Little House Warming Gift

Their Adventures

The Bang Family has a new neighbor. Chan and Woojin were preparing their breakfast in the kitchen while little Felix was in their living room slumping on the floor full of different plushies.

''Babe?'' Chan heard his husband beside him said. He hummed.

''What do we need to prepare for our new neighbor?'' Woojin asked. That made Chan thought too. He stopped what he's doing and really thought of a good food as a 'welcome to the neighborhood' gift.

They were really not used to new neighbors at their place so thinking of something for a house warming was kinda difficult for them. But they decided to think about it later because it's time for breakfast and they don't want to eat late, that's not good for their baby's health.

"Alrighty then, I'll get Felix." Said Woojin as he exited the kitchen to the living room where he was playing.

When Woojin entered their living room, he has welcomed a sight of little Felix with his serious face on display. Serious means he was a little pouty, kinda looked like his thinking something hard. 

"Baby? What are you up to, sweety?" Woojin asked softly as he crouched down to level Felix's height on the floor. Felix had his plushies lined up in front of him. Woojin raised his eyebrow.

"Appa, I want help." Felix stated. His eyes were wide, lips pouty as he looked up to his Papa. Woojin cooed at the sight and kissed his little nose.

"What is that, darling? How can Papa help you, hmm?" 
Then Felix looked at the lined plushies again in front of them.

"Want one to give to ne..neigh.." Felix was still having a hard time speaking some korean words since he's still 4 years old and it was not a long time since they lived here at Korea because they came from Australia. They're not pressuring their baby to talk or to speak especially korean words.

"Neighbor, baby. You wanna give one of your plushies to them?" Woojin supplied.

Felix nodded his little head but a second later he shaked his head no, "no them but boy." He said softly, a blush adoring his little cheeks.

Woojin got it, he chuckled as he understands what his baby is talking about. Another giggle could be heard behind him, it was from Chan hearing their little conversation.

"Daddy! Help.." Felix said excitedly as he stands up and throws himself to his Dad. Chan embraced Felix as he stood up, kissing his cheek.

"Of couse, baby. Papa and I will help but after we eat our breakfast yeah?"

Felix nodded excitedly as he bounced in his Dad's embrace and they entered in their kitchen, Woojin following behind them an amused look on his face.

The door bell rang when Ten was in the kitchen preparing for their dinner. Who could that be, he thought, they didn't know anyone at this place yet.

"Babe? Was that our bell?" Johnny came and poked his head in their kitchen's entrance.

"I think so. Can you please check?" Ten answered as his son was entering the kitchen, approaching the table.

"Oh there you are little one, dinner's about to be served, wait for a few minutes, okay? Are you hungry?" Ten asked his son softly. 

"Not so.." Little Changbin answered as he took a seat and watches his Papa busying over their dish. Ten just hummed. Then Johnny came rushing holding two bottles of wine.

"Babe, it was our neighbor, the family across our house."

"Really? Did you let them in?" Ten said as he wiped his hands clean to the side of his apron.

"Yeah of course, they're at the living room." Changbin seemed to lighten up to the mention of their neighbor and he stood up so fast and dashed out of  kichen.

At the living room, two young men sitting on their couch. One is blonde and curly, a little boy on his lap. While the other was a brown-haired man that seemed like to be radiating warmth, which is good because coldness is everywhere since it's almost Christmas. The curly blonde guy with the kid on his lap met Ten's eyes, they stood up and bowed.

"Oh..good evening. I hope we're not disturbing anything..?" His dimples were showing as he smiles almost awkwardly to them.

"Oh no, you're not I promise." Ten gave a warm smile. He did not expect a neighbor would visit them like this.

"I am Bang Chan, this is my husband, Woojin." Chan let his husband bowed his head as he greeted them too. "And this is my 4-year old son, Felix." He continued. Felix then gave them a shy hello. They cooed at the cuteness of the kid then it was their turn to greet them too.

"I am Ten, my husband here Johnny. My son, Changbin, is 5 years old. We are so happy for visiting us. Really, we're not expecting it." Ten said warmly.

"Ahh yeah~ we're glad you let us in. We're awkward at this. We didn't even know what to bring. Welcome to the neighborhood!" Woojin came to answer.

And the Seo couple was assuring their visitor that it was okay and that they were glad someone came and even have a warming gift. The Bang family came up with something sweet for desserts since according to Chan, Christmas is approaching. Told ya, they were awkward at this. They came up with swiss roll chocolate cake and bottles of red wine. As they were chatting more, they did not notice their little ones were having a little moment too.

Little Felix was shy and he was nervous because he did know if the boy will like his gift. His daddy and papa finally helped him choose the perfect plushie for the boy.

"Uh, hi..I'm Changbin." Little Changbin said, his hands were behind his back as he sway slowly from side to side because damn he's speaking to the most beautiful and the cutest boy ever, he even have little stars on his face. Well, can't blame the kid, as even still a kid, he can appreciate beauty. 

"Hello, Changbin. I'm Felix." Felix answered shyly. Felix could not looked away from the handsome little face of the boy in front of him. He was captivated. He was cute like that, eyes dark and almost covered by his bangs. His cheeks were red from blushing. Oh, what a cute sight.

Then he remembered that he has to give his gift to Changbin, he got the plushie that he hides from his little coat. A gasped could be heared from Changbin.

"This is for you." Felix said as he handed the plushie to Changbin.

Changbin was hugging the plushie as soon as it landed on his hands.

"Do you like it?" Felix asked shyly.

"Yes!" Changbin answered so loudly that it made his parents' head turned to him. And they cooed at the sight of two little kids probably talking while Changbin hugging a plushie, a happy grin displayed on his little face. It was a snorlax, Changbin's favorite character on the television.

"Aww, Felix gave a gift to our Binnie. And it was his favorite too." Johnny exclaimed, ruffling his son's dark hair.

"You say thank you baby to Felix." Ten said, smiling warmly at his son.

"Thank you, Lixie. I really love it." Changbin said sincerely while still hugging the snorlax plushie.

Felix's little cheeks were like a tomato now, he didn't know if it was because of Changbin loving his gift or for calling him 'Lixie.'

Chan and Woojin chuckled at the sight of their son. They've got the perfect choice then.

It turned out the Bang Family's new neighbor was the couple with a kid that made little Felix blushed in the church lately.

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There's a little trigger/fowl/vulgar sentence in there, blame Johnny →_→


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Chapter 35: I am happy that you are still updating the story!

This was so sweet, the happy family on a ferris wheel ride !
Chapter 28: I like your story it is very cute and fun to read. Really like Woochan couple interactions with their son. Also like mentions of NCT and other idols.
loyalb #3
Chapter 28: this is the most wholesome story I've ever read ♥
Chapter 24: this chapter was just... pure cuteness
Chapter 20: I have to ask...Are Chan and Woojin, ever going to have another kid?? (you keep mentioning it and I really want to know
loyalb #6
Chapter 13: Cute
loyalb #7
Chapter 11: Great question lol
Chapter 10: Damn Chan is such a tease ;)
loyalb #9
Chapter 10: This story is so cute please continue to update