Tiny Hands

Their Adventures

It was Sunday, the first Sunday of the year after the yuletide, after washing the dishes, Woojin took Felix a bath. It was hard to take Felix a bath because the little kid was playing the water but what is the hardest thing to do is dressing Felix up. He will always play hide and seek with his Appa. Since it was Sunday, they'll be attending mass with the Seo couple. It was a routine since the Seo couple became their neighbor.

Felix ran away from Woojin's grip, the little one is giggling while running into his room. Woojin brought his son's clothes into his room, he could see and hear his son under the cover on his bed, giggling.

"Here I come, sweety. Better hide now~" Woojin spookily said, that's when Felix giggled so loud and squirmed under his cover. Woojin chuckled softly at his kid's antics.

Then Chan, in his handsome self, came in the room, "Hey babe, you ready..where's Felix?" 

Woojin chuckled, "oh he's playing hide and seek again." He pointed Felix's bed and came near to his husband, smoothing the sleeve of Chan's shirt. Chan too chuckled. Woojin then faced Felix's bed thinking how he'll get Felix to come out and get dressed. But his husband beat him to it, wrapping his hands on Woojin's waist, chin on his shoulder, "come out now, baby, and get dressed, Changbinnie's waiting for us downstairs."

Woojin didn't blink his eyes yet when Felix dashed out from his blanket running towards his parents, eyes wide and sparkling as he looked up at them, "Binnie?"

The couple amusedly nodded their heads. Well that was fast, Woojin thought. He really admired his husband for being so good at dealing kids.

"You don't want him to see you right?" Chan teased.

Felix blushed, his eyes were wide staring up at them shaking his little head.

"Then be a good boy to Appa and get dressed." Chan said sternly but is still amused. Felix just nodded his head. Chan squeezed Woojin's waist and kissed his left cheek as he whispered, "I'll be downstairs." Woojin just hummed.

Woojin then get Felix dressed quietly, it was surprising. He chuckled as Felix was always looking at the door. So eager to get out of his room.

"You're excited to see Changbin huh.." Woojin said amused.

Felix again blushed. Woojin noticed since that incident at the church that he thought Felix was having a fever, he always noticed his baby blushed whenever Changbin is mentioned. He just shaked his head as he put baby perfume on Felix.

"Okay, good to go." Woojin mumbled, he pecked Felix's little pouty lips and Felix giggled. He then ran outside his room leaving his Appa behind. 

"Be careful with the stairs!" Woojin slightly shouted, well for Felix's age he knew exactly how to walked up and down on their short stairs but he can't help but worry a bit because he was running for God's sake. He released his breath his holding in when he saw his kid already downstairs, safe and sound, talking to little Changbin.

After they found a parking spot, Changbin immediately took Felix hand. And yes, the Seo family was with the Bang Family riding the Bang's black van. Little Changbin noticed that Felix's hand  was tiny. Cute, he thought.

"Alright, big boy, do not let go of Felix hand okay?" Changbin's daddy said to him.

"Yes, dad." Answered Changbin as he held Felix's tiny hand tight. It made the couples laughed. 

Inside the church, the couples sat and the little ones in between them, still holding hands. Little Changbin can't help but noticed Felix's tiny hands, and the one he's holding with fitted perfectly in his hand. It made him squirmed because he felt this warm feelings in his stomach when in fact he is not hungry.

When the mass was over, Felix was asleep but was still gripping Changbin's hand. He only let go of Changbin's hands when he stirred awake by his Appa lifting him up to let his little head layed on his Appa's shoulder. He immediately wrapped his little arms around his Appa's neck too.

"Ahh so cute~" Ten cooed looking at little Felix in Woojin's arms, he noticed that his son was sleepy too. He nudged his husband and Johnny immediately scoped Changbin into his arms.

Both the little ones were now soundly sleeping when they headed home. Little Felix dreamed of holding little Changbin's hand while little Changbin dreamed of tiny hand that fitted perfectly in his hand. If their parents' noticed the blushed on their sons' cheeks in their sleeping form they didn't say anything. 

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There's a little trigger/fowl/vulgar sentence in there, blame Johnny →_→


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Chapter 35: I am happy that you are still updating the story!

This was so sweet, the happy family on a ferris wheel ride !
Chapter 28: I like your story it is very cute and fun to read. Really like Woochan couple interactions with their son. Also like mentions of NCT and other idols.
loyalb #3
Chapter 28: this is the most wholesome story I've ever read ♥
Chapter 24: this chapter was just... pure cuteness
Chapter 20: I have to ask...Are Chan and Woojin, ever going to have another kid?? (you keep mentioning it and I really want to know
loyalb #6
Chapter 13: Cute
loyalb #7
Chapter 11: Great question lol
Chapter 10: Damn Chan is such a tease ;)
loyalb #9
Chapter 10: This story is so cute please continue to update