Hit It

Body Talk

Heaving and panting, she felt her lungs burned and screamed for oxygen. If only she ignore Sooyoung call outside her window class before, if only she ignore that Satan antics, if only she didn't get annoyed and yelled at her while her teacher still explaining about algebra.

That was how she ended up running 10 laps in her second class period. She could see and hear other class having their PE class on the field and her teacher on the other side. She just need to run 3 more laps to finish it. 

It was autumn but she felt like summer, not forgetting she run with her uniform. She only need to continue the rest of her class with sweaty and stinky uniform. No big deal. Another two more laps and she would be free.

"Wan unnie!"

Sooyoung called her from bleachers and waving her hand. Did she ever study in this school, she never seen her in class, Seungwan thought. She just glared and show her fist as if she about to punch her. Of course it didn't work, she was Seungwan. No matter how mad she looks, she just adorable. 

One more run and she would go to Sooyoung and maybe punch her for real.


Suddenly her school yard changed to white and then black. She heard 'Oh my god' 'Does her sweat looks red?' 'That's blood you dumb' 'What are you doing? Bring her to infirmary' that sounds so far away. She couldn't open her eyes and her ears ringing but she felt someone picked her up and she just wanted to rest because she was so damn tired, this might be her chance before she going to class.

"Am i going to jail?!"

Seulgi freaked out, pacing back and forth with nail between her teeth. This would not happen if Sehun didn't ask her to throw the ball with full force, if only her idiot friend didn't so proud of himself, if only that idiot hit the ball not himself.

Said idiot friend came out from the infirmary and grabbed her shoulders, stopping her from her thoughts for being jailed at 17.

"Miss Bae said she passed out after your ball hit her head and she was tired after running"

"Can i see her now?"

Sehun just shrugged and Seulgi opened the door, she walked to the farthest bed near the window where the curtain closed. She tiptoed, afraid she might wake the girl she hit before someone cleared their throat.

"Oh, hi Joohyun-unnie." Seulgi grinned awkwardly to the school nurse.

"You're the last person i hope to be the culprit." Joohyun crossing her arms. 

"I'm sorry, unnie." She sighed, head low, didn't dare to look at the nurse. "It was an accident i swear, it's actually not my fault. Sehun said my throw-"

"Shhh!" Joohyun shushed her and put her forefinger to her lips. "She need to rest and you stink, just change and go to your next class"

"But unnie, i want to-"

"I understand, just let her rest and go back here after recess"

Seulgi couldn't argue more, she went to change her uniform and heading to class. She didn't pay attention to her teacher, she recalled the event and tried to remember the girl's face. She knew the girl was from the same grade as her but she didn't know her name. Of course she knew her, scratch that everyone in her grade year probably knew that girl because she could remember that girl won some science thing and her face was everywhere at school for days.

She decided to skip her class and went to the infirmary, she thought she could bring the girl's bag to her but she didn't know her name nor her class. 

The girl still unconscious whe she got there, her fear came back and her mind filled with jail, court and lawyer. She sat on the chair beside the bed and watched the girl sleeping soundly. Big bandage covering her left temple and few scratches on her cheek.


Seulgi turned to look back and saw a girl came from the door brings a grey jansport bag on her right hand. The girl was tall and her expressions intimidating, she gulped unconsciously.


"You gotta pay for what you did" Sooyoung walked forward to grab her. Seulgi tried to shield herself with her arm.

"Hey, no fighting in my place!"

Joohyun came from her desk and stood in the middle of them, shielding Seulgi from Sooyoung's wreath. Sooyoung reached for Seulgi's collar but got interrupted by Joohyun. It happened for awhile, Joohyun trying to stop Sooyoung and Seulgi hide behind her. Their moment stopped when Seulgi glanced briefly to the bed and saw the girl she hit opened her eyes and looking at the three of them. 

"She's awake!" she says pointing to the bed, Joohyun and Sooyoung snapped their head and rushed to the bedside.

Sooyoung asked Seungwan if she was okay. Seungwan stared at her blankly trying to process everything. She then look at the other two people in the room and opened as if wanted to say something but she stayed silence. Joohyun understand her confusion and decided to help. 

"Hey, are you feeling well?"

"...yeah, miss"

"Does your head hurt?"

"My head?"

Seungwan raised her hand to touch her head and felt the bandage on her temple, she frowned. Sooyoung explained to her that someone hit her with a baseball while he running. Then she look at the third person in the room who standing behind the other two looking at her worriedly, she guessed that person might be the one who threw the ball. 

"I think you need to go home, i'll tell your teacher and Seulgi you should go with her"

"Yes, unnie" Seulgi says timidly, she felt a little taken aback by the order but she need to do it in order to responsible after she hit the girl head.

"But, unnie. I should be with Seungwan unnie and take her home, i already bring her bag" Sooyoung complained, shaking the said book bag on her hand.

"You just want to skip class, Sooyoung"

"Okay you got me there." Sooyoung says annoyed then looking at Seulgi "But why her?"

"Like you said before, she need to be responsible for this"

Sooyoung scoffed "Yeah right" she gave Seungwan's bag and car key to Seulgi not forget to glare at her.

"I bring my own car"

"Just take it, someone from Wan unnie's home will deal with it"

Seulgi took everything and wait for Seungwan to get ready but she still on the bed looking at her. One thing she sure was she must be hit her hard. Really hard. Moments later Seungwan get off the bed and thank Joohyun, Sooyoung hugged her goodbye and they went to the parking lot. 

They exchange brief conversations on their way to Seungwan's house. Seulgi was sure the girl was so slow, what else she could say everytime she asks some questions she would take few seconds to answer. She wasn't even asking anything that need smart answers, she asks her name, her class, her address, how she know Sooyoung because they clearly the opposite and that was a weird combination. But she was sure this girl was a chatterbox because she talks excitedly, Seulgi looked at her expression with adoration and she realised that Seungwan was quite pretty. Wait.

Someone opened the door and called Mrs. Son, before Mrs.Son freaked out seeing her daughter came home early with bandage and scratches on the face, Seulgi already introduced herself and tell her what happened. Seulgi was ready to be slapped when she was done explaining. She just looked down with guilt, didn't dare to look at Mrs.Son straight in the eye. Those things didn't came instead Mrs.Son thanked her for bring Seungwan home safely. 

"I understand, Seulgi. Accident happens all the time." Mrs.Son says and told Seungwan to go to her room. The woman smiled sympathetically to her daughter.

"But her face became like that because of me." Seulgi says looking at Seungwan who already walked away. 

"My daughter still pretty" Mrs. Son assured her with smile. "The scar and scratches will gone in a few days"

"I hope so, her pretty face doesn't deserve it" Wait that should be only in her head. . "I-i mean her smooth skin doesn't need those scratches" Nice, Seulgi. Really nice.

Mrs.Son just smirked seeing Seulgi stuttering and an idea came into her. 

"Well, since you need to responsible for this. I want you to keep an eye on our Seungwan at school" she paused, "and stay here for some snacks, i just baked a tiramisu. Are you okay with that?"

Well that's weird, she thought but she had no choice so she replied right away "Yes, Mrs.Son"

It's easy for her to say yes, she just need to be with Seungwan at school and who would say no for free food?

"Good, i'll prepare the cake and you can call Seungwan to eat with us. Her room is upstairs, first door on the right"

She went upstairs and knocked on Seungwan's door and saw Seungwan on the bed playing with her phone, already changed her uniform to baggy shirt and shorts. She looks so small and cute. Wait


"H-hi." Silence "Look, i'm sorry again for your head and face"

Seungwan stared at her with blank face, did she said something wrong? Why she always look confused. Seconds later she smiled. Huh.

"Oh it's okay really, Seulgi right? It will gone soon" Seungwan says brightly.

Well, that was weird. She guessed she really need to protect this girl.

"If you say so" Seulgi smiled. "Uhm, actually your mom asked me to get you downstairs to have some snacks"

Another silence.

"Oh! Let's go!"

Seungwan grabbed her hand and pulled her downstairs. They just met today but they already act like childhood friends. Not that Seulgi complaining, it was nice to have new friends especially if your new friend had fluffy cheek, bright smile, twinkling eyes. Oh no.

Seulgi came to Seungwan's class the next day, she wanted to keep her promise with Mrs.Son and there was also a little part of her that wants to see Seungwan. To make sure she was okay of course. They going to lunch together. Seulgi brought both of their lunch tray to the table. She would ask Seungwan if she was okay with the menu or if she need anything. Seungwan still had that slow respond but it was better from yesterday. Seulgi afraid that it might because of her.

"Seungwan, i'm sorry to ask this but," Seulgi paused, contemplating whether it's rude or not to ask the question but she decided to ask. She wanted to know if the cause of Seungwan slowness was her. "Are you always this slow?"

Seungwan looked at her and blinked, she need two seconds to process what Seulgi asked then tilt her head. 

"I'm not slow." She pouted. "What makes you think like that?"

"It's just your respond to my question is... quite amusing i must say, you always need time to answer my questions or you will stunned for some time before you do something. It's like your head needs time to process everything"

"I don't..."

"She slow sometimes, but not like this"

Third person sat on their table while drinking cola. The same aged girls startled and sighed dramatically.


"Damn, i think i'm going to get heart attack everytime you came"

Sengwan and Seulgi says at the same time. Sooyoung rolled her eyes and turn to look at Seungwan. "Unnie, why you here with this abuser?"

"Abuser?! Don't you remember you're the one trying to beat me up in infirmary yesterday"

"Because you hurt my favourite target!"

"What target? Omg! You're a bully?!"

"What?! Am not!"

"She just accompany me today Sooyoung. She came to my class and asked me to have lunch with her and oh we gonna go home together too, so i can't go gome with you today, sorry" Seungwan says in attempt to stop their bickering and because she just understood what Sooyoung asked her.

"Took you some time to answer me, little one." Sooyoung ruffles Seungwan's hair ignoring her protest. "I think we need to bring you to infirmary again unnie, finally i don't need to skip class to meet Joohyun unnie"

"You like Joohyun unnie, huh?" Seulgi says smugly with her arms crossed and she leaned back. 

"Not your business"

"Well, i'll just tell my cousin that a rude person likes her"


Seulgi's days now filled with accompanying Seungwan everywhere she go. Not only at school, she also accompanying her to her home, to mall, to cafe even to study. She reasoned that Seungwan need someone to protect her and her mom told her to. The scratches from Seungwan's face were long gone, her slowness was the effect of the concussion after got hit were gone too since two days after she got hit. But it had been a month after the accident and they still together. Sooyoung asked them once and Seungwan said they were friends now and there was nothing wrong with it. Sehun and Jongin also complained to Seulgi and they bombarded her in class with their 'bros before hoes' speech. Seulgi just shrugged and rolled her eyes.

Seulgi knew the main reason she still close to Seungwan was beacause she likes her. She was sorry to hit Seungwan before but she also thankful because of it. So she decided to tell Seungwan this afternoon after school. She told Sooyoung about it and her respond was "Finally" with all her sassiness.

They going home together like usual. Seulgi fidgeting on her seat when they arrived at Seungwan's. Seungwan who sat on the gunshot looked at her and realised this and asked her.

"Seulgi are you okay?"

Seungwan took Seulgi's hands with her's to stop the fidgeting, she wanted to make the latter calm. Well, that make it worse. She could see Seulgi tapping her feet like crazy and she starts sweating.

Come on, Kang Seulgi. You prepared the speech for a week.

You can do it

Just look at her eyes and tell the words


Don't stutter, you stupid

"Seulgi are you okay?" Seungwan says worriedly, Seulgi looked at her face and to her eyes. Those eyes, how could it sparkles like that.

"Yes, i'm okay i just..." she trailed off, she took a deep breath and look at her eyes again "I'm sorry for hitting your head"

Seungwan laughed, how could someone's laugh sounds like a lullaby. She could imagine Sooyoung, Sehun and Jongin's voice mocking her.

"It's been long Seulgi, i'm okay now" She smiled reassuringly.

"You know, i hit you but i'm the one who fall" Smooth, Seulgi "I-I like you Seungwan"

Seungwan looking at her with wide eyed, hands holding Seugi loosen her grip. Seulgi starts to panic, she messed up. God, she was so stupid. Now she probably could not friends with her anymore. She startled when Seungwan laughed out loud. Her hands covering her face to supressing her laughter.

"I'm sorry Seulgi" Seungwan says between her laugh "But that pick up lines is so funny"

"I was confessed too!" Seulgi pouted and look away.

Seungwan still giggling and she felt sorry for laughing too much, she grabbed Seulgi's face with both hands and stared at her eyes.

"I'm sorry for laughing" She caress her cheeks with her thumbs, she smiled beautifully admiring Seulgi's features. "Thank you for liking me"

Seulgi raised one of her eyebrows, her heart beating so fast. How could she not when someone she likes looking at her lovingly with her face less than a meter in front of her. "So..." She need an answer, she already asked the important question eventhough she forgot the speech she prepared before.

"I like you too, Seulgi"

Seulgi not sure if the AC in her car broken but she felt hot suddenly and she thought Seungwan's face became so close right now she could even felt her breath on her lips. Just a little bit more and she could taste the lips she adored.


"Sorry girls, but you guys blocking the way to garage"






Hi, what's up people? I'm sorry i didn't include our maknae here because i don't know what could be her role here :(. Anyways, you can ask me anything on my twitter, let's talk and be friends! Oh you can request story too since i have nothing to do these days.

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I want to write more but i always stuck in the middle lol


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Chapter 2: this is how doofus jamet got her gf
Chapter 6: awe. seulgi so annoying😂
Chapter 11: Thank you for writing so many stories for my most beloved ship it was beautiful
Chapter 12: Woooooh I thought the fans will scream "Irene" instead of "Sunmi". Good thing, it's not 😅
aglaonema #5
Chapter 11: Yah seulgi
30 streak #6
Chapter 10: Fluff WenSeul is so cute!!!!
Chapter 1: Lmaooo.
That's a good 1st chapter, gonna proceed with the next one.
Chapter 10: aww lovely
aglaonema #9
Chapter 9: lol yerimmie