
I think we were meant to be together
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A/N: Hi readers! Thank you for your comments, and for reading this! :D





Early the next day, Tiffany awakens to her phone vibrating. She had secretly set her alarm up an hour before the couple normally gets up.

The brunette gently moves Jessica’s arm away from her as she gets out of bed. She smiles, feeling her heart melt as she watches the older girl sleep for a minute.

“You look so cute when you sleep, Jess. I just want to kiss those adorable lips! But I can’t right now, because I have an important thing to do,” whispers Tiffany as she changes her sleepwear, which she again borrowed from Jessica, to the clothes she wore yesterday.

The younger girl wanted to stay longer and continue watching Jessica, but she knew she had to focus on her mission.

Tiffany quickly writes a note and places it on Jessica’s desk, in case the older girl awakens before Tiffany gets back. She definitely didn’t want Jessica to think that she had just left without saying anything. She then quietly leaves the dorm room. “Alright, I have an hour! I have to hurry!”




Tiffany returns to the dorm room, panting and sweating. “An hour… was… not nearly enough…”

She checks her phone, and sees that she was about ten minutes late. “Damn it!”

Jessica, having already dressed in a sweater and jeans, opens the door. She had just heard Tiffany’s displeased voice right outside the door. “Are you ok?” she asks, seeing Tiffany lean tiredly against the door frame while carrying a shopping bag.

The older girl’s heart beats faster, and her body was starting to become warmer when she sees Tiffany’s messy chestnut brown hair partially covering her beautiful face, Tiffany’s sweatiness and flushed cheeks, and heavy breathing. Oh my god, Tiff looks so y right now.

Tiffany smiles when she sees Jessica, feeling her heart skip a beat. Wow, she looks really good! So beautiful, as always. And here I am, all sweaty with my hair messed up, and wearing the same clothes from yesterday. “Oh, I’m doing… great! There’s nothing… like a cardio workout… so early… in the day.”

“You’re so sweaty,” comments Jessica as she grabs some tissues and wipes the sweat from Tiffany’s forehead, resisting the urge to pull the younger girl’s shirt off. Control yourself, Jess!

“Oh god, let me take a nap. For just a couple of hours,” Tiffany says wearily as she walks into the room.

“Aw, you poor thing. You should lay down for a little bit.”

Even though the suggestion sounded really good at the moment, Tiffany hesitates in front of Jessica’s bed. “But I’m so dirty right now.”

“Don’t worry about that. Even after I found out how dirty you really are, I still like you, don’t I?” teases Jessica.

“Jessicaaaaaaa, you know what I meant!” complains Tiffany, her cheeks becoming flushed.

Jessica laughs as she touches Tiffany’s lower back encouragingly. “Go ahead and lay down on my bed, I don’t mind.”

Tiffany gladly accepts the offer as she hands her shopping bag to the older girl and lays on Jessica’s bed.

Jessica looks curiously into the bag. “What was this important mission that you had to do so early?”

“It’s for you.” Tiffany was laying on her back, with her eyes closed.

Jessica sees a white rectangular box inside. What could this be? The shape of this box is similar to the ones that contain a loaf of bread. Maybe she went to the bakery. “You didn’t have to get me anything.”

Tiffany glances at Jessica. “Have you opened it yet?”

The older girl opens the box, which contains an item wrapped in packing paper. She unwraps it to find a white ceramic flower vase, with floral patterns on it.

Jessica was touched by the present, but at the same time, she couldn’t help feeling a little guilty. “Thank you so much, but I really was kidding about the vase yesterday.”

Tiffany grins at her. “I know you were, but you had a point, and I wanted my flowers to last longer than a couple of days.”

“You’re so sweet.” Jessica smiles as she sets the vase onto her desk, and then takes a filtered water pitcher out from their mini fridge. After pouring the water into the vase, she puts her bouquet of flowers into it. Her smile becomes bigger as she views the arrangement of flowers.

“I would’ve seemed even sweeter if I had managed to get back here on time, so that you’d see this as soon as you got up,” Tiffany replies, pouting.

Jessica grins as she gets onto her bed and lays down next to Tiffany. “Now that I know what you were trying to do, I think you are the sweetest girl ever,” she says fondly, smoothing down Tiffany’s messy hair and brushing aside the hair strands on the younger girl’s face.

Tiffany smiles and blushes, feeling her heart pounding as she enjoys the older girl’s affectionate gestures. It was hard waking up early and trying to get back here on time, but it was totally worth it.

The couple laid together in comfortable silence for a little while.

Tiffany suddenly gasps when she sees what time it was. “We’re so late for our first class!”

Jessica snuggles against her. “You need to rest. Let’s just get some more sleep.”

Rushing into class in the middle of a boring lecture, or sleeping with my beautiful girl? Tiffany didn’t even have to think about her options. “I like the way you think,” she says, smiling as she cuddles with Jessica.

The couple soon falls asleep, with their arms around each other.




Yoona, Seohyun, and Irene join the others at their usual table during lunch. They sat down in the empty seats between Taeyeon and Sooyoung, with Irene sitting next to Taeyeon.

“Hey Irene!” Taeyeon greets with a smile.

“Hi,” Irene replies, smiling back.

Yuri takes a drink from her water bottle. “You three are just in time! I was just about to tell everyone about the awesome night I had yesterday!”

Almost everyone groans.

“Do you have to?” complains Sunny.

“We’re trying to eat right now, if you haven’t noticed!” reminds Taeyeon.

Irene was confused by the other girls’ reactions. “What’s wrong with hearing about how Yuri’s night went? She seemed to have enjoyed it, and wants to tell everyone about it.”

Sooyoung opens her can of orange soda, and then points at Irene. “See Yul? Do you really want to corrupt someone like her?”

“It’s not quite what you think it is,” Seohyun cautions Irene, having already endured many of Yuri’s stories about her one-night stands.

“Trust me Irene, you don’t want to know,” agrees Yoona, adding more hot sauce to her ham sandwich.

“Come on Yul, we don’t want to hear about your flings!” Hyoyeon eats some of her potato chips.

Yuri was oblivious to everyone’s complaints. “So get this, I had with two hot girls last night! I was just about to one of them, and then suddenly, her cute friend just shows up and gets right into the action! She was one of those sophisticated girls, but when she was , she got down and dirty!”

Taeyeon facepalms.

Irene stares at Yuri with widened eyes. “You did what?!”

“ two gi

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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 30: This is beautiful, thanks author nim for finishing this story :)
Hellboy97 #2
Chapter 30: WTFISH?! LETTUCETOMATO-nim! YOUR WRITING IS EXCELENT 😭 I really love the part where Jess directly reject tiff going to the bookstore so much. It gave me a right amount of angst that I've been looking in a story. Gashhhhhhh can't believe I just found this story yesterday. This is real gold, though I would like to know what happen to shin hue and the bros.
Chapter 30: I love it ❤
Thank u 😊
jtsurfer #4
Chapter 30: Thanks for finishing this story. Will look forward to any epilogues. Thanks! :)
18 streak #5
Chapter 30: You already know I love this story & it was beautifully written ❤️
aishern #6
Chapter 30: Thakk u very much authorshi...
Chapter 30: Aww😭 I can't believe it this has finally came. I'll sure miss this story author-nim.😭 Now I think I'll stop dancing on top of tables🥲
Chapter 30: happy ending <3
Chapter 30: I don't expect this is the last chapter...coz still want to read jeti more🤭.
Thanks for ur jeti's story and for finished this story☺️
Chapter 30: Aaaa thank you for finishing it. It's my fav fanfic and I love it so much