Chapter 33

We've been swapped!

Something no one would expect. Something nobody expected to hear. The CEO stood there frozen, looking at Bangchan who was standing with his hands' clasps together. His heartbeat is racing as nervousness eats him. Of course, he trusts the CEO and the company but he knows how big the problem is. He also knows they might get a big scolding for not reporting this earlier.

 "and you guys even had a hacker, hack the girl? A stranger? oh well 'Jisung's old classmate'. And you're telling me Chaewon and Felix we're there being lovey-dovey? one word from that guy's mouth and both of your careers might end. Not only yours but as well as Izone's." They were furious but worried at the same time. "you don't know the consequences that can happen. This is why we are always careful without words and actions. You're celebrities. You're not some college friends." The CEO ran a hand through their hair in frustration. The leather office chair made a squeaking sound as they leaned back.

"We can report it to the police and they can catch her-" "do you think it's that easy? with millions of delinquents in South Korea, do you think they would focus on some random girl who came and stalked Straykdis and Izone? That sound's like a sasaeng to me. And polices barely handle sasaengs, since they have bigger problems." at this point Bangchan didn't know what to do. This is not just some sasaeng, this is invading their privacy, not just Skz but the JYP building itself since the camera is hacked. That's it. JYP building. 

"But Quinnie hacked the JYP building cameras. And probably placed some small cameras in practice rooms. She has a lot of men" Bangchan persuaded, for once it took the CEO's attention. "what? YOU'RE BRINGING DANGER TO THE COMPANY" They shouted. Bangchan flinched at the sudden shout, totally not expecting it. 'this is not working out,' he thought. 

Everything seemed easy and calm. That's what he imagined. Was he being too much of himself again? Ah, he failed once more. As a leader and an older brother. Of course, he can't do this by himself and things won't go the way he planned. What a . "we're ed up. You're ed up" The CEO had this 'on the verge of crying' tone. 

"then what are we going to do?" Bangchan stepped up. "Are we just gonna go hide again and wait until we thought of a solution. Because if that's the issue then I'm just gonna bring the problem to the police myself. The 1-week vacation is enough for me to persuade and annoy the of the police stations until they start doing something." He said before giving the CEO a bow and leaving the room. The CEO repeatedly called out for his name in panic, but bangchan didn't care and continued his walk. 


"aahh~ vacation!" I.N cheered. Some members including I.N himself decided to have some healing time at Jeju. For once they forgot about what has been happening and decided to go for a swim, plus rent a luxury hotel. Like a bunch of college students taking a break from the heavy acads. "Don't be too noisy, the fans might hear you" Sungmin said. Not want to be rude, but it's for their safety anyways.

The sky was blue and the weather was not too hot despite the sun blazing upon them. You could smell the sea from the Terminal, as the wind constantly blows. "This is already healing me," Jisung said, watching the trees dance on their own, as well as families having the time of their lives as well. "let's quickly go to the hotel!" The youngest excitedly said. The three rode their van, as it drove away to their paradise.

The door was immediately opened wide, being careful still, as the I.N ran inside. He immediately jumped on the bouncy white bed, him melting on the soft and silky sheets. He could feel the expensive price of the hotel just by the beds. The designs were modern and luxurious. It made them feel like they were a millionaire. The room was shared by three of them.

Just by the balcony, you could see the view of the ocean, and the pool beneath them. You could see some people swimming and kids playing in the sand. It was perfect weather for a swim. "Should we swim now?" Jisung asked, obviously jealous of the people swimming. "How about we take a rest first and eat downstairs? It is not too late for lunch" Seungmin suggested. The cafeteria downstairs was still vivid in his mind.

The first day and the three are filled with genuine smiles and laughter of excitement and pure happiness. At first, they thought, forgetting about the incident was hard, but I guess it's not that hard. They've completely forgotten about it. And that is what they exactly need. A healing time with a peaceful mind, doing nothing but have fun and relaxing.


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Chapter 7: Oh no , I want to read more of this greatness *crying my eyes out*
Chapter 5: oh my , i really love this story , it really reminds me of '' your name '' but more beautiful
Chapter 2: That ert ,..... did he really have to check all the places out??? Smh
Chapter 7: author-nim pls update juseyoooo
I'm kinda in need for story like these. It's been so long.
Best idea ever XDDD