The Little Messenger

Body Talk

Everyone can feel the tension in the air, even a three year old Yerim feels it too. Yerim just munching her favourite snack while both of her aunties is having a glaring contest. Her aunty, Seulgi, sitting beside her with tense on her neck facing her girlfriend in the living room across the kitchen. 

Wendy breaks the silence, "I'm going to have some air". She says, turning her back heading to the master bedroom to change and heads out from the apartment. 

Seulgi wants to tell her not to but her pride beats her for it, she knows she was wrong for ignoring her girlfriend's words to not give Yerim snacks before her meal. Seulgi, the resident muncher was actually didn't give her niece any snacks before, it was her own snacks sprawled on the kitchen table because she was working and everybody knows she needs food to keep her imagination flowing. 

Yerim, who originally watching cartoons in the living room heard some plastic sounds being teared open came to the kitchen. She took a seat next to his aunty who immersed in her laptop and grabs herself some of the chips. 

Her aunt looked at her and shrugged, "You want some?" a nod, "Let's share but don't disturb aunty working, okay Yerm?" she nodded twice. 

Seulgi sighs, she doesn't want to apologise to Wendy. In her defence, Wendy was wrong too for letting Yerim alone when she got nothing to do that day. She could accompanied Yerim in the living room but she chose to stayed in the bedroom. 

"Wenty angry ?" the three year old kid asked her aunt who slumped on the chair beside her, she probably feel guilty to be the cause of her sad auntie. 

Seulgi looks to her left and saw Yerim's big round eyes looking at her sadly. She brings the toddler to her lap and cradles her face with both of her hands. Seulgi thinks she really has her sister's face, Juhyun.

"Wenty is not mad she just tired"

"But why Wenty going out, she should be sleeping in the bedroom". Yerim pouted.

"Maybe she wants to buy ice cream for you?" Seulgi winks, reassuring her niece. Yerim squealed in happiness knowing her other favourite aunty is going to give her ice cream. 

In the next hours, she continues her work and looking after Yerim. She brings her laptop to the coffee table in the living room and works there with Yerim behind her on the sofa watching Pororo.

After a few hours her anger ease up for a bit and she starts to worry because her girlfriend hasn't going back home and it's almost dinner. She glances at her phone to check in case Wendy text her whereabouts or something. 

Her phone lights up, a text comes in. She checks it hurriedly through her notification bar hoping it's Wendy but soon dissapointed when she sees her sister's name on it telling her she will pick up Yeri late today. She unlocked her phone to reply to her sister when suddenly Sooyoung calls her.



"What the he-" she immediately stops herself, remembered Yerim is right behind her. "What is it, Sooyoung?"

"You better come to the rooftop of our building, i found your girlfriend sulking here and it annoys me because i just want to have some beer in peace!"

"Let her, she annoys me too if she's home"

"You guys fighting again?!"


"Whatever it is, just come and get her i don't care. All i care is my beer and my peace and she snatched both of it!"

When Seulgi about to answer, Sooyoung already cut off the call. She scoffed to herself, Wendy really get in her nerves today. She sighs, rubbing her temple thinking how she brings her girlfriend back home without going out to get her. Her pride still as high as ever, she will not admit she was wrong. She suddenly feels a pair of little hands ruffling her hair. 

"Why Wenty hasn't home?" Seulgi looks up to meet Yerim's gaze and then she realised the tv is not showing Pororo anymore. She looks back at her niece and an idea struck her. 

"Yerimmie wants to see Wenty?" She hears the toddler hums in acknowledgement. "You know the way to the rooftoop right?"

"Wenty is in the rooftop? Yerm want to go to the rooftop too!"

"Can you go there alone?"

"Yes!" Yerim answer with too much excitement. Seulgi sees this as an opportunity to bring back her girlfriend home. She can't lie to herself that she doesn't miss Wendy, she hasn't get her daily hugs today since she was busy with her project that due next week and since she argued with her this afternoon makes her guilty (a little, her pride still high). 

"Okay, listen aunty carefully. Tell Wenty, Aunty forgive her. She can go home now, and we can have dinner together. I will order the food, Wenty doesn't need to cook for today"


"You remember it?"

"Of course! Yerm smart"

"Nice! Let's take your jacket"

Yerim remembers the way to the rooftop, she is used to it since her aunties usually brings her there to play when they bored at home. She just have to go through the hallway and then walking up of stairs at the end of the hallway.

She likes to stay in her aunt's apartment on the weekends not only because Seulgi and Wendy are her favourite aunts but also because of the small playground on the top of their building. She can meet her friends there, they are not many but they can have fun when they play together. 

The idea of the playground and her friends made her forget what her aunty said to her earlier. When she reaches the stairs she can see her Wenty on the bench. The toddler is excited to meet her other aunt and started to run with her little feet.

Wendy hears the sound of little feet running and looks to where its from. She sees Yerim run towards her so she spread her arms ready to embrace her. Yerim hugs her immediately and giggles, happy to see her Wenty. Wendy can't help but laughs along her and twirls her around before dropping her to the ground. 

Yerim's expression suddenly changes, like she just remember something really important. 


"Yes, baby?"


"What's with your Aunty?" Wendy tensed up a bit when she hears her girlfriend's niece talks abt her. She's worried if something happened to her since she noticed Yerim came alone. Yes, she was mad at Seulgi before but she will blame herself if something happens to her.

She feels sorry for being mad earlier, especially in front of Yerim. She admits she was wrong for ran out like that. She also knew she was wrong because she didn't spent much time with the little girl today but she still can't forgive Seulgi for giving Yerim snacks before meal. If Juhyun finds out they will be dead meat for sure, it's silly really but she scared if Juhyun gets mad. 

"Aunty..." Yerim paused, she scrunched her nose remembering what was her aunt said before, she honestly can't remember but she doesn't want to dissapoint her Wenty so she tells her what she knows all the time. "Love Wenty!"

Wendy is taken aback by it. She looks at the toddler who smiles so bright and sincere, she feels warmth crawling up from her heart to her face. She touch her own face and feels it warm on her palms.

That silly Kang and her words! 

"Aunty said she loves Wenty?" She asks again.

"Yea!" The kid nods vigorously, earning a big smile from her other aunt.

The older one brings Yerim up to her arms and kisses her cheeks. "Should we go back?"

"No!" Yerim refuses, Wendy wants to say something when Yerim points to the swing.

Wendy let her down and Yerim gets so excited that she just runs right after her feet touches the ground. Wendy laughs at her silly antics and sits on the bench again watching Yerim. She sees Sooyoung comes back with another beers with addition of a box of fried chicken now and take a seat beside her. 

"Yerim? Where's Seulgi unnie?" Sooyoung asks Wendy.

"Probably still at home, Yerim came alone" Wendy says without taking her eyes off of Yerim. Sooyoung raised her eyebrows after hearing her anwer. 

"Did she really told a 3 year old to fetch her girlfriend?" Wendy shrugs, "Unnie, this is so not  gentlewoman."

Wendy finally turns to see her with face full of confusion and took a drumstick for her to eat and taking her attention back to the kid who is playing swing with another kid that is bigger right now. Wendy suddenly backs to when she was 5 meeting her girlfriend for the first time in the park near her grandparent's house.

She remembers she was on the swing just like Yerim right now. Every weekends will be spent at her grandparent's and the park near the house. She was playing on the swing when kid Seulgi came to her suddenly pulled and pushed the swing made her swing harder than when she playing alone. At that time she felt like she could fly to the sky, she was so happy to found a new friend. Since then every weekends were spent with Seulgi until she moved to Canada. They didn't met for years and when she 23 she came back and visited her grandparents again. The park still the same and the swings still there. Seulgi was also there, taller and prettier Seulgi and just like how they met for the first time when they were 5. Wendy felt like flying seeing her again even after not seeing her for years her heart still has the same feeling.

It has been 4 years since then, she thinks it's silly to have a small argument like this with Seulgi after what they have been through. Maybe her period ruins her mood today, maybe she should apologise to Seulgi. Or maybe not, she is reminded to what Sooyoung said to her. She is using Yerim to get her back! No, that won't do! 


"What? Do you want to take my precious chicken again? No way!" Sooyoung says covering the foods beside her with her hands. "FYI missy, when you lost in your thoughts you took my chicken and my beer again."

"I did?"

"And Yerim went downstairs again." Wendy slaps her own forehead.

Yerim goes downstairs and run through the hallway to her aunt's. She was running because she was badly thirsty she doesn't realise she left her Wenty. Just when she about to reach the doorbell she met her aunt's neighbour who she remembers as flower aunty because she always brings flower. The neighbour is actually a florist who lives on the next door and her shop is just across the street. Yerim likes this auntie too because she is so kind to her and gives her flower each time they meet. This time she also gives Yeri a flower before heading to the lift, a beautiful pink tulip.

Yerim is sniffing the flower and remembers the reason she going downstairs. She rings the bell again and Seulgi comes out. Before she could ask Yerim, the kid already dragging her to the kitchen.

"Water!" She says hurriedly.

"Okay, okay" Seulgi gives her water when she sees a flower on her hand. "Whose that Yerm?" Yerim took the glass and gives the flower to Seulgi. She murmurs something but Seulgi can only hear that it ends with -ty.

Did Wendy told Yerim to give the flower to her? 

"Wenty tells you to give this to me?" She is flattered, she knows Wendy always do something that surprised her and this one is no exception. 

That Shon Seungwan and her lovely acts! 

"Yerimmie, do you want to have dinner outside tonight?" Yerim widens her eyes and starts jumping out of happiness. 

"Yay! Happy meal!"

Seulgi laughs along with her niece, this must be her family trait to be this hyper over foods. 

"We're not going to McDonald's baby. I don't want your mom kills me"

"Mommy is nice!"

"I know, i know. Let's get Wenty first and then we can go"

Shocked is the first thing Wendy felt since Seulgi kissed her when she peacefully sitting on the bench and Sooyoung choked on her beer. Now they are already in Seulgi's car heading to the diner they used to eat with Yerim on the backseat singing pororo song.

Wendy wants to ask what happened but seeing her girlfriend looks smiley like that she thinks she doesn't want to know as long as Seulgi is happy it means she is too. She mirrors her smile and took her hand with hers then kiss it. She pulls the hand and holds it on her lap. 

Seulgi can't hide her happiness and keeps smiling all the way to the diner. She glances at her hands and the one holding it. Just looking at her smiling face she feels warm filling her whole body. Their argument today is already forgotten. All she can think is how lucky she is to have such a beautiful girlfriend. 

Unknown to them, Yerim at the backseat watching her aunties. She thinks her aunties are so in love, she knows the look because that's how her parents do. Her mummy always tell her that people who are in love looks really happy and pretty. It makes her so happy to have a loving parents and aunties who feels like her second parents. She can't contain her happiness and screaming pororo song, filling the car with laughter. 



Hi! It's been awhile and i know it so please forgive me. I haven't proofread this too lol. I actually don't feel like writing anymore because i certainly doesn't have talent for it but recently i watch The Return of Superman and the kids are so cute :(. When William fights with his dad and Bentley being the bridge between them is what inspires me for this story. I hope you guys enjoy this story, i still have a few drafts but none of them finished lmao. I will try to get better on writing and improve my vocabulary. Hope yall have a good day! 

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I want to write more but i always stuck in the middle lol


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Chapter 2: this is how doofus jamet got her gf
Chapter 6: awe. seulgi so annoying😂
Chapter 11: Thank you for writing so many stories for my most beloved ship it was beautiful
Chapter 12: Woooooh I thought the fans will scream "Irene" instead of "Sunmi". Good thing, it's not 😅
aglaonema #5
Chapter 11: Yah seulgi
30 streak #6
Chapter 10: Fluff WenSeul is so cute!!!!
Chapter 1: Lmaooo.
That's a good 1st chapter, gonna proceed with the next one.
Chapter 10: aww lovely
aglaonema #9
Chapter 9: lol yerimmie