Having a talk

I think we were meant to be together
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Author's Note: First of all, I really want to thank everyone who supported me when I wasn't sure about the direction of this fic :) Thank you so much! I was overwhelmed by all of you staying around and supporting my decision! <3

As you can see, I've decided to continue with this. After taking a break and thinking about things, I wanted to try a revised plot and see how that goes ^^

Sorry about this chapter though, I kept the first half of the original version (making small changes), but wrote a new second half.

Thank you again for your patience and support! It's truly appreciated :D





The next day, after their classes were over, Tiffany and her friends met at a Korean restaurant for dinner.

As the girls were chatting, a waitress comes over to their table and smiles at the group. “Hi there, girls! Are you ready to order?”

Whoa, she’s cute! Yuri was pleasantly surprised with who they had as their waitress. She gives the girl a charming smile. “Oh yeah, I sure know what I want! What are you doing after work tonight?”

The waitress stares at her with surprise. “E-excuse me?”

Taeyeon pinches Yuri’s leg. “Yuri! Stop doing that with every waitress we get!” she scolds.

“Ow!” Yuri scowls briefly before smiling at the waitress again, and winks at her. “My misinformed friend doesn’t know what she’s talking about, I’ve only flirted with you. You’re one of a kind, baby.”

Tiffany groans. “Do we have to go through this every time we order?”

Sooyoung was hungry and didn’t want to waste any time. “We’re ready. I’d like to order daeji bulgogi,” she says in a no-nonsense tone.

“Er, yes, daeji bulgogi.” The waitress quickly writes the order down on her notepad. After she had gotten all of their orders, she leaves in a hurry.

“Wait, you didn’t ask us if we wanted any drinks!” protests Tiffany.

“It’s too late, she wanted to get the hell away from us because of Yuri!” Taeyeon frowns at Yuri.

“Now we’re stuck with just boring water!” whines Sunny.

“Hey Tiff, what did you talk to Jess about yesterday?” Yuri, trying to avoid eye contact with their frowning leader, was quite curious about what the conversation was about, but she never had to chance to ask until now.

Tiffany slowly unwraps the wrapper on her chopsticks. “She doesn’t want a relationship right now, but she’s willing to be friends.”

“Hey, at least that’s good, right? Being friends with someone like her is… nice…” offers Sunny, trying to cheer her up.

Tiffany scowls as she sets her chopsticks down hard onto the table. “No, it’s worse! I’m going to be torturing myself, being friends with someone who I can’t have!”

Sooyoung groans in response. “Fany, you’re starting to sound like a teenager in a one-sided love.”

“Actually, Fany has a point! Friend-zoning someone is the worst thing a girl can do to you,” Yuri informs matter-of-factly.

“But isn’t being friends better than nothing at all?” argues Sunny.

“You’re too short to understand,” dismisses Yuri, waving her off.

“Good one!” Sooyoung exchanges a high-five with Yuri.

“What does my height have to do with that?!” shrieks Sunny, throwing a wadded napkin at Yuri.

“Settle down, children! I have a hypothetical question for you guys,” announces Taeyeon, causing Tiffany to give her a suspicious look.

She’s saying this right after I mentioned my friendzone conversation with Jess, so I’m sure this has something to do with me. Tiffany warily waits to hear what her older friend has to say.

When Taeyeon sees that she had everyone’s attention, she continues. “Let’s say you have a crush on a girl, but the girl doesn’t share the same feelings as you. However, there are other cute girls that are interested in you.

So, would you wait around for your crush to change her mind, which looks pretty unlikely at this point, or give those cute girls a try?”

“Thanks Taeng, that was really subtle! I wonder who you were talking about!” Tiffany accuses loudly with sarcasm.

“She w-was referring to you?” Yoona was trying to act surprised, but her attempts to hold back laughter ruined her pretense.

Tiffany glares at her.

“It’s ok, Fany, I’ve been there before,” assures Yuri, grinning as she pats Tiffany’s shoulder. “And do you know what I did?”

Tiffany hears a chime from her phone. She picks it up and looks at it. A message from someone at the dating site. “You obviously went for the other girls.”

“Exactly! It’s pointless to waste your time with having deep feelings for someone. Just enjoy life and the variety it offers!”

“Just how cute are those other girls anyway?” Sunny asks curiously.

Taeyeon grins. I could tell by the pictures that they have nice, cute asses. And I’m never wrong. “They’re pretty hot! If Fany doesn’t want them, I sure wouldn’t mind taking them myself!”

Sooyoung stares at their leader with widened eyes. “What! You’ve seen them?!”

“Why didn’t you tell us?!” demands Yoona, grabbing Taeyeon’s arm.

“Calm down, I’ve only seen pictures of them!” replies Taeyeon, pushing Yoona away.

Meanwhile, Tiffany was checking the message that she had received. It was from Irene.


Hi Tiffany, how are you doing? I haven’t heard from you yet, so I hope you’re alright.

I don’t really know how to say this, and I hope I’m not being too forward… but would you mind exchanging numbers? Unless you think that it’s too soon, of course. Then we could do that some other time. At your convenience.

Talk to you later!


Tiffany stares at the message. , what am I supposed to do now? I don’t want to string her along, but at the same time, I’m not ready to give up on Jess yet.

I mean, I’m kind of interested, but what if Irene really starts liking me? I don’t want to treat her like a backup option in case things completely fail with me and Jess. It wouldn’t be fair to her.

“Tiff!” Taeyeon calls out.

The brunette looks up from her phone to see that everyone was staring at her. “What?”

“You looked kind of stressed out over there. Is something wrong?”

“No, I’m fine. I’m just really busy right now.” Tiffany forces a smile as she turns her attention back to her phone. I think the best thing to do is to give her my number, and then try to keep things slow. That way, it won’t seem like I’m rejecting her, while buying time to figure things out with Jess.

Taeyeon watches Tiffany write a message on her phone. “It’s really obvious when you’re worried about something.”

“Yeah unnie, you’re a bad liar,” Yoona tells Tiffany.

Tiffany ignores them as she writes a response.


Hi Irene! I’m doing great, other than dealing with the occasional stress that comes with university stuff. You know, the usual things like adjusting to college life, meeting new people, etc.

Here’s my number! Let’s talk some time.


The waitress returns with a cart and starts placing side dishes onto the girls’ table, giving Yuri a wary glance.

Tiffany sighs as she sends her message to Irene. I hope I know what I’m doing.


As the group eats their dinner, Tiffany realizes that she’s going to be talking with Jessica soon. “Tae?”

“Hm?” Taeyeon eats a spoonful of rice and kimchi jjigae.

“What did Jess want to talk to me about?”


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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 30: This is beautiful, thanks author nim for finishing this story :)
Hellboy97 #2
Chapter 30: WTFISH?! LETTUCETOMATO-nim! YOUR WRITING IS EXCELENT 😭 I really love the part where Jess directly reject tiff going to the bookstore so much. It gave me a right amount of angst that I've been looking in a story. Gashhhhhhh can't believe I just found this story yesterday. This is real gold, though I would like to know what happen to shin hue and the bros.
Chapter 30: I love it ❤
Thank u 😊
jtsurfer #4
Chapter 30: Thanks for finishing this story. Will look forward to any epilogues. Thanks! :)
18 streak #5
Chapter 30: You already know I love this story & it was beautifully written ❤️
aishern #6
Chapter 30: Thakk u very much authorshi...
Chapter 30: Aww😭 I can't believe it this has finally came. I'll sure miss this story author-nim.😭 Now I think I'll stop dancing on top of tables🥲
Chapter 30: happy ending <3
Chapter 30: I don't expect this is the last chapter...coz still want to read jeti more🤭.
Thanks for ur jeti's story and for finished this story☺️
Chapter 30: Aaaa thank you for finishing it. It's my fav fanfic and I love it so much