One Cat Just Leads To Another

Body Talk

"What time you'll be at your home tomorrow?"

"Not your business."

"Please, your stuffs still in my place. I need more space."

"Just send it to me."

"No, i need to pick up Chanel too."

"She's not going anywhere."

"She's my cat!"

"She's mine too!"

"I don't ing care, I'm gonna bring the rest of your stuffs tomorrow and bring her home with me!"

Seulgi hangs up her call without waiting the person on the other line to reply and groaned. It has been a week since their break up and her things are everywhere in her apartment. She just wants to get rid all of her things so she could focus on her job.

Her job. The main cause of their break up, as cliché as it was but relationship was not only about flowers, chocolates and going on dates. It was more than that especially when you working on something serious.

She didn't think her ex's stuffs would be so many after two years of dating, it was like she lived here when they both have their own apartment. She was contemplating whether to gave all the gifts back or not. All were packed carelessly into one big box because it was going to be unpacked again when it arrives so why bother trying.

Her once beloved were not kidding when she refused to take her cat back, well, their cat actually. Patiently waiting before her door with the box beside she rang the bell.

Her ex looked so shocked when she opened her eyes. With only oversized shirt and shorts, hair up into a lazy bun and a few trace of flour on her shirts she probably in the middle of baking. Seulgi thought she still looks cute, small smile creeping on her lips and soft cough brought her back to reality.

"I bring your stuffs."

"You serious?" The woman before her scoffed, crossing her arms in front of her chest while leaning on the door. "You hate me that much, you  trying so hard to get rid of me."

"Enough with this, Seungwan. It's all yours, i don't hate you." Seungwan still suspicious with her intention quirked her eyebrow, "Please, i just wanna see Chanel."

"What makes you want to see her when you dont even care about her for weeks."

"I'm sorry, okay? I was so busy and you know it."

"Yeah, sure." Seungwan being the angel that she was couldn't think of any answer. She knows how busy Seulgi was and she does too. She was tired to be the one who waited on the sofa till late night only to be greeted with I'm staying at the studio tonight, don't wait for me or if she were lucky, tipsy and tired Seulgi. "Do you want to meet chanel or not? I have to go somewhere later."

Later that day she sat on her ex's living room floor with chanel in her lap purring softly. Seulgi then realized it had been a while since she played with her. She looked around the living room that used to be her second home, it changed. The couch was changed into an L-shaped sofa, facing the kitchen and hallway with the window behind. The TV was moved to the wall beside the kitchen. The wall from the living room that connects to the hallway was turned into huge shelf for books, photos and her album collection. In the corner was Chanel's small playground including the cage and bowl.

Wait, since when her bowl moved here.

Seungwan saw Seulgi scanning the room, she knows she probably wondering how and when she renovated everything. Walking towards the kitchen she checked her refrigerator for something she could serve to Seulgi.

"I only have some fruits and cola, is it okay with you?"

Seulgi turned her attention to her ex in the kitchen, maybe that was the reason Seungwan moved the sofa to face the kitchen. She could watch the TV and Seungwan at the same time, the sight of Seungwan made her surprised. The memories of their days together running in her mind. Questions filled her head mainly about how dumb she was for letting Seungwan go. She wanted to cry at the moment, so bad, but it was all in the past. She messed up and she cursed herself.

The movement on her lap interrupts her thoughts and brought her back to reality, Seungwan still standing there staring at her. Oh, right.

"You always have fruits."


"I'm okay with anything you know that, even just a water."

"Yeah, right."

Seulgi watch as Seungwan poured the cola into a glass and cuts melon and apple into cubes then placed it on the plate. For a moment, everything feels normal. Like they still together, like they didn't just screamed at each other last week. They both are always patient and calm but  last week proved that everyone wasn't perfect. Everyone has their own limit.

"I thought you were baking." Seulgi starts when neither of them speak and Chanel still purring happily in her lap.

"I did, I'm just waiting for the dough."

Seungwan just sat on the other side of the couch and watch Chanel on Seulgi's lap. It's been a while since she clings to others. Chanel wasn't the type of cat that likes to be hold, she only let a few people touch her and that means only Seungwan and Seulgi. She didn't let anyone touch her for the past few days, even Seungwan. Seungwan was actually a little surprised when Seulgi came and hold her, she even sleeps on her lap.

"Seems like Chanel miss you."

"I guess you're right." Seulgi pets Chanel softly and she really, really miss this moment.

"Don't you have any work today?"

"It's sunday, Seungwan."

"My bad, i thought you were working everyday because you barely came home for a month."

Damn, that hurts.

"N-no, the project was done last week."

"Good for you."


"Look, I'm sorry. I was wrong to neglect you, i was wrong to let my anger and frustration speaks to you and hurt you."

Seungwan listened silently, she looks down to her lap and remembered the event when they were shouting and screaming at each other. Harsh words were thrown and then sobbing and sniffling. She remembered Seulgi's red face when she broke her up and telling her to get out of the apartment. She knows Seulgi didn't mean what she said but it still hurts because all those things being said to her were in her mind.

"I was hurt," Seulgi feels something jabs her heart again that day. "But I know I'm not the only one."

"What do you mean?"

"You were hurt too, i can see that. Your eyes could tell" Seulgi shifts uncomfortably, something in the back of her mind tells her that maybe, only for a little, that maybe Seungwan forgive her and would give her another chance. "But I can't, Seul. Not now."

"Can i have a second chance?" She pleads, she was desperate but she knew she had to fix everything.

"Seulgi, please."

"I'm sorry"

"Give me some time"

"Really?" Seungwan surprised by how quick Seulgi's head turned to her when she decided to give her another chance. Sure, she was hurt to let go of her, she was hurt when they broke up but it hurts her even more after.

Seungwan saw Chanel stirred in Seulgi's lap. Reminds her the first time they got her last year when she accidentally entered Seulgi's apartment when she was alone waiting for Seulgi to come home. Chanel was still a kitten then, she was a mess when she realised something entered. She likes animals of course but the thought of stray animals scared her. She immediately called Seulgi, explained the situation while crying asking her to come back home faster.

Seulgi was home not long after and worriedly checked on her girlfriend first and find the intruder under the shelf. She took the little white kitten and put on her lap. She resisted at first but soon calm down. "Wani, it's okay she's harmless. Come here take a look." Since then they took care of her together.

Seungwan knew how much Chanel means for them both, she regret when she refused to gave Chanel to Seulgi yesterday but she couldn't lose her too. Seungwan sighed, she was still afraid getting back together with Seulgi but she wanted to be back in her arms.

"Like i said before, i need time and Chanel stays here"


"You can come visit her anytime but I can't give her to you."

"What if i miss you?" There's a hesitation in Seulgi's tone, afraid Seungwan would pushed her away again.

"You will see me too, Seulgi." Seungwan almost wanted to rolled her eyes. Chanel was just a reason, she miss Seulgi too but she wouldn't say it. Sure she wanted Chanel to play with Seulgi too, she was practically their kid after all. Which parent want to separate their kid from their other parent, she was not that cruel.

The corner of Seulgi's lips quirked upward. She got her second chance and she would not waste it. She looked straight to Seungwan's eyes with gratitude. "Thank you."

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I want to write more but i always stuck in the middle lol


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Chapter 2: this is how doofus jamet got her gf
Chapter 6: awe. seulgi so annoying😂
Chapter 11: Thank you for writing so many stories for my most beloved ship it was beautiful
Chapter 12: Woooooh I thought the fans will scream "Irene" instead of "Sunmi". Good thing, it's not 😅
aglaonema #5
Chapter 11: Yah seulgi
30 streak #6
Chapter 10: Fluff WenSeul is so cute!!!!
Chapter 1: Lmaooo.
That's a good 1st chapter, gonna proceed with the next one.
Chapter 10: aww lovely
aglaonema #9
Chapter 9: lol yerimmie