6. Everybody Hurts

Then There Was You

It's been a long time since Junmyeon felt such a sense of fulfillment after a phone call.


The conversation lasted over 45 minutes, but in the end, he and Yeri came to something similar to a compromise. Of course, there were a few harmless, still insulting names and digging into the archives of embarrassing childhood memories they had on one another, but the final agreement was worth every single one of them.


And it was this unambiguous agreement that surprised Junmyeon most. Of course, he was thrilled that there was light in the tunnel, but the fact that there was not much opposition from his sister, in fact, made him worried. She was never known as a person who gives way easily or does not benefit as much as possible to herself. It seemed even too easy for her to agree.


But that's the thing to worry about later. Now, Junmyeon could swing around in his swivel chair in peace, the satisfaction growing in his chest. Now all he missed was a good coffee and a muffin he craved since this morning. He began to wonder if Joohyun would take his messages seriously at least once or if she would ignore him out of pure spite as usual. Knowing her, the second one was more realistic.


Thinking deeply, Junmyeon didn't notice how the office door opened and Oh Sehun came in, carrying a briefcase and freshly fried toast from a nearby stand, which unbalanced his professional attire. Seeing that his friend didn't even bothered to notice him, a grimace appeared on his face. "Hey, you!"


The screaming clearly and effectively pulled the CEO out of his head and almost made him fall off the chair. He gave the newcomer a deadly glare. "Sehun, what the hell? I almost had a heart attack!"


"You have a heart of stone. I doubt a heart attack is possible in your case." He answered coldly, but he didn't hesitate to throw in a mocking smirk to complete a cocky insult.


"Ha, ha. Very funny. Your jokes are getting better. I've got some advice for you, leave your dad's company and become a comedian."


"You underestimate my talent, nothing new. But I'm not here to fool around, unfortunately. I brought you some approvals to sign. Builders really stepped up their game, but they need your signature for a few details about the finishing touches. I think you’ll be able to go for an inspection by the end of this week.” He put his briefcase on Joohyun's unoccupied desk and went to the other side to hand out the documents. He was close to lay down his toast on the table, if it weren't for the disgusted look he got from his friend.


Junmyeon started to read the papers, paying special attention to requirements and warnings from main architect. "How does your dad put up with the mess we threw at him? Sometimes I forget that we charged him the most with this request.” He asked, without raising his eyes from the paper.


Sehun chewed his sandwich and shrugged his shoulders. "He doesn't seem to mind. He always says he's capable of making sacrifices if K&B comes into business because he usually gets a good deal from it." He sat on his desk, now blocking natural light from the window, which bothered Junmyeon- his poor eye vision to be precise. "And now that I think about it, I should be the one to make sacrifices since I clearly organize and arrange everything. Now why do I feel like I got scammed?"


"Dude, do I have to remind you that you will actually run the company in the near future?"


"I know that well. It was either that or becoming a priest."


"At least you'd be a handsome priest."


"I would be a sinfully hot priest and we both know that.” Now that’s a statement anyone would agree with. Even with that pun.


Junmyeon quickly put his signature where it was needed and gave the papers to Sehun. The lack of caffeine was slowly starting to show signs and Sehun was quick to notice that. "Shouldn't you be on your third coffee? Your hands are starting to shake."


Junmyeon rubbed his forehead and groaned. "I would have been if this witch had not thought about herself for once while going to Starbucks." He slammed his palm on the surface. "Well, where the hell is she anyway? She's been gone for almost an hour! I have to do everything again myself! How long can it take to buy coffee?"


While Junmyeon was busy with cursing her existence, Sehun waged a small war inside himself. One thing was heavy on his soul and he wasn't sure if he should say it openly. On one hand, he guessed the reaction he might receive, but in depth, curiosity gave signs to see if there could be any change. Despite the expected scenario, Sehun decided to give it a chance. "Oh, that's interesting. Because it so happens that I passed by Starbucks and saw her sitting with… a man."


Sehun carefully watched the changes taking place in his friend. The first noticeable thing was the single vein that bursted on Junmyeon's forehead in combination with a slight fist closure that obstructed a fragment of his face. There was virtually no movement in his arms, as if they froze. His fingers moved very slowly, each slowly returning to form a fist and back. After a short pause, Sehun heard a deep breath in and out.


Please. Let it mean that there is hope for him.


Junmyeon lowered his hand from his face and looked at his friend with a look that barely resembled unbothered. "With a guy, you say?"


"Exactly. With a guy. Real male man. Masculine looking alpha male. And she looked really cozy too. She even smiled and I'm pretty sure it wasn’t, as if you would call it, fake.”


Jun. You have a brain. Think of it as a stranger entering your territory. Act like a man.


Junmyeon bit his lower lip, just nodding. He folded his arms in front of him and looked straight ahead with incredible seriousness. "And why should I care about that?"


Noooo! It was so close!


Sehun whinced, trying to make it look like he got stabbed in the heart. Junmyeon didn't look so impressed. "Are you trying to imply something again? I told you to drop the subject.”


Once again Sehun ran out of words for this complete lack of tact. "Did you listen to me at all? What I described to you is practically a date! Doesn't that annoy you? Even a little bit?”


Dude, I can't believe I'm saying that, but I'm begging you - think with your for once.


"The only thing I can be pissed about is that we're in a difficult situation, and instead of cleaning up the mess she caused, she deals with something completely different. You ask why I'm not pissed off that she was with some strange guy? The reason is that her existence is repulsive to me, always was and always will be, and I couldn't give two s about who she dates or sees."


At this point Sehun looked like he was done with this conversation. No matter how many times he tried, what methods he used, he never managed to make Junmyeon say something nice about Joohyun. Sehun would never give himself the title of a „shipper" (cause that belonged to Sooyoung obviously), but something about this two made it irresistible. According to Sehun and many other people, Joohyun is a really great girl - beautiful, intelligent, caring, funny. Most importantly - this is probably the only existing woman who would be able to withstand and subjugate an idiot like Junmyeon.


For so many years, Sehun was forced to watch his friend being dumped by other women because they could never understand him and keep up with him or him rejecting possible candidates because of the difference in character or lack of common goals. No one will ever become younger than what they are now, and being raised  in Korean housholds, conversations about marriage were more onerous than watching that one uncle get drunk till unconsciousness at every family reunions.


If arousing jealousy would be the first step to a new beginning, Sehun was ready to take on this risk - for his best friend and all in all, the rest of the world.


But Junmyeon is not easy one to break and that created the biggest obstacle. "You know what? Suddenly I lost my desire to talk to you. So I'm gonna leave you coldly, with your lonely, affection lacking life." And with that, he snatched the case from the desk, dramatically his heel and marched towards the door.


Junmyeon watched the performance with annoyance. "I know what you are trying to do and I warn you: we will die sooner than you will see the moment you are thinking about! So let it go!” He shouted to the disappearing figure.


Sehun jerked the doorknob hard, but before he left, he looked over his shoulder and wished that at this moment, a piano would fall on Junmyeon’s head to knock some sense into him. "The only thing that dies right now is my whenever I see a complete idiot like you! Keep that attitude and you'll die alone. And then you will admit that I was right." And with that, he slammed the door.


Behind it, Sehun adjusted his jacket and loosened his tie because he felt hot from the whole argument. When he turned around, Seulgi and Jongdae eyes were locked on him in uncertainty, their desks opposite to the office of the presidents. Sehun looked away, slightly embarrased, but decided not to show it. „Hi, you two. Be a dear and make him coffee. He's getting cranky. I admire you for putting up with him 24/7. Goodbye.” Without waiting for an answer, he hurried toward the elevators, leaving assistants confused.


I swear, if fate won’t somehow unite them, then many people will definitely end up disappointed. Myself included.


   »»————-  ————-««



Joohyun did not remember the last time she was so down and torn at the same time. In an instant, all internal demons returned, and all because of meeting someone who was directly involved in finding out the truth about what really happened that one evening.


Moving slowly through the main floor, a million thoughts ran through her mind. Squeezing the strap of the bag, the conversation that had taken place quite recently, played in front of her eyes. The staff bowed to her in the corridor, but she was too deep in thought to even give them a second of attention. She reached the elevator with a heavy step, and when the door opened a group of people who was inside quickly emptied the interior, allowing their boss a safe space.


The road to the 10th floor itself was long on an empty mind. Staring at the buttons on the wall, Joohyun couldn't focus on anything but the memory of a Hong Kong policeman and their conversation in the cafe.


Joohyun didn't know what to say. She had just met someone who was somehow closely connected to her father's death and now stood in front of her in a perfect 90-degree, apologizing bow, attracting the attention of the others in the café. When it started to get uncomfortable for her, she tried to sit him down.


For a moment there was an uneasy silence. Jackson was unable to pull himself together to look into her eyes.  She was no better either. It was hard for her to get any opinion out, the realization of the situation made her feel like she was surrounded by an invisible yet suffocating cloud.


Jackson's low, hoarse voice called her back to earth. "I'm ashamed, to be honest with you."


Trying not to show her weakness in a public place, especially in front of a newly met person, Joohyun swallowed her saliva and held her guard. "Why do you say that?"


Jackson up the air. "Because-I wish-, I feel like I could've done something. As far as I reach my memory back then and see you and Mr. Bae's wife broken on the hospital floor, I-" He pause for a moment, looking for the right words. "I realized I chose to work as a cop without knowing anything about it. When I joined, I was driven by a desire to help and protect people. However, I didn't realize how I would react when it came to looking at a broken civilian, how many more such sad images I would see in my career. I feel like I wasn't ready for that." He readjusted in his seat, interlocking his fingers together and rubbing them. "I've been thinking about it ever since that day. We've ended up with nothing. The investigation was annulled for lack of evidence and witnesses. We didn't bring President Bae justice. We didn't bring justice to your family. I deeply regretted I couldn't do anything."


Joohyun's face got a grimace. It's true, for over a year after her father's death, she cursed the police for closing the investigation and allowing the perpetrator to live a frivolous life without punishment. But now, looking at Jackson's broken down in front of her, she didn't think she should hold the grudge - especially if she knew he didn't have any influence on it.


"Please, don't blame yourself. You said yourself that you were just starting out as a rookie. If those were orders from above, I can't blame you for that. It's not your fault."


The unpleasant atmosphere continued with the minutes on the clock. They both lost track of time, not even noticing how much time had passed. Jackson was still sitting there without a word. Joohyun was able to notice how thoughts went through his head, revealing themselves on his face. She peeked at her golden watch, almost an hour had passed. She should get back to work soon. But working at a time like this? When the burden of the past suddenly falls on your shoulders? The very thought of going back to the office and the first thing she'll hear is probably some kind of insult from Junmyeon was driving her into an even worse mood. On the other hand, the feeling that she left him with all the work with opening planning made her feel bad for herself.  She collected herself to excuse herself, no matter how bad it would made her look. There was a mess she needed to settle out and some priorities needed to be put first. "Jackson, I'm sorry we had to met over such thing. But I really need to go now-"


"Miss Bae." Without rising his head, he called her name loudly, which made her startled. "I wanna make that up to you."


Her eyes went wide. "What do you mean? You don't have to do anything for me, Jacks-"


"But I want to. I won't be able to call myself a cop or a man if I just leave that slide, now that all of it came back.” His voice sounded now more desperate. He finally stood up from the chair and his stern eyes landed on her. "I will do my own investigation. I will dig up the truth."


Now she was honestly anxious over his resolution. "No, I can't let you do that! I don't think you can even do that. What if you lose your job?"


He smiled at her and patted her shoulder to calm her down. "Nothing's gonna happen. I promise. If that's the thing I need to do to finally find peace within myself and help both of us move on- then I'll do it." 


There was only 2 floors left before she reach her office. Recalling that conversation made her head hurt. Joohyun leaned over the elevator’s door, closed her eyes and sighed. With one hand she was clutching the metal chain of her purse and with the other, she gripped the end of her white and yellow dress and gripped it tightly to release the frustration.


"My God, what I got myself into?" She asked herself loudly before the elevator came to stop with the bing and the door opened, revealing the rush that that prevailed in the room. She decided to slip imperceptibly into her office in the hope that no one would jump to her with some important matter - especially when it was hard for her to focus on anything. Walking close to the wall and making the quietest possible steps, the office door was just behind the wall. Just a few steps and-


"Yah, Hyun! Where have you been!?”


Seulgi's voice was enough to make Joohyun lose her balance and if it weren't for the wall, she would have ended up with a bang on the floor. Her hair jumped in surprise with her, creating an artistic disorder on her head. She took a couple of deep breaths before her vision returned to normal. "My God, you scared me!”


But Seulgi didn’t really cared about her state, knowing that this woman was scared of anything. "I scared you? You disappeared for like an hour, you haven’t answered any of my calls. How am I suppose to control this chaos when my boss is nowhere to be found? Stop worrying me!” She asked sharply, clearly not caring about the honorifics. Right know she was scolding her friend, not her supervisor.


Joohyun opened to say something but immediately closed it. She didn’t know if she was angry at herself or sad because of the event that just had place. Why does so may things were suddenly getting thrown at her? True, she initiated the whole mess with changing the date of the opening, she can admit that. But she also came to realization that if she had been more careful, she would not bump into Jackson and wouldn’t be tormented with the memories she was pretty sure she had control over. If only she did things differently. If she only thought things through. There was no one but her to blame.


Without a good answer, she just sighed. "You’re right. I’m sorry. I lost the track of time, I’m sorry you and Jongdae had to deal with everything alone. I’m gonna go back to work now if I can, please." She responded with more misplaced voice than she originally intended. It caught Seulgi’s attention because she grabbed her shoulder before she could lay her hand on the doorknob.


"Hey, you don’t sound okay." She started to fix Joohyun’s hair that still were on her forehead. She palmed her temples and carefully examined her face, paying special attention to her eyes. "Have you been crying? And you look pale." She said concerned.


Joohyun let out a chuckle. "Seulgi, I’m pale by nature."


"True, but I’ve know you for some time and I know that puffiness is not something you usually have on your disgustingly pretty face.” She smoothed her hair, then put her hands on her cheeks and gently squeezed them, making her lips go cute-kiss-like way.


That comment was enough to make Joohyun smile. One would think that there was some serious flirting aura between two girls, but it was more than that.


The moment these two became friends, Seulgi took extra effort to make sure Joohyun always had someone beside her when sadness was threatening to step into her life. Especially after the previous president died, the small gestures of friendly affection helped in getting Joohyun back on the track. It took some time, but they eventually got there. In those moments, Seulgi wasn’t her assistant. She was her closest friend- a sister even. Warm hug, sometimes holding hands- it was enough.


But even that didn’t help Joohyun with inner battle she had with herself. Should she tell her what happened with Jackson? She was sure that Seugi knew her point of view on this matter, but something blocked her from being honest. Was is embarrassment because she once again jumped into something too serious for her? Or maybe it was fear of another scolding? She already had her mother to remind her of what a failure she was.


"If you wanna know-no, I’m not fine. But I also don’t want to talk about that right now. But I promise that I’ll tell you when I’m ready. Now it’s not the time. We have to much to work on, so my problems aren’t relevant right now.”


For now, she’s going to say that much.


Seulgi didn’t look convinced, but a hiss she made signalized that decided to let it go for now. Joohyun felt relief. "Thank you Seulgi.” She moved her body towards the door but before she opened it, she turned to her friend once again. "And don’t forget that I’m your boss here! People are gonna think that I’m going soft.”


Seulgi just waved her hand, unbothered by the threat. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Now go back to work. Your other half will get lonely.” She stuck her tongue at older girl.


Joohyun let out an annoyed whined. "Oh jeez, I forgot he exists for one second.” She fixed her dress and tried her best to straighten her back so she would appear more confident, even though in her mind there was this grey cloud that made her feel miserable. "Good thing I’m small but dangerous.”


She pressed the doorknob and before she entered she heard Seulgi saying There’s no doubt about it in humorous way.


Despite feeling like , she was glad that in those dark times, the sun named Kang Seulgi was there to cheer her up even a little bit.

   »»————-  ————-««



Junmyeon was aware of the fact that he had some issues.


Does he act like an sometimes? Sure, but so does many people. Is he too strict on others? Well, yeah, but he has to have something intimidating in him. Would some agree that he’s  a workaholic who forgets that despite many of his perfect traits, he is still human? Oh, definitely. There was his therapist, his parents, his very narrowed down group of friends and even Joohyun- all of them somehow managed to notice that. But the issue that felt foreign to him, was jealousy.


Why should he feel jealous? He wasn’t jealous. There was nothing to feel jealous about to begin with. He doesn’t get jealous


He only found out that a woman who has been torn to his side for over 20 year now, met up with some random dude. Not that he was interested in who he was, why she decided on seeing h- THIS MEANT NOTHING!


He hated her, she hated him. There's absolutely no reason for him to worry about what or who Joohyun is doing if it wasn't related to work. And it was, at least that's how he explained it. There's a matter to be taken care of, so going on some dates wasn't an option at that point. 


That's it. Nothing else. It's just a business matter. No feelings, that even don't exist, they don't play a role here. Just cold, selfless, common sense.


That’s why, that weird warm sensation that spread in his chest made him uncomfortable when the office door opened and the woman who had been discomforting his head for the last 20 minutes, entered the room.


She didn’t even spare him a look, just went straight to her desk. To get rid of this new weird feeling in him, tried to think of something to say to her, because being mean seemed like a good replacement for whatever that was.


He studied her silhouette. Her white dress with gold patterns hugged her figure. Her hair was kinda disheveled but not something crazy. Her lavender perfume didn't fail to hit his nostrils- another thing he came to notice after spending 10 hours with her everyday in the same room. But it was her pace that was odd, too slow and mellow even for someone with heels as high as hers. He also noticed the way her shoulders looked like a ballon someone just deflated. 


Terrifying feeling of deja vu fall over him. This image was too familiar. He didn’t like that.


She slumped in her chair, throwing her purse as if it was bag of potatoes. She put her elbows on the table and hid her face in her hands. She was silent for a good 5 minutes, not even noticing his eyes burning into her.


The silence without insults flying around was suffocating to him. He scratched his wrist, itchy sensation starting to annoy him. He stood up and carefully walked over to the other side of the room. She didn’t didn’t feel his presence, even when he towered her slouched figure.




If he will ever suffer from the busted eardrums, he will know the reason why. The moment he called for her attention, she nearly jumped from her chair, attacking him with her dolphin like piercing scream. He coughed when the jumpscare faded and now they were both looking at each other with an inner desire to choke one another.


"What the hell was that for?!” She shouted at him, slamming her palms on the surface with the bang.


"Me? You look like an extra from The Walking Dead, spitting image of the misery and despair. I don’t know if you realize that but your mood is affecting me also and ruins the perfect atmosphere we have in this relationship.”


Now he didn't know whether he said something astonishing or strange, but the confused grimace that appeared on her face would suggest that he just said something like that. He wrinkled his eyebrows, looking for answers in his previous sentence. Misery, affected mood, our...relationship- 


Oh my God!!! Why did I put it that way?! 


Outside it looked as if he had left the house and had just remembered the turn-on iron. It confused him because it shouldn’t have an effect on him. He had those kind of conversations with her multiple times and he was fine. For over 20 years he dealt with relationship rumors, mislead articles, their parents even brought up a topic on putting them in arranged marriage and all he and Joohyun did back then was laugh. Not because of the embarrassment but the ridiculousness and absurd that that came with that. The repulsiveness they graced each other should make this kind of things out of the table.


So why was he now standing in front of the very woman he despises, gettin worked up by the thought of putting some kind of label on them, other that sworn enemies?


  I need to find a way out quickly before this gets awkward. Ehmm- Oh, change of subject!


He leaned his hand against the table, trying to look normal, leaving aside the fact that this hideous feeling from earlier came back and now, apart from the pressure in his chest, he started to sweat. "So, where have you been for the last hour? You know, you got us into this hole and now you're flying somewhere but no one knows where.”


He tried to sound as nonchalantly as possible, keeping his tone of a total , but even that didn't stop Joohyun from looking at him as if someone had told her that ketchup was a tomato smoothie. She let her head rest on her hand, while looking at him with uncomfortable accuracy.


"First of all, why do you think that under any circumstances I would share with you what I do outside the office? And second, since when does my well being has any importance to you?”


If he wanted to say something, this blocked any intelligent and witty response he rehearsed in his head.


"I- I don’t care! All I say is if you are in crappy mood, everyone will get affected. I’m at disadvantage because I know you the best and the longest-"


That was going in total opposite direction than he planned.


"Cause I know how you can be-" 


Wrong again. 


"Just say why you were running late and forget about this conversation! I don't have time for games with you!”


Despite her terrible mood, she took great pleasure in seeing him fidgeting like that. But she also knew his approach to the subject her father’s death and that was a major obstacle that enabled her in sharing informations about her encounter with Jackson.


At least not now, when there was so much to do.


"Watch out, Junmyeon. Keep saying things like that and I’ll start thinking that you care about me.”


That one sentence was enough to bring Junmyeon back on earth. Now, instead of feeling like a kid who was sweating over walking to the principle’s office, he felt offended. 


He burst out laughing. "You. Are. ting. Me. Right Now.” He turned around, not being able to look at her. "Me? Caring about what you do?” He slammed his hands on the table, now being so close, their noses almost touching. She could felt his breath on her but didn’t back down. "Listen to me. No matter what happens, whatever this ty world throws at us- there will never be anything beyond what we have right now. We may work together but we will always hate each other, we will never get along and I will never tolerate, cry and especially care about you.” His voice had that dark tone, making him this intimidating, scary guy everyone knew him for being. 


But Joohyun wasn’t one of these people. His behavior seemed overly dramatic but it was normal for him to go over the board when it came to her. Instead of seating his monologue through, she stood on his eye level with the same intensity as his. "Don’t give me a challenge.”


From the moment they met, they knew they were destined to differ. Peace was never an option.


She was hurting right now. But there wasn’t anything she couldn’t do. She was Bae Joohyun after all.


So why there was this feeling of stabbing in the heart when he said these things?

 »»————-  ————-«



The role of an assistant is not the easiest one. Some people compare it to being a slave or a servant who comes to his master's every call. And frankly, there is some truth in that. 


An assistant is the president's right hand. A person who is entrusted with the most important organizational matters and holds the strongest trust. Assistants carry a high responsibility, they must always be vigilant, informed and ready for any eventuality.


Seulgi and Jongdae create a harmonious team, unlike their superiors. They are able to cooperate and exchange information, which often saves them in cases of inhuman changes of moods and whims of their bosses.


Seulgi is like a torpedo. Painfully honest, direct and the personification of cold blood. 


Jongdae is someone who can be compared to a sniper - quiet but deadly. His peace of mind obscures the rock behind his broad smile.


This is a demanding job. But they make it work in their favor.


That's why, Seulgi now sends him a crafty look at their common desk, as Jongdae tries to entertain his daughter through FaceTime.


"Oh yes, who is the most beautiful princess in the world? Yes, you are!" Jongdae grinned so hard that Seulgi was sure he'd get a cheekache later. 


It was a huge event, as Jongdae came to work all in larks and showed everyone a video where the child makes the most beautiful sound in every parent's ears. As the managers unofficially declared themselves as uncles and aunts, everyone obviously wanted a copy of the video. It was especially special for them because Jongdae was the only one of the 10th floor employees who became a parent in recent years.


Seeing Jongdae act as a new dad has never failed to make his accomplice smile. Even someone as serious Seulgi.


"Gosh, you're so cute! Daddy can't wait to come home and pinch you your adorable little cheeks! Daddy loves you very much!" He made a pinching sign, which clearly made the girl laugh even more.


"One more minute and I'm gonna get sick of this adorableness" She announced humorously, which earned her a light push to the shoulder.


Jongdae moved his chair and put the phone in front of Seulgi's face. "Look, honey bear! Aunt Seulgi is here too! Maybe if you smile pretty, Aunt Seulgi will show her famous peek-a-boo for you!" 


Based on the puppy eyes Jongdae gave her, she knew there was no option to say no. After all, Seulgi was supposed to be that one cool aunt, kinda silent type, but turning into precious marshmallow when she saw kids. So she got into position, covering her face with her hands. "A fox who wants to have fun, that's me!" She sang in her, cutest voice (which she only had for special occasions) and started to wave her hands from her face out and back. "Peek-Peek-A-Peek-A-Boo!"


The giggles she received made her smirk in satisfaction. Her bliss would last longer if it wasn't for Seugwan who peaked from behind the wall and waved with a folder. Seulgi was immediately grumpier, but she sighed knowing that work never sleeps. She send her niece last cheek heart sign and left her desk. Jongdae send her farewell and got back to his phone. He hung out for a little bit longer with his daughter and ended the call with kissing his front camera, his wife's laughter somewhere near at his silliness.


He pulled out a file and sorted some pages in front of his face. "I can’t believe I made the cutest baby in the world. I’m a genius.” 


However, he wasn't prepared for Kyungsoo's head hidden behind the papers. As soon as he put the papers down, he felt as if a spirit had left his body. He was on the verge of screaming, but eventually the voice disappeared somewhere in his throat. Kyungsoo, decided to keep his hard rock face and hid his hands behind his back. "Mr. Kim, I hope you have busy but pleasant day." His voice could be mistaken for a well.


Jongdae just delivered oxygen to his lungs and checked his pulse. "Director Do, I sleep 3 hours a day and for 80% of the time I'm home I'm covered in saliva and baby puke. My heart and body is not ready for any jumpscares right now."


Kyungsoo hissed but bowed slightly. "My apologies." He sat on the desk and crossed his legs. "Taking the opportunity I ran into you. I would like to ask you something.”


"Well, go on Director. How can I help you?”


"You not so long ago became a father right?” His voice got even deeper. 


Jongdae was surprised by this choice of subject. "Well, as far as I know, yes. Unless I'm hallucinating from exhaustion, then I’ll be slightly concerned."


Kyungsoo was wandering around the corridor, the tension in his crossed arms was marked on his grey jacket. He looked nervous, which he rarely did. There is a noticeable difference between the director's sadistic fury and the discomfort now present on his face.


"If it's not uncomfortable, could you tell me..." He pause for a moment, silencing his voice to almost a whisper. "Did your wife behave strangely before you found out?"


Jongdae, taken aback, tried to remember any signs of strange behavior. Whatever the hell that meant. "Well... she had mood swings, her eating habits changed. I also noticed the- "He stopped a stream of words, not knowing whether or not the exhortation to changes in the size of pregnant women is a topic that should be be discussed with the supervisor. "-ehm, physiological changes." 


Mentioning all this, he saw the colors slowly disappear from Kyungsoo's face, his shoulders become tense, and his fingers get dig deep into his dressed biceps. Without needing more, Jongdae began to guess what it could be about.


He looked at him, slowly putting his hand on his shoulder. "Director Do." Kyungsoo didn't turn around. "You came to me because you think your wife might be--"


"OH MY GOD! WHAT ELSE YOU'RE GONNA THROW AT ME LORD!?" Shorter man lost his cool as he jumped from the desk, scaring Jongdae again. Kyungsoo started walking around in circles, holding on to his not so well-placed hair and making weird sounds. Before Jongdae could ask for details (despite growing discomfort), he greeted Kyungsoo's back, who, in a hurry and visible panic, left the hallway leaving behind him a few ugly words.


The assistant was trying to figure out what just happened here. He rarely deals with Director Do, it's more of a Seulgi thing. Besides, why did he want to talk to him about it? Fact, Jongdae has the most experience of this issue so far, but shouldn't President Kim be his closest friend, with whom he can talk about the most intimate things?


If director’s wife is really pregnant, then judging by his behavior, he wasn’t pleased with the news. Or he just didn’t knew how to cope with that thought.


Jongdae came back to his his task. It didn’t last long before his phone signalized him on low battery. He leaned down to the bottom drawer, hiding half his body behind the table, head included.


"Where did I put that charger?" He groaned, squeezing his hands through the sea of pencil sharpeners, markers, and other occasional office supplies. As he felt a thin cord, he slowly began to rise.


What was with people today that they were jumping out from behind his desk like rabbits from a hat? A moment ago Kyungsoo, and now a strange head covered in brown curls and round glasses sitting on its nose. This time, however, Jongdae only ended up with a slight bounce in the chair. The mysterious head was still half hidden behind the desk. It was like that scene in Parasite (AUTHOR'S NOTE: SPOILER IF YOU HAVN'T SEEN MOVIE PARASITE WHICH BY NOW SHOULDN'T BE POSSIBLE TBH. BUT JUST IN CASE!)where a guy from the basement emerges by the stairs, scaring a kid of the Park family - only less scary.


Round, glittering eyes continued to stare at the assistant, making Jongdae cringe.


Does everyone want me dead by my next paycheck?


He motioned for the head to rise. Now, in all its glory, there was a boy at least 180 tall in front of him. The sleeves of his sweatshirts were firmly with long, as he played with them.


"Can I help you with anything?"


Giant nodded, folding his hands in front of him. Jongdae tried to identify him by looking for his ID card. He noticed something was sticking out from him dress shirt. He asked him to show him badge. 


"Park Chanyeol? The intern?” He asked, eyeing him from top to bottom.


"Yes sir, that’s me!” Chanyeol confidently answered with a bow.


It took Jongdae a moment to recognize him but eventually it clicked. "Ah! You’re that one intern that humiliated our dear Director Do.”


Anxiety appeared on the giant's face. "Humiliated? How is that? I didn't-" 


"Easy. I’m messing with you. We've realized that you talk a lot, but since you are still here and your knees are not bleeding from kneeling, it means that the director has already liked you and you will stay here for a while.”


He could see the air escaping from Chanyeol. The boy bowed again in gratitude. "Thank you. I’ll be careful next time.”


"Don’t mention it. Is there anything you need?”


"Ehh, M-Manager Son asked me to p-p-provide cost estimates for the purchase of wreaths for the next e-event to the Accounting Department.”


Jongdae smiled at his small stutters. He grabbed the needed file and gave it to the intern who gladly accepted it. 


"You are lucky. You have Manager Son as a supervisor. She’s one of the best when it comes to teaching interns.”


He noticed the way Chanyeol’s cheeks got covered with crimson, as well as his neck and ears. He rubbed his neck nervously. "Y-yeah. She’s amazing.” The light appeared in boy’s eye. He put his briefcase down and leaned over, placing his face in his hands, like a teenager ready to gossip."By the way, how is she outside work? I spend awful amount of time with her but all we talk about is work. I wanna get closer to her.”


Great. So he fell for Seungwan’s charm. I can’t blame him though.


He decided to a little bit. "Why? Have you fallen in love in our PR Manager already?”


The red came back to Chanyeol’s face. "What? No! No, I just really lik- I mean respect her! She’s really helpful, patient, nice and pretty and-"


I see. You're a simp.


"I just wanna know her interest, what’s her favorite color, what type of jokes she likes-"


"Okay, I get it. Let’s just say you’re not already whipped.” He cause him to stop. "Well, what I can say about Manager Son? She’s-"


As if on cue, Sengwan again popped her head from behind the wall, making Jongdae drop the subject. "Why are you talking behind my back, Mr. Kim?” She .


Jongdae returned the smile. "Me? Never, my friend. I was just having a chat with our new intern over here.” He pointed at Chanyeol who now stood frozen.


The girl's gaze fell on the big man and she puffed her cheeks. "What are you doing here? I gave you something to do.”


The chill came down Chanyeol’s spine. "Uhm, ye-ye-yes! I was just heading to the AD, like y-you asked m-me to.” His deep voice that could rival Kyungsoo’s suddenly got smaller. Seungwan just shook her head as if disappointment.


"Chanyeol, honey, what am I going to do with you?” She asked so calm but it still made Chanyeol sweat and blush madly. He just loved the sound of her voice. His daydreaming in the voice of an angel was interrupted when he felt his ear being pulled and his upper body submitting to the pull. Before he could react, he was being dragged back in to manager’s room by the small lady by the ear. She snatched the file last second and decided to obey.


Jongdae looked at it with amusement. The hight difference made it even better. Oh, how he remembered when he fell in love for the first time.


"If I’ll get promoted from assistant to local advice centre, I’ll seriously need a rise.”


  »»————-  ————-««



Sooyoung values many things in life. Fine tea. Her dog. Good pictures on Instagram. Her bag collections from Ralph Laurent.


But what really makes her happy is good drama and history behind it.


In every company, in every group of friends, there's this one person who knows everything about everyone and is a master in information storage. Sooyoung is that person. The Regina George of K&B Finance Group, only less mean. Many people are surprised when they get to know her better, especially because of her sophisticated skills in accounting and mathematics. She is probably the most competent person in the entire accounting and bookkeeping department. But she is also a woman who likes to look good and letting everyone know that. She has often used her charms among her colleagues to win the Miss of K&B title.


As her personality would suggest, she never hid from the fact that she loves to snoop around. Romance at work? Secret meetings? Scandals? She knew everything. 


If this is about romance, the relationship (many think non existing) between her bosses wasn't the only one she was interested in. Right now, drinking her favorite jasmine tea, she was staring at a clash between Seulgi and Jongin, who couldn't figure out who should go right and who should go left. This is one of those moments in life when you collide with someone, and it takes an awkward eternity to decide which direction to take. Something like saying goodbye to someone and then moving in the same direction.


The story of these two was no secret to anyone and there was no need to use gossipers like Sooyoung for that.


It wasn't too cliche. A beautiful assistant went on a date with an unbelievably handsome contender for promotion to the main sales and marketing manager. Fate wanted them both to have a dance past, so they took the opportunity to dance all night long until the place closed.


A few meetings later, it would be hard for Jongin not to look at Seulgi as a work of art or for her to not laugh from ear to ear every time they were in one room. You could get diabetes from this sweetness. The assistant tiger Kang was seen many times with a bouquet of flowers, gifts that did not usually fit her façade fierce. The pretty casanova, on the other hand, was often caught staring at the phone, where a picture of Seulgi with braids with teddy bear ears appeared every time the phone was switched on. 


The fantasy seemed to be unbreakable. After half a year of relationship they found an apartment and for the next six months love seemed to flourish. There were even rumours of a planned engagement.


Until the fairy tale started to break down. 


Jongin, raised as a gentleman, realized his qualities and would be lying if he did not use them for small purposes.  The problem arose when stranger women started to stick to him like bees to flowers. As a decent man, he was kind to them and never chased away any.


His indifference to these courtship slowly began to cause Seulgi pain and a lot of self doubt.


This is how quarrels began in paradise. She said he wasn't taking her seriously. He said he would never look at another woman like her. After the first parting, they didn't talk to each other for two months. 


It was the beginning of returns, breakups, quarrels and apologies. Their last quarrel ended with the slamming of the door and Jongin being left in the apartment empty of her things. The reason was the same - his lack of involvement in the relationship and Seulgi's jealousy. The girl spent 2 weeks on the couch at Seungwan's, crying her sorrows. Thanks to Joohyun, she found a small studio apartment and their relationship has not improved since then.


Jongin blamed himself every time. He tried to fix his mistakes many times, and after unsuccessful attempts, at least try to remain friends with her. But it didn't work. Each time he fell into the same trap. Until at some point he gave up.


Only a fool wouldn't notice that Seulgi's mood was immediately broken when he came late to work because he brought probably home some chick from bar. It was hard to not hear gossips about his hookups. She tried to be tough, but deep down, she was probably devastated that he didn't even fight for her. She was tired to.


"I'm not going to be lied to again. It's not the first time that happened."


"Don't even try to look for me. It's better for you to stay alone."


"I see that loyalty is boring to you but you won't admit it."


And that remained till this day, for the last 4 years.


Sooyoung and Minseok looked at it from the outside. Like Animal Planet cameramen watching lions when they are not wild predators. Minseok squirted his eyes as he chew on his pencil. "Wow. You can cut a tension here with a butter knife."


Sooyoung nodded in agreement. "And not even a warm one. Just a cold butter knife.” 


The stand off steam was interrupted when a small Seungwan came in between them. Girls sent each other the gaze as if they were passing on secret information. Without a word, Seulgi left the corridor, leaving Jongin with his worst nightmare, as many thought.


Because everyone knows- break a girl's heart and her friend will haunt you for the rest of your life. 


Seungwan shoved a hard case into a man's chest. So hard, he ran out of air and had to coughed out. Seungwan hit the back of her hand against the briefcase and gave him a cold look. "Get on with something and fill it in an hour. Mr. Kim doesn't pay you to slag off and be a jerk." And with that she returned to her desk.


Sooyoung and Miseok made ouch sound when Jongin dropped his head off, defeated.


"And you're surprised that I prefer our CEOs to this drama?" Sooyoung gestured towards beaten up Jongin and glanced and her companion who rolled his eyes.


"What's in your head will remain a mystery to me for the rest of my life."


She seemed overly offended. "I'm sorry, you didn't cry when they smiled at each other during the last banquet?"


"Yes, it was touching when they pulled out half their hair as part of the celebration."


The business world is a never-ending race. Income, advertising and the size of the office are the determinants of who stands on top and who can barely manage.

  »»————-  ————-««



Although the Han Finance Corporation building wasn't as spectacular as K&B's, it was impressive.


Choi Min Soo was sitting behind his huge desk, in an office that was decorated to resemble Godfather's movie set. To be honest, it matched his personality perfectly.


He was ripped out of his mind when he heard the commotion in the hallway in front of his office. Beyond the voice of his apparently nervous secretary, a mature female voice could be heard. Flashbacks appeared before his eyes and he didn't know whether to smile or boil out of bitterness.


The cabinet door opened and the blushing secretary staked out his head. "Sir. Some woman wants to see you. I said you're busy now, but she insists-"


"Let her in."


The boy hid quickly and after a while, the woman entered the room. Her step was careful, as if everyone would let him know she didn't want to be here.


Predatory as always. "Bae Jin Kyung. What a surprise to see you after so many years."


Jin Kyung didn't answer him. Her face would suggest more disgust than just discomfort. But Min Soo wasn't discouraged.


"I must say you've got more beautiful with age."


"And meaner too." She finally graced him with her voice. "I have to say, for a CEO of a large company, you have failed to find a competent minions. Your secretary quickly breaks down under pressure."


He only chuckled. "With you, every man would feel threatened. The boy just hasn't shown his qualifications yet."


"He's so dumb that he should learn to spell it first."


The atmosphere took on a heavier tone. Min Soo caught it quickly. After all, she had never spared him even a tiny bit of sympathy.


"To what do I owe your visit? Not that I wasn't thrilled to see you, but I doubt you came just to insult my employees."


She walked closer to his desk and the fire was visible in my eyes. No matter how many times he saw it, he could never get over the strength and intimidation this woman had. 


"You already know what's going on."


Of course I know. "Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't know what you're talking about."


"You think I don't know what you're up to?" The anger appeared in her voice. "I told you once- stay away from K&B. Especially my daughter."


When she said that, he laughed ominously. The sound sent a slight shiver to Jin Kyung's skin, but she wasn't going to show it to him.


"Oh yeah. I should have guessed it was about that." He mocked her. He leaned in so that his head was centered directly under hers. "You know what? Sometimes I feel sorry for this child. Forced to work with someone she hates, and after all that effort, she's more similar to her late father. It's sad, considering she has such a wonderful, fierce mother.”


He wasn’t able to laugh again cause he definitely wasn’t prepared for the hard, cold slap to the face that made his head turn. The stingy sensation irritated his cheek. When he locked eyes with Jin Kyung, all anger was gone and now was replaced with empty fury, even though her expression remained unbothered.


"You have no right to talk about Baek Ho. You have no right to talk about Joohyun either. Not in my presence.”


He ignored her threat. He touched his face and winced when the burn didn't go away yet. He was sure there would be a red mark on it for a while. "I'm impressed. Does she know that her cold mother cares for her after all? I've heard you weren't super affectionate for the last 3 years. "


Jin Kyung wanted to hit him again. She really did. She didn't look at him as a human. In her eyes, he was just plain garbage. The garbage that has been throwing crutches at her family's feet for so many years. He didn't deserve the position he had. He didn't deserve to call her so casually. He had no right to even mention her late husband or her only child.


He had a chance at redemption a long time ago. He had wasted it, and now he was tormenting not only her, but also the only loved one she had left.


She has already learned what loss is once. Never again.


"I'm warning you Min Soo. Whatever you plan, I won't let you succeed. You've put me through enough hell. You still haven't paid for what happened to Baek Ho yet. I won't let the same happen to my Joohyun.” Her threat attacked him like daggers. But he wasn't intimidated by her. More than that- he was impressed. Impressed because he recalled the scene from the meeting when Joohyun spoke to him with the same expression and venom in her words.


Not wanting to be in his presence any longer, she headed for the exit and slammed the door so hard that the pictures from the wall almost fell to the floor.


Min Soo let her have the last word. At least for now. He pivoted in his chair, watching the Seoul skyline.


Being the shockwave you are Jin Kyung, you chose him anyway. I will never understand your choice.


The cityscape was a jumble of shapes, like a child had cast blocks down randomly and then swept them so close together they touched. There were rectangles, domes and mini-castles. There were spiers, weather vanes and satellite dishes. The fog softened the hard lines of buildings and the roads run in their predictable grid pattern and the lights of the stores, restaurants and places of vice shine neon despite the bright daylight.


"Now is my time. I'm a lion. And you shouldn't pick a fight with a king of the jungle."


Whatever hung in the distance on the horizon took the form of a fierce battle where someone had to lose.


And Choi Min Soo was not going to lose a second time.

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Crazy_Reader #1
Chapter 13: I'm still holding out hope for an update
Elliesparkles #2
I'm dying for an update
Elliesparkles #3
plzzzzz updateeeee
Elliesparkles #4
Please, Please, Pleaseeeeee Update
esnmik #5
Chapter 13: update plz 😢😢
i am waiting for so long
Kpopkid2001 #6
Chapter 13: Thank you so much for this brilliant update! Absolutely loving where Joohyun and Junmyeon's relationship is heading. The clear behavioural change pivot has been established and we can look forward to some love and peace soon I hope.
Great work as usual ❣️
Elliesparkles #7
Chapter 13: Thank You so much Author-nim for updating this story. I've been waiting for sooooo long for this chapter and it was definitely worth it! I can't wait to see the development in Junmyeon and Joohyun's relationship. I can't wait for the next chapter!
Crazy_Reader #8
Chapter 13: Author-nim, you have no idea how long I've waited for this story and whenever you update this story it brings great joy to me. I'm loving where you're taking Joohyun and Junmyeon's relationship and the pace it's going at. Joohyun's heart ache is valid but Joohyun and Junmyeon both do these things to each other but now? Now, seeing Junmyeon hurting and miserable at Joohyun being hurt by his actions and all over broken is definitely a step in the right direction for him. And Joohyun just admitted that she does not want Junmyeon out of her life and even might like him!! This is great!!! I hope that the next update will come soon. I can't wait for what is going to happen next.
Elliesparkles #9
Please update
andykat3003 #10
Chapter 12: hola, alguien sabe si hay alguna actualizacion de este fan fic?