Little Soft Hour

Their Adventures

Later that night, after their dinner and Woojin didn't even finish putting away the dishes yet when he felt a pair of long arms around his waist.

"Hi." Chan mumbled as he nosed on one of Woojin's sensitive spots, the part behind his ear.

Woojin squirmed a bit, "hey," and just pressed his back onto Chan's front. He was drying off the sink and washed his hands but now he has his husband on his back, still nosing that spot behind his ear and also nibbling his earlobe.

"I think I'll have to change career, love." Chan murmured again.

"Into what then?" Woojin hummed and chuckled, humoring his husband a bit.

"I'm not sure, be a cook or a vlogger since that is a thing these days." Chan sighed, inhaling Woojin's signature perfume off of the side of his neck.

Woojin laughed softly, "okay then, if that will make you happy, you have my full support."

"Aww, my husband is so supportive," then he clicked his tongue, remembering that he has something to ask to his husband.

"What is it?" There's a smile on Woojin's lips, he knew his husband too well.

"You're not too tired now right?" Chan started, dancing his hands on both sides of Woojin's hips.

"No, I'm fine. You want a massage?" Chan would ask his husband if he's tired or not then it'll be followed by asking him a massage.

"Ah, you knew me so well." Chan gave out a pleased sigh and a loud peck onto the younger's cheek.

"Because you asked me the same question, that's why." Woojin chuckled, he has to walk towards the corner where a piece of cloth was hanging on the wall and dried his hands with it, with still his husband's body draped over his back.

Chan chuckled, "my back kinda felt stiff, and I was just making sure you're not tired, don't wanna bother you."

Woojin made a swift move to turn around and face his husband, he cupped Chan's face into his hands while the other's were still wrapped around his waist.

"Who said it's a bother? It's part of my duty." Chan smiled at that, did he tell his husband enough about how much he loves him?

"Love you." And they shared a sweet kiss right there and then, the older mumbled a love you too in between their kiss.

When they pulled away, Woojin rose an eyebrow, "is this why you ended up thinking of changing career?"

Chan didn't even deny it with his quite chuckle, "well yeah, I've been feeling this stiffness on my back for a few times these days, you know been sitting all days in the studio or I'm just aging."

Woojin giggled, "oh baby, you're very far from that. You're just tired. And your stiff muscles on your back will be gone after a massage." 

That's also the time that their son joined them in the kitchen, eyes were twinkling, he looked like his Dad when he plotted on doing something.

"Hi there, angel, ready for bed?" Chan's body was back on draping over his husband's back when Woojin faced the little, his chin was on his husband's shoulder. 

"No, I want massage too!" Felix happily said, looking up to his parents. Both chuckled at him, Woojin reached down to cup his hands around Felix's cheeks.

"Oh, what did you do earlier that you demand a massage now hmm?" His Appa said sweetly, softly squeezing his hands on Felix's chubby cheeks.

"Want to help.." Felix corrected, a cute pout on his lips.

"I don't know, bub. Appa have magic hands while you have tiny hands." Chan said teasingly. 

"Please~ I wanna help~" He even made a cute gesture with his hands as if he's chopping something in the air.

Chan chuckled, "that didn't look like a massage to me, darling."

"Ah, Daddy please~" Felix whined then jutted his lower lip, pleading as he looked up at them with sad puppy eyes.

"Where did he learn to whine like that?" Woojin murmured, his son's cuteness was apparently too much for his heart.

"From you of course." Chan answered so quickly and kissed his husband's cheek, ignoring little Felix's pout and puppy eyes.

"I didn't whine like that-"

"Appa, please, I will help massage Daddy later, pleaseee." Now, he looked up to Woojin. 

Woojin sighed, "baby, you know you have to sleep early. Plus, aren't you tired already from your little games with Binie earlier?"

Felix was quick to shake his head no, "I'm not tired, Appa, pleaaaseee." 

Felix blinked up at them, with a cute frown on his face, still half pleading. The kid loved to mess around, sometimes his parents indulged him to mess with his sleeping schedule and stayed awake to do whatever he wanted.

"What do you think, Dad?" Woojin playfully asked while leaning his entire weight on Chan. Felix already hugged his parents' legs as he still looked up at them.

"I don't know, his hands are as cute as his face though." Chan murmured, smiling down widely at his son's pouting lips.

But guess tonight will going to be one of those times indulging their son, just because, it's not because Woojin was a weak, weak man of Felix's puppy eyes and pout, he's sure it's not the latter.

"Chan, you know he's not gonna stop until you let him." He nudged his husband with his elbow. He gently untangled Felix from their legs and gently massaged his neck, he's been looking up at them for too long and Woojin got worried he'll end up having a stiff neck.

"Fine. You can help Appa massage my back later."

"Yeyyy!!" And that's when Felix's face brightened in happiness and he's doing a funny dance there in the corner while his parents are smiling and chuckling fondly at him.

"Damn, no y times later then." Chan sighed dramatically, slumping his body onto his husband's back again.

Woojin rolled his eyes, "yah, you're asking for a massage or y time?"

"Both." Chan pouted after kissing the back of the other's ear as he tightened his arms around his waist and Woojin just clicked his tongue and just looking back at his son.

"Look at him creating his own choreography." Chan chuckled, watching his dancing son.

"Baby, be careful, you're going to bump your head on the counter." Woojin hurriedly said, grinning at his still dancing kid on their side.

Felix did stopped moving all at once and now holding his head with both hands, "I feel dizzy."



After shower, Chan immediately laid on his stomach in their bed, waiting for Woojin.

Woojin skipped all his nightly rituals, just a plain quick half bath and immediately wore his pajamas, his giggling son with him, also wearing his pajamas.

He let Felix go and joined his Dad on the bed as he got the lotion from their nightstand's drawer.

Lix giggled as he laid beside his Dad, "I thought you'll help Appa massage my back." 

The little smiled so wide and in one swift movement he was on top of Chan's back. Chan then felt little fists on his shoulder blades as if he's pounding something on it.

"Oh! Aw! Baby, stop! That's not-" Chan laughed so hard as he tried his best to blindly reach his hand behind him to stop Felix's little fists from keeping contact on his shoulders.

Woojin who was already standing beside the bed, laughed, so amused by the scene in front of him. He took pity of his husband, he's worried that what his son did will worsen Chan's situation.

"Alright, baby, that's not how you're gonna massage your Dad." Woojin giggled, scooping his son up in his arms and gave him little smoochies on Felix's entire face. He then planted his son back to the space on Chan's side.

"Babe, take off your shirt."


All in all, the massage was great as always, made Chan so sleepy and  felt relaxed. And Woojin's little helper was soundly asleep too beside his Dad, he did a little dip and dug with his little fingers and palms on his Dad's back earlier and that was it, he decided that he's tired and had enough.

"Let him sleep here so you don't have to carry him back to his room," Chan sleepily mumbled, already on his back and eyeing at his husband who was already getting ready to bed too.

"Hmm, I'm thinking that too." 

Woojin then just carefully placed Felix in the middle who also immediately latched his little body on Chan's side, "good night, my sweet child." Chan dropped a quick kiss onto Felix's forehead before looking at his husband.

"Thank you, babe. I feel so much better now."

"Hmm, sleep now. You'll feel even much better in the morning." Woojin leaned down and pecked on Chan's lips.

"I love you so much, good night." Chan yawned, seconds later he's out like a light. Woojin smiled fondly at his sleeping boys in the bed, after draping the blanket over them, he turned to the side to turn the fairy lights off and proceeded to lay down on the bed, tangling his feet with Chan's under the blanket as his hand draped over his and the little's body.

"Love you both, my loves. Sweet dreams."

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There's a little trigger/fowl/vulgar sentence in there, blame Johnny →_→


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Chapter 35: I am happy that you are still updating the story!

This was so sweet, the happy family on a ferris wheel ride !
Chapter 28: I like your story it is very cute and fun to read. Really like Woochan couple interactions with their son. Also like mentions of NCT and other idols.
loyalb #3
Chapter 28: this is the most wholesome story I've ever read ♥
Chapter 24: this chapter was just... pure cuteness
Chapter 20: I have to ask...Are Chan and Woojin, ever going to have another kid?? (you keep mentioning it and I really want to know
loyalb #6
Chapter 13: Cute
loyalb #7
Chapter 11: Great question lol
Chapter 10: Damn Chan is such a tease ;)
loyalb #9
Chapter 10: This story is so cute please continue to update