
I think we were meant to be together
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Yoona glances at her phone. Taeng wants me to ask Jessica about Fany? I think I’ll do that later, when Jessica starts trusting me more. It could potentially be an uncomfortable question, based on what I’ve seen between her and Tiff so far.


Yoona looks up from her phone to see that Jessica was watching her. “Sorry, I was distracted by an annoying friend’s message,” she explains with a smirk.

“Excuse me?” Taeyeon had overheard Yoona’s response and wasn’t very pleased with it.

“Hi unnie! How are you doing over there?” Yoona says playfully, waving at their leader.

Taeyeon rolls her eyes, and then resumes trying to cheer Tiffany up, who was continuing to sulk.

“Hyunnie and I need to stop by a book store to get some textbooks,” continues Jessica. “Would you mind coming with us?”

Yoona smiles as she sets her phone down onto the table. “I’d love to!”

“Great, let’s go now.” Jessica seemed happy with the answer.

Seohyun was already standing and ready to go. She would much rather browse through a selection of textbooks than be sitting with such a large group.

Yoona stands up with Jessica and Seohyun.

“Where are you girls going? Are you all going to the bathroom together?” Sunny wanted to know.

Yuri looks at Sunny questioningly. “Why, did you want to join them if they were?”

“No, I was just asking!”

“We’re going to the University bookstore. See you girls later!” replies Yoona as they start to leave.

Tiffany gasps, and then immediately stands up. “Wait! Can I come with you?” she asks eagerly.

Yoona glances inquiringly at the other two girls. “Would that be all right?”

Seohyun shrugs uneasily, not knowing what to say.

Jessica seems hesitant to answer as she fidgets with her phone.

Then Jessica gives Tiffany a polite smile. “Maybe next time. Seohyun feels really awkward when there are too many new people with her.”

Tiffany was clearly disappointed by the reply. “But it would just be me and Yoona,” she complains, pouting.

Jessica drops her phone. She quickly bends down and picks it back up from the floor.

“Sorry.” Jessica then abruptly turns away and starts walking towards the exit.

Seohyun quickly follows her, and Yoona gives Tiffany a brief apologetic smile before doing the same.

Tiffany frowns as she watches the three girls leave. Then she turns to her friends. “Did you see that? She just blatantly rejected me!”

Sooyoung starts laughing. “Sorry Tiff, your reaction was just too funny.”

Tiffany glares at her.

“It’s our first day, and they’re only going to a bookstore. You’ll have many other opportunities to be with Jessica,” reassures Hyoyeon, reaching over and patting Tiffany’s arm.

“Maybe you’re being too forward with her. Just step back for a bit, and let her approach you,” advises Taeyeon.

Tiffany places her hands on her hips. “Step back for a bit? Have you ever known me to be patient?!”

“Ok, you’ve got a point. But you’ll have to make an exception if you want her to feel more comfortable around you,” reasons Taeyeon, trying to pacify her emotional friend.

Tiffany sighs with frustration as she sits back down. The thought of being left out while Yoona spends time with Jessica had put Tiffany in a bad mood. Why does she think Yoona is so much better than me?! I was the one who went out of her way to try to make Jessica feel welcome with us!

Yuri watches Tiffany scowl at the table for a moment before she nudges the irritated brunette.

Tiffany turns to Yuri, still frowning. She better not suggest one of her stupid ideas.

“I have an idea,” Yuri says, grinning.

“Not interested.”

“Come on, at least hear what I’ve got to say!”

Tiffany takes her phone out of her coat pocket and checks her email. Maybe one of the girls I’ve been contacting on the dating websites has responded.

Yuri takes this as a cue to start explaining her idea. “All right, so I’ve determined that Jess, while there’s no doubt that she’s hot as , she’s not really my type. I prefer going for those fun, ty, party girls, you know?

And anyways, since you’re such a good friend of mine, I’ve decided to be gracious and help you get her, since you seem to be having a really hard time with that.”

Tiffany frowns at what she was hearing. “Hell no! I absolutely do not want your help.”

“Trust me, I know women like the back of my hand. You’ll be glad that an expert wants to guide you.”

Tiffany doesn’t reply, being much more interested in reading her emails. Ooh, it looks like three girls sent me messages! Maybe they can be my back-up plan in case things don’t work out with Jessica.

Yuri continues speaking. “And so, to help you out, I came up with this idea; let’s go to the bookstore and find her there!”

Tiffany looks at Yuri. “What a great idea! After she makes it clear that she doesn’t want me to go with her, I’ll just show up anyway and make it look like I’m stalking her! I’m sure we’ll instantly become friends!” she says with fake excitement.

“Hey, don’t be so dramatic! Don’t you want to see her?!”

“Of course I do! But not like that!”

“See, this is where my years of experience come into effect. Women like her want you to pursue her, and show assertiveness,” Yuri explains knowingly.

“When I want your advice on women, I’ll ask for it.” Tiffany turns her attention back to her phone and resumes reading her emails. Which will be never.

Yuri nods approvingly. “Good, the sooner the better. In the meantime, you can watch me get all those girls’ phone numbers!”

She gets up and walks confidently over to the group of girls that she was c

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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 30: This is beautiful, thanks author nim for finishing this story :)
Hellboy97 #2
Chapter 30: WTFISH?! LETTUCETOMATO-nim! YOUR WRITING IS EXCELENT 😭 I really love the part where Jess directly reject tiff going to the bookstore so much. It gave me a right amount of angst that I've been looking in a story. Gashhhhhhh can't believe I just found this story yesterday. This is real gold, though I would like to know what happen to shin hue and the bros.
Chapter 30: I love it ❤
Thank u 😊
jtsurfer #4
Chapter 30: Thanks for finishing this story. Will look forward to any epilogues. Thanks! :)
18 streak #5
Chapter 30: You already know I love this story & it was beautifully written ❤️
aishern #6
Chapter 30: Thakk u very much authorshi...
Chapter 30: Aww😭 I can't believe it this has finally came. I'll sure miss this story author-nim.😭 Now I think I'll stop dancing on top of tables🥲
Chapter 30: happy ending <3
Chapter 30: I don't expect this is the last chapter...coz still want to read jeti more🤭.
Thanks for ur jeti's story and for finished this story☺️
Chapter 30: Aaaa thank you for finishing it. It's my fav fanfic and I love it so much