she arrived? Why didn’t she call? Was she even eating in England? 


Her eyes snapped open when she was asked if she was hungry. Her head was nodding intensely and Ji Soo galloped to the kitchen. Their father wrapped an arm around her shoulders and headed her towards the living room.


Later, everyone gathered around the table while she was stuffing with japchan and rice.  Her cheeks were more round making her look like a hamster. Ji Soo was obviously pleased and Junmyeon would really rather be anywhere but here. He and Joohyun were suppose to visit one of the children’s hospital Joohyun was a patron of. Truth to be told, he wasn’t very keen on that. He could do some charity but he wasn’t very good with kids. This was more her job- she was good at it and that was enough for him to not get involved in any of that. But of course, Seungwan was painfully encouraging him for some image lift as if it wasn’t good already. After many arguments, he gave up and agreed.


Which is why he should be home already, sleeping. He was about to excuse himself when there was a grunt that brought his and his parents attention. They all looked at Yeri who dropped the spoon, grabbed the table and used the other hand to place it somewhere behind her back to massage it. Her face was slightly twisted in discomfort and she was intensely biting her lower lip.


Dong Gun was immediately alerted. "Yeri sweetie, what’s wrong?” He asked worried, probably for the first time in a while, according to Junmyeon’s memory. He looked over at Ji Soo who rushed to his sister’s side.


Yeri waved her off. "Don’t worry, it’s nothing. The flight was just exhausting and my back hurts a little.” She answered with a weak smile.


Ji So and Dong Gun bought that quite quickly. But Junmyeon did not look convinced.


This is the girl that allegedly workouts 3 times a week while maintaining a sportsman like diet. She is a model after all. There’s no way she didn’t stretch after the flight or took some pain killers. Something didn’t add up.


Which is why they were now, an hour later, sitting in one of the office rooms, both on opposite placed armchairs with folders sprawled on a coffee table.


It was already dark outside and the garden lantern were the only source of light in this starry night. The room was low lighted, warm orange colored lamps in the corners of the room. Junmyeon was pretending to read the info plan Yeri’s team prepared for him while she was sipping tea with papers prepared by his employees. She changed into comfortable, oversized hoodie with a pair of fluffy thigh socks. Her attire may not have been mature but there was definitely something different what Junmyeon tried to notice. 


She wasn't a girl anymore and she never would be again. She was an adult he supposed, but so young that she still had the exuberance of youth. Yeri had always been a hurricane; from the time of her birth until she left home she was the eye of her own storm. She wasn’t a child anymore though he would probably always look at her that way.


And yet, the moment she agreed to participate in the event, something didn’t sit right with him. Sure, she may had change of heart, but that just wasn’t her. She agreed so fast, without even wanting anything in return. She did cracked a few jokes but the enthusiasm felt out of place. He knew she never was fond of him and because of this situation he was breaking his head over.


He was stuck in his thoughts when her voice hit the walls of his ear. He jerked his head in her direction.


She sighed and dropped her arms. "Were you even listening to me?” The hidden irritation in her voice.


"To be honest, no.”


"Of course you weren’t.” She put the papers neatly. "I was saying that the plans are looking really good. I contacted the shipping company and the products for my part should arrive in few days.” She showed him two thumbs up. "Good job Jun.” She sunk into the cushions hiding her hands in the long sleeves her hoodie.


There it was again- that misplaced feeling of praise and appreciation. "Uhm, thanks. I guess.”


They sat in silence for a moment. Both pair of eyes looking anywhere but at each other. Yes, totally not uncomfortable.


"How are you by the way? Didn't manage to ask earlier” She threw the question out of nowhere. He looked at her uneasy, not sure how he should answer. So the only he did was move his shoulders I what was suppose to be okay I guess impression.


But she wasn’t satisfied with that. "Can I ask you something?”


"Dunno. Depends on the question.” He spat fast. He really didn’t want an interview this late at night.


"Have you found a girlfriend already?” Her cheeks lifted up as she leaned forward, teasingly.


Of course it’s something stupid. He should have predict that. Blindly he expected any question related to the important topic. "Not your business.”


"Why? I have to know these things. I can’t let my only brother be single for the rest of his life. That’s a role of a sister.” She said confidently, put the fist to her chest. "Especially when you're this lame and boring as always. It's obvious you need some help."


Yeah. Some sister you’ve never been.


“I would personally be happy with Joo as sister in law.” She whined and patted her chest with encouragment. 


There was it again. That weird feeling. He felt his teeth grit. He hated being paired with Joohyun, now being the worst time. As much as there was a practically none existent soft spot for her in his mind, it still felt like being making fun of. No matter how good the intention seemed. No one was privileged to mix up his life, love life especially. Not when he wasn't sure fit himself. And Yeri just pushed his button as always and he was too tired to deal with it.  "I told you to stop doing that!” He shouted at her, annoyance in his eyes and exhaustion in voice.


She jumped back at the raise of his voice. Hopefully their parents couldn’t hear that. "What are you talking about?”


Junmyeon stood up. "This!” He pointed at her. "Playing with my head! Being interested in me! Pretending to care!”


Yeri was staring to to look irritated. She stood up as well. "I’m your sister. Why wouldn’t I care?” She sounded offended.


"Because you never did! I was your punching bag for years even though I forced myself to tolerate that for family's sake!” He was sure his voice was close to crack. The part with tolerance was a bit exaggerated but nevertheless the bitter feeling was there.


Yeri wrinkled her eyebrows but decided to stood tall. "Well maybe I want to care now.” She announced confident though her expression ws staring to be darker.


He could only laugh at that. "And why is that? You’re being threatened or are you dying and like that?” He asked, meant in a joking matter.


Too bad he was the only one out of two who found it funny. He tried to laugh a bit before he caught the tear forming in Yeri’s eyes. Her body stiffened and tight fists started to shake. The humor and anger left his body. It was replaced with a ty feeling of acting like an . Even for him, that was low to ask that.


She raised her fist but lowered it right after. She let her head down, long black hair hiding her face. "I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.”  She walked behind the couch and grabbed the top part. She threw her head back, probably to not let the tear fall. Junmeyon was confused. He didn’t want her to cry. After all, she did come, despite their troubled childhood. 


Her expression was something between hurt and anger, but somewhere there was present anxiety that made her look vulnerable. She looked him firm in the eye. "You don’t have to reason why I came here or anything that has to do with my, the way you have put it, odd behavior. But don’t ever shame me for trying to be a sister that is willing to be in your life. You may be insuffarable most of the time, but we are still family and you'll never changed, whatever comes. I'll make sure it stays that way!”


He just stood there motionless. Before him now stood, not full of herself, confident model and business woman- but small, young girl that resembled a delicate flower, easy to destroy. The picture was foreign to him and for some reason, it made him feel horrible. "But why now? No word from you for 3 or more years and suddenly you reappear with as someone I’ve never seen before. What changed?”


She didn’t answered. Instead she turned around and marched to the door. Before she squeezed the doorknob, her shoulders tensed. "See you tomorrow, maybe. Good luck with Joo and kids. Drive safely.” And with that, she left him alone in the office.


"Hey! What the hell is going on with you?” She shouted after her but froze at the spot. The weight of this conversation wouldn’t let him move. This is ridiculous. The gravity brought him back to the arm chair. He his his face in his hands. This wasn’t right. Something was wrong. He didn’t know what going on, but world would underestimate him if he didn’t try to find out. Whatever was behind it. 


Why are women so difficult to talk to?




Author's Note: Welcome anyone who reads it. I just want to express my gratitude towards everyone who enjoys this little piece of fanfic. I may not be as diligent when it comes to schedules but I really put my heart into this fic, hoping this little dose of exovelvet content gives away some kind of happiness. There is so many things to happen and I just wish I'll be able to deliver it in a best way I can. Please, enjoy this chapter!

also- are you guys interested in me dropping the playlist that I chose for this story? Please let me know :)

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Crazy_Reader #1
Chapter 13: I'm still holding out hope for an update
Elliesparkles #2
I'm dying for an update
Elliesparkles #3
plzzzzz updateeeee
Elliesparkles #4
Please, Please, Pleaseeeeee Update
esnmik #5
Chapter 13: update plz 😢😢
i am waiting for so long
Kpopkid2001 #6
Chapter 13: Thank you so much for this brilliant update! Absolutely loving where Joohyun and Junmyeon's relationship is heading. The clear behavioural change pivot has been established and we can look forward to some love and peace soon I hope.
Great work as usual ❣️
Elliesparkles #7
Chapter 13: Thank You so much Author-nim for updating this story. I've been waiting for sooooo long for this chapter and it was definitely worth it! I can't wait to see the development in Junmyeon and Joohyun's relationship. I can't wait for the next chapter!
Crazy_Reader #8
Chapter 13: Author-nim, you have no idea how long I've waited for this story and whenever you update this story it brings great joy to me. I'm loving where you're taking Joohyun and Junmyeon's relationship and the pace it's going at. Joohyun's heart ache is valid but Joohyun and Junmyeon both do these things to each other but now? Now, seeing Junmyeon hurting and miserable at Joohyun being hurt by his actions and all over broken is definitely a step in the right direction for him. And Joohyun just admitted that she does not want Junmyeon out of her life and even might like him!! This is great!!! I hope that the next update will come soon. I can't wait for what is going to happen next.
Elliesparkles #9
Please update
andykat3003 #10
Chapter 12: hola, alguien sabe si hay alguna actualizacion de este fan fic?