11. Between The Times That's Hidden

Then There Was You

This assumption could go two ways.


Either Jackson was in great wrong and about to accuse an innocent man of a crime, or he had just stumbled upon the solution to a mystery that had plagued him for years. He had spent the last few days scouring technology developers in search of the device he had heard about when he walked into the Captain's office that day.


A watch that collects data without excessive settings. Technology may have advanced and Jackson wouldn't call himself outdated, but still, at the age of 27 he hadn't heard of such an innovation, even from the biggest companies. Watches had cellular functions-but even if they did, who would need an information retrieval function? Especially for the benefit of large corporations where such processes take place with formalities, and that just sounded too simple.


It is all getting too complicated. At times it even seems senseless. Such thoughts were going through Jackson's mind. Why is he doing this? Is it for his own satisfaction? Perhaps. Theoretically, he barely knew the woman. He met her like few weeks ago. They were basically strangers and strangers don’t promise themselves to  bring justice to dead family members, also strangers. It all seemed more and more pointless with every passing moment. Now sitting in front of an open computer and a pile of files, everything seemed like a black hole. Sometimes Jackson wondered if he had chosen his career well. Since leaving the Police Academy he had tried to tell himself that he had been deceived. Blinded by empty fairy tale scenarios that the police could help in any way. Turns out it's not that simple. That day made him realize that.


The smell of hospital chemicals was overwhelming. It was good that at least there were not many onlookers, due to the late hour. Twenty minutes ago, Bae Baek Ho had been brought to the hospital with three gunshot wounds.  Jackson knew little about the man, only that he ran a sponsorship company.  Solely from the newspapers could he read that he was well-liked by the public. A philanthropist and millionaire with a heart of gold- it is hard to believe that anyone could hold a grudge against him. 


Jackson's hands began to sweat. The Academy had not prepared him for interrogation of a matter so serious. He was about to question the shot's wife and daughter. His nerves were making his stomach hurt. Said mother and daughter sitting across from him and Detective Park in fear and uncertainty certainly didn't make him feel any better. But he had to be stronger. Otherwise he would never be able to handle this job. During the interrogation, their voices were muffled and asking them to repeat their answers seemed cruel to him. The real nerves mounted in Jackson when the victim's wife raised her voice in annoyance and began to ask for something along the lines of professionalism. After this, Detective Park carried out the rest. The sounds of conversation whizzed past his ears, completely failing to reach his subconscious. He decided to focus his gaze on the younger girl sitting across from him. Her gaze was fixed on the floor and she hadn't spoken since the conversation began. It was obvious that she was trying not to torment her swollen, red and tired eyes and every now and then she took a deep breath. Poor girl, he thought. 


Another few minutes after the conversation ended, a surgeon emerged from a separate corridor of O.R. Tiredness and gloom was evident on his face. He approached the table where the women were sitting. One nod was enough to give the final verdict. 


Condolences and a request for pardon.  


Jackson remembered little of what happened immediately afterwards. He remembered Detective Park grabbing his head and sighing deeply. He remembered mother's fury that started the argument and then the tug-of-war with the doctor. All he saw was her screaming, soundlessly. He also remembered the daughter falling to her knees, her body shaking, her fists clenched. It was the first time that evening he heard her voice-mixed with sounds of despair.  


The investigation lasted a week. Unexpected order from higher ups, explained by lack of evidence.   


Seated in a widow's house, they were pelted with insults of the worst kind. And rightly so. They deserved it. They have achieved nothing. Jackson couldn't understand that. And apparently he was destined to live with it for the rest of his life.


"God dammit." He groaned tiredly. Oh, to have the skills of the great detectives. To have the mind and eye for clues equal to those of the famous untanglers of mysteries. With a stinging in the corners of his eyes, he started going through his notes again in hope that maybe he had missed something.


The victim was found by one of the port ward supervisors when he was going on his night shift. He found the victim in one of the storerooms designed to store machinery for carrying heavy cargo. Nothing further. Flipping through the pages pinned to the file, Jackson came to a section where there was photographic documentation of the surroundings. Pictures of splattered blood, pictures of the warehouse, pictures of shoe prints. Hardly helpful, nothing Jackson hadn't seen before.


He was about to close the file when he noticed a piece of paper sticking out from underneath. Very well hidden, if he could say that. He hasn't noticed it before. It was a photograph or at least part of it. It had evidently been torn out, leaving only a fragment showing the ground and a piece of something white towards the middle. Suspicions rose again in Jackson's mind. He turned in his chair at a lethal pace and began to quickly type codes into the online database. As directed, the forensic department and forensic photography specialists secure the crime scene photos not only physically but also by computer. The excerpt must be in the database then.


Jackson typed in all the necessary corroborating data, the case number and began quickly browsing through the photos in the case gallery. There was one photo with a white element. A photo with a baseball signed by one of the players of the Korean squad.


Oh my god. So there was something. 


Jackson was sure he felt a shiver run down his spine. Not only had he not found the previously mentioned material anywhere, but there was probably an attempt to conceal it. But why hadn't those behind it removed the photos from the database? Mistake at work or deliberate? Why exactly this?  A million questions whirled in his head without him even noticing that he held his breath. 


Ok. But now what? I have no information about this ball. If it's the property of a potential witness it could change everything! 


For the second time in his life, Jackson felt such frustration. Fate had smiled on him, but that meant nothing at the same time. Without details it was going to be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Jackson was not a believer, but at this point he was praying for some kind of sign.


"Hey, Sunghee! Are you leaving so early?" One of the detectives in the room turned to the woman heading for the exit. 


"Yes, I have an appointment with my sister. We're going to visit my nephew in the hospital." Sung Hee, the receptionist at the station, alleged while putting on her jacket. 


The man nodded. "Ah, he's the one who’s being treated by psychiatrists?"


"That's right." Sunghee confirmed. "The poor boy supposedly shows improvement, but he has panic attacks from time to time. To this day, we don't know what triggers them. He hasn't wanted to tell us for three years.”


Jackson felt as if his neck would snap with the speed with which he raised his head. He looked up at the ceiling in search of a higher power. 


Are you kidding me?


Sunghee continued talking. "'Well, the important thing is that there is an improvement. We were planning to take him to a baseball game this weekend. He probably feels sad that he doesn't have his precious ball with him. He got it as a gift from his dad, who knows the team's coach."


The woman's words were interrupted by the sudden screech of the chair wheels being pushed back. Everyone in the room was now looking at the tense young detective standing upright at his desk. His eyes found hers, the intensity piercing to the core. "Noona." He called out relatively calmly.


Sunghee made big eyes. "Jackson? What's wrong?"


"Can I come with you to this hospital?"


"What, why? What happened?"


Jackson grabbed his jacket and looked pleadingly at the woman. "I know it sounds weird! I'll explain on the way." When Sunghee didn't move, he grabbed her arm and squeezed it lightly. "Please, take me with you. It's important."


Jackson knew that what he wanted to do would seem unethical. Perhaps it would jeopardize his position as a detective. But he wouldn't know if he didn't try. His conscience, the peace of mind of Joohyun and her family-all of that could be restored. He only hoped that his guesses would prove to be accurate and not mere naivety, which would do more harm than good.

   »»————-  ————-««


Junmyeon knew from a young age that many things would never be within his control.


Sitting in the comfort of his home office, Junmyeon sandwiched between his fingers a unicorn sticker he had received from one of the patients during a hospital visit. He recalled the sunshine from that day, the laughing children, and Joohyun's sneering satisfaction at his glitter- and color-decorated look. One day was enough to make him ask himself a long overdue question: was this one option for life if only he had chosen otherwise.


It was a confusing, yet nice vision. But his younger self would disagree. As a child, satisfaction was limited for him, even if established blindly by himself. What could he have expected? A pianist? He had a talent for it. A horse rider? One of his favourite things from childhood. A businessman on his own terms? No problem.However, he chose what was planned for him from the beginning. Talk of business succession never happened. This had simply become a reality. He wanted to believe that his parents wanted him to choose his own career path, but honestly what sense would that make?


His father had put his whole heart into developing this company and had dedicated his entire life to it. Who else would be in the position of the new CEO? Yeri? She had always been the more 'feisty' one between the two siblings-not only far too young, but also consumed by the freedom of the free world, with ideas with dreams. Junmeyon, on the other hand, had long since abandoned the drizzle of self-discovery and wasted time on dilemmas of the youthful ilk. He put everything on the line and grew up cultivating the skills he would come to use as the new president of K&B.  Nobody forced him - common sense simply decided that this was the right course of action. Did he sometimes blame himself for this decision? More than once. How many nights did he lie in bed staring at the ceiling, surrounded by darkness with a feeling as if something heavy was sitting on his soul? A feeling as if someone had chained him? He stopped counting. He knew that as soon as he officially announced this decision, the burden of responsibility and expectations would follow him like a shadow, together with the feeling that he would always be missing something - gaps that were difficult to fill. The road was strewn with thorns, but he told himself he would endure it. Because he is a responsible son who will never bring shame to his family.


Joohyun was not part of his plan. 


It was never in her interest to take over the company, she was firmly convinced of that herself. Even Junmyeon wasn't blind to such obvious things. This girl had been so energetic since he'd known her, yet she carried an aura of gentleness and elegance. It didn't take long for her not to start attending ballet classes and climbing the ladder of hard work, but filled with fulfillment and determination. Everything he lacked. And that was what he envied her for. Her mother, on the other hand, very supportive at first (after all, from an artistic family herself), arranged for Joohyun to intern at K&B as "vice president" at the same time Junmyeon was doing proper training for the same position. All this to prepare her for situations if her art career doesn't work out.


At the time, it seemed a long way off. Unlikely. And yet here they were.


All because of that one night. All it took was for Joohyun to walk into Kim Dong Gun's office a week after the tragedy with the statement that she would accept her father's legacy-even at the expense of working with someone she supposedly hated. Was there truth in all this? Junmeyon was never one hundred percent sure. Was she annoying? Selfish? Emotional? Terrified of extreme decisions? Without a shadow of a doubt. But she was also a hard worker. Stubborn. Empathetic. Kind. The sides of her that were nice to look at, even if it was in the deepest part of Junmyeon's subconscious. The part he never wanted to admit to himself. Buried and locked away. It was better that way. 


Despite their differences, incompatibilities, constant bickering and occasional resentment, was there a future for them somewhere? Junmyeon wanted to think that there was. At least her father for certain believed there was. Many times he expressed his gratitude towards Junmyeon for making peace with his daughter. He believed he truly understood her. Knew her better than anyone. One night, while playing pool together, Back Ho told him that Joohyun may be tough on the outside, but there are a lot of things that make her heart ache. That despite being strong, she neglects parts of her such as fear of loneliness. Not understanding what it meant back then, Junmyeon could simply nod. And then happened that memorable day that only he and she knew about.


Junmyeon hated funerals. Looking at a sea of black, adorned with swollen eyes and red noses, could leave the toughest man stunned. During the funeral ceremony, everyone's heads were lowered. Throughout the entire room in the funeral home, one could hear individual and collective sobs and prayers. The flowers that adorned the coffin, no matter how beautiful they were, vainly tried to hide the sad aura around the photo of Bae Baek Ho placed on the closed coffin. Only his smile in the photograph was able to bring in some light. 


But that light was never to shine again.


Damn. He really hated funerals.


The ceremony of paying respects lasted over three hours. It just showed how many people knew Baek Ho. How many loved and respected him. Junmyeon was one of them. Apart from his mother, he had never met someone with an equally warm character and an aura that drew people to him. He owed him so much. He was almost a family to him.


And now, this man was no longer among the living.


The funeral meal had been going on for a good hour and a half. All the guests had gathered in the next room, sitting on the ground at tables. Drinking. Eating. Talking. Laughing, trying to ease the sadness of the day. 


Junmyeon sat at a table with the dead man's family. His father sat in the corner with a small bottle of impotent alcohol, grey marks under his eyes, exhaustion written on his face. No wonder. His best friend had just been brutally taken from this world. Somewhere in the corner, Yeri sat with her knees turned up looking around. In theory, it was her first funeral ever, so the atmosphere was new to her, but no less depressing than for the rest of the guests. His mother was sitting with Mrs. Bae's sisters with her arm around her. She didn't look good either but knowing her stubbornness, she decided that it was now her job to provide her friend with as much support as she needed.


Bae Jin Kyung resembled a puppet. She was physically in the room, but her gaze lacked a shred of strength. One event had managed to shatter the hard walls of the fortress she was. Her world had collapsed. She had lost the ying to her yang. Her other half. The love of her life. A husband. A friend. A rock. The only thing she gained was a guardian angel.


Junmyeon couldn't look at it anymore. He couldn't watch his loved ones suffer. He knew that no matter what he said, his words would not matter at this point. Everyone goes through mourning in their own way and no one has the right to disturb them, no matter how much they want to and how well intentioned they are. He knew Jin Kyung quite well. The pain would not pass quickly. Perhaps never. But she also, no matter how fierce personality she might have, needs peace and quiet. He was able to respect that. That thought allowed him not to overwhelm her with condolences that would now only remind her of this tragedy.


Stepping into a short corridor, Junmyeon's feet led him to the room where he had spent his last hours. As if a masochist couldn't grieve enough for one day. The room was small. Apart from the coffin, there wasn't really any other furniture there. The only thing he found was a figure sitting against the wall opposite. Her knees were hunched over, her hands tucked somewhere under her black cloak. Her hair was tied up in a low ponytail, revealing her pale face. Free of make-up. With reddened cheeks. Still, no sign of tears. She probably drank something stronger when no one was looking, to numb herself. That's the only explanation. Why? Because Bae Joohyun, no matter what, never cries. 


The sight of it made him depressed. Junmyeon was having an ongoing feud with himself. Should he let her sit alone or try to comfort her? Even if he tried, it could come out differently. He had hardly ever actually said her anything nice, let alone comforted her. And what about the rule about respecting the mourner's decision? Single sniff of her nose snapped him out of his conflict of thoughts. She wasn't looking at him, just at the picture on the coffin. 


He should have left. He should have let her have time alone to heal the fresh wound. But some strange force told him to stay. He couldn't figure out why, but looking at her motionless figure with a black hole instead of eyes made his heart ache.


"I have nothing to lose, he thought. This day won't get any better anyway" he thought.


He slowly walked over to the crouched silouetthe and squatted next to her. "Hey.” His voice was quiet and gentle. But no reaction from her. Junmyeon wrinkled his forehead. Should he touch her? Offer her something? "You've been sitting here for a few hours. Can I get you something?" He tried to sound as gentle and caring as possible.


Under normal circumstances she probably would have laughed at him. She'd have said something like "Did aliens switched you because you talk like an extraterrestrial!" or "Best gouge my eyes out so I don't have to look at you”. This time there was no reply. Her eyelids slowly dropped and rose, her facial expression unchanged.


Maybe there was no need to interfere. Junmyeon grabbed the back of his neck, wandering somewhere with his eyes. "Ehm, if you want, come to us." No response. "Now, I'll leave you alone if you don't need anything."


He took her silence as assent. He started to rise slowly, but didn't have time to fully straighten up when he felt a pull on his pants leg. He looked down and saw her small hand squeezing the material. Her gaze was focused on where she was holding him. The grip on the pants’s material seemed quite firm. Looking around he made sure they were alone before redirecting his eyes back to her. “Joohyun?” Did she changed her mind? She remained motionless but not loosening the hold. 


He slowly crouched back and took a hold of her wrist of the hand that was on him. Her muscles got limp the moment he grabbed her. He studied her features closer even though he’s been looking at her face so many years now.She clearly haven’t washed her hair for at least three days. The dark circles under her eyes were clear evidence that she didn’t sleep much. And the lack of strength in the wrist he was still holding made him feel like he could break it if put too much force.


This is not how you’re supposed to look like.


This urge of pity and concern was making him annoyed. Not with her, he just had enough painful headaches to deal with lately. He signed heavily. “Do you want me to stay with you?” He sounded genuine, but he feared that in this vulnerable state she will take his behavior as forced. Her gaze found his, but the only thing she did was to raise her eyebrows as if surprise by the offer. Like her silent wish just had been fulfilled.


Seeing that, without thinking much, he took a seat next to her on the floor, elbows rested on his knees. They were so close to each other their shoulders firmly touched. From time to time, his knee would swing gently and crash with hers but it wasn’t enough to gain a reaction she graced him seconds ago.


It would be a lie to say that the silence wasn’t suffocating. He really wasn’t good at small talk with her. He couldn’t do it in a nice way when she was her regular self and the current situation didn’t make it better. They were sitting like this for good 10 mintues before the smallest sound made its way out of . 


“I was told he left the house without saying anything.” There was noticeable rasp in her voice. “Said he needed to take care of something.” He looked at her, glad that she started to talking after a whole day of not saying a word other than thank you in response to condolences. Joohyun gaze was still locked on the picture at the other end of the room. “Now that I think about it,” she paused and took a deep breath. “I haven’t visited him for a whole month before that happened. Maybe I could have talk to him. Just this one more time.”  


Junmyeon stilled. The last thing she needed as guilt. Even he wasn’t cruel enough to make her feel that way. As y as she was to him on daily basis, he didn’t wish for her to suffer. “Joohyun, I swear, if you’re trying to put a blame on yourself-“


“I’m not.” She stated firmly but clearly lacking strength and will to raise her voice. “I just don’t know what to feel right know.” She put her hands from under her coat and placed them on her knees. “I feel horrible as his daughter. He hadn’t shared anything with me for a long time, I thought there wasn’t anything going on.” There was a dark, gloomy tone in her voice. “I feel like the part of me disappeared, I- I just-,” Before she found the words, she widened her eyes, slightly agape and frown creeping into her forehead. Like she was hit by the lightning. “I just wished I had more time with him.” Her hands started to shake.


Junmyeon had a lot on his mind. One particular thing was replaying before his eyes. He didn’t know if that was the cause or if it was the state she saw her in. In that moment he wanted to shield her. 


“Why him? , this is the most awful way to go.” The timber of her words started to crack and even from the side, you could see the glossy over her eyeballs. That sent Junmeyon over the edge. Not letting her say anything else, he firmly grabbed her around and pushed her onto his shoulder. Joohyun’s body froze, eyes big. She wanted to ask what’s going on but he beat her to it.


“Whatever is going on in that small head of yours, even if your heart feels like it’s in pieces,” he squeeze her arm where his hand migrated. “Now’s not the time to ask what ifs.” Junmyeon moved his chin to rest it against her temple. “ What I want you to do, is to let it all out.”


“Junmyeon, what-“


“I’m not saying you should forget. Cause I think you, ing none of us, will forget.” His thumb started to soothe against her clothed arm. “So tonight, please listen to me and just let go.” Junmyeon didn’t need to look at her to feel what was building up. 


It was years of repression, stress and abandonment of self weaknesses. “With only me here, allow yourself to cry. As much as you need to. I’ll stay with you.”


There was darkness of the night outside the window. There were faint sounds of people at the funeral reception. But the only sounds Junmyeon focused on, was a burst of weeping sobs. 


Joohyun cried into his chest unceasingly, body curling and hands clutching at his jacket. He held her in silence, rocking her slowly as her tears soaked his shirt. A tiny lapse let her pull away, blinking lashes heavy with tears, before she collapsed again, howls of misery worsening.


Junmyeon looked in the eyes of an older man in the memorial picture as he held said man’s daughter. A girl he already, unconsciously promised to keep safe, even if it means from herself and not for himself. 

   »»————-  ————-««


Three-person friendships never had a future.


Sooner or later two of them would find more common interests, spend more time with each other and, in the end, the third one would be left behind. Choi Min Soo found this out the hard way. What was a friendship that lasted almost 8 years if he ended up tossed aside like a piece of ?




Everything was going beautifully. 3 boys meet at university. They all have big ideas about success. What to do with it? Of course, create a vision and dedicate the rest of their lives to it. That's how Project KBC came to be. 3 Business and Financial Management students from the Faculty of Economics. Kim Dong Gun, who stood firmly on the ground and kept everyone in line. Bae Baek Ho was a dreamer whose ideas were so varied that it was scary to think what was in this man's head. Choi Min Soo, on the other hand, was a strategist, every project, every idea had to be approved by him from a tactical point of view, and everything he proposed was profitable. With time, he began to teach his friends these skills to make the work go faster. Little did he know, however, that this would come back to haunt him in the near future.


He shouldnt have  gone to the National Philharmonic that day. If he had not, then he wouldn't have noticed a violinist soloist with a cold, sharp gaze and yet a gentle face. How focused she was creating dramatic sounds until a shiver ran through his body. She looked like a queen of ice, ready to decapitate a man with one of the violin bow. Min Soo was staring - she was exquisite. Delighted with the performance, he and his friends who were present at that time went backstage to congratulate them on their success. This is how they met Jin Kyung. 


It did not take long for them to include her in their circle of acquaintances. She was intelligent, funny, charismatic and nice to talk to. According to Min Soo, she was a walking ideal. Dong Gun didn't talk about it out loud, supposedly already being in a relationship with the younger Nature Republic manager, but Baek Ho didn't spare himself in positive comments. But at the time, Min Soo didn't seem to mind.


He often talked to Jin Kyung, invited her to different places, confided in her about her problems and she did the same. She would tell him about her musical family, how she dreamed of going out into the world after studying music, training to then join a well-known orchestra and travel on tour. 


She also mentioned that she is not sure if she would like to start a family, based on the uncertainty about her future. He could understand this, he himself was not so different on the subject. He really thought they understood each other. That he could tell her anything. He assured her that he would support her. She told him that he was a good friend.


Ouch. It hurt a little, but it was nothing. They were slowly going there.


The work was becoming more and more demanding. With new clients, contracts, partners coming in, the business was booming. Min Soo and his friends were exhausted. Lack of sleep, constant sitting in the office, frequent mistakes-this was the price of a thriving business. Min Soo had noticed a drop in his form - he was making some of the most important decisions, and each one was detrimental to his health. Dong Gun and Baek Ho advised him to go on holiday for a while, assuring him that the two of them could handle it, but he took it as a pity on him and an insult to his competence.


From then on, their friendship deteriorated with each passing day. Min Soo wanted to do everything on his own, he did not consult the team, he reacted to everything with anger. One day when he was completely exhausted, he decided to call the one person he knew he could talk to.


On his way out of the building, he took out his phone and dialed Jin Kyung's number. While waiting for an answer, he watched as a familiar black Hyundai pulled up near the main entrance. Jin Kyung's phone didn't answer, so he dialed the number again. Baek Ho got out of the driver's side and ran over to the other one. 3 beeps of waiting for the call. 


From the passenger side, Jin Kyung got off. Offering Baek Ho a hug, her famous smile and ...a kiss.


Min Soo didn't come back to work for a week.


In the privacy of his office, Min Soo looked at the loading bar displayed on his computer. Not wanting to tire his old eyes, he twisted in his chair and looked at the city skyline stretching behind a glass the size of an entire wall. In the reflection he saw his face covered with age. He shouldn't look like that, he wasn't that old. 


Min Soo didn't go to their wedding, despite the invitation. At that moment, he would rather get drunk to unconsciousness and disappear in a while. His productivity at work had dropped anyway, Dong Gun's ideas seemed to be better in every aspect. Maybe it was the job burnout? He was certainly not happy with the loans Min Soo had taken, for which the NCB had to bear the cost. Plus pictures of a drunk Min Soo in striptease bars did not go down well with the PR people. And what did Jin Kyung see in this loser? A ing knight on a white horse. They're taking everything away from him. 




"ing hell.”




3 years later, on New Year's Eve of the year 90', Dong Gun announced his new passion project he’s been perfecting for years, with Baek Ho as sub-executive producer. ing traitors. 


Not long after, an announcement was made in the newspaper that the famous violinist was expecting a baby.


Min Soo didn't know whether to laugh or get upset. It's not like they were a couple. , for the past few years, he couldn't remember the last time he talked to her. Maybe this is a good chance to talk to her. This time it would be him she could cry to. She didn't want a baby, did she? She had told him that herself. She...she...told him so. Didn't she?


It turns out Min Soo was very naive. Watching the woman he loved for so many years with care her still flat belly where Baek Ho's parasite lives.


"He was very excited. He said it would be our greatest gift."


Stop it.


"I was scared at first, but Baek Ho assured me that we could do it together. I believe him.”


I hate you both.


"Ji Soo says our babies may be born a short time apart. I would like them to become friends.”


I thought I could count on you.


"What about your dream?  Didn't you want to leave by any chance? Unhindered?" He stressed the word "unhindered" strongly while looking at her stomach. His voice was on the verge of a booming whisper. 


"I decided to stay in Seoul at the philharmonic. I don't want to endanger myself and the baby. I decided that stability would be more beneficial. I even got offers to become a concertmaster.”


His anger would come like an impossible build up of steam, burning him on the way out, burning the one on the receiving end. All he felt was anger. All he felt was realization that he don't need or want to be friends with anyone at all because then he won't have to trust anyone. It'd be safer, easier to choose not to stay. And he knew he was hiding a truth from himself, of how much this is really to do with sadness and the scars that just won't heal. 


"Go to hell Jin Kyung.”


Her smile faded and eyes showed pure shock as she looked up at him. "Excuse me?”


"You, that traitor Baek Ho and your little demon. You, him, Dong Gun- you can all ing die for all I care.” Venom and resentment poured from his voice.




The files were still being transferred. 


Min Soo closed his eyes and drifted off to a happy place somewhere in his head. If such place existed. These difficult emotions, he see them as a river flowing by. He sit here deep in his chair and onward they go. In a few days the waters will become calm again and so will he. There is nothing to be done about them, just stay calm and then everything is gonna be okay again.




Who would have thought that pulling a few strings would make such misery? 


A couple of colored newspaper articles, a couple of bribes and BAM! Suddenly, Dong Gun's project is no longer as polished as it was announced to be. Even a few words were said about his unborn son and how he is not his son at all. How much was lied about in this? Let them worry about that. Min Soo's new investment, on the other hand, has been received very favorably. 


Drinking down the success with his new partners in a rented restaurant, Min Soo thought that luck was finally on his side. The rest could chime in.


"Min Soo!”


Those present at the table turned towards the entrance, where a visibly angry Baek Ho was standing. Min Soo barely got up from the table, the alcohol running through his system in charge. The two of them moved away from the dining room into the corridor, where the crisp air from the air conditioning made Min Soo dizzy.


"I know why you’ve been angry at me for these past years, but this is not even about us anymore. Do you care so little about how much work and effort Dong Gun has put into this project?” Complaints and clear disappointment spiled out of Baek Ho. 


Min Soo, on the other hand, had blurred vision and could barely stand straight. Between a few hiccups, he chuckled and finally gathered the strength for words. "Who cares? He's got the publicity he wanted at the end. The share prices will go up anyway.” He pointed an unsteady finger at the man before him with frown between his eyebrows. "And do not lecture me about Dong Gun when you complicated Jin Kyung’s life yourself.”


"What?” He didn’t know what his wife had to do with anything. 


Min Soo laughed and continued his accusations. "Thanks to your selfishness, she had to abandon plans for a career and give up her dreams. And now, again thanks to you, she  has to deal with pregnancy and raising a kid she never wanted in a first place!” He stumbled back and sour expression appeared on his reddened face. "You know? I’ve been there for her. If it wasn't for me, I doubt she would have managed some things mentally!” He knew he was giving himself too much credit but it was pettiness and booze talking for him. "But after all I did, not only Dong Gun takes your side but Jin Kyung runs to you like a -"


The fist connected with his face with an impact that send him sideways. He could feel blood running from his nose and lips. "You're confident enough to say that, Min Soo. And what are you, huh ? A knight in silver armor?” Ha. Funny. "Everything that’s happening it’s because of what’s going on between you and me, I’m aware, but stay away from my family and Kim's business. Don't get involved in this, okay?”


Min Soo wiped the blood from his nose clumsily. His head started to pound. "Ha. You have to know how to lose too, Baek Ho.” He send the man a smug smile. 


Behind Back Ho’s gentle eyes was many things- anger, disappointment and most importantly, sadness. "And what have I lost? Jin Kyung? The stock market? You can give up your intrigues, I won't race with you. I’m quitting this non-existing nonsense of a rivalry for the sake of my friends and my family. And you better get yourself a decent mirror and think about whether you really want to be that man you’ll see when you finally get to the top alone!" 




"Back then, those were wise words, my friend." Min Soo touched his nose lightly, which was once broken by the said friend. "But look which one of us is sniffing flowers from underneath now?”


In the end, Min Soo was removed from his position as chairman and founder, taking C with him and leaving K&B. A boy was born to Dong Gun and Jisoo and 9 years later a girl.


Baek Ho and Jin Kyung were blessed with a healthy daughter with her mother's temper and her father's gentle spirit.


But apparently not everyone was meant to be happy. 


A beep from the computer and a watch next to the monitor announced that the transfer was complete. More than 20 different file windows opened, all full of data. 


Date, time and place of goods receipt, event plan, guest list, special guest list, codes, passwords and more.


"Myeon. Hyunie. You poor kids. To think that you are the ones who will pay for your parents' mistakes."


With one click, the data was sent to a specially secured link, and what was in the watch and on the desktop went through a 3 minute data wipe.


Min Soo clapped his hands and headed towards the office exit. He left the bitter memories behind and used them as fuel for action for the next day.




Author's note: Hello! After a long break! I think I should explain my absence, but just so you now- I wasn't being lazy! I was writing this chapter constantly but school and work really wasn't on my creative side. And I don't like writing flashbacks but I hope this chapter will explain some things (I think it turned out okay) Also a reminder! Everything written in italics is a flashback!

Thank you so much for reading and your patience <3

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Crazy_Reader #1
Chapter 13: I'm still holding out hope for an update
Elliesparkles #2
I'm dying for an update
Elliesparkles #3
plzzzzz updateeeee
Elliesparkles #4
Please, Please, Pleaseeeeee Update
esnmik #5
Chapter 13: update plz 😢😢
i am waiting for so long
Kpopkid2001 #6
Chapter 13: Thank you so much for this brilliant update! Absolutely loving where Joohyun and Junmyeon's relationship is heading. The clear behavioural change pivot has been established and we can look forward to some love and peace soon I hope.
Great work as usual ❣️
Elliesparkles #7
Chapter 13: Thank You so much Author-nim for updating this story. I've been waiting for sooooo long for this chapter and it was definitely worth it! I can't wait to see the development in Junmyeon and Joohyun's relationship. I can't wait for the next chapter!
Crazy_Reader #8
Chapter 13: Author-nim, you have no idea how long I've waited for this story and whenever you update this story it brings great joy to me. I'm loving where you're taking Joohyun and Junmyeon's relationship and the pace it's going at. Joohyun's heart ache is valid but Joohyun and Junmyeon both do these things to each other but now? Now, seeing Junmyeon hurting and miserable at Joohyun being hurt by his actions and all over broken is definitely a step in the right direction for him. And Joohyun just admitted that she does not want Junmyeon out of her life and even might like him!! This is great!!! I hope that the next update will come soon. I can't wait for what is going to happen next.
Elliesparkles #9
Please update
andykat3003 #10
Chapter 12: hola, alguien sabe si hay alguna actualizacion de este fan fic?