
Body Talk

No matter how fast that little feet touched the grass, he couldn't run away. The woman behind him always manage to catch him, she didn't even need to tackled him to stop him. She just grab his body and lifted him up and the boy would end up screaming.

Not the bad kind, it was a good screaming. The screaming with full of happiness and joy. 

The woman would throw him in the air and put him down and he started to run again. It goes on and on until someone called them. 

"Wanna race who can reach there first?" the woman asked the little boy. 

Instead of anwering the boy started running forward with his cheeky grin, leaving that woman behind while she half cursing but covered when she realised it.

"I win" she said as she sat on the bench.

The boy looked annoyed, he tightened his little fists and furrowed his eyebrows. Panting and sweating, he complained. 

"You have long legs! That's not fair!"

"You ran first!"

The one who called them amused looking at them bickering, only ten minutes ago they just running and laughing on the field. 

"Should i go home and leave you both here?"

Their heads turned and she saw their shocked face.

"Mom started it!"

"Excuse me?" the older one looked offended. "Honey, you saw he started running first right?"

The other woman giggled and hugged the little boy "You know cheating is not nice right?" the boy pouted and nod. He felt bad and apologised. "But you can do that only if mom steal your snacks" she added with a wink and the boy started to laugh.

"I feel betrayed" the oldest of the three said while crossing her arm and the other two laughed at her. 

Their happy moment got interrupted by the sunset and that was their cue to go home. Silence filled their way back home when their little one started to rest his eyes on the backseat.

Wendy saw him and smiled, she was happy and thankful to anyone for giving this perfect family for her. Her smile grew wider when she turned to saw her soulmate focusing on the road. 

Seulgi felt her stare and gave her a brief glance and follow her smile. She took her beloved hand and intertwined them. 

"I love you" Wendy said as her other hand rubbing the back of Seulgi's hand. 

"Is it soft hours?" Seulgi giggled and a hand slapped her arm playfully. "I love you too, you know that"

"I know"

Silence came once again, leaving both lovers with their own thoughts. Wendy with how grateful she was with her family, Seulgi with how much she love her wife and son and driving carefully.

While Wendy prepared their dinner in the kitchen, the other mom and kid duo doing their antics in the living room.

"Seunggi-ah, do you know mama loves me more than you?" Seulgi started her mischief when she saw her son looking through their photo albums. 

"No way!" he slammed the album and looking furiously to his mom. There was no way her mama loves anyone more than him. Of course he knows his mama loves his mom too, they were his parents but she loves her mom more? That was ridiculous. Nobody could beat him even if it was her mom. 

"Yes way!" she smirked. "You are 5, i met mama even before you were born"

"That's cheating!"

"No, it's not"

Seunggi stared at her with glassy eyes and red face, he clearly annoyed with his mom. Seulgi held her giggle, she was amused to see how easy it was to . It reminded her how similar he was with her wife. She used to until she gets annoyed and even cried. It was amusing for her to see how her wife and son looks when they annoyed.

They ate in silence, Wendy looked to both her wife and son with raised eyebrow. She thought her son just tired after their playdate this afternoon but her son didn't looked tired but sad, she turned her head to see her wife that looked way too happy. 

"Seunggi sweetie, what's wrong?" she asked with her gentlest voice. 

"Mama, do you love me?" he asked her instead and look at her with pleading look. Seulgi just snorted when she listened to them and Wendy gave her the look.

She knew Seulgi said something to so she just sighed and ruffled his hair. 

"Of course, sweetie. You know i love you more than anything in this world"

"Even mom?"

"Yes, even mom" he couldn't help to smile hearing his mama answer. 

"Mom, you hear that? Mama loves me more than you" He said proudly with smug. "I win, so last pringles is mine"

"What?!" Seulgi sat straight, refused to gave him her treat. "That's mine and only mine, young man. Honey, tell him" she whined to Wendy.

"You can have it, Seunggi" Her son laughed and screamed his victory while punched his little fist in the air. 

Soon laughter filled their table and night. Seulgi looked at them both lovingly, she swears she would do anything she could to be able to keep this forever. 

She stood from her chair and went to him. She tickled him and his happy scream filled their whole house. It was a happy sight for everyone. Just them three being happy with having each other. 


A/N: Hi it's been a while lol, you know life is hard gjgkj just a short fluff one bc i can't sleep and i miss wenseul. I didn't proof read so forgive me if there are any mistakes. 

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I want to write more but i always stuck in the middle lol


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Chapter 2: this is how doofus jamet got her gf
Chapter 6: awe. seulgi so annoying😂
Chapter 11: Thank you for writing so many stories for my most beloved ship it was beautiful
Chapter 12: Woooooh I thought the fans will scream "Irene" instead of "Sunmi". Good thing, it's not 😅
aglaonema #5
Chapter 11: Yah seulgi
29 streak #6
Chapter 10: Fluff WenSeul is so cute!!!!
Chapter 1: Lmaooo.
That's a good 1st chapter, gonna proceed with the next one.
Chapter 10: aww lovely
aglaonema #9
Chapter 9: lol yerimmie