Little Valentine

Their Adventures

Woojin yelps at the sudden slap on his he got from his husband. He's in the kitchen, bending over the kitchen counter as he decorated the cake he just got out from the oven. It's Valentine's Day and Woojin just did the first thing that came up in his mind.


Woojin clicks his tongue in mild annoyance because first, he got startled as he didn't notice his husband coming home and second, he almost messed up the letters that he's suppose to write as decoration on top of the cake. It's just  'Happy Valentine's Day' nothing too biggy but because he was distracted, he only just wrote 'Happy Val' on it.


When he turned around, his annoyance flew out of the window- or door, their kitchen has no window, anyway- what greeted him was his husband, sweats running down from his forehead down to his cheeks but still hot and handsome so Woojin doesn't have the heart to get really annoyed by that. He has a bouquet of red roses safely tucked in his left arm and has a grocery bag slung on his right arm. Then he has this sweet smile on his lips that eventually became a menacing smirk (but still annoyingly hot in Woojin's unbiased opinion).


"Surprise~" Chan then says, now a big grin is sporting on his lips and his eyes turn into slits. Adorable, yes, Woojin is whipped.


"Wow, Bang Chan can still manage to surprise his husband on a Valentine's Day. How sweet, thank you." Woojin simply says even though his heart is racing.


"It's supposed to be your surprise but it turned out I was the one who got surprised instead." Chan hands over the roses to Woojin's awaiting hands.


Woojin is of course very happy, he is indeed gets surprised by his husband, he also finds some packs of chocolates along with the bouquet of roses.


After taking a big sniff of the roses, he looks at his husband, "why is that? I don't even get to finish the cake."


"You're wearing my t-shirt, baby, with nothing but your boxer shorts, you're clearly suggesting something here." Chan wiggles his eyebrows, while Woojin looks down to see what he's wearing, he totally forgot that he indeed wore one of Chan's t-shirts.


Woojin looks up, "yah! I just saw your shirt first, okay?"


Chan chuckles, he's not actually complaining, actually it turns him on but of course he will not say that out loud. He just hugs his husband after putting the bag he's been carrying over the counter.


"What do you have here?" Chan looked over Woojin's shoulder and saw the chocolate cake, the decorations undone.

Woojin frowns while he remembers the cake, he gently turns around to face the counter and the cake over it. He pressed his back against Chan's chest and smelled the roses again before carefully putting the bouquet on top of the counter too.


"Well, I just received a call from the University informing me that today's class will be cancelled due to the holiday and I'm sorry, I didn't think of anything than baking a cake. So lame, I know."


Chan just tightens his arms around his husband's waist, "that's okay, that's actually perfect coz I bought a tub of ice cream and your class got cancelled so we can enjoy the treats now." Then he plants a reasuring kiss on top of Woojin's head.


"You're so perfect. I love you, thank you for the roses and chocolates." Woojin says, turning around again to face his husband.


"It's my duty to give you gifts and surprises, so yeah, Happy Valentine's! I rarely say this but you know it already how much I love you, Wooj." 


Woojin's jaw is already hurting from smiling too wide, he can really hear his heart beats so erratically in his chest, it's a natural reaction everytime Chan did something to him. As always.


"But why are you sweaty? Are you okay?" Woojin's eyebrows furrow for a second and just reaches up to wipe those sweats off of Chan's handsome face.


"Oh, I didn't know your class got cancelled, I was hurrying home so I could still give you the flowers."


"Aww, I'm touched." Woojin giggles, whispers an 'I love you' and leans forward to close the gap in between their lips. It was a sweet kiss at the start and it became hot and hungry when Chan sticks his tongue inside his husband's mouth.


Woojin hummed at the kiss, letting his husband savor his mouth hungrily and he was like melting in the other's arms. Chan's right arm was wrapped around the younger's waist while the other had cupped Woojin's cheek.


When they pull apart, both of them are panting for air while still looking at each other as if they're back at memorizing small details on each other's faces.


"Love you." Woojin giggles, quickly planting a loud smack on Chan's lips. 


"I love you more, my big bear. Where's Felix by the way?" Chan asks, so they can start digging up Woojin's cake and the ice cream he bought.



Little Felix on the other hand was having a hard time reaching for the plastic sunflower decoration on top of a stand in the living room.


He didn't notice that his Dad have came home but he heard the commotion in the kitchen and when he entered there his parents didn't notice him but he saw something big in his Dad's arm and gave it to his Appa. His Appa seemed to be happy when he accepted the thing that he just noticed it to be some red flowers being beautifully wrapped together.

The little wanted to give flower to his Appa because he wanted his Appa to be happy too.

He dragged his little chair, one of his toys, and got up there using the chair to get the sunflower with it's plastic and unremovable pot. It was plastic because it was just a decoration but Felix still didn't know that it was different from what his Dad had given to his Appa.


He happily ran back towards the kitchen, the plastic sunflower in his little arms. He almost bumped against Woojin when he came out looking for the kid while Chan, still in the kitchen, volunteered to bring everything (cake, ice cream and utensils) to the living room.


"Oh, there you are! Daddy's here, baby, and he brought ice cream."


"Appa, this is for you!" Then Felix offers him the plastic sunflower to Woojin.


"Cub, that's..." But then he cuts himself off realizing something, "aww, baby. Thank you, bub." Woojin understood it right away, the moment Felix smiles, it also made his heart swell in happiness and pride. This right here is the fruit of his and Chan's love. Woojin scoops the little in his arms and of course the plastic flower included.


"You are so adorable, my love. Thank you for the flower, bub. I love you~" Then Woojin plants kisses on his baby's face making the little giggle and squirm in his father's arms.


"I already put the roses in the vase." Chan came with his hands full of treats and some utensils and stood beside his boys, they're literally just standing in the middle of their little hallway in between their living room and kitchen.


"Thank you, babe. And look, Lixie gave me a flower too." Woojin grins showing Chan the plastic flower.


Chan who recognizes the flower right away, just chuckles and kisses his son's forehead instead.

"Oh, my little cub is so sweet just like his Dad, hmm?" Chan teases and his son giggles.


"It's yellow, Daddy!" Felix squeals referring to the color of the flower.


"Yes, darling. Very good, it's yellow. How about the flowers I gave Appa? What color was it?"


"Aw so smart too, just like his Dad." Chan grins. Woojin scoffs playfully, "excuse you, I'm his teacher, so..."

"Hmm, fine, fine!" Chan says, planting a quick kiss on both of his boys' cheeks then goes straight towards the living room, "come on, the ice cream's melting!"

"Ice cream!!!" Felix squeals happily.

Woojin just shakes his head in amusement. He's happy, his heart feels contented and full from the love he received from his boys, of course he loves them too so much.

The living room is full of laughter, Woojin's so thankful that his class got cancelled today.

"Ah, so messy." Woojin chuckles, wiping off the crumbs on Felix's chin. They were sitting together in their sofa with Felix in between them and devouring the sweets.

"You too, babe." Chan says, also wiping some ice cream smudge on the corner of Woojin's lips. The older just cutely shrugs off and leans in to give his husband a peck on the lips.

"Thank you for today, babe." Woojin says to Chan and the latter just hums, his every day goal is to make Woojin happy with their job in between, he made sure that their job will not be the hindrance of achieving that goal. Chan may not always vocalize his love for his husband everyday but he makes sure to show it to him instead. He makes sure that Woojin can feel his love instead, but once in a while, sometimes random, he throws some words of love and affection to Woojin.

"Me too! Want kiss!" Felix suddenly yells, demanding some kisses as he squirms in his position in between his parents.

"Aww of course, you too, darling. Appa and Daddy love you so much, Lixie. You are our greatest treasure, our sunshine." Woojin cupped Felix's face into his hands and planted long kisses on the tip of his nose and to his forehead. Felix giggled, so happy for the kisses he received from his Appa. Now he turned to look at his Dad while Chan was ready to scoop the little in his arms and put him in his lap.


"Happy Valentine's Day too, my little bear. Ah, you're growing up so fast, you're bigger now, see? You almost didn't fit in my lap anymore." Chan says as he also kisses his forehead.


"I'm big boy!" Felix wraps his still tiny arms around his Dad's neck.

"Yeah, right. You think it's time for you to have a younger brother or sister?" Chan carefully says, side eyeing his husband with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"No!" Felix pouts.

"Alright, alright. You're our only baby." Chan is laughing softly at the reaction of his son. Woojin is kinda having a hard time swallowing the last bit of his ice cream just by hearing his husband say that. Woojin had also thought about it, having another baby soon, he knew how hard it was to bear one but he's willing to give it another try. 

"Why are you flushing so hard, I'm just joking!" Chan laughs, noticing the red hue on his husband's face and even down to his neck and also his ears were red. He  beckons the older to sit closer to him while Felix is still perched on his lap, he then wraps one arm around his husband's shoulders making Woojin lean on his shoulder.

"Well, do you want another kid?" Woojin whispers.

"If Felix says no, then no. You know, Lixie is the real boss of this house." Chan chuckles, feeding Felix another spoonful of ice cream.

Woojin chuckles, "he's sure is," kissing Felix's cheek again.

But Woojin cranes his neck a bit to the side while still leaning on Chan's shoulder to look at him and the latter just gives him a wink. Chan looks handsome at the angle, the light is perfectly reflecting on his orange hair. Woojin mouths an 'I love you' to him and goes back to enjoying the minutes left before the day will officially end.

They'll talk about it some other time, for now it'll only be the three of them, Felix being their only little valentine. For now.

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There's a little trigger/fowl/vulgar sentence in there, blame Johnny →_→


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Chapter 35: I am happy that you are still updating the story!

This was so sweet, the happy family on a ferris wheel ride !
Chapter 28: I like your story it is very cute and fun to read. Really like Woochan couple interactions with their son. Also like mentions of NCT and other idols.
loyalb #3
Chapter 28: this is the most wholesome story I've ever read ♥
Chapter 24: this chapter was just... pure cuteness
Chapter 20: I have to ask...Are Chan and Woojin, ever going to have another kid?? (you keep mentioning it and I really want to know
loyalb #6
Chapter 13: Cute
loyalb #7
Chapter 11: Great question lol
Chapter 10: Damn Chan is such a tease ;)
loyalb #9
Chapter 10: This story is so cute please continue to update