5. Difficult Beginnings

Then There Was You

Seulgi was incredibly lucky to be able to make friends with Joohyun, despite their assistant-boss relationship.


This allowed her to talk about her problems or make a a fitting work schedule without any fear of her own boss. Everything in order to put on her best performance.


Anyone who knew Joohyun could easily tell that she did not have many close friends outside the office. From the moment she took over the company in her mid 20s, alongside Mr. Kim, work became her life's goal, so there was no room for socializing. Seulgi felt sorry for her watching her constantly pulling all nighters, stressing over arguments with Junmyeon and finding her in he common room, looking depressingly through the windows. One day, out of boldness, she invited her for a drink, not taking no for an asnwer. After letting Joohyun pour all her regrets and blues over a glass of soju and drowning tears in a bowl of tteokbokki, the two of them became close friends.


Of course, this did not change the fact that at critical moments, Seulgi was forced to triple her efforts and she would have done it well if it wasn’t for this ing! Kick.


Broken!  Kick.


Photocopier!  Kick.


Why did the photocopier decide to break down today, of all days? When you need to print invitations, copies of contracts and order confirmations? Seulgi was angrily growling and kicked the machine in fury.


The moment it was decided to postpone the opening of the centre, she had to increase the speed of her work and work at higher revolutions, and this was only the first day. Over the last 4 years of working at K&B, her multitasking skills improved, but even that didn't prepare her for sleepless nights at the office with a McDonald's take-outs behind the computer screen.


She continued her breakdown on the machine until she felt a presence behind her.


"Looks like it's out of ink.” She turned around, facing Jongin standing closely behind her. 


There was an upsetting silence between them. They were looking each other in the eye for a while. Seulgi's hands were leaning against the scanner, and she felt her teeth bite the inside of her cheek.Seeing her uneasiness, Jongin spun around and walked towards the binding machine. 


"I understand. I'll let Jongdae know to order a backup." She babbled, trying to keep her distance.


"Good idea."


The only sounds in the room now seemed to be hits on the phone screen and the binding machine working.


"Uhm, Seulgi?" Jongin called out instinctively as soon as he heard the sound of heels hitting the floor, announcing her exiting.


A sound he knew too well.


Reluctantly, Seulgi turned slowly towards him and crossed her arms, waiting for his question. "What is it?"


Automatically, Jongin forgot what he wanted to say. Seulgi's hair was in delicate waves, falling on her shoulders. The black jacket was a perfect fit, showing her slender silhouette. Brown, sparkling eyes that once looked at him with affection. 


Now there was only irritation and hidden sadness in them.


"As for yesterday morning, you know, when we ran into each other... I just wanted to say-"


"Did you forget already? I made myself clear that I don't expect anything from you." She's replied extremely harshly. 


"I know what you're thinking right now." Jongin cut himself into her sentence, clearly desperate. But it wasn't very impressive for Seulgi.


Seulgi scoffed mockingly. "Congratulations if you think you can read my mind now. Even if you're right, it's not the first time this has happened. Not like I can do anything about it.”


Jongin massaged his neck, head hung low shame. Now it was even harder to look into her eyes.


"If I hurt you in any way, just tell me." When he said that, he felt a wave of deja vu. 


All Seulgi could afford now was a bitter laugh. She fought her own facial muscles, knowing that if she cries now, he'll know for sure. All of a sudden, she had pictures in her head of the last three years. Fighting, slamming doors, words they later regretted.


But that's the past. Bandage ripped off . Something she didn't want to go back to.


"Whatever happens in your life, I want you to spare me the details. If you want to know my opinion- I don't care. Don't tell me anything would change, because honestly, I don't think even you believe in that anymore."


Before she left the room, she leaned against the doorframe and announced. "Let's not talk about things like that at work. I don't have time to have you on my mind every time you're late for because of a new chick you found in the bar." 


She left him alone. He watched her sit behind her desk, hiding behind a computer screen. Jongdae looked at her from behind his desk with a concern look on the face. She just simply waved him off. But when men looked their eyes together, it was unspoken confirmation of what may have hapened. 


She could have told him what she wanted. But Jongin looked into those eyes too many times not to know when she was suffering.


Especially when he was the cause of her sadness.


»»————-  ————-««



Thick blue binder hit the wooden table."Here are the notes from the seminar on trend analysis and creation."




Shinning red binder. "Those are international trades relations. I highlighted most important chapters for you."




Three notebooks with side notes barley staying inside. "Notes from the business ethics workshops."


Seungwan dusted her hands off while Chanyeol was trying to collect his dropped jaw from the floor. The sight of the pile of documents before him made his breakfast coming back up.


"Is..is that all?" He tried to make his voice sound as calm as he could, despite the feeling of trembling.


"For now yes." She smiled at him, blowing her bangs up with a pout. " By the way, how can you rate your Chinese?"


"Ehm...solid 7?"


"Good. Make it 9. And a half.”


Chanyeol just smiled through the pain. Despite Seungwan being very encouraging and positive, therefore extremely attractive, the amount of her requirements was galactic sized. Nothing prepared him for that. The only thing that kept him collected was a friendly pat on his back he received from the girl.


The atmosphere in the office was half peaceful, half chaotic. Everyone was too busy to talk about things different than event related. The energy seemed to be almost perfect if it wasn't for a crashing sound coming from the CEO's room. 


"What was that?" Chanyeol asked startled.


"Oh boy, I hope it wasn't that ancient vase they got from the Japanese Prime Minister." Seungwan didn't sound a bit concerned. A little worried at best. Chanyeol thought it would be a shame to destroy that sounded so fancy.


"No, no. I believe it was a plant from the windowsill. It was hideous. I hope they got rid of it." New voice joined the conversation. Spinning on her chair, Sooyoung flipped her long black hair and rested her elbows on Seungwan's desk. 


Chanyeol stared confused. "Is no one really concerned that something might have happened there? Maybe someone got hurt?"


Sooyoung snorted at his comment. "Sweetie, we don't stick our noses in others business, especially their love life. That would be rude" She poked his nose slowly and gently.


"Excuse me Miss Park, whose love life?" He asked genuinely confused.


Seungwan just sighed, clearly disappointment in her friend antics to indulge the intern in her weird fantasies. "She believes the arguments and throwing stuff in each other's direction is the way our bosses show each other affection, if there even is any to begin with. Something like tsundere.” 


"I'm serious Wannie! I checked their blood types, Zodiac signs, their compatibility is out of this world. I even went to see a specialist in spirit energy. I mean, we all have our better and worse days, right? You remember their fight last month? They made up so fast after that! They are a proof positive that two seemingly completely different people can work out together. It’s beautiful, timely. It’s..."

 [One month ago]




Glass of water ended up shattered against the wall. Good thing Joohyun stood good few meters away.


"Think for once outside the cramped little box! We have to maintain the budget if not increase it!   Think about the numbers! It's a simple math!” Yelling, Junmyeon's veins were were popping out of his neck as he grabbed his hair, close to pulling them out. 


"I showed you the business plan, I checked the goddamn Excel twice with Sooyoung and the numbers were correct, so stop shouting at me, you impulsive dickhead!" Joohyun rubbed her forehead trying to match the register of her voice to his.


"I am not impulsive! Or you know what? I rather be impulsive than timid as a ing deer on a crossroad and fearing risk my whole life!"


"I'm not timid!" She screamed, turning away.


"Oh yeah? When was the last time you decided to do something risky for a company?”


She dramatically turned around and looked him dead in the eye. "I agreed to work with you! That's enough! And maybe you should look at once for a bigger picture? You're almost 30 and you act like a brat!"


Junmyeon's jaw dropped. "I AM 29 YEARS OLD FOR ANOTHER 10 MONTHS!"


Sooyoung melted in her chair with an aww. "I love seeing them together and I know love when I see one. She loves him-"


"I hate you! You're the most immature, pig-headed, self absorbed person I've ever met."


"-he loves her.”


"I hope someday one of those brats you love so much, will bite your hand off! You're the worst kind of know-it-all, most insecure woman I've ever met!"


"Ah, it's heartwarming!"


Sooyoung was so into her own fangirling world she didn’t noticed the disgusted faces behind her. Seungwan grabbed her head in shame, Chanyeol’s jaw had problems with pulling itself up from the floor and Minseok just stood behind them with a pure disgust on his face.


"Dear God, you need help.” Minseok blurted out but flinched when Sooyoung send daggers from her eyes at his comment.


"Shut up! There’s nothing wrong in little fangirling.” She crossed her arms and pouted.


"Yeah, when you do it like a sane person.” He turned fully to the new intern and grabbed his shoulder. "This lunatic would rather be single forever than giving up her shipping faze and actually found someone for herself.” He warned the boy without taking his eyes from clearly offended Sooyoung.


She crossed her arms and squinted her eyes, "Not my fault that love is hard to find.”


Suddenly all gathered attention shifted to the copying room from where assistant Kang exited. She moved quite fast and she was visibly wiping something from her face. Inside the room, behind the blinds, stood Jongin, clearly bothered by something as he rubbed his eyes and stared at the girl who just left him alone in a small room.


Sooyoung turned in her chair and pointed her thumb behind her. "You see what I mean? I would rather avoid that.”


Chanyeol was just sitting there, confused cause he didn’t recall introducing himself to the man behind the copy machine. "Who’s that?”


Seungwan only smirked which quickly changed into rather underwhelmed expression. She put her arm around Chanyeol’s broad shoulders and it made him freeze on the spot, blushing visibly. 


"This, my dear minion, is Kim Jongin, Sales Department Manager. Good at negotiations, marketing and his face is basically a key to our biggest sales.” She sunk into her chair but there was visible tension forming on her face. "He’s also a trash that makes fake promises and leaves girls heartbroken and vulnerable like it’s chewed up gum."


Minseok gently patted her head as if to calm her down. "Calm down tiger. We leave him alone. The silent treatment from Seulgi makes him miserable enough.”


Chanyeol listened to his seniors around trying to wrap his head around everything that he heard. Is this office full of people like this?


The chatty atmosphere was interrupted when 5’8 man in a grey suit entered the corridor. He had his phone pressed to his ear, swinging his glasses in his other hand. "No honey. I left the rice cakes in the fridge…No, you shouldn’t eat them with hot sauce….No, I’m not calling you chubby…I’m…I’m gonna call you back.”


"Good morning Director Do!” Seungwan rose from her seat and bowed respectfully. "How was the negotiations with the respective directors?”


"Mrs. Son, they are already helping us out by being horrible and making us look better.” He adjusted his glasses. "Is president Kim in his office? I need to talk with him.”


"Yes, he’s there with president Bae!” Minseok joined in, equally joyful. Kyungsoo simply nodded, startled by the high energy they welcomed him with, but nothing he wasn't used to.


"Well that’s just lovely. I might just walk in to prevent a murder.” He spared them once final look. "Keep doing your work. There's a lot of work to do. We count on all of you.”


The whole team did a 90 degree respect bow, almost like a salute to the captain. Chanyeol was in awe at the discipline that sparkled from them. He was new to this environment but judging by their behavior, Director Do radiated more intimidating feeling than even the infamous bickering CEOs.


But honestly, he didn’t catch on his intimidation part just yet.


"Director Do!”


Everyone present turned their heads in, confusion and shock written on each face, which Chanyeol didn’t really noticed. Smile was glued to his face as he stood up with his hands pressed to his sides. The smaller man turned around, his astigmatism making it difficult to identify the boy calling him, which made him look as if he was glaring angrily at him. He checked him from head to toe when it clicked.


"Oh, you’re that clumsy rookie!” Kyungsoo snapped his fingers in realization. "Is there anything I can help you with?” His voice was deep, but at least there was a hint of genuine sympathy for the clueless intern.


Chanyeol just shot him toothy grin, proud of catching the attention of someone so highly positioned. "I just wanted to thank you for giving me chance to work here!” At his words Kyungsoo sent him shy thumb up.


It lasted until Chanyeol decided to add something more.


"And I hope you’re not struggling with indigestion like last week! I wish you good health!” He bowed intensely.


Seungwan, Sooyoung and Minseok stared at him with something in between being terrified and being in a state of a complete shock. Sooyoung covered trying to hide her amusement and urge to laugh. Minseok awkwardly turned his back to the rest, shooting his head in various directions and Seungwan painfully signed, thinking that she hadn’t had an intern for a day and she already had to think about taping his mouth with a duck tape.


Despite his friendly persona, Kyungsoo was known to the other employees as someone similar to a drill sergeant. The managers saw him on multiple occasions punishing the company staff with methods one would call ancient or old fashioned. Everyone tried to stay on his good side to avoid his darker, sadistic attitude. He was able to curse, yell, smack and hunt down anyone, resulting in beating of the century.


Which is why they all stood in this room with jaws on the floor, praying that the new one won’t feel the wrath of the director after shamelessly exposing him like that. The director himself just stood there confused and he had that nasty look on his face. He hid his hands in the pockets of his dress pants and raised his eyebrow at the newbie. The older employees did, in fact, saw the little vein forming on his forehead.


The atmosphere was suffocating. Chanyeol just stood there with a smile, waiting for a reaction. The others decided not to look.


"Yeah. It’s okay now. Thank you for… the concern?” 


Fear turned to into more confusion. Everyone look at the two trying to figure out what just happened. No threats? No punishment? Did someone went back in time, stepped on the bug and changed the courses of the universe?


"No problem sir! Have a good day!”


"Okay. I’m just gonna… go… now. Keep working you guys.”


When he disappeared behind the corridor walls, the mangers let out a group sigh. Chanyeol just looked at them satisfied. "What happened with you guys?”


Minseok grabbed his shoulder and tip toed to reach the boys eye level. "Dude, what’s your secret?”


"My secret to what?”


"To taming the beast! You just looked Death right in the eye!” He made dramatic fingers movements almost poking him in the eye.


"Ah, you’re talking about Director Do? He’s a nice guy. What? Is there something that I should know about him?”


Seungwan patted his back and Sooyoung just started amazed. "You really have no fear kid.”


"If talking to him should make me nervous then to be honest, I was more stressed about passing my Chemistry exam in high school.” He replied nonchalantly. Minseok and Sooyoung gave up on filling him in details. He sat back in his chair and caught Seungwan looking at him with tired eyes.


"Is there something wrong?” He asked looked like a confused child. Seungwan just shook her head and patted his curly hair. The touch made his shoulders tense and cheeks blush. Again.


"I’m gonna have to teach you so many things, my little intern." 

»»————-  ————-««


In her 29 years of living, Joohyun seen a lot of things. Some were terrifying, some incredibly stupid. But nothing brought more confusion and entertainment at the same time than watching Junmyeon fidgeting and panicking over small things. His known to public eye, cold professional persona was automatically thrown out of the window when slight inconvenience appeared before him. His perfectionist personality made him unable to not stress out about misspelled words in crosswords, old people blocking the lines in convenience stores and apparently, the same thing applied to calling his family member who he often described as a literal spawn of Satan. So it came as a no surprise to Joohyun that every comment she made towards him, worked as a skin itching trigger.


Right now they were both looking at the puddle, spreading on a floor surrounded by small pieces of now broken glass.


Junmyeon hovered his fist for a moment in the air, trying to stay calm. He lowered his hand and shot a glare towards his female partner. "You see? I made a mess because of you.”


Joohyun raised an eyebrow and her gaze shifted between the mess on the floor and him. "All I said was for you to calm your . Not my fault you’re acting like an idiot because you’re scared of a 21-year old.” 


"Me? Scared of a kid? You’ve got to be kidding me.” Junmyeon let a good dose of air out of his mouth and made big eyes.  "Besides, even if, can you blame me? This thing is literally the work of the devil! She makes me look pleasant. She makes you look decent.”


"Listen, old man.” Junmyeon laugh bitterly at that comment. "Whatever beef you have with her, you can put this aside for a while. We need a contract with her agency, or else we'll be in deep , because the mister-mighty-president over here didn't have the balls to ask his younger sister for a favor.” She was now nose to nose, jabbing him at the chest. Junmyeon pressed his lips into the firm line, avoiding her piercing gaze. He swatted her hand away and turned to the window.


"You think you’re so smart? If I remember correctly you weren’t so keen on calling your cousin either.” He reminded her, remembering the directors' meeting. She remained unfazed and only smirked.


"Jokes on you. He already agreed to participate.”


Junmyeon’s jaw hit the floor and anger slowly started to arise in him at his lack of proper remark or simple response. He lowered his hand and eventually decided to give up. There was only one thing left to ask. "Any requirements?”


On Joohyun’s face appeared irritation. She cursed something quietly and exhaled. "Hotel room fridge to be filled with Coca Cola and jajangmyeon delivery on command.”


Junmyeon seemed conflicted at a small demand. Only because he knew Baekhyun."That’s all? That doesn’t fit somehow-"


"A special bedding for his dog, embroidered in velvet with a heating system.”Joohyun cut in.


"Okay, that’s feasible. Still, I thought you would throw something bigger-„


"And rare Cambodian gong in his dressing room.” She finished, slight embarrassment forming in shape of small blush on her cheeks. Junmyeon looked at her as if he lost all hope in humanity.


"Why? Why would he need a rare Cambodian gong in his dressing room?”


"Because he can.” They both felt the slight cringe. 


There wasn’t anything wrong with Byun Baekhyun. He was probably one of the most polite, well mannered and goofiest one out of all Joohyun’s relatives. Her mom, being his aunt, came from musically oriented family. It help the boy make a carrier for himself both in Korea and abroad. But when he decided to work in America, he quickly learned that wealth and humbleness were much more preferred in the eyes of the public. Despite having wealthy background, he made the decision on living in a small apartment in L.A and living comfortable but modestly, while money continued to accumulate in his account.


That’s why, whenever he comes back home, he feels overwhelmed by his actual status from which he weaned himself out. This results in acting like a commoner who won a lottery and had the weirdest demands because he didn’t know what to do with all this money. He donated to a lot of charities alongside Joohyun, but it still didn’t help with this odd syndrome.


Their conversation was suddenly interrupted by Kyungsoo peaking through the front door. The pair turned the head at the sound of door opening and spotted a small man lowering his glasses.


"It’s awfully quiet in here. I was betting on you two finally killing each other and sparing whole top office the daily drama, but then I thought on how boring working here would be if that actually happened.” Kyungsoo fixed his grey blazer and entered the room but stopped in front of water spilled and glass  shattered on the floor. He dodged it like a pro.


"Great, you’re here. You’re gonna convince him to call our savior while I’m gone.” She came to her desk and grabbed her purse. 


"And where do you think you’re going? We have a crisis here.” Junmyeon called after her before she could run away.


"No, you have a crisis now. Director Do will gladly help you deal with it, right Kyungsoo?” She smiled sweetly at the guy and patted his shoulder. She pointed her pointing and middle fingers at Junmyeon as if to say I’m watching you. She was almost at the door when she slowly turned around and pointed at the floor. "And call a janitor to clean this before anyone comes in and think that you wet yourself out of fear. See ya.” And with that she was gone.


Two guys were silent for a moment. Trying to fill in the awkward atmosphere, Kyungsoo spoke up. "So… wanna hear how an intern just embarrassed me in front of managers?’


"Sure. Why not?”

»»————-  ————-««


Everyone experiences such moments at least once in his life when they want something very much, but fate does not allow them to get it and puts obstacles on the way. Joohyun was facing such a dilemma, and her obstacle was in shape of five people in a line for coffee. The first person at the checkout counter apparently couldn't decide whether they preferred ice americano or ginger tea. The fact that a couple of people behind, a mother couldn't silence a crying child was also not helpful. In fact, it can't be called crying, more like a scream that hits the eardrums bluntly. And as much as Joohyun loved children, she didn't have a patience to listen to that all day.


This day didn't start well for Joohyun, and with a possible moment of rest she couldn't even take a break. The opening of the centre was getting closer and closer, and at the same time the bills for the architects and builders who had to work overtime started to rise because their employers suddenly demanded a miracle.


All this commotion gave her a headache, and she was also to blame. After all she threw that idea on the spot, without taking into consideration consequences. But the moment she saw Choi Min Soo again in that conference room, something overshadowed her common sense. It's hard to get her out of balance, but this man is a master at it, without even trying. Every time he appears in her life, weird hatred is awakened in her, the one that she doesn't give to anyone else. Even Junmyeon. 


The queue has shrunk and now Joohyun is standing in front of the counter, followed by the girl who probably ate sunshine instead of cereal for breakfast.


"Hello, welcome to Starbucks! What would you like to order?" 


"One Banana Smoothie, please."


"Of course! Can I get your name please?" She shot Joohyun a blinding smile.




She left the counter and leaned against the nearest column. At 10 a.m. in the middle of the week, the café was bustling with life. Mothers with children, guys in suits, high school fugitives. The noise and rumble didn't bother Joohyun one bit. She even liked to stay in places where life was bustling, as opposed to the stressful hustle and bustle she was exposed to when she entered her company building every day.


Her thoughts would have flowed smoothly if it hadn't been for the message that had just arrived on her phone. Her mood immediately dropped when the contact ID showed user name "My worst nightmare".


My worst nightmare: "You went to Starbucks, right?"


Controlling the growing annoyance, Joohyun slowly started hitting the keyboard buttons.


Me: I went where you're not.


My worst Nightmare: Whatever. Buy me Ice Americano. And a blueberry muffin.


"Are you kidding me?"


Me: The only berry you're gonna get is this under your eye after I knock you out for being an .


The girl behind the counter called Joohyun to pick up the order.


My worst nightmare: I don't know what your problem is, but I'm guessing it's hard to pronounce.


"I swear, I'll strangle him one day in his sleep."


Joohyun was so deep in thought that when she picked up the glass, she didn't notice the person behind her, and with too much twist and natural impact, half the content of the glass landed on the man's shirt. 


The people around her fell silent, the workers died inside and the victim of Banana Smoothie stood with an O-shaped mouth, watching the liquid flow down his clothes. Joohyun, analyzing what had just happened, she felt the red attacking her cheeks and the embarrassment that was about to hit. 


"Great. You can kill me now God."

»»————-  ————-««


Junmyeon never had a problem with human interactions. He had mastered the art of negotiation, he was very convincing. He rarely had a bad temper, usually composed except when he really had a reason to lose his cool. 90% of this were caused by Joohyun, obviously.


Now a self-confident businessman and theoretically perfect man was sitting there with his shoulder's tense, staring into his phone while, his thumb hovered over the green phone icon of a contact marked as "Pure Evil".


Kyungsoo was crashing on the couch, watching the poor guy play the mental game of call or not call?. "How much longer will you keep staring at this screen? You'll have wrinkles and you'll go blind before you decide to make that call." Kyungsoo joked upon the sight of a pure confusion and inner battle.


"Never kick a man while he’s on the ground. Procrastination is hard enough." Junmyeon murmured, eyes glued to the phone


"Dude. She's a kid. You're ting yourself because of the kid." Kyungsoo pointed out annoyed, now sure anymore how to talk to that man. 


"I'm not ting myself! I'm about to ask someone for a favor and this someone who a) hates my guts, b) makes fun of everything I do or say and c) is an annoying little with a personality of a plastique bag. The only thing we have in common is that we came out of the same !" Junmyeon started shouting before releasing there are people behind his door. He covered his mouth.


"Jun, please don't speak about your dear mother in that way. She's a lovely woman, I didn't need to hear that." 


"Sorry. But seriously. I don’t know if I’m ready to face this kind of stress when God already throws so much on me.”


Kyungsoo didn't know how to answer. As much as he liked and respected Junmyeon's family, Kim's sibling dilemmas were not on his head. All he had to do was put up with Junmyeon's and Joohyun's arguments on a daily basis. Enough is enough.


There was no one who didn't know who Kim Yeri was. The only South Korean model who's been in all fashion magazines in Korea from age 10. At the age of 17, she moved to the UK to work with Alexander McQueen and since then, she has been a favourite of English, French and other major designers in the world. The young queen of Vouge covers has lived to see her own line of clothes and accessories- Dear by Katy Kim. 


Talented like her older brother, this 21 years old runs her own business and despite young age, she's amazing at this. And that's what K&B needs. Sponsorship, supply in the form of stalls with her products during the opening. 


But sadly, knowing his priorities, Junmyeon couldn't get rid of the vision when Yeri was teasing him as a child then playing an innocent angel in front of their parents. She was mischevious and could be really hard to deal with. Giving her enough sympathy as an older brother, he is aware of the fact that she sees him as an uptight, boring and impulsive bastard who can only command others, her in particular, only because he's the older, "the wiser" sibling. This is what created the biggest obstacle to overcome, to make peace.


"Jun." Kyungsoo approached the desk and put his hand on the boss' shoulder. "I know Miss Kim is not your favorite person." Junmyeon scoffed at that. "But understand. You have to put that thing that bites you aside. I know it's not easy. But we need it. The company needs it."


Deep down, Junmyeon knew he was right. Family matters can't affect the company's interests. He agreed to this when he signed the K&B Finaces Group succession papers. Now there was no Yeri the sister, it was Director Kim.


"Okay. I'll call her." He said unenthusiastically but seriously this time.


"Good boy!" Kyungsoo patted him on the shoulder. "Now, that we have this settled, I have to go. I have an appointment with my wife for lunch and I can't let my lady wait."


Junmyeon smiled, seeing how his most intimidating co-worker was totally smitten and soft for the woman of his life. "Recommend to her the champagne we drank at the last conference!"


Kyungsoo stopped before he left, getting lost somewhere deep in his mind. "You know what? She told me she decided to give up drinking. Overnight, would you believe it? Probably just another new diet. I love her to death but I'll never understand how her brain works." He was shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly, used to women's weird ideas.


But Junmyeon looked at it differently. Something didn't sit right with him. "Ji Hyun? The wine lover stops drinking? Don't tell me she told you to stop smoking too."


"Don't wanna even talk about it. She hid all the boxes of Light 88 and won't tell me where. She says it's bad for her. It's strange, you know? In the last 10 years of being together, she hasn't even bothered. Why the sudden change?"


Junmyeon started to put the dots together, but they were just suspicions. "No more alcohol and no more cigarette smell. And it didn't occur to you that she could be--"


"She's not." Kyungsoo didn't even wait to answer.


That was quite straightforward. "Okay, okay. I'm just suggesting. No pressure." Junmyeon decided to leave the subject. After Kyungsoo left the office, Junmyeon was still playing with the phone. One side of his brain says CALL, the other DON'T CALL. 


But there are things that need to be done. This is one of them. And Kims are not cowards.


Junmyeon pressed the intercom. "Jongdae. Please, tell K Paradise that I want to talk with them."


After a while, the cell phone screen brightened up and a foreign number came up. This time, he chose the green ANSWER button. On the other side was female, deep London accent. Probably her assistant.


"Good morning! This is Junmyeon Kim, president of K&B Finance Group. I'd like to speak to Director Katy Kim." Junmyeon introduced himself in perfect English.


"I know she's busy, but it's very urgent. Please tell her her brother is on the phone."


"Thank you. I'll wait."


When he heard the annoyed what do you want? in Korean, a thin shiver went down his spine. But there was no turning back. "Hi sis. It's going to be difficult for both of us, but I have to ask you a favor. Hear me out."

»»————-  ————-««


As the CEO of a large company, Joohyun was more than once confronted with a situation where luck was not on her side and literal seconds saved her from total embarrassment.A slip of the tongue when reading a letter of congratulation in German in front of a hundred people at one of the most important events in Berlin. The uneven carpet at a press conference ended in a twisted ankle, but it took 4 hours before she could get to the ER. Once, a journalist decided that she and Junmyeon were a couple and the interview turned into a presentation of the art of evasive answers. But you can get out of any situation.


Pouring a smoothie on this gentleman found its place on this list.


The man was kind enough to turn the whole situation into a joke and when the crowd didn't know how to react, he happily said, "Nothing happened! I heard that pouring the drink brings luck." His charm worked, and everyone went back to their jobs.


After probably the hundredth bow that Joohyun did, the man begged her gently that there was no need and offered to buy her a wasted smoothie. Reluctantly, Joohyun finally agreed.


"Once again, I'm very sorry. You didn't have to buy me anything, I'm the one who destroyed the shirt." Joohyun expressed with gulit still eating he up.


"Don't be silly, it's just a T-shirt. Fortunately, I was on my way back from the gym, so I had something to change." The man said, finding a comfortable position in the chair.


Joohyun decided to take the opportunity as stranger glanced through the window and decided to look at him properly. For someone who had just left the gym, he looked more like he was preparing to walk on the runway. Although now he was not  wearing the elegant white shirt that ended up as a victim of a banana smoothie, the black T-shirt from the gym was lying on him like on a mannequin. You can see immediately that he was well built and athletic, and the shirt additionally emphasized the attractive biceps. 


As for the face, he did not look like a Korean, even though he knew the language quite well. Fringes coming out of brown hair fell on his forehead, creating a neat composition with dark eyes and perfectly shaped eyebrows. The attention was drawn away from his face by the earrings in his ears which made it easy for him to pass as a Kpop idol. In conclusion, he was very handsome. Maybe not her type, but overall, handsome. Hot some may say.


Feeling the approaching awkward silence, Joohyun decided to fill it with something that would at least resemble a conversation. "So, if I may ask, what is the name of the victim of my unfortunate order?"


The man in front had a quite contaigous laugh, which a little disagreed with his appearance. "Of course." He extended his hand towards the girl. "Jackson Wang.”


The surname surprised Joohyun. "Oh! I'm kinda guessing but you're not Korean?”


"Yeah. I came here from Hong Kong a few years ago to study, and as you can see, I stayed.”


He had really pleasant voice. There was not even a hint of accent. You can hear that he has already spent some time here. "Studies. Let me guess something related to sport? I'm just assuming since you look quite athletic. Can be wrong of course.”


He cocked an eyebrow. "Well, close. Actually I was supposed to pursue career in fencing and tumbling back home. But then I went through self discovery and I realized my passion for helping other people. So-?”


"Military? Bodyguard? Police maybe?"


"Bingo." He did that finger guns gesture towards her and she let out her genuine laugh.


For the most of the conversation, Jackson introduced himself more than a stranger probably should. When Joohyun asked him why he talks so much about himself if they don't know each other. He told her that, apart from the minor incident with the poured drink, she just looked like a good person. Bold reason to be honest. They talked for a good 20 minutes.


"Okay, how about you? Because I think I was talking too little."


"Of course. Bae Joohyun." She did a bow while sitting.


"Joohyun? Very nice sounding name. Well, pretty name for pretty woman.”


"Oh, stop it." She hoped the blush she felt wasn't noticeable. It's not like she felt any attraction towards Jackson, but it was nice hearing a complement that sounded genuine. She was used to businessman giving her flowers, complementing her beauty, but at the same time she knew half of it was fake or in order to gain something. Her employees were too scared of her to even hold a conversation, except maybe Seulgi and Kyungsoo, and Junmyeon of course would rather eat a worm than say she looks pretty. So it was a pleasant change. 


"Okay! I'm gonna guess what you do okay?" She nodded at his proposition. "Cool! Let's see."


He eyed her with focus but without making her uncomfortable. "I'm gonna go with some office job. You're dressed really smart and I also judge by your sitting position that you come from really strict and proper family.”


Joohyun was impressed. "Wow, you have an good eye when it comes to people.”


"Hey, I'm a detective for a reason." He looked proud with himself giving her a smile.


"You're right, it is an office job. I'm actually the president of the company, well, alongside my jerk of a partner.”


"Sounds like you're not a fan." He sipped his coffee, clearly engaged in what she was telling.


"Oh, don't even get me started. I knew him practically my whole life, then I was forced to work with him and few years ago, due to some" She paused for a second."complications we inherited it together."


"Probably not a good reason. You got all sad on the face. Sorry if I made you upset.”


"No. It's okay. Not your fault.”


The silence stretched between them. There was a frown on Jackson's face she couldn't crack. Like something was bothering him. She was about to ask but he was faster.


"Listen. If you don't mind me asking, what is your company's name?" He asked with a serious tone. 


Joohyun didn't like the direction this was going but him going form super chilly and smiley to this grim expression actually worried her. She decided to take a chance.


"K&B Finance Group.”


Jackson's face went blank. He was looking at her for a while, eyes showing something between shock and hurt. He sunk deep into the armchair, letting big amount of air from puffed up cheeks.


Joohyun didn't know how to react. She noticed him mumbling something under his nose, like connecting dots. She didn't hear much other than Bae Joohyun, K&B and unfortunate complications. She was totally taken of guard when he stood up and did full 90 degree bow. It caught the attention of some people from the cafe.


"Sit down! What are you doing?" Joohyun tried to seat him, saving them from the eyes of the onlookers. When Jackson sat back under her requests, his gaze met her.


He looked apologetic.


"What happened?" She asked concerned. His eyes was glued to the floor now, his hand rubbing his forehead. He locked his eyes with her again, hurtful expression behind.


"3 years ago, when I was still a rookie, I was assigned to my first case. It was a case of a very important businessman dying in weird circumstances.”


Joohyun felt unpleasant shiver on her back. I don't like this.


"No witnesses. No murder weapon. No evidence of suspects. I wanted to help, but as a beginner, I had no power, although I had strong sense of justice and duty.”


She felt sick. Are nightmares of the past gonna plague me again?


"I’ll never forget the sound of the sobbing when Bae Baek Ho was announced dead in the hospital when we got there. My supervisor went to talk with the family since I was too overwhelmed to look in the eyes of the broken daughter who just lost a parent.”


A tear escaped her eye.


Jackson once again stood up to his previous, apologizing position. "Miss Bae. I was assigned for you father's death investigention. And now that I have the chance and the cased got closed.. I’m so sorry I couldn’t so anything more."

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Crazy_Reader #1
Chapter 13: I'm still holding out hope for an update
Elliesparkles #2
I'm dying for an update
Elliesparkles #3
plzzzzz updateeeee
Elliesparkles #4
Please, Please, Pleaseeeeee Update
esnmik #5
Chapter 13: update plz 😢😢
i am waiting for so long
Kpopkid2001 #6
Chapter 13: Thank you so much for this brilliant update! Absolutely loving where Joohyun and Junmyeon's relationship is heading. The clear behavioural change pivot has been established and we can look forward to some love and peace soon I hope.
Great work as usual ❣️
Elliesparkles #7
Chapter 13: Thank You so much Author-nim for updating this story. I've been waiting for sooooo long for this chapter and it was definitely worth it! I can't wait to see the development in Junmyeon and Joohyun's relationship. I can't wait for the next chapter!
Crazy_Reader #8
Chapter 13: Author-nim, you have no idea how long I've waited for this story and whenever you update this story it brings great joy to me. I'm loving where you're taking Joohyun and Junmyeon's relationship and the pace it's going at. Joohyun's heart ache is valid but Joohyun and Junmyeon both do these things to each other but now? Now, seeing Junmyeon hurting and miserable at Joohyun being hurt by his actions and all over broken is definitely a step in the right direction for him. And Joohyun just admitted that she does not want Junmyeon out of her life and even might like him!! This is great!!! I hope that the next update will come soon. I can't wait for what is going to happen next.
Elliesparkles #9
Please update
andykat3003 #10
Chapter 12: hola, alguien sabe si hay alguna actualizacion de este fan fic?