Chapter 28

We've been swapped!

"I got it" Jason said. The three went near him, focusing on the computer infront of them. "I finally hacked into the cameras and wow. The other hacker is...easiest way to say it that its too strong." He chuckled.

"It is indeed strong. The amount of money and power that girl has is breathaking" Felix said.

"Girl?" Jason looked at him. "Their so called leader is a girl I met back in highschool. She was being bullied and I was the only one nice to her. Her parents set up an arranged marriage for her and I but I refused ofcourse. They might have thought I like her but I didn't." Felix explained.

"I never liked someone back in the day" he murmured in Korean in order for Chaewon to have an idea of what they are talking. But despite Chaewon, now knowing, what they are talking, she can't help but blush. He may be lying and all but based on Felix's story Chaewon might have been her first girlfriend and the first girl he loved, except for his female relatives.

"It angered her for sure and things, crossed the line. Its been like this for months now. It affected lots of people around me. We just want this to end" He sighed.

"The only thing I can do to help you is prevent all of the hacking she will do." Jason said. "That's already a big help thank you. For now let's take a break and we will go back home." Bangchan paused and looked at his watch. "Maybe around 12nn tomorrow? We'll meet" he said.

"Deal" Jason smiled. "Thank you so much" Felix said as he tapped the guy's shoulder.

Jason decided to walk them out of the apartment. Just before Felix can step out, he grabbed his shoulder gently. He handed him a folder with aroudn three pages of paper, a paper clip holding it together. "While you guys were preparing to leave and waiting for me, I gathered some infos. Dont fet fooled by the number of paper they are just in a bigger font. More papers, more investigator feels" He winked. Felix found his personality amusing. He has a great humor and can be trusted. Atleast that's what he knew for now.

"I searched the hacker and found out about their home. With that I hacked the cameras in that house and other electronics. You can pay me by treating me to a fancy meal." He put on a sly smirked. Felix chuckled. "Sure and thanks for the help" He said before turning around to be stoppwd by Jason again.

"Protect her. Please. Im keeping other infos to me, hidden. But Please keep her safe. Protect her at all cost. I know you guys may not get along well since Chan a little info earlier. But please" He firmly said squeezing Felix's shoulder lightly. Tapping his shoulder he left and walked away.

Felix looked at her confused but at the same time scared. He jogged towards the two who were inside the taxi. "Sorry im late" He said. "No prob the fare is on you" Chan said. "Excuse me?" He said shocked followed by Chaewon's chuckle.

Felix looked at the girl who now, had a gorgeous smile on her first. I'll protect her at all cost. Even if its my life.

Felix held her hand without looking at her. Interwining it, Chaewon looked at him shocked. She smiled and held it too. She felt Felix rubbing his thumb on her hand. She laid her head on his shoulder for she knew something is wrong. Felix faced her and give her a long kiss on the head. She lifted their interwined hands and kissed it.

"I knew finding a taxi with tinted windows is a right thing" Bangchan said making the two chuckle. "And me as the driver" Minho said taking off his face mask.

"You cna drive?" Felix asked. "A little yeah..I passed the written test but not the driving test. That's why we are driving slowly. I tried those cars in cart race so I have atleast a little experience. Those were even faster" He chuckled.

"Wait thats the experience you are talking about?" Bangchan said as he gripped on his seat hardly.

"I dont wanna die yet!" Felix exclaimed. "No prob!" Minho cheerfully said, speeding up a little bit earning some screams of fear from the two. While Chaewon? She was as scared as them but remained quite so the stress wont add up.


"That must be them" I.N chimed at the sound of their door lock being opened. "Hyun-"

The two barged in, Felix landed on the floor while Bangchan leaned on the wall. "Stop overreacting! Its not that bad!" Minho whined.

"What...happened?" Jisung asked. "Minho drived" Bangchan said while chuckling.

"Oh I completely understand you" Changbin said. "Anyways how did it go?" Hyunjin asked.

"We gathered a bit of info and that hacker was good" Bangchan said. "Its like Jisung but in english version" he added. Jisung only smiled proudly at his statement.

"Well we need to go now, I mean we have to rest" Bangchan said. "All of you go to bed and rest now" he commanded. The rest of them eventually followed his orders.

Felix went back to his room, immediately flopping down at his bed. He took the paper Jason gave and stared at it. He doesn't know if this information is needed. All he just wants is protection and everything to stop. He doesn't want to destroy, bring down, or do something bad to Quinny at all despite all the things she did.

He sighed as he hovered her arm over his eyes. "You okay?" I.N asked. He look at his side, a bit shocked. "Why are you still awake? Its almost 10pm" he said.

!!This story occured last 2020, I.N was still a minor. Minors shouldn't be working pass 10pm!!

"I have alot in my head and I'm worried Hyung" The younger said. Felix can't help but feel soft towards their maknae.  "Im fine Jeongin dont worry. Dont think about is too much, me and Chan hyung will handle everything" he said, smiling softly to the younger.

"It will be over soon. Soon" he said as he closed her eyes. It took him some time to fall asleep, but when he did, he was sleeping soundly.


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Chapter 7: Oh no , I want to read more of this greatness *crying my eyes out*
Chapter 5: oh my , i really love this story , it really reminds me of '' your name '' but more beautiful
Chapter 2: That ert ,..... did he really have to check all the places out??? Smh
Chapter 7: author-nim pls update juseyoooo
I'm kinda in need for story like these. It's been so long.
Best idea ever XDDD