First group meeting

I think we were meant to be together
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Tiffany struggles to keep her eyes open as she listens to her professor talk about the importance of political science. Unfortunately, the combination of the lack of sleep and Professor Park’s monotone voice was making that struggle a losing battle. I can do this! This is my last class of the day! I have only… Tiffany checks the clock on the wall. Thirty eight more minutes… oh god…

Yoona was sitting next to Tiffany, writing in her notebook. This class doesn’t seem too bad. It’s not very exciting, but it could be interesting enough to make it worth my time.

In the corner of her eye, she notices that her brunette friend was starting to slouch forward. It wasn’t long before she heard light snoring from the older girl.

She rolls her eyes, but decides to let Tiffany sleep. It’s the first day of college and she’s already sleeping in class. She sure didn’t waste any time following her old habits from high school.

Oh well, at least she’s not missing out on much. I’ll just let her copy my notes later. As usual.


Classes were finally over for the pair of friends as they walk towards the university cafeteria.

“You really enjoyed that class, didn’t you?” Yoona comments sarcastically before she reads a text message that she had received from Taeyeon.

Tiffany yawns, feeling a bit less tired now. “Catching up on sleep is one thing the class is good for. Was I snoring?”

“A little. Were you that tired, or did the lecture put you to sleep?”

The older girl hesitates, knowing that if she told her the truth, then Yoona would ask why she hadn’t gotten much sleep. The less people that knows about my secret online dating life, the better. “I blame Professor Park’s voice. Can she sound any more boring?”

“Yeah, she could use some improvements on her tone, but it wasn’t that bad.”

The two friends walked in silence for awhile.

It’s pretty unusual for Tiff to be quiet for so long, unless something is wrong. Yoona takes a glance at her companion, who seems to be deep in thought.

“Unnie!” Yoona nudges her with her elbow.


“What are you thinking about?” The younger girl was curious about what was occupying her friend’s mind.

Tiffany had been recalling the brief glances she had exchanged with Jessica. Was it my imagination, or was she looking at me differently than she was with the others? “The way Jessica looked at me… it seemed like she wanted us to be friends, right?”

Yoona stares at her perplexedly, totally not expecting a question like that. “Umm, I suppose?”

“Maybe it means that I’m the one she feels the most comfortable with, out of all of us!” Tiffany says, getting a little excited.

Yoona furrows her brow. “Why are you thinking so hard about that?”

“Oh!” Tiffany covers , realizing that she was unintentionally talking about her inner thoughts about Jessica.

She blushes while trying to laugh it off. “Hahaha! I was just kidding. Don’t you know when I’m messing around? Come on, how long have you known me?”

“We need to get you to bed. You’re starting to lose your mind.” Yoona puts her phone back into her purse.

“I’m fine!” Tiffany replies, louder than she intended.

“Yeah, I can tell.” Yoona rolls her eyes. “Now come on, Taengoo’s getting impatient.”

“Why? What does she want?”

“Haven’t you been reading your texts?”

Tiffany checks her phone and gasps, seeing unread messages from Taeyeon and Yuri. “They must’ve contacted me while I was asleep!”

Yoona decides to save Tiffany the time of reading them. “Yes, and they want us to meet them at your dorm room.”


The two girls walked into Tiffany and Taeyeon’s shared dorm room.

Taeyeon was sitting at her desk, checking something on her laptop. Yuri and Sunny were peering over her shoulder to look at whatever was on the screen, and Sooyoung was laying on Taeyeon’s bed.

“Finally! Why didn’t you answer my text?” Taeyeon accuses Tiffany when she notices her brunette friend enter their room.

“Oh, I was enjoying the lecture so much that I didn’t notice your messages,” explains Tiffany, grinning innocently.

Taeyeon scoffs at the answer. “Oh really? Were they talking about parties and cute pink outfits?”

“Actually, she was too busy sleeping in class, and thinking about some girl we know!” Yoona smirks teasingly as she sits down on Tiffany’s bed.

Sooyoung sits up abruptly. “What? What girl? Who did she talk about?”

“Ooooh, Fany likes a girrrrl!” teases Yuri.

“Really?! Who is it?” demands Sunny excitedly.

“No one! It’s nothing, so all of you shut up!” answers Tiffany, trying not to blush.

Taeyeon stands up. “We’ll talk about Fany’s love life later! But for now, we need to discuss something important before we meet those new girls!”

“I don’t have a love life!” Tiffany interrupts indignantly.

Taeyeon waves her off. “Ok, whatever. Anyways, I want to talk about how some of us were behaving with the new girls. Or more specifically, Jessica.”

“That would be Yuri!” Sooyoung immediately points at her accusingly.

“Me?” Yuri asks innocently, acting surprised.

“Of course it’s you! You were so sleazy with her at the café!”

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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 30: This is beautiful, thanks author nim for finishing this story :)
Hellboy97 #2
Chapter 30: WTFISH?! LETTUCETOMATO-nim! YOUR WRITING IS EXCELENT 😭 I really love the part where Jess directly reject tiff going to the bookstore so much. It gave me a right amount of angst that I've been looking in a story. Gashhhhhhh can't believe I just found this story yesterday. This is real gold, though I would like to know what happen to shin hue and the bros.
Chapter 30: I love it ❤
Thank u 😊
jtsurfer #4
Chapter 30: Thanks for finishing this story. Will look forward to any epilogues. Thanks! :)
18 streak #5
Chapter 30: You already know I love this story & it was beautifully written ❤️
aishern #6
Chapter 30: Thakk u very much authorshi...
Chapter 30: Aww😭 I can't believe it this has finally came. I'll sure miss this story author-nim.😭 Now I think I'll stop dancing on top of tables🥲
Chapter 30: happy ending <3
Chapter 30: I don't expect this is the last chapter...coz still want to read jeti more🤭.
Thanks for ur jeti's story and for finished this story☺️
Chapter 30: Aaaa thank you for finishing it. It's my fav fanfic and I love it so much