
Dating Class

 a/n: warning: This chapter is unedited. 

      "Is there something you've dreamed of for a long time?" Yves asked.

   They were currently doing the first assignment that was basically just them asking each other questions. Chuu thought for a second before looking up at the goddess across her. 

   "Yes," she answered.

   The dark-haired senior tilted her head, confused, the cute action causing Chuu to have a mini heart attack.  "Is there a reason why you haven't done it yet?"




      ​​​​​​ As chuu was about to open the door, a certain dark-haired goddess beat her to it, holding the door open for her with a charming smile. The red-haired couldn't be more in love.

    She tried to get in, but the space that the tall girl had offered was small trapping her between the taller girl's arms. She looked up slowly, eyes getting lost in the warm brown orbs before her. Her eyes flicked down to her rosy lips. They looked so soft and full and she found herself wondering what it felt like to kiss them. It was only at that moment did she notice their owner inching closer, so close that she could feel her warm breath on her lips. 

    "The kind of fateful love seen in movies or tv shows. I'm waiting for that kind of love."

   Their lips were too close, they were almost touching- ah chuu! 



   "I'm telling you, she's totally in love with me!"

   "Just because she held the door open for you? I'm sorry but I think she was just being kind." 

     "What? No!" Chuu crossed her arms in a defensive manner. "Come on Lip, she even called me cute the first time she saw me!"

    Lip snorted. "When did you become one with a key ring? I remember you said she complimented your key ring and not you." She giggled at her friend's adorable sad face, with an adorable pout. She couldn't help but squeeze her friend's cheek.

   "Oh! There's something else..."

    The red-haired for groaned in frustration. She was trying to catch a glimpse of the club (totally because she was interested. Not because of a certain goddess. No.) but her short height didn't allow her to see much. She was startled by the sound of the door opening and shutting, and suddenly she was face to face with the girl that has been invading her thoughts since she first saw her. 

   "Oh! Hi Chuu!" she waved cutely, giving her one of the best smiles she's ever seen. 

   "Unnie, hi." she looked down shyly, avoiding the brown eyes that take her breath away every time they lock eyes.

   "What are you doing here?" she tilted her head, the same action that always melts Chuu's heart.

   "I'm just curious about the club over there..." she smiled nervously.

   "Huh?" Yves looked at the direction and back at Chuu. And back in that direction. She was there a few seconds ago but... Oh?

    "Stop looking like that!" the shorter girl hit her arm weakly, playfully glaring at hercute, Yves thought.


   "Wow, so you went there stalking the pretty club leader. Interesting." Lip hummed, stuffing her face with food.

   "No! I totally went there because I was curious about the club! Genuine curiosity." her roommate scoffed in annoyance, her face turning a light shade of red.

   "Yeah sure..." 


  "Hey, Kim Lip..." she turned to look at her half-asleep roommate. "What about this, then."

   "What..." lip groaned.


       "The girl from the dance team?" Heejin asked, getting a nod in response.

​​​      "Huh? Isn't that the girl from the convenience store?" Hyunjin, who had her arms around Heejin's shoulder pulling her close, asked puzzled.

       "Nah, this is a different girl. This is the first time I'm telling you about her." the red-haired smiled at the thought of her Yves. "She's seriously the most beautiful girl I've ever seen..." she sighed.

    "You told us about many girls, I'm confused." Hyunjin pouted, earning a kiss on the cheek from her girlfriend.

    "Disgusting." Chuu fake gagged.

     "Ah, at least we're loyal." Heejin fired back, earning a few snickers from their friends. 

     "What will you have, Chuu unnie?" Olivia asked.

​​​​​     "Strawberry smoothie. Anyways! Yves unnie is soo pretty. She looks like Sunmi and that's so attractive!" as if on cue, a deep voice pulled Chuu out of her daydream.

    "Chuu, hi! We meet again!" she waved at her, before looking at her friends and waving, offering them a kind and friendly smile. 

    Chuu stood up, almost squealing in excitement upon seeing Yves. "Yves unnie!"

   "Whipped," Gowon mumbled before giggling along with Olivia.


     "And then she paid for all of our drinks! Oh! And guess what she said!" 

    "What?" Lip groaned again, sad about her precious sleep being taken away from her because of her whipped roommate. It was exactly 10:05 pm. It was way past her bedtime. Five minutes of lost sleep. Why was the world so cruel?

    "She said in the most charming voice ever- and a strawberry smoothie for you? Oh my God!!" She squealed excitedly. She looked up at Lip again, frowning. "Hey, Kim Lip! Are you even listening?"

   "I'm sleepy..." the brunette yawned.

    "I mean, how many people go to our university? Yet we keep bumping into each other. It must be fate..." she trailed off. "Oh my God, Lippie! We're totally meant for each other!" she squealed again. 

    "Go to sleep, Chuu." she groaned, burying her head under the pillow.



    "Hey, what about the girl from the convenience store? Didn't you say you dating or something?" the brunette asked curiously.

   "Gyuri? We broke up," she answered nonchalantly like it was no big deal to her.

     "Huh? Didn't you get along well?" lip was confused.

     Chuu shrugged. "There's this Jisun girl wouldn't leave us alone. They're dating now. And her style wasn't that great." Gyuri was a good girl, and chuu did like her, but she quickly lost interest after they broke up. It didn't even affect her that much now that she thinks about it.

    Lip could only smile in amusement at how quick her best friend got over someone she really liked. 

     "Anyways, I'll get going now. Enjoy your date with lemon shorts girl!"

     "Pfft, date?" lip snorted. "It's just homework for me. Besides, I'm straight." chuu rolled her eyes. "What was it again? I was sorta out of it that day..." the brunette scratched her neck nervously.

     "10,000 step date. Didn't she say she'd plan everything?" the red-haired asked, tying her shoelace. Lip nodded.

      "Wear something nice, okay?" chuu sighed, as if in deep thought. "I'll even let you borrow my heels for this special occasion!"  She pointed to her favorite pair that she had recently bought. Lip had always wanted to try them on but never found the opportunity to do so, she wasn't really into parties, unlike her best friend. 

    The brunette waved, thinking that her roommate was done, but unsurprisingly the latter made sure to add one last annoying remark before she left. 

     "Give her shorts back! And tell her I don't like them!" chuu blew her a kiss, quickly slamming the door shut before the pillow Lip had shot her way could hit her.




     Lip looked down at her best friend's heels, loving how they felt in her feet while she moved them back and forth. After a while of rummaging through her closet, she finally settled on a nice red dress that hugged her figure nicely.

     She heard footsteps approaching the bench she was sat at and looked up with a shy smile only to have it slide off her face once she took in the blonde's appearance. 

    Jinsoul was wearing a hiking outfit. Like a real hiking outfit. Boots, backpack and all. With adorable blue hat hanging from her blue backpack. What the hell?

  "I've found a good aquarium just a few miles from campus, and since it's 10,000 steps, I thought we'd take a long way there!" 

    "Oh... Thank you" the brunette mumbled.

     "You really got prepared for this walk huh?" she asked.

    "Of course! Professor Wong worked hard on these missions," Jinsoul smiled brightly. "'While walking together, find out about each other's appeal.' You know there's published research that..." the blonde's words were drowned out by Lip's thoughts.

    She had to change her shoes because she didn't feel like walking 10,000 steps with heels. 

   "Sunbaenim... Sorry but I need to change my shoes, " Jinsoul stopped mid-sentence,  looking down at the brunette's heels and frowning. 

   "Oh... Sure, go ahead." she offered her one last smiled before the shorter girl ran back to her room, leaving the blonde to stretch while she waited for her.




    "Nice weather!" chuu exclaimed happily, earning a soft giggle from the taller girl.

    "I know, right."

     They were on a twin bike happily pedaling together, Yves doing most of the work. The weather was perfect outside, the gentle breeze swaying their long hairs softly.

      "Hey, are you even pedaling?" she turned quickly to look at the small girl behind her, who was giggling and making all sorts of cute noises. "You'll get nowhere near 10,000 with that pace." The red-haired giggled once again before she went back to pedaling, but quickly got distracted. 


      "Here, " the older girl handed Chuu the strawberry flavored soda can that she'd opened for her, as they sat under the cherry blossoms enjoying the beautiful view. "Cheers!" 

    "Cheers!" chuu laughed cutely at the playful action, before frowning slightly. "This is my first time picnicking at Hangang. I'm so moved."

    "Really? You never went with your friends?" Yves asked curiously. The younger girl had lots of friends and looked like someone who would go out often, yet she never went picnicking at Hangang. 

    "No. I saved my first time to come with a girl I like, " she didn't miss the way chuu's ears and cheeks reddened. She found everything about the shorter girl cute, especially her cheeks. She wanted nothing more than to kiss them. "I also wanted to try the twin bike..." the way she looked at the dark-haired girl with stars in her eyes really did something to her heart and it made her scared, scared to fall hard again only to end up with a broken heart again. 

    "I'll teach you how to ride a bike next time, " she offered, smiling gently.

    "N-next time?" Chuu felt her face heating up again, she could only hope the older girl didn't notice. Next time? There's gonna be a next time?? Is she asking me out for a second date??? Before she could embarrass herself anymore,  she quickly added a flirtatious comment, with little confidence she had left. "Actually, I prefer the twin bike." 

     "I'm sure you do." Yves thankfully chose against replying with an equally flirtatious comment but opted on replying with a sarcastic one.



    Lip was already out of breath, she tried really hard to catch up with the blonde. She had changed into an oversized red hoodie, black leggings, and a black converse.  Not the best outfit for hiking because well, she came to college to study, not to hike. 

    "You don't exercise often do you?" the blonde asked, looking at the girl in the back. "You're so slow," she smirked.

     "Well not everyone has these long legs of yours!" lip scoffed, annoyed at the arrogant blonde. "Can we... Please... Take a break...?

     Jinsoul stared at the brunette for a good while, the poor girl was so out of breath, she looked like she'd collapse any moment now. The blonde sighed, giving in. " Okay." She knelt down meeting her level, smiling. "How does shaved ice sound?" 

     Lip looked up at the beautiful blonde, studying her face for a moment, then nodded. 


    "You said you were fine with anything so I ordered the most popular on the menu, is that okay?" The blonde asked as she set the plate with their order down after a while of looking for her partner who had changed tables for some reason. Lip nodded, seemingly distracted. Jinsoul followed her eyes, landing on a group of girls sat a few tables away from them. "Lip? Is there something wrong? Is that why you changed tables?"

    The brunette finally snapped her eyes back to her partner. "I'm fine... They're just... A group of seniors who keep asking for my time table."

    Jinsoul's brows furrowed in the same adorable way that melts Lip's heart every time. "Why would they want your schedule?"

    "To set up a meeting. You know, they're a lot more experienced and their juniors always seek advice from them and well... I get anxious talking to strangers, " the brunette mumbled the last part quietly jinsoul almost didn't catch it. Her face was red from the embarrassment of having admitted her fears out loud, it was nothing to be embarrassed about though. Jinsoul made sure to reassure her by gently squeezing her hand over the table.

    "Hey, it's okay you don't have to be so embarrassed." the blonde offered a gentle smile, successfully grabbing the brunette's attention. "Besides, I'm a senior as well and can give you whatever advice you want!" she offered with a warm genuine smile, warm brown eyes turning into crescents. 

      Lip tried hard not to blush, the warm feeling of the Jinsoul's soft hand brushing against hers still lingering. She didn't know why she was getting these feelings, why her heart was fluttering and face reddening whenever the blonde smiled at her. She didn't want to look like a fool so she offered back a shy smile, mumbling. "Thank you, Jinsoul sunbaenim... I really appreciate it."

    Jinsoul smiled one last time, letting out a small gasp after. "The ice cream is going to melt!" 

   Right. The ice cream. And the rest of their order. Lip's jaw dropped as she observed what the older girl had ordered. It was a lot. Too much for two people. And everything on the plate was expensive, Jinsoul really spoiled her huh?

    "You ordered too many!"

    "Well, you need energy."

    "You really didn't have to, Sunbae..." jinsoul shook her head, dismissing her words. "Dinner's on me, alright?" Before Jinsoul could protest, she added. "I won't take no for an answer." Jinsoul sighed in defeat.

      Lip was about to start eating when she noticed the rice cake. Her heart sank as memories flooded her mind. Jinsoul noticed.

     "What's wrong?"

     "I don't like rice cake"


      The brunette's mind wandered off, to the painful memories. To when their relationship was healthy. To when he used to treat her like a princess. They used to cook together at his place and he would feed her, asking if she enjoyed the rice cake. She would smile and nod, complementing his skills. 

       "You must really hate rice cake. You've been glaring at it for 10 minutes already..." Jinsoul pouted. After receiving no response from the younger girl, she took the liberty to take a huge bite and hum in satisfaction, causing Lip's jaw to drop. "It's really good though... Here, try it. Maybe you'll change your mind." the blonde filled the spoon and aimed for Lip's mouth. 

     The brunette's eyes widened, face reddening. Is she seriously going to feed me?

     "Hurry up, my arms hurt." Lip slowly and carefully opened , allowing Jinsoul to feed her. After swallowing the food and almost choking because of the look the blonde was giving her; she was eyeing her lips as she chewed, biting her own in anticipation. She finally hummed in approval, about to speak but was cut off by another spoon waiting. She blushed, having no other choice but to open once again.

     It went on like that for a while until the rice cake was gone, with Jinsoul carefully feeding her and occasionally wiping off the crumbs that were stuck on the side of and Lip having a mini heart attack each time. 

     "I can use my own hands, you know." 

     Jinsoul shrugged. "You liked being fed by me though,"

      now that's not a lie, Lip thought.

       "You're not getting enough sleep these days."  Jinsoul stated, taking Lip by surprise.

      "Wha... How did you know?"

      "There are dark circles under your eyes. And your face looks a bit pale." Jinsoul frowned, genuinely worried about her partner. 

      Lip slowly touched her face, also frowning. "Does my face look that bad?" 

      "Yes," Jinsoul rested her chin atop her hands. "Maybe if you stanned Loona..."

      "Oh my god, not you too!" Lip groaned, remembering her roommate.

      "What? Loona is great." The blonde stated. "I'm also a Reveluv, you know?" she smiled at the memory of her second favorite group.

      "Whoa, really? I've never met a fellow Reveluv... Who's your bias?" It was then that the brunette really thought oh my god could this girl be any more perfect? She was just so full of surprises, good ones.

     "Yeri," she answered.

     "No way. My bias is Yeri too!" Jinsoul giggled at the cute brunette who got all excited just because they stanned the same group.

     She found her heart beating out of her chest as she spent more time with her. What exactly was she feeling? She didn't know. The fact that she looked so tiny and soft in her oversized hoodie only made it harder for her to breath.

     She also learned that the brunette really wanted to go to a Chungha but never found the chance to do so. She didn't have enough money to buy tickets, and even if she did, they always ended up getting sold out. Jinsoul felt heart break at the sight of Lip's sad eyes and sad smile.


    As they made their way side by side out, Jinsoul once again found herself a few steps ahead. She was about to tease Lip again but stopped upon hearing her yelp. She turned around to find the shorter girl on the floor.

     "I-- Oh my god are you okay?" she quickly scanned the clumsy girl's face, looking for any sort of damage. There were none. Except the small cut on her palm. "We need to get this cleaned, " Jinsoul helped Lip to her feet before she could protest, pulling her to the nearest bench and kneeling in front of her.

       As Jinsoul carefully treated her wound, she offered the girl her hand to grip it whenever it stung, Lip's heart-melting both at the kind gesture and the softness of Jinsoul's hand.

    "There, you should be more careful Lip-ah, " jinsoul playfully scolded.

    "Thank you, sunbae." 




     "Do you like polaroids?" chuu asked, as she admired the beautiful polaroids she'd taken with her partner. Yves hummed in response.

    After a while, Chuu decided to break the comfortable silence.

    "Unnie, do you like someone?" she asked suddenly.

     The dark-haired smiled, falling back to fully lay down on the blanket. "Yes."

     Chuu copied her action, laying beside the goddess. She looked at her, admiring her side profile. Her jawline was so sharp and the red-haired found herself wanting to get cut by it more than anything. After a while, she dared to ask, "Who?"

    Yves raised an eyebrow at the sudden question. "You're asking who?"

    Chuu shrugged. "Yes. What does she look like?"

   Yves sighed, smiling sadly. "She's cute."

    Chuu's ears perked up. "Cute?"

     The senior nodded, closing her eyes and remembering the girl on her mind.

     "She appears to be tough but is actually a huge softie. She is a Loona fangirl." Yves paused. "She also looks cold but is very warm and sweet, she's like a mom sometimes." she giggled, and Chuu being the lovesick puppy that she is, giggled along. She's totally talking about me.

    "Are you planning on confessing?" 

    Yves stared blankly at the girl beside her, having remembered her current state with the girl she liked. She sighed. "Who knows?"



     After the picnic, the couple stopped at a bench near the path they originally came from so Chuu could pet the dog that was sat there with their owners (and Yves) watching and smiling at the adorable girl. The taller girl was pulled out of her hypnotized state when she notices some idiot on a bike about to bump into the smaller girl. As if on instinct, she pulled her off her feet and into her arms. Chuu squealed,  putting her hands on Yves' chest as the older wrapped her own around her waist. She made the mistake of looking up at the taller girl, eyes trailing down to her lips once again. 

     The owner of the dog cleared awkwardly. 




       After a while of Jinsoul walking effortlessly and Lip struggling to catch up, they finally arrived at the aquarium. Lip didn't understand what was so special about fish, but Jinsoul was so into them. Her gaze softened at the sight of the blonde. Her eyes were sparkling, mouth opened in awe, letting out amused woah's whenever she passed by the different types of fish.

     She stopped suddenly, turning to grab Lip's wrist and drag her to the other side where the smaller fish were kept. The blonde finally stopped in front of a small plastic container filled with blue colored water, where two beautiful blue fishes with long tails were swimming gracefully.

      "They're pretty," Lip commented.

       "I know, right!" Jinsoul exclaimed excitedly. "They're called blue bettas."

       "That's a cool name," the brunette smiled.  "Are they male or female?" she asked curiously.


      "How did you know?"

       "They're smaller, and their color is darker than males," jinsoul explained. "Also you can't really put two males together," she added.

      "Why?" Lip asked, suddenly interested in the little blue creatures.

      "They would fight each other. Did you know that they can feel anger too?! That's why they're kept in this blue colored water, to reduce their agitation. And they put them in small space before they find it more comforting" 

       "You seem to know a lot about fish," the younger girl pointed out.

      "Yes! I really like marine life!"

     The way her eyes sparkled when she rambled about the fish,  the way she spoke slowly, voice slightly rising when she shared her knowledge about them, the way hand moved along, her big grin... Lip found herself unconsciously being pulled closer and closer toward the taller girl. The butterflies in her stomach, her heart that was pounding against her chest, her reddened face, what exactly was happening to her? She enjoyed the blonde's company more than she should have, she has never felt this way about a girl before. It was weird.

        Jinsoul noticed the brunette zoning out so she stopped her rambling, looking down embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I just--"

        Mesmerized by the blonde's beauty and not really thinking, Lip blurted out "You're cute." 


       It was too late to take it back, so the brunette repeated. "I said you're cute, Jinsoul."

       The blush that spread across Jinsoul's face made her look 20x times cuter, Lip wanted nothing more than to kiss them. Shut up, you're being weird. She scolded herself mentally. 

     "I- uh... Thanks..." Jinsoul mumbled.




     While the couple was peacefully making their way back from the picnic, Yves suddenly stopped making Chuu who was too busy admiring her back view to notice bump into her. The dark-haired too busy eyeing- glaring at something.

     "Unnie? Are you okay? What're you... Oh! Oh my God!" Chuu squealed, covering her eyes with both hands, peeking again, and squealing again.

     There, in the distance, were a couple making out. Haseul and Vivi making out. 

     Yves glared at the couple, not even bothering to hide the bitterness. She scoffed, storming off. She was already gone before Chuu could stop her or even address her.

    "What the hell was that...? Was she jealous because we didn't kiss but those edgy es did? Ahh, why didn't she just say so right away, " chuu scratched her neck, smiling sheepishly. She shrugged and jogged to her dorm.




         The rest of the date went on like that, with Jinsoul occasionally throwing random facts about random fish. Their date eventually came to an end and Jinsoul being the gentlewoman she was, offered to walk Lip back to her dorm.

       They finally arrived and the brunette turned to face her partner.

       "Thank you for today, Sunbae. I really enjoyed our date." 

       Jinsoul blushed at the mention of their "date". She smiled shyly and nodded. "Likewise."

      "Goodnight Kim Lip."

      "Goodnight Jung Jinsoul."




       "You did WHAT?!" Chuu gasped dramatically. 

        "You're so extra." lip rolled her eyes. She kind of expected this reaction from her best friend after she filled her in about her date.

        "Seriously, Lip. That was so gay." 

        Lip rolled her eyes once again. "Whatever."

       "Hey Kim Lip, I look totally tough on the outside right?" chuu asked hopefully.

      "You? Pfft, you look far from tough." the brunette snorted.

      "Well, what about me being a Loona fangirl? Totally unexpected, right?" there was still a small glint of hope in her tone, and lip hated to break it but she had to. She didn't even know why her friend was asking this all of a sudden.

     "Chuu, you wear a pink sweater that literally says 'girls don't want boys, girls want LOONA'." chuu's shoulders dropped. She pouted as she stared at the pictures from her date with Yves. If it wasn't her then who was it? Now that she thought about it, she didn't even have the mother-like personality that Yves had mentioned earlier. 

    "Darn it."




        "Oh, Yves unnie..." her words died right after they left . She followed Yves' gaze, towards Haseul. The short-haired girl was opening her small bag. Chuu eyed it carefully, finally noticing the small bird and swan stickers and the small green text that said "yvesoul". with Loona's ha sooyoung's signature. Chuu swore she could hear her heart shattering as realization hit her like a truck. "Oh..."




    "Aren't I just too quick to fall in love?"

   " Well, that might be the case. But I'm a little different." Chuu grinned. "Someone who falls in love quickly, and  falls out of it just as quick." 


​​sad drama music

alexa play where you at


A/n: i've been working on this chapter for two days nonstop lmao rip

thanks for reading!!!!


Also omg loonacon, haseul's birthday, loona's anniversary, red velvet's comeback. Too many happened in under a week im well fed ~

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Chapter 2: awww lip is such a cutie.. and chuuves seems to progressing nicely
Chapter 1: lip's boyfriend is such a jeerk ugh. pls let lippie happy :')
KTKJ05 #3
Chapter 2: I love it already.
Chapter 2: you did well bbgirl
Chapter 1: Cant wait for next chapter. I loved the Web-Drama!~
Chapter 1: From the first chapter i already know that it is going to be exciting
Anjela17 #7
I'm so excited ?