
Dating Class



As chuu skips excitedly to that one class she decided to take for fun, she couldn't help but wonder. How's Dating Class gonna be like? How are the students there? Would she meet the girl of her dreams there? Would she make friends? She wasn't really nervous, if anything she was beyond excited. She knew her natural charms were more than enough to help her blend in easily. Besides, she could always drag Lip, her best friend, with her if she does end up feeling overwhelmed. 

  Her thoughts were shut down when she accidentally bumped into someone, making her stumble backward. She shut her eyes tightly, anticipating the pain caused by the strong impact of when her hits the hard floor, that however never came. Instead, she felt strong but gentle arms grab her waist just in time. She slowly opened her eyes, ready to thank her savior, only to have her breath get caught in . Her savior was a girl, a very pretty one at that. Her crystal clear hazel eyes that looked to be literally sparkling showed pure concern, unlike Chuu's brown ones that showed adoration and they just screamed WIFE ME . Talk about love at first sight. She swore she even heard that Perfect Love song by her favOrite band playing somewhere.

  "Are you okay?" And her voice. Gosh, don't even get me started on her deep voice. I felt my knees go weak at the sound of her voice. Good thing she still has her arms wrapped around me in a firm embrace, which by the way makes my heart flutter-- Stupid Chuu she asked you a question! Stop making a fool out of yourself and answer!

    "I- Yeah! Thank you!" she couldn't help by squeal at the closeness of their faces, which seemed to snap the stranger out of her trance making her release her grip, and chuu instantly missed the feeling of her arms around her.

    "I missed the timing to go in..." the tall brunette scratched the back of her head nervously and chuu ready to burst all of her uwu's, but remembered they were for Lip. She's cute and all but no, those are Lippie and Lippie's only! "Are you new here?" 

    "Yes, I am!" (insert heejin's high note lol) 

   She turned to the door but just as she was about the push it open, the pretty stranger grasped her wrist gently.

  "Wait! You dropped this..." The red-haired girl glanced down at the extended palm, where her precious penguin key chain that her best friend got her on their anniversary lays. She gasped dramatically, snatching it out of her grasp, kissing it and shoving it in her pocket. 

  "Thank you! For saving my penguin! I couldn't afford losing it..." she exclaimed happily, earning a chuckle from the tall brunette. Her rabbit teeth made chuu's heart go yeehaw.

  "Cute keychain."

 oh my God. She thinks my keychain is cute! We're definitely meant to be!!


  "Wanna go in now?" Chuu nodded happily, a small hint of red tinted her cheeks.


  The class was filled with cute girls, but none of them met the previous girl's level of cuteness, Chuu thought.

  She sat comfortably on the first row, next to her friends Heejin and Hyunjin, and closest to the professor's desk. She needed to make a good impression on him!

  "Hey, Chuu unnie... You said this class is supposed to be fun!" Hyunjin protested. Heejin being the supportive girlfriend she is, nodded in agreement. "And professor Wong is a bit of a weirdo, right Heekki?" said girl nodded once again. "Look! People are already dropping out!" Hyunjin waved her arm around, motioning to the students that were already leaving.

​​​​​   "It's the gayest I could find okay?!" Heejin tried hard to stifle a laugh, so she wouldn't upset her girlfriend. "And it seems perfectly fine to me." she shot the tall goddess from earlier a quick glance and smiled to herself. 

​​​​​  "​​​Boys. Love. Relationships... It all seems perfect in dramas, movies, novels... Finding prince of your dreams, getting married and living happily ever after." The professor chuckled half-heartedly.

  Before he could say anything more, Hyunjin slung her backpack over her shoulders and grabbed Heejin before getting up from their seats. 

  "I'm not about to get lectured about boys. Bye unnie! See you at lunch!" She said hurriedly before dragging heejin and leaving the room. The professor glanced at Chuu, who shrugged her shoulders and shifted her attention back to him.

   "As I was saying, dating is not about that. There is way more to it than what dramas show you. And no, it doesn't have to be the stereotypical kind of dating. It doesn't matter who you date as long as you're in love and that's what we're going to prove through this class." his eyes shifted around the room, stopping to meet one specific girl's eyes, whom chuu recognized as the transfer student. The baddest around campus. Why did he look at her like that ​​​​​though?... Weird

  "That's it for today's introduction, let's meet next time for the pairs! Have a good day everyone!" Mr. Wong clapped loudly, waving back at students who were polite enough to wave him goodbye before leaving, Chuu included. 

Meanwhile in a cafe close to campus.

  Dresses and heels have always made Lip uncomfortable, and the heavy grocery bags she had to carry all the way from the dorms to her boyfriend's place didn't help her case at all. The brunette has always preferred ripped jeans and hoodies, the look matched her personality perfectly well. But she had to wear it for her boyfriend because he once got really upset when she didn't wear a dress and high heels, he said she embarrassed him because she looked like a dude. She had to remind herself that he said it for her own good.

  He wasn't answering his phone to pick her up from the bus stop, so she decided to just walk there. But after the nth time ringing the doorbell, he never answered either. Lip was ready to give up when she heard a deep voice in the distance, with another female voice. She peeked over his car that was parked on the driveway, only to have her heart drop and break at the sight before her. He had his arms wrapped around another woman, faces too close for normal coworkers in a conversation. The brunette wasn't paying attention when her heels stepped on a rock, making her trip and fall, grocery supplies scattering all around the place.

​​​​​​  She looked up to see her boyfriend glaring daggers at her.

  And here she was, sat in front of him in awkward silence. He kept glaring at her with what one could only describe as disgust, but she shrugged it off as disappointment because she came unannounced for. 

   "What the hell, Lip! Did you really have to show up like that out of nowhere?!" He whispered harshly, so as not to disturb other customers. Lip could only stare at her lap in shame.

   "I'm sorry, Oppa... You weren't answering your phone so I thought..." she trailed off, not trusting her own voice to keep talking.

   He chuckled bitterly. "So you thought it was a good idea to invade my privacy and bring me this stuff?! I didn't even ask for them!" he gestured to the bags laying on the floor. The dark-haired man finally met her eyes, shaking his head in disbelief as he saw her glossy eyes and trembling lips. "Are you seriously crying right now? Ugh, I can't believe you." He inched closer, meeting her eyes once again. "Don't be upset, you know I'm only helping you change to become a better person."

  Ouch. Lip couldn't do anything but nod weakly. "I know... I'm fine, Oppa..." she faked a smile. 

  After a while, he decided to leave since she had nothing else to say. But before he could get further away, she grasped his wrist weakly. He looked back at her cocking an eyebrow in question. "Where are you going...?"

  "I can't do this anymore, Lip-ah. Let's take a break." she met his cold gaze, silently pleading.

  "Oppa please, I'm trying my best to change! You know I love you-" her words were cut short when he harshly shrugged her grip off him.

   "You always say that, and I'm so tired of hearing it! I love you, I love you, I love you... Ugh, I'm so done." and he left.

   Lip was going to wait for him. Maybe he was right. Maybe she was indeed bad and needed to change. She was willing to wait for him because she loved him. Or at least that's what she always tells herself.

​​​​   But what if it's not true, and she was lying to herself?





here you go, fellow orbits!

I'm sorry for the extremely late update. I was emotionally unstable and had to rest 😪 if i uploaded this back then it would've turned to an angsty mess. 

fun fact: this is my first time EVER attempting to write a fanfic and actually publishing it... >•< 

sorry for any mistakes. :)




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Chapter 2: awww lip is such a cutie.. and chuuves seems to progressing nicely
Chapter 1: lip's boyfriend is such a jeerk ugh. pls let lippie happy :')
KTKJ05 #3
Chapter 2: I love it already.
Chapter 2: you did well bbgirl
Chapter 1: Cant wait for next chapter. I loved the Web-Drama!~
Chapter 1: From the first chapter i already know that it is going to be exciting
Anjela17 #7
I'm so excited ?