Little Shopping

Their Adventures

Little Changbin and Little Felix, hand in hand, gasped in unison upon entering the grocery store, even the security guards didn't hide their fondness towards the littles. Johnny got one of his husband's arms slung around his as they walked behind the kids, fond smiles plastered on their faces. The store wasn't busy today and the couple thanked the heavens for that. That just meant that the kids will have fun strolling around the store while the adults will buy groceries without worrying so much about them.

"Daddy, can we have those?" Changbin suddenly asked as he looked up to his Dad while his right hand with the index finger pointed to the direction of the burger stall in the corner. Johnny and Ten directed their sight towards the stall and the older smiled at his son.

"Of course, buddy." Johnny ushered the kids to the direction.

"Oh, but will Lixie be okay with that? Let me call his Appa first." Ten was about to grab his phone from his pants' back pocket but was stopped by his husband by leaning down a bit closer to the younger's ear.

"Hon, I'm sure they're busy at this moment."

Ten blinked and then gasped softly when he understood what his husband had meant. There's a reason why they chose to tag little Felix along with them, to give the other couple time to themselves.

"Oh!" Then he looked down to look at the kids who were patiently waiting for them with cute puppy eyes. He grinned, "look at that, I'm hungry, let's go babies!" Ten has to let go of his husband's arm and usher the kids more to the stall's direction. Johnny just shook his head at his husband's antics, an amused smile already stretching his lips as he watched them march towards the food corner.


So after grabbing a quick snacks, they headed on the grocery isle of the store. Ten picked Changbin's favorite snacks first and considered buying something for the other kid as well. Seeing Little Felix eyeing some ube muffins  along the way, Ten grabbed a pack and put it in their cart.

"Babe, can you grab Changbin's favorite drink in the fridge there, please?" Ten asked his husband without looking at him and the older just hummed. Little Changbin perked up at the mention of his favorite drink and grabbed the other kid's much smaller hand so they could follow Changbin's Dad.

"Babies, be careful please, watch where you're going, okay?" Ten hurriedly said when he noticed that the kids followed his husband.

"Yes, Appa!"

"Yes, uncle Ten!" Felix giggled that Ten can't help but smiled as well.

A few moments later, his husband came back with Changbin's favorite drink, a protein shake, with a pack of a mango juice for the other kid.

Ten hummed as he thought of all their necessities they still needed at home, so they could grab another snacks before going home. And Johnny noticed the kids who seemed tired of following around so he quickly grabbed another cart that's bigger than the one they've been pushing around which contained their groceries and wordlessly put the two inside that made them smile so wide.

"Thank you, Dad!"

"Thank you, Uncle John!"

"No problem, sweethearts. Can't have you two wandering around now just because you're tired. We'll finish up then we can go home." Johnny ruffled the kids' fringes fondly.

"What's wrong, Lixie?" Ten also took notice of the slight pout forming on the other kid's lips.

"I don't wanna go home yet." Ten cooed at the kid, he must have been so happy to be out in here that he wanted to still stay out here.

"Not yet, bub...but eventually we have to get you home or your parents will get worried. We can't have that right?" Ten coaxed by ruffling the kid's hair adoringly. Felix just shyly nodded his head anyway. Little Changbin may or may not be having a rather big smile on his face as he stared at Little Felix. Johnny slightly raised an eyebrow at that, could his son be more careful in showing how whip he already was to the other kid? It made him chuckle for a bit before shifting his sight to his lovely husband who's also very good at handling kids. The sight made him think of having another kid...since Changbin is almost 7 years old, he's old enough to have another sibling.

" okay?" Johnny didn't notice that his husband was already standing in front of him, waving his hand in front of his face. He pulled out of his daze, he can't believe he got frozen there.

"I'm fine, love." Johnny said quickly not to further worry his husband and  started to push the cart where the kids were settled in.

"What's on your mind? Are you sick or something? You're slightly red in the face." That made Johnny pause his movement but it was only for a couple of seconds. The thought of another child or making his husband pregnant again made him, that's new.

"I'll tell you later." He turned to look at his husband and just settled for a flirty wink. Ten wasn't convinced  and raised a brow.

"And I'm fine, not sick or anything, I promise I'll tell you later." He just realized how lovely of a sight when his son had other kid with him; he thought that Changbin would be a great older brother.

"You did it again! Babe, are you sure you're okay? We can go home if you're sick..." But Johnny waved it off.

"Naaah...just got an amazing realization." Johnny started to wheel the cart forward.

"Okay..." Ten followed along with his own cart with him. "Was it embarrassing? You're pretty red."

"I'm not embarrassed by it, I'm looking forward to it." Johnny turned again to look at his husband and grinned at him.

"Ugh, you and your mysterious ...fine then, be mysterious all you want."

Johnny chuckled, "look at the kids..." The littles were happily laughing in the cart like it's their own world, pressed against each other as they laughed, giggled and smiled.

"Hmm, they're so cute together." Ten nodded his head as well, so content of what he saw.

"Yeah, they looked so good together."

And Ten hurriedly looked at his older husband with a wild look on his eyes, "babe, are you saying that we're setting them up for a marriage when they grow up?" Ten even made his voice smaller so the kids and other few shoppers around them won't hear him say that. Ten wasn't even opposed to the idea but he will not let the kids be arranged like this when they have a freedom of their own in the future.

"I-" Johnny could only sigh, he did not think of that through, sometimes he forgot that he should be the one who's having a wild and wide thought or imagination being a professional lyricist and all and not his husband. But Ten being a professional choreographer sometimes has wild imagination too.

"No, of course not. I want them to marry in their own will someday, anyway, that's still a long way for them. What I was trying to say was that our Binnie looked good when there's another kid beside him, you know? He will not be lonely being the only child-" Johnny tried to explain but he was cut off (not rudely though, in a cute way instead) by Ten's tiny gasp, there's a slight pink hue tinting on the apple of his cheeks. He finally got it now.

"Please, Changbin's not lonely, babe...he got Lixie now and uhm- I g-guess you're right...that's a good idea actually, we should talk more about this when we get home." Ten was even more flushing, Johnny just had an amazing self control and he chose not to steal a kiss onto those red cheeks to not fluster his husband even more.

Johnny just settled for a wide grin, "that's what I was saying as well but you're so impatient."

"Shut up."

"Love you too. Now, let's get this shopping over with so we can...go home and do just that." Johnny ended it with a suggestive wink.

"Johnny! Shut up." Ten whispered before he left his husband's side, it's a good thing that the kids were in their own bubble, if not, he would have been facing a trouble of explaining why he was so flushed all over. They're almost in their 10th year being together and almost 7th year being married but Ten still felt and blushed like he was being flirted with Johnny for the first time. He shivered at the melodious laugh of the older behind him as he fumbled his hands carelessly into the canned-goods shelf.

"Oh nothing, babies, just remembered something funny." He heard Johnny say to the kids, probably the littles were so confused as to why he laughed so suddenly. Ten scoffed at the older's reasoning skills, but God, he loved his husband so much. He's whipped, he knew, sue him and he will not care. The thought of having another baby actually made him so excited. He thought of talking about the matter with his husband for quite some time now and he was just glad Johnny did the deed.

"Hey, pretty, you said we can't have canned-goods this week?" Ten slightly flinched at the proximity of his husband, his hot breaths fanning into his ear. He forgot about that. They actually have their own routine of consuming food products at home, this week they'll suppose to have fresh products.

That idea just distracted Ten and the thought of them having no action for almost two weeks now just worsen his focus.

"Gah! I forgot." He grinned to himself while returning the canned products back to their stack. He heard his husband's chuckle still near to his ear.

"Let's go to the veggies area." Johnny said before dropping a small kiss just the spot under Ten's ear which made the latter shiver and just acted as if he wasn't flushing because of it and followed behind the boys, one of them has a content smile, while another two were giggling in their own world. He loved these boys so he thought, he can tolerate this, as a smile plastered on his own face as well.

"Watermelonsssssss!!!" The kids shouted in unison when they're near the veggies and fruits section and the kids saw big, green and round fruits on one of the stalls there.

"Oh my babies, calm down, and yes those are watermelons." Thankfully, the few people in that particular area didn't mind the little noise that the kids created. The couple had just fond smiles on their faces as they let the kids out of the cart and they're now running towards the fruits stall. They just let them wander around the area a little while finishing up buying all the things on their list.

Johnny carried all the bags after they have paid the groceries and was about to tell his husband to get the kids so they can go home but before he could utter a word to Ten, they heard a shriek of pain from a distance that really sounded like Felix. Both were frozen for a bit before they scrambled their way to the direction of the sound.

"Oh no, what happened, Binnie?" Ten immediately squatted down to tend little Felix who was quietly sobbing as he covered his little palms on one of his knees. Little Changbin was also on Felix's side, rubbing a hand behind his back as if to comfort him.

"Sorry, Appa, I didn't hold his hand so he slipped on the floor." There was a signage of a caution for a wet floor on the corner and that's where Felix had slipped.

"Oh, sweetheart, I'm not mad at you. It's not your fault." Ten quickly booped his son's nose before shifting his attention back to the other kid who thankfully stopped sobbing but there were still tears around the corner of his eyes and his lips were still quivering.

"And it's not your fault as's okay, baby, let me see your knee?" Ten coaxed. Johnny on the side has the loving smile plastered on his face, seeing his husband so good at handling kids with situation like this made him fall for his husband even more.

While Ten tended Felix's little scratch on the knee, Johnny murmured sweet assurances into his own son's ear, the kid was in the brink of crying as well, he thought that it was his fault that the younger slipped on the wet floor. Thankfully, little Felix was okay, his knee wasn't swollen, it has just a tiny red line on the skin. But aside from that, Felix was okay and was now smiling brightly.

"We should go home now so both of you can take your naps." Johnny announced, smiling down on the kids,  grocery bags in his hands. Jisung now held Felix's tiny hand while Changbin also held Felix's other hand beside him then all of them walked towards the exit door.

"Appa, what about ice cream? I think Lixie wants ice cream." Little Changbin stopped walking, both hands were now cupping the other's smaller one, while looking up at Ten's eyes.

Ten chuckled at that, "of course, bub. We'll get to the car then find an ice cream shop along the way, how's that?"

That just made the little smile brightly, the little incident a while ago was now forgotten, and that's good. The only thing that bothered Ten a little was how to explain what happened to Little Felix's knee to his parents. But he shrugged it off for now, what mattered most here was that the kids were back to their smiley selves.

"Yeyy! I want strawberry ice cream!" Changbin did a little jump.

"Baby, I thought it was Lixie who wanted an ice cream?" Johnny teasingly said, side eyeing his son just to see him flush.

"But..." Changbin whined as he pouted, Johnny internally laughed at that, he thought Changbin would be a big brother now but he guessed that his son still acted like a baby. Well, Changbin's still their baby, anyways.

"Alright, alright, I'm just teasing you. Strawberry ice cream it is then." Johnny said, sighing at how cute his son was. Then directed his attention to the other kid who has a big grin on his little cute face while staring at Changbin. Tsk, these two were so whipped to each other already without even knowing that themselves.

"Well, how about you, Lixie? What flavor do you want?"

Little Felix gasped at the attention then made a thinking face before opening his mouth, "can I have a mango ice cream please?"

Ten and Johnny cooed at that, "ohh~ so polite~ of course, baby."

"Let's get going then."



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There's a little trigger/fowl/vulgar sentence in there, blame Johnny →_→


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Chapter 35: I am happy that you are still updating the story!

This was so sweet, the happy family on a ferris wheel ride !
Chapter 28: I like your story it is very cute and fun to read. Really like Woochan couple interactions with their son. Also like mentions of NCT and other idols.
loyalb #3
Chapter 28: this is the most wholesome story I've ever read ♥
Chapter 24: this chapter was just... pure cuteness
Chapter 20: I have to ask...Are Chan and Woojin, ever going to have another kid?? (you keep mentioning it and I really want to know
loyalb #6
Chapter 13: Cute
loyalb #7
Chapter 11: Great question lol
Chapter 10: Damn Chan is such a tease ;)
loyalb #9
Chapter 10: This story is so cute please continue to update