
Dating Class

 Lip loved her best friend, she really did. But her talking her ears off about this girl she had met in class while the brunette was still trying to process everything that had happened earlier, was not appreciated at all. It's not like she was listening anyway, she was just staring off into space, not really thinking about anything. She felt empty.

  That, of course, didn't go unnoticed by her best friend. Chuu tilted her head slightly, eyeing the brunette, and sighed when she finally connected the dots together arrived at the conclusion that her best friend's sadness has to do with her good for nothing, douche bag of a boyfriend.

  "What did he do this time?" 

   "N-nothing... He just needs a break..." she trailed off, not even believed her own words.

   "Why do you keep going back to him, Lip? He's toxic, and there are much better people than him," she said softly, grasping her friend's hands across the table.

  "I love him, Chuu."

  "You don't." the red-haired barely fought back an eye roll.

   "I- what?"

   "You don't love him. You're just scared to be lonely." 

   She hated how true her best friend's words were. She hated how she could never admit it to herself. 

   "What are you saying i-"

  "You need to forget about him- at least for a while." Chuu paused for a second, rummaging through her bag and holding out a paper for her friend to see. "You need something like this!"

   "What is this...?" she looked over, scanning the paper. 

   "Let's take this dating class together! You need to meet new people, Lip. Make some friends and maybe, just maybe, more than friends." Chuu winked, causing the girl to slightly cringe.

   "I don't need a class to date-"

   "I'm not saying you have to date someone there, Lip." chuu rolled her eyes.

  Lip scanned the paper again, sighing to herself. She knew once her stubborn friend wanted something, she would never take no for an answer.

  "I have to go." 


 "Laundry room."


  Holding the phone in her hands, scrolling down their group chat, she almost dropped at the sight of a picture her boyfriend sent. It was a picture of him smiling gently while holding- a girl's hand?!

   Her vision became blurry, but she decided she should take her friend's advice and stop keeping up with him. And so her finger lingered before the "quit chat" option for a few seconds, debating whether or not she should do it. But a loud beeping noise coming from one of the machines pulled her out of her trance, startling her and accidentally causing her to press the quit button. She smiled sadly but sighed in relief. She wouldn't have been able to do it anyway. She could've wasted her time debating on whether she should do it or not. Maybe she should've talked to him? Maybe it wasn't what she thought it was? The brunette knew deep down that it was exactly what she thought it was. He was about to kiss his coworker for 's sake.

   After a while of fidgeting with the clothes and almost dropping the bag (blame her shaky hands), she finally managed to finish gathering her clothes. Just as she was about to shut the laundry machine, a tap on her shoulder startled her, causing her to almost drop the bag.

  "Excuse me..." Lip looked up at the owner of the voice. Tall, blonde and gorgeous. She looked older than her though, must be a senior.

  "This is the sophomore's laundry room, what the hell are you doing here?" she didn't mean to sound harsh but she was just caught off guard. Definitely not blushing because the blonde was pretty and was practically invading her personal space, no. She was straight anyway.

  "Umm no? This is clearly the senior's laundry room." The blonde furrowed her eyebrows adorably.

  "Senior's laundry room is downstairs!"

  "This is downstairs."

   Lip was confused, she scanned the room carefully, eyes landing on the sign that says "Senior"Her eyes widened almost popping out of their sockets, jaw dropping to the floor. She let out a surprised yelp, quickly grasping her bag tightly and dashing out of the room, but was stopped with the man that grasped her wrist.

  " ​​What now?" she groaned.

  "The clothes in your bag... They're mine." The blonde spoke softly, trying not to further embarrass the shorter girl but it was useless, Lip's face, ears, neck were as red as her oversized sweater.

   She screamed once again, dropping the bag and immediately picking it up again. The blonde furrowed her eyebrows again, and if the younger girl wasn't trying desperately to escape her current situation, she would've melted at the shape her brows formed.

   "I'm sorry!" she quickly apologized, filling the blonde's basket with her clothes and rushing the other machine taking her own clothes and stuffing them in the bag. She ran out of the room, not even bothering to shut the machine. 

​​ "​​​​Wait! My..." but she was already out of the blonde's sight. "My shorts..."



  "And did I tell you about her bunny teeth? Oh my God her-" this was the nth time of Chuu talking Lip's ears off about that one girl, but this time it was interrupted with Lip's shriek of surprise, and the pair of shorts thrown at the red-haired girl's face. Bulleye shot 

  "Ow what the hell- Ew when did you buy these, Lippie? They're ugly!" she eyed the shorts in disgust. "Seriously? Freaking lemons? ​​​​​​" 

  "They're not mine, Chuu! Oh my God, I ed up really bad..." she buried her face in her hands, groaning.

   "Huh? Then who's..." she cut her own words off, eyes widening. "Don't tell me you hooked up with a girl!"

  Lip threw a pillow at her in a weak attempt to shut her friend off. "Chuu no!" she groaned. "I accidentally picked them up from the laundry room..."

  "Then give them back!" the shorter girl stated matter of factly, earning a glare from her roommate. "You're not actually planning on throwing them away, are you?" 

  "Well yes! I don't even remember the owner for 's sake!" she groaned again, letting her body fall back on the bed. She did remember her, she was just too embarrassed. She can't really just go look for her and give them back saying "hey i accidentally stole your shorts. I hope that's okay with you".

   "Just keep them until their owner shows up." and here goes the annoying smirk Lip always wants to smack off her best friend's face.

   Later that night, Lip gathered her courage and told Chuu about the laundry room's event. Chuu could only let out loud cackles and choke out incoherent words between loud laughs. After what felt like hours of laughing, and lip groaning in annoyance and embarrassment, Chuu finally spoke up.

  "hey lippie?" she whispered tiredly.


  "That was the funniest ever."

  "Shut up."

  "I love you too."


  Lip had this feeling that this class wasn't exactly what she thought it would be, judging from her roommate's mischievous grin as she practically dragged her all the way to where the said class was.

  "This class seems a bit... Weird?" she whispered to her friend to avoid offending anyone as she took the seat at the very front of the room next to her.

  "It seems fine to me." she shrugged once again. Her eyes drifted towards the door, where a short-haired girl had just walked in. She was pretty, chuu had to admit, and so she let out a quiet whistle, eyeing her up and down.

  "Woah so pretty..." lip breathed out.

   "I know right? Bet it's expensive too." 


   "You're talking about her loona merch... Right?" Lip facepalmed at her friend's words. The girl was obsessed with this girl group that had debuted last year. She honestly thought 'Loona' was one person, but when Chuu showed her their latest music video, it turns out they were a whole group of these es.

  The door opened once again, and lip felt her whole world turned upside down. .

  Quickly, trying to hide, she slammed her head on the table making a loud bang noise. She groaned in pain but quickly hid again once she noticed the blonde, along with other students eyeing her weirdly.

  "What the hell Lip? Do you know her or something?" 

  "Chuu! It's the girl from the laundry room!" she whispered. 

  "Oh my! You mean lemon shorts girl? Damn, she's ho-Ow!" lip pinched her friend's thigh. Hard. And it seemed to work because the red-haired girl instantly lowered her voice.

  Before they could anything more, the professor came out of nowhere, clapping loudly to get the class' attention. The brunette has never felt so thankful to see a professor.

  "Good afternoon, class. Today is the day we officially begin this dating class!" Me. Wong glanced at the class briefly before continuing. "Remember, the whole purpose of this class is to make everyone understand that dating doesn't have to be the stereotypical girl-boy kind and to open your eyes to the endless possibilities of who to date and how to do it." the class hummed in understanding. "Let's choose your partners now!"

  Wait what? 

   "You didn't tell me this class was about...this ​​​​​!" lip hissed, threatening to punch her roommate.

  "Chill, lip. I'm sure it was written in the paper I gave you." she smiled innocently. "What about it, anyway? It's gonna be fun!"

  "I'm straight." 

   Chuu rolled her eyes so hard that they almost got stuck. "... As a circle, yes."



  "Seo... Changbin?" the blond boy frowned. Chuu recognized him as the boy who signed up in this class to get more sleep time. Stupid. "Sir, I think there's a mistake, I got a man. Can I try again?" 

  Mr. Wong raised his eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest intimidatingly. "I'm sorry but this is a gays' only event, in case you didn't hear a word I said."

  The whole class snickered at the professor's savage retort, Chuu looked back to see the brunette from last time smiling in amusement, she noticed her staring and waved kindly at her. She waved back shyly.

  The boy looked down before mumbling a quiet apology and introducing himself briefly before calling out his partner.



  "Jo Haseul, senior,  communication studies major. I'll try to enjoy this class." the short-haired girl from introduced herself, before looking down at the piece of paper in her hand. "Wong Vivi-nim?"

  "I'm Wong Vivi, senior sculpture major. I heard a lot about this class before I came to this school so I decided to see for myself." the orange-haired girl with adorable bangs finished, looking around the class for any questions, not like she was going to answer them anyway.

  "Her Korean is good." chuu whispered.

  "Where did she come from?" lip asked, seemingly interested.

  "Hong Kong. She's the hottest in their department but she's cold. Her juniors are afraid to talk to her." chuu explained.

  "She does look a bit intimidating..." 



  "Hello, I'm Yves and no, I'm not French. I'm a senior, business major. I've always wanted to take this class and I finally got to do it!" Chuu stared at the older girl lovingly and nudged Lip who finally understood why she had heart eyes on.

  "She's cute." lip whispered, smiling as her friend's smile widened.

  "Well let's see... Kim Chuu?" the brunette scanned the room looking for her partner. Chuu gasped dramatically, putting her hands Iver her chest for more emphasize, looking at Lip for confirmation.

  "Did she... Did she actually call my name?!" lip nodded, smirking. "Ah yes!" she pumped her fist in the air. 

  Yves smiled warmly at the cute act in front of her, making sure to whisper a small "hey there" when she passed by the girl.

  "Hello everyone!! I'm 20 year old computer science major Kim Chuu! I hope we can all be friends and have fun!" chuu said with her naturally loud, cute voice and natural aegyo, earning a few aww's here and there.



   "Helloo my name is Choerry and I  absolutely love this class oh my god."  the purple haired freshman squealed excitedly. Woah. Lip has never seen someone that energetic before. Her smile was wide it literally lightened up the whole class.



 "Hello, my name is Jung Jinsoul, senior, chemistry major." lip tried hard to hide her face but made sure to peek at the blonde. She was pretty, like extremely pretty. Her smile was enough to melt the brunette's heart.

  "Kim Lip?" lip was about to faint because holy . She was her partner.

  "Lippie!! Lemon shorts girl is your partner!!!" chuu exclaimed loudly, way too loudly for her liking. She was sure jinsoul heard her already.

  She had to get out of this situation somehow. She quickly grabbed her bag and left, bowing at the professor on her way out. Coward move, but she has to at least think about this whole thing.

  She carefully slid to the floor, hugging her knees and groaning in frustration. Why was life always mean to her?

  The blonde probably thought she was a weirdo, a now a coward too.

  She might've been spacing out for a long time because she hadn't noticed a person standing awkwardly before her until they cleared their throat,  getting her attention successfully.

  "Hey... Lip was it?" she softly, too softly and lip had the urge to hug her because damn she was just too...soft. " I asked the professor to switch partners because y-you kinda looked like you saw a ghost and-" 

  Lip quickly cut her rambling off. "I'll do it." it came out way too fast, without giving her the time to process her words. 


  Lip cleared . It was about time she stopped being a coward and just accepted the situation. "I'll be your partner, Jinsoul."

   Jinsoul was at a loss for words. She truly didn't expect that. But she gave the younger girl a small smile and offered her hand, said girl accepting it and getting up.

  "Can I walk you back to your dorm?" Lip wanted to say no, she wanted to run away from the girl, but she didn't. Not with the look the senior was giving her. And so she smiled accepting the offer.


  "So..." Jinsoul began, fidgeting with her fingers nervously. Lip looked up, waiting for the older girl to talk. "Why were you avoiding me, Kim Lip?" she finally built the courage to ask. The way she said her name gave her this weird not-so-straight feeling fluttering feeling in her stomach.

  The shorter girl visibly tensed, not expecting the blonde to ask that question.

  "It's... You..." she was desperately searching for words but all she could do was let out a small whimper.

  Jinsoul's eyebrows furrowed. "I'm what? Am i that terrible for you?" the sadness in her voice was very audible and Lip couldn't let her get the wrong idea. No. The older girl was too pure for this world, and she actually thinks the younger hates her or something. She can't, she just can't. Who could hate this angel?

   And so she finally admitted it, blushing madly.

  "I'm the girl from the laundry room, sunbae." her voice was barely loud enough for the older girl to hear, but she managed to catch it.

  "Oh?" jinsoul frowned in confusion. A part of the brunette felt relieved she didn't remember her. But another part felt a bit disappointed.  "Ohh." and then it clicked. Nevermind. "You!" she pointed an accusing finger at her partner. "You have my precious, cute lemon shorts, don't you?!" her tone was obviously playful but it didn't help ease the younger's nerves at all. She felt like dying from embarrassment.

  "Oh my god..." lip punched her shoulder weakly trying to shut her up, earning a cute giggle from the blonde.

  ​​​​​Maybe being partners with laundry room girl wasn't as bad as she thought



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Chapter 2: awww lip is such a cutie.. and chuuves seems to progressing nicely
Chapter 1: lip's boyfriend is such a jeerk ugh. pls let lippie happy :')
KTKJ05 #3
Chapter 2: I love it already.
Chapter 2: you did well bbgirl
Chapter 1: Cant wait for next chapter. I loved the Web-Drama!~
Chapter 1: From the first chapter i already know that it is going to be exciting
Anjela17 #7
I'm so excited ?