I think we were meant to be together

I think we were meant to be together
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Three months later…


“Are you still asleep Fany?! Get up! You’re going to be late!” Taeyeon turns Tiffany’s lamp on.

Tiffany squints at her digital clock and sees that it was seven in the morning. She groans as she puts her arm across her eyes. “Damn it Tae, I hate this class! Not only is it boring as hell, it’s also way too early!” she complains.

“Don’t complain so loudly! Do you want to awaken your girl?”

Tiffany gasps, having momentarily forgotten that her girlfriend was sleeping right next to her. She checks on Jessica and sees that the older girl was still asleep.

The brunette smiles as she gazes lovingly at Jessica. She could never get tired of watching her girlfriend sleep; especially when Jessica was laying right next to her. How can someone look so adorable while they sleep? It always makes want to kiss her cute, y lips! “I’ll see you later, sweetie,” Tiffany whispers, settling for lightly kissing her girlfriend’s forehead.

Jessica’s eyes open slightly, and smiles when she sees her girlfriend. There’s nothing better than waking up to see the most beautiful girl in the world right next to me.

She then reaches out and wraps her arms around Tiffany, preventing the younger girl from leaving.

Tiffany couldn’t help smiling even bigger as she feels her girlfriend’s embrace. She was very tempted to skip her class and just stay in bed with Jessica; a problem she has had often, now that the couple sleeps together. “Sorry, I have to get ready for class.”

“Mmm.” Jessica responds by snuggling against the younger girl.

“Jessi, stop it!” whines Tiffany, feeling that temptation getting stronger. It was hard enough getting herself motivated to go to an early class, but she also had to leave her girlfriend’s loving embrace? 

Taeyeon sighs as she watches the couple for a brief moment before putting her books into her backpack. Seeing something like this would’ve been difficult for her to handle a few months ago, but now that some time has gone by, and now that she’s in a relationship, Taeyeon’s been able to accept that Jessica is in love with Tiffany.

Jessica and Tiffany were meant for each other, and Taeyeon wasn’t going to get in the way of that.




“Finally!” says Yuri, as Taeyeon and Tiffany entered her car and sat with Sunny in the backseat. Solar was sitting in the front, next to Yuri.

“It’s not my fault! Fany took forever getting out of bed again!” accuses Taeyeon, frowning at her best friend.

Solar turns and smirks at the newcomers. “Let me guess. Jess was in bed with her.”

Tiffany smiles brightly in response. “Of course! We always sleep together now.”

“While being ?” Yuri smiles at the thought as she starts driving her car. I sure wouldn’t mind seeing Jess without any clothes on! She’s got some really nice curves!

Tiffany searches her backpack for a snack bar. “No, unfortunately, not this time. Having Tae in the room kind of ruins that.”

Taeyeon puts her seatbelt on, and then grins innocently at Tiffany. “What do you mean I ruin it? I’ve told you that I don’t mind seeing you and Jess , didn’t I?”

“That’s exactly why we’re not doing that with you around! We don’t want a leering at us while we’re sleeping !” Tiffany informs her short friend.

“Well, if you ever change your mind, just know that I’ll be ok with it,” assures Taeyeon, with a dorky grin.

Tiffany finds her snack bar and unwraps it. “I don’t think Irene is going to like hearing you say that!”

“Speaking of being , those two didn’t even bother putting their clothes on when I went to Yul’s dorm! They opened the door completely !” complains Sunny, pointing accusingly at Yuri and Solar.

Yuri looks at Sunny with her rearview mirror. “Don’t blame us! I told you to arrive at 7:15!”

“I did! Don’t you remember me yelling, ‘open the door Yul, its 7:15’?!”

Yuri turns her attention back to the road. “Oh, yeah, I guess you did. Solar and I were probably still ing at that time.”

“Yes, we definitely were,” confirms Solar, smiling at Yuri.

“How did you like it, babe?”

Solar just giggles in response.

“That’s the reaction of someone who’s ually satisfied,” Yuri tells her friends proudly.

Taeyeon rolls her eyes. “Thanks for telling us.”

“Maybe she was laughing at how bad you were in bed, and was too polite to say it directly,” Tiffany explains, as she takes a bite of her snack bar.

“No way! Solar has told me many times that no one has satisfied her as much as I have!” responds Yuri.

Solar’s eyes widen, and then she smacks Yuri’s shoulder hard. “Don’t say things like that!”

“Ow! But it’s true, isn’t it?” protests Yuri.

Solar frowns as she crosses her arms. “Maybe, but some things should not be shared in front of other people!”

“This whole relationship thing can be really tough! Having to remember stuff, being careful about what to say,” grumbles Yuri as she parks her car along the street of the University District. “It used to be so much easier when I could just leave the girl after !”

Taeyeon widens her eyes.

Tiffany groans. “Oh no… you did not just say that out loud.”

Solar stares at Yuri in disbelief. “Excuse me?”

Yuri’s eyes widen as she realizes what she said. “! I mean, I didn’t mean it like that! I was just saying it used to be easier when… uh…”

“Keep talking, Yul! What were you going to say?” Sunny asks mischievously.

Solar was staring coldly at Yuri. “Yes, Yuri. Continue.”

Yuri checks the time on her phone. “Whoa! It looks like I’m about to be late for class! See you guys later!” She hastily gets out of her car and starts running towards the university.

Solar steps out of the car and watches her girlfriend run away. “Really?! Do you really think that’s going to solve your problem?!” she yells.

Sunny couldn’t help laughing. “Wow, I haven’t seen Yul run so fast before!”

Tiffany looks over at her best friend. “I strongly suggest that you don’t do the same thing when Rene gets mad at you,” she advises teasingly.

“Don’t worry, I try to do everything the opposite of whatever Yul does!” Taeyeon answers, grinning.




Later that afternoon, after their classes were done for the day, Tiffany and Taeyeon were walking to a café together to meet Jessica. 

“Irene still won’t talk to me,” Taeyeon tells her best friend, sighing.

Tiffany readjusts her ponytail. “Did you try apologizing to her?”

“Of course I did, but it didn’t work.”

“What do you mean it didn’t work? Were you insincere about it?” Tiffany pulls a bottle of water out of her backpack and takes a drink from it.

“No, she wanted to know why I was apologizing. I thought she was upset because I had been insensitive with her yesterday, but she said it went beyond that.”

“That sure doesn’t sound good. And you don’t know what she meant by that?”

Taeyeon runs her hand through her hair. “Not really. What do you think it could be? She won’t tell me, because she said if I don’t know about it, then I have a problem!”

Even though Tiffany felt bad for her best friend, she couldn’t help smiling a little bit. Tae is really smart, but she sure can be dense about some things; especially romance. “You have to remember that different girls have different ways of communicating. I know that I’ve been spoiling you by being so upfront about everything, but girls like Jess and Irene rely more on subtle clues to communicate with their partners, so you have to look out for those.”

Taeyeon groans. “I’ve been dating her for a month already, and I’m still having a hard time picking up on her subtle clues! I’m terrible at this!”

“Irene’s the first girl you’ve ever dated, so you’re obviously going to be making a lot of mistakes. It’s completely normal! Though in your case, you’re making more mistakes than I expected. I don’t know if there’s much hope for you,” teases Tiffany.

Taeyeon frowns at her. “Go ahead, make fun of my incompetence!”

Tiffany laughs as she puts her arm around the short girl’s shoulders. “Don’t worry, your best friend is very knowledgeable about relationships, so you’ll be fine! You and Rene will be back on good terms very soon, as long as you take my expert advice.”

“Then help me solve my problem instead of making fun of me!”

“Damn, girl, and I thought I was impatient!”

“You are! It’s just that this problem has been driving me crazy the last few days!” explains Taeyeon.

Tiffany smiles knowingly. “Welcome to the world of relationships.”




Jessica checks the time on her phone, and then stands up from her seat at a library table. “Alright Yoong, I have to go. I’m meeting my honey at a café.”

Yoona couldn’t help grinning with amusement as she also stands up. “Your honey? It still sounds kind of weird having someone call Tiff things like that!”

Jessica frowns at the younger girl. “You’ll understand when you get into a relationship!”

Hearing the word ‘relationship’, Yoona suddenly feels a little nervous as she was reminded about what she’s wanted to say for the past couple of weeks. I have to ask her now! I can’t let fear keep making me put it off! “Yeah… about that…”

Jessica sees the hesitation in her friend’s eyes. “Is something wrong?” she asks curiously, wondering what caused the sudden change in mood.

Yoona fidgets with her phone, trying to determine the best way to ask. “Come on, I’ll walk you to the café.”

“Alright.” Jessica gives her another curious glance before they start walking towards the University District together. I wonder what’s bothering her? She seemed completely fine just a minute ago.

After they had walked in silence for a few minutes, Jessica sees that her younger companion seemed to be debating something internally.

“Just tell me what it is,” Jessica insists.

“Ok,” Yoona answers doubtfully. “But don’t tell anyone about this, and promise me that you won’t make fun of me!”

“I can only promise you the first part,” teases Jessica.

Yoona takes a deep breath, and then exhales. Alright, here it goes! “Is… um… Krystal seeing anyone?”

Jessica stares at her in surprise. “Why, are you interested?”

Yoona nods, smiling nervously.

The older girl gasps. “I knew it! I knew there was something to those times when you asked me about her, and the way you’ve been talking to her!”

Yoona’s eyes widened, panicking a little bit. “Was I that obvious?”

“I’m much more observant than the average person, so I doubt your friends noticed.”

That was hardly reassuring for Yoona. “But what about Krystal? Did she say anything about that?”

Jessica smiles slyly in response. “Let’s just say she’s not seeing anyone.”

“So then, could I… have her number?” Yoona asks tentatively.

“Why don’t we find out?” Jessica pulls her phone out of her coat pocket and calls Krystal, putting the call on speaker.

Yoona panics even more when she sees what her friend was doing. “No! Wait!”

“Hi unnie!” Krystal answers cheerfully.

Yoona’s hands start to sweat when she hears Krystal’s voice. I’m not ready for this! How can you do this to me, Jess?!

“Hey Krys! What are you doing?” Jessica replies.

“Nothing. I’m just watching TV right now. What about you? Oh wait, you’re probably with Tiff.” Krystal changes the channel.

“Not yet, but I will be soon. However, I am with someone else, and she’s very interested in talking to you,” answers Jessica.

“Oh rea

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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 30: This is beautiful, thanks author nim for finishing this story :)
Hellboy97 #2
Chapter 30: WTFISH?! LETTUCETOMATO-nim! YOUR WRITING IS EXCELENT 😭 I really love the part where Jess directly reject tiff going to the bookstore so much. It gave me a right amount of angst that I've been looking in a story. Gashhhhhhh can't believe I just found this story yesterday. This is real gold, though I would like to know what happen to shin hue and the bros.
Chapter 30: I love it ❤
Thank u 😊
jtsurfer #4
Chapter 30: Thanks for finishing this story. Will look forward to any epilogues. Thanks! :)
18 streak #5
Chapter 30: You already know I love this story & it was beautifully written ❤️
aishern #6
Chapter 30: Thakk u very much authorshi...
Chapter 30: Aww😭 I can't believe it this has finally came. I'll sure miss this story author-nim.😭 Now I think I'll stop dancing on top of tables🥲
Chapter 30: happy ending <3
Chapter 30: I don't expect this is the last chapter...coz still want to read jeti more🤭.
Thanks for ur jeti's story and for finished this story☺️
Chapter 30: Aaaa thank you for finishing it. It's my fav fanfic and I love it so much