4. The Adrenaline

Then There Was You

"What! Gunshot wound?! Which hospital?!”



"What do you mean I can’t go there? I'm his daughter! Let me go!”



"You’re lying! You’re doctors! You’re supposed to save people!”



"No…he can’t be…DAD!”



Joohyun woke up with a shallow breathing, sweat forming on her forehead. She hands were grasping the sheets so hard her knuckles turned white.When she calmed down after few seconds, she let out a heavy sigh. She rolled over and reached for her phone to check the time. 


3:00 AM.


She ruffled her tangly hair and sat straight, staring at the wall. She reached into her top drawer in a night stand, looking for something in hurry. She found a small plastic box with sleeping pills. When she tried to have one, the box turned out to be empty. She angrily throw it on the floor. "Damn it. Guess I’m not sleeping tonight.” She get up and made her way downstairs. The house was dark and silent- it made her partially mad. When she moved out from her parents, she didn’t think that living alone would be this overwhelmingly silent. Maybe buying house this big was a mistake. Maybe a small but expensive apartment would be enough? Those were questions she often asked herself.


She threw herself on a couch, trying to distract herself by playing Candy Crush, fully aware of the fact that she should be preparing for work in about 4 hours. It didn’t work, cause she got bored really fast. She tried other things: workout, listening to whales noises and ASMR. Nothing worked.


She ended on the floor, leaning over armchair. Her gaze caught the huge photo of her and her parents on the wall. A mocking smirk escaped her when she looked over at image of her mother, looking all smiles instead of the emotionless robot she had to deal with for the last 3 years. Amazing how human’s attitude can drastically change. Then she looked over at her father, Back Ho. Despite dark circles under his eyes, visible wrinkles, his face still radiated that warm energy and love. 




Baek Ho raised his head from his desk covered with books and found his 5 year old daughter in a door frame of his office. She was holding Dumbo plushie and pink blanket in her small hands, rubbing her big dark eyes.


"Hyunie? Why are you up?”


The small girl didn’t say anything. Just dropped her head, clutching to her belongings. Her father looked at her softly.


"Did you have a nightmare again?” He asked gently, walking over to her. She nodded.


"Do you want papa to stay with you?” 


She didn’t answer, but stick her arms to him, asking for embrace. He quickly caught that and pulled her into a warm hug.


"Why didn’t you wake up mom? Our bedroom is closer to yours.”


"She was really tired today. She needs to sleep so she can play with me tomorrow!”


Baek Ho smiled and patted her black hair. His mind drifted back to the memory of his wife being buried underneath hundreds of pillows and stuffed animals as Joohyun danced around, pigtails waving around. "Okay, my little rabbit. Let’s get you back to bed. Maybe I can take you to Kims tomorrow so you can play with Junmyeon.”


"I don’t wanna! He pulls my hair all the time and calls me a cabbage! I don’t wanna play with him.”


Baek Ho laughed at his daughter’s cute pout. "You know what they say about boys teasing girls at that age?"


"Don’t look at me like that dad.” With that, Joohyun stood up and returned to the couch, deciding on spending the rest go the night here. Alone, with insomnia and with a memory of a fatherly eyes burning into her.


The next morning, she was still awake on the sofa, legs and arms crossed, hair sticking from her bun and dehydration slowly kicking in. She checked her phone. Normally she should be waking up in about 20 minutes. Her sleep deprived state was interrupted by a sound of steps coming from the main hall. She turned around and found Jongdae, already in his work attire, shuffling in a guest slippers.


"Good morning, Miss Bae!” He did 90 degree bow.


Joohyun blinked few times before adjusting her sight to the man that she least expected at this hour. In her house.


"Mr. Kim? What are you doing here? Not that I’m not happy to see you but usually you accompany that poor excuse of a human. No offense.”


He laughed it off, being used to her insulting Junmyeon left and right. "Oh, he’s at his session with doctor Zhang. I assume you expected Seulgi but she had to visit the bank and the queue is quite long. So today I will drive you to work.”


"But your work hours start later today. You shouldn’t have wake up earlier.”


Jongdae smiled widely with a small bow. "Mrs. Bae, it is my responsibility to look after both of my superiors. Beside, you forgot I have a newborn at home so sleep concept is now foreign to me.”


You poor guy, you’re too good for us and we don’t deserve you. I’m gonna beat Junmyeon with a bat to give you rise.


"But Mrs. Bae.” Jongdae added, as she stood up to go upstairs. "You don’t look so well. Rough night?”


She caught her reflection in a closest mirror. Dry skin, dark circles, crumpled sweats and blouse. "Yeah. I guess you can say that.”

»»————-  ————-««


"And how do you feel about that?” Yixing voice seemed monotone and bored as he recited the cliche line. The design of his room didn’t help. Lots of exotic plants, painting of landscapes, mint mist created the atmosphere of a dojo, making him sleepy. Yixing’s gaze landed on Junmyeon who was sprawled on the couch, facing the ceiling.


"I have a feeling you haven’t listened to me for the last hour.” Junmyeon noted, his eyes closed and voice tone heavy.


"Junmyeon I’ve been listening to you for the last five years. I can guess the color of your underwear without asking you about it. Judging by your constipated expression, it's navy blue today.” He adjusted his glasses. "Besides, if it wasn’t for the news about Choi Min Soo paying you a visit, this conversation would still rotate around your poor working habits or calling Miss Joohyun,” He checked his notes to quote. "a daft uptight beetle-headed, trashy gremlin.”


"Do I at least get points for creativity?” Junmyeon peeked at his psychiatrist who had a look questioning his seriousness.


Yixing has been his doctor for the last 5 years, ever since Jummyeon started thinking he might have depression from constant work. It was partially true, according to Yixing. After inheriting the business, Junmyeon started to take everything too seriously, staying up late, not eating or drinking healthy. If something went wrong, he put the whole blame on himself, which affected his mentality. The weight of the expectations was slowly crushing him. After various session he seemed to get better, much to everyone’s relief.


However, he blamed the other half of his problem on his partner. According to Yixing, he was either super obsessed with her or he was just to dense to look at the things from different perspective. He once asked him if he knew why boys is preschool pull on girl's pigtails or call them names. Junmyeon's answer was that pigtails are easy to pull and girls are just hilariously dumb at that age. His suspicions were confirmed when he found out that Junmyeon's first interaction with the mentioned earlier Joohyun was to throw a water ballon at her.


So in conclusion, bet his money on the second option.


"Seriously, she will be completely useless if this garbage of a man gets to her head! I can’t afford that! Her normal existence is exhausting enough, now I have to deal with her mopping around?”


"Junmyeon, give her a break. She’s aware of her situation and she will obviously take your feeling into consideration.” Probably not, but Yixing knew agreeing with Junmyeon will only stoke his ego, which was by now visible from the moon.


Junmyeon looked taken aback. He started giggling, causing Yixing to lift an eyebrow.


"My feelings? Into the consideration? Yixing, you’re talking about a women who once put glue in my shoes.”


"If I remember correctly, she put glue into your shoes because you pored half of the salt cellar into her cereals. First year of high school, for a quick reminder.” Yixing argued. Junmyeon now looked defeated and buried himself into the couch, arms crossed.


The session was coming to an end. Before Junmyeon could left the office, the psychiatrist caught up to him the last minute. "I almost forgot. Miss Joohyun asked to prescribe her sleeping pills. Be kind and give her these.” He requested and handled him small package. Junmyeon observed it with focus. The label said Extra strong. Overdosing is fatal.


What did I do to deserve this?

»»————-  ————-««


To call himself nervous would be an understatement. The feeling was more of a gut squeezing. The higher floor the elevator reached, the more Chanyeol needed to wipe his hands onto his pants. When the elevator stopped with a beap, he jumped startled. The door opened. He adjusted his backpack and stepped forward. 


He walked around the corridor for a while before finding a large room with the sign MANAGERS. He walked inside and spotted few people sitting by their desks. He was quite lost so he didn’t notice approaching person behind him. As soon as he turned around, he crash with someone far smaller than him. Papers where flying before his eyes and there was a groan coming from the floor. He spotted a woman with blonde short hair, shaking her head. Fear went over him. First day of the internship and he already almost killed somebody. Panicked, he squatted down, trying to pick up scattered sheets.


"I am so sorry! Are you okay?"


The woman looked at him from under her bangs and waved her hand. "Easy, easy. It's all right. I should have watched where I was going." Her voice was quite deep, but sonorous at the same time. She laughed it off and gladly took his extended hand.


Chanyeol still had fear in his eyes and started apologizing by doing 50 bows per second. His glasses almost fell off his nose, and his backpack bounced off his back with every bow. "Stop bowing already. I'm telling you, nothing happened." Her voice was more serious now. 


"Right. I’m sorry.”


 "What brings you here? Usually we don’t let children came here unless it’s a school trip.”


Chanyeol tried to hide his laugh. He looked young but in reality he was 28 years old. He started shuffling through his backpack and took out scrambled piece of paper and offered it to the shorter girl. She examined it carefully, trying to read unreadable letters.


"Park Chanyeol? You’re the new intern?”


"Sure I am." His smile was getting so wide, he didn’t now if it was for good impression or the morning coffee with extra sugar started to kick in.


"I was pretty sure Director Do send everyone home. What did you do to break the unbreakable wall that is Do Kyungsoo?”


"Well, he said that my face wasn’t as hideous as rest of the applicants. I think he was referring to the piercing. Also I tripped over a cable when I arrived late. I think he found that hilarious.” He giggled at his recollection. 


Seungwan rolled her eyes but smiled. "Sounds like something he would do.” She coughed. "So, who is your supervisor?”


"I was told I should look for the PR manager.” When he said that, Seungwan crossed her arms and waited with a smirk on her lips as he tried to recall the name. "I believe the name was..San? Sun? Or-"


"Son Seungwan.” She stuck out her hand out.” I hope for the great teamwork Mr. Park.”


The look on his face was priceless. Something between shock, confusion and relief. He gladly took her hand in his both with a shy smile. Their eyes were locked together. Hers was like so round, eyelashes gently tapping her rosy cheek. Her nose was very elegantly straight and her cheeks were a little bit chubbier making her look very cute. He was pretty sure his hands were so sweaty she could actually slip form them. He was looking at her a little bit longer than it was appropriate. She noticed that and took her hand back.


Her phone started buzzing. She read the text and got shaped in a letter O. "Sorry Chanyeol, but I had to leave you for a while. I need to attend a meeting, but as soon as get back I will fill you in!”


She grabbed her file and identification card and took off. "You can wait at my desk!”  


When she disappeared behind the elevator door, Chanyeol waved hesitantly and then proceed to find her desk. He noticed one with hundreds of blue sticky notes and a hamster shaped computer mouse. Oh, and a name tag that literally said Son Seungwan- PR Department, of course. He took a seat in her spinning chair, trying to make himself comfortable. In his mind appeared the image of that small woman, with short blonde hair. 


"Wow. She’s really pretty. Working might as well be enjoyable.” He blushed, cursing at himself for embarrassing himself in front of his extremely cute supervisor.


»»————-  ————-««


Junmyeon arrived at the meeting room 20 minutes earlier than usual. Today the team will gonna discuss the final plan. All this mess made his head hurt.


"Hello, pest. You look older than usual.” Female voice rang through the empty room.


So that’s why my head hurts.


"It's just you, Joohyun. I’ve noticed that birds suddenly stopped singing. But if you are here, who’s guarding Hades?” His mocking went unnoticed when a cup from Starbucks hit the table surface. He took it with interest and sniffed it.


"My favorite coffee.” He looked at her suspiciously. "Who are you and what did you do with the original devil incarnate?”


Joohyun looked unamused. "Don’t flatter yourself. Your assistant gave me a ride and bought coffee so you won’t get grumpy during meeting.”


"Of course he did.”


10 minutes later, the room got filled with with the managers, directors and assistants. Soon, all seats were taken and the discussion began. Junmyeon and Joohyun were constantly passing each other as they wandered in front of the multimedia presentation.


"Works on the building, garden and closest area will now be shortened by the need to speed up the opening. To do this, we signed a contract with Oh Building to increase efficiency. They will cover the most difficult expanses and hire more constructors. The interior design team will have their meeting this Monday. In case of. any question, feel free to contact them. That solves the technical side of the challenge.”


The way Junmyeon spoke differed from his usual tone. This time his voce got deeper, throwing informations without a hint of stuttering. He stood tall, playing with the pointer and putting red dot on various parts of the statistics on the big screen.


Joohyun was no different. She observed the way her partner explained the architectonic and developmental design aspects of construction with maximum focus. 


When it comes to work, both Junmyeon and Joohyun were extremely diligent, something many people speculated was the only thing they had in common. Whatever those around them thought of them, if the business were threatened or needed improved, they made sure no mistakes were made on the way and they treated meticulously and consistently the cases of slacking off or lack of subordination. A lot of people in the company were actually afraid of them. 


"The only thing causing issues is the case of the attractions. We’ve had everything planned but with the changes in the schedule, a lot of artists and celebrities invited had to turn down the invitations.” Joohyun was wandering between gathered before she found the ball of fair blonde hair. "Miss Son, any suggestions from the PR Department?” 


Seugwan opened her tablet and cleared . "We thought that maybe we can invite someone from abroad. Now is the hot season for Kpop artists’s comebacks and everyone is busy.” 


"Who do you have in mind?” Joohyun asked intrigued.


Hesitantly, Seungwan look at her tablet and flicked her eyes between the screen and her supervisor, before exhaling with shouted eyes. "Byun Baekhyun. I think he very good rating and recognition for the last year after promoting in States. We’ve already contacted his manager and he said he will gladly participate.” She observed how Joohyun's faced went from astonished, to almost breaking a laugh to questioning.


Of course that clown had to make his way into conversation. Should've have predict that.


"Miss Bae. I’m sure he will agree. His your cousin after all.” People present started nodding, agreeing to the idea.


He was her cousin, unfortunately. If God gifted Joohyun with beauty and business skills then Baekhyun got an incredible vocal range and charisma. Her uncle was taking him to the best Art School in Seoul and made him take piano lessons from the best. After having a successful debut in Korea, he got invited to collaborate with various artist in America from where his career sky rocketed. Inviting him seemed like a good plan from strategic point of view. If he refuses, they could’ve always convince him that he should do it for the family matters. There was just one thing Joohyun was skeptical about.


Although he was awesomely talented and gifted artistically- 


He had a personality of a little with a stupidly wide grin and tendency to push people’s buttons. Especially hers.


"Yes Miss Bae" She heard the tease in his voice. "This is a great idea.” Junmyeon butted in with a serious face but Joohyun could see him mocking her behind his eyes. Of course- he knew Baekhyun, so he was aware of the situation. 


She couldn't really object to the idea, unfortunately. "Sure. He will be a good addition. Seulgi, arrange an online meeting.” Joohyun gave in and waved her hand, but clenching the other one behind her back. "Miss Park, how are we standing with the finances for the whole event for now?”


Sooyoung was typing furiously on her laptop, probably trying to put all the data into Excel at once. "Getting close to the 2 167 740 000,00 which is 2 million USD.”


"Great. Mr. Kim, did you speak with the The Madrid Art Centre about the exhibition and auction?” Junmyeon turned his attention to Xiumin sitting close to him. 


"Yes sir! Everything should arrive about month before the official opening.” Jongin gave his boss a thumb up. Junmyeon, not wanting to appear as a easy-going in front of his employees, made a small thumb sign and showed him a awkward but approving smile. Joohyun saw that and scoffed. 


"As far as everything is going well, I'd like to point out that we still have to convince the 5 shareholders to invest in the company after the postponement." Kyungsoo threw in, switching slides one by one. "The second thing, merchandising. Our main booth company has withdrawn after the shift."


Junmyeon wrinkled his forehead. Kyungsoo was right. While cultural attractions have the greatest support, the money from the auction goes to charity. Souvenir stalls bring some of the biggest income for the company alone during the opening. These are not only gadgets but also clothes, designer accessories and others.


"What do you suggest director?"


Kyungsoo locked his eyes first with Joohyun and started suggestively sending her strange visual signals towards Junmyeon. After a minute of strange charades, Joohyun finally caught on and tried to stop herself from laughing or saying anything.


Junmyeon looked at them like they were crazy. "What is it?"


Kyungsoo loosened his tie and shifted uncomfortably. "Well, I just happened to be on the line with London yesterday and so..."


Junmyeon's eyes were shaking and his body was stiff. He looked at Kyungsoo murderously. Dark "No way." was the only thing he coughed out.


"It's beneficial for the event-"


"Absolutely not."


The whole room was looking at the director and the president and their strange exchange. Joohyun got hold of her head and sighed.


Jongin raised his hand, "Excuse me. Speaking of London, are we talking about...?"


"That's... exactly what we're talking about." Joohyun answered him, slightly upset by the president's behavior. She approached Junmyeon who, despite standing still with his hands in his pockets, looked like he was about to throw himself at Kyungsoo at any moment. "President, we must agree. It's a good deal. I'm sure everyone will be really happy about having such well known brand at the opening." Joohyun tried to sound polite around people. Then she leaned closer to his ear and whispered. "So grow pair of balls and let it go."


Junmyeon closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm down. He knew she was right, but he'd sooner jump out the window than admit it. His glare shifted to her. "If I ever end up with you on a desert island, I'll give you to the natives for coconuts without hesitation." He whispered through his clenched teeth.


Joohyun fake smiled and hit him slightly in the back. "I wonder how you'll do it if I drown you first."


Junmyeon put his hands on the table and looked at his team. "Let's do it. We have a lot to do. I count on you all. We can end this meeting here."


They chanted group Fighting! and started collecting their stuff. Junmyeon went out towards the spacious balcony to get some air. Before exiting with the rest of the people, Joohyun noticed his silhouette and the way his shoulders seemed tense from behind. She approached the balcony doors and leaned over the frame.


Whatever she thought about Junmyeon’s personality, as a woman, she couldn’t deny that he was indeed well built. His shoulders were broad, making his suit laying on him perfectly. She could add something about his side profile, but her face got gloomy when she saw smoke coming from his front.


You’ve got to be kidding me.


She marched in his direction and before he could react, she snatched the cigarette from his hand, throw it on the floor and stepped on it.


"What the hell Joohyun?”


"Yixing forbid you from smoking!”


"You never had a problem with it before. Did something melted your stone rotten heart?”


"Don’t make me laugh. I know you smoke whenever you have a chance. I will wait for a day your pretty teeth will finally turn yellow and no dentist will help you with." She pouted, forgetting that she was suppose to look and sound intimidating. "Besides, you know I hate smokers so you do it on purpose.”


"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Junmyeon rolled his eyes, kicking himself mentally for that comment, knowing she's on medication to even sleep. Embarrassed, he decided to watch the city skyline instead. Sun was shining brightly today, without a single cloud. The only thing disturbing the peace was a weak wind.


"You know you have to call her.”


"You think I don’t know that? I’ll do whatever it takes for K&B to succeed. It’s just…she’s so unbearable.” He scratched the back of his neck and threw his hand in the air, startling Joohyun. "No wonder she's friends with you. You two have the same mental instability.”


Joohyun scoffed offended. "She’s your sister! Not my fault you are too stupid to tame your own sibling. Younger by 9 years dare I remind you. Besides, if she has any beef with you, blame yourself. The last time she saw you, you messed up her date with that young rapper.”


"Yeah and she broke my nose in exchange!”


There was a silence between them. Wind gently moved Joohyun’s long hair and Junmyeon’s blazer. They both stared forward already imagining how much of a work awaits them Whatever it is dealing with family members, planning the failure of Choi Min Soo or preparing themselves for the 2 months of exhausting hell. Now, the two of them had to work as a team more than ever. They only hoped they won’t kill each other in the process.

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Crazy_Reader #1
Chapter 13: I'm still holding out hope for an update
Elliesparkles #2
I'm dying for an update
Elliesparkles #3
plzzzzz updateeeee
Elliesparkles #4
Please, Please, Pleaseeeeee Update
esnmik #5
Chapter 13: update plz 😢😢
i am waiting for so long
Kpopkid2001 #6
Chapter 13: Thank you so much for this brilliant update! Absolutely loving where Joohyun and Junmyeon's relationship is heading. The clear behavioural change pivot has been established and we can look forward to some love and peace soon I hope.
Great work as usual ❣️
Elliesparkles #7
Chapter 13: Thank You so much Author-nim for updating this story. I've been waiting for sooooo long for this chapter and it was definitely worth it! I can't wait to see the development in Junmyeon and Joohyun's relationship. I can't wait for the next chapter!
Crazy_Reader #8
Chapter 13: Author-nim, you have no idea how long I've waited for this story and whenever you update this story it brings great joy to me. I'm loving where you're taking Joohyun and Junmyeon's relationship and the pace it's going at. Joohyun's heart ache is valid but Joohyun and Junmyeon both do these things to each other but now? Now, seeing Junmyeon hurting and miserable at Joohyun being hurt by his actions and all over broken is definitely a step in the right direction for him. And Joohyun just admitted that she does not want Junmyeon out of her life and even might like him!! This is great!!! I hope that the next update will come soon. I can't wait for what is going to happen next.
Elliesparkles #9
Please update
andykat3003 #10
Chapter 12: hola, alguien sabe si hay alguna actualizacion de este fan fic?