
Body Talk

She read her notes as she walked to her car. Milk. Checked. Sugar. Checked. Pringles. Checked. Nice, she thought. She just need to get in her car and went home. She hold the handle when that feels came.

She went out from the store holding a plastic bags and headed to the parking lot. She pulled out her phone from her back pocket and opened her notes. She checked all the things she bought and went to her car.

"Ah, i dreamt about this" she said to herself. She shook her head thinking why she dreamt something like this and chuckled. "I gotta tell Wendy this".

Seulgi was an ordinary girl who worked on a studio as photographer and sometimes designer when she could. Her business was not big, yet, but her income from it was more than enough for her to feed herself, owned an apartment big enough for her and her girlfriend, and a car.

Seulgi drove her car to her apartment and tried to remember when she dreamt about earlier. She always asked Wendy if she remember her dream or not. Wendy always said of course and told her that maybe she just too tired to remember her own dreams. Every morning she woke up trying to remember her dream from the previous night. She knew she had dreamt about something but she just couldn't remember it. But she will reminded to her own dream when it about to happened, just like before. People said it was dejavu, wasn't it? She got jealous of people who could tell others what they were dreaming the night before. She wanted that too, was that too much?

"I'm home" she entered her apartment and headed to kitchen to put her groceries.

"Hi, baby. Welcome home" Wendy greeted her from living room. She took the plastic bag from Seulgi and pecked her lips.

"Hmm, you watch something?"

"Just some tv shows, i just got home too. I think half an hour before you. I just watching while drying my hair" She said while examined the plastic bag. "Pringles again? We still have 5 there" she giggled and pointed to the snack corner in their kitchen.

"Why~~" she whined, backhugging Wendy and put her chin on her shoulder. She could smell Wendy scent clearly, her natural scent combined with body lotion and body soap. She thought her girlfriend scent is the best smell she had in her entire life.

"Go get change and shower. I'll prepare dinner" Wendy said tapping Seulgi cheek.

"You look tired," Seulgi turned Wendy around and hold her shoulder. "I'm craving pizza though, i'll call and you can relax today"

"Nope, we already had pizza last week and i'm not tired. Now shoo, you stink" she said pushing Seulgi to the bathroom.

Seulgi couldn't complain and just do what she told to and Wendy started cooking for their dinner. They finished their business and ate on the table and told each other about their day. Wendy told her about the annoying customer she had and how good the pastries she made. Wendy owned a cafe close to their neighbourhood, so she had flexible time to work. She usually went to her cafe with Seulgi and sometimes after her to made sure her girlfriend had decent breakfast and some packed lunch.

After Wendy done with her talk, Seulgi told her her dejavu on her way back home.

"I had dejavu" she said still munching the tuna Wendy made. Wendy wiped her corner lips with her thumb and giggled.

"Again? It's the second time this week"

"I know, are you sure you never experienced it?"

"We talk about this many times, Seul. And yes i did once or maybe twice but not like yours"

"Isn't it weird? I never remember my dream and i only remember it when it about to happen"

Wendy just listened to Seulgi's rambling, chin on her palm. When Seulgi first told her about her dejavu Wendy simply said everyone had that and when Seulgi said she dreamt about it before Wendy just shrugged and said maybe she just tired and imagined things. One day they went shopping in the mall, they walked through shops and suddenly Seulgi stopped, face blank for a second. When Wendy asked her what happened, she said she had dejavu. Wendy didn't believe her until Seulgi insisted that she was right.

"Believe me, Wen" Seulgi hold Wendy's arm and shook it when child passed them by. "Look at that kid, wait for it. His mom will come and hold his hand promise him to buy churros after this". She said pointing the kid before them.

"That silly, Seulgi. It won't-" Wendy got cut-off when she looked a woman came to the boy.

"Jinwoo, stay close with me. Be good today and we will buy churros on way home, sounds good?" that woman said while holding the boy's hand. The boy named Jinwoo agreed and they left.

"Holy moly". Wendy said, still couldn't believe Seulgi was right. "You kidding, right?" she faced Seulgi.

Every morning Wendy would be the one who woke first and prepared for their breakfast. After that, she went back to their room and woke Seulgi up. That morning was different, she went to her room and didn't find Seulgi there. She checked the bathroom and saw Seulgi in front of the mirror. She looked terrified, her hand shaking and short-breathed. Seulgi saw her through the mirror and immediately hugged her.

"Hey, it's okay, i'm here. Nothing to worry about". She said, rubbing the taller one back. "Let's wash up and eat, you want to talk about it?". Seulgi just nodded. "I'll wait in the kitchen, okay?" she kissed her forehead and headed to kitchen.

In the kitchen, she sat and thought what happened to her girlfriend this morning. Was she had a bad dream? But she supposed to not remember it? Or something happened last night when she already fell asleep? Her thought got interrupted when Seulgi came and sat across her. Wendy smiled at her and gave her a cup of tea, hoping it would make her relaxed.

"You okay?" Wendy asked her, face filled with concern

"Yeah" she anwered. "You won't leave me, right?" she held her hand and intertwined it.

"I won't, silly. But maybe if you keep buy those pringles" she joked hoping to lift up the mood. She got playful slap on her arm as an answer. That day Wendy decided to bring the car and took Seulgi to work and picked her up to make sure she was fine and that worked. Seulgi wasn't scared anymore and she looked like her normal self. They talked all the way from Seulgi's studio to their home.

She believed her dejavu thing was a curse and a blessing, it happens unexpectedly and correctly. She didn't know when that would happened nor changed it when it started to happened. It was a blessing when it happened to be good things just like how she dreamt about dating someone in a theme park in her dream when she was still in the 2nd grade of high school and turns out that someone was her Wendy. They haven't even met that time, how riddiculous was that. She was laughing so hard in the middle of carousel and Wendy had to hide her face in embarassment because people stared them. She told Wendy about the dream with her smug face saying "You belongs to me, you know that? Don't you dare run away!".

It could became a curse just like what happened during Christmas on their first year after live together. They held a little party with their little gang in their apartment. Joy and Yeri, Wendy's co-worker in her cafe and Irene, Seulgi's assistant. Things went well with Irene and Wendy in the kitchen, Joy setting the table, Seulgi decorating the photobooth and Yeri decorating the christmas tree until Seulgi stunned and felt that feels came. She could hear Wendy and Irene chatting and Joy doing something in the kitchen table. She was holding a tape and scissors trying to stick colourful papers on the wall and she heard Yeri asking for a stool. She came back to the present and heard Yeri called her.

"Seulgi unnie!"

"Do you need a stool?" she glanced to the maknae, face pale.

"Yeah, i was gonna ask you for it. I can't reach the top to put the star" She reached her arm and tip-toed. Seulgi knew what would happen so she tried to called Yeri but it happened so fast. Yeri got slipped and she tried to reach anything to made her not fall. Her right hand hold the tree but her limb fell faster and her left hand landed first but couldn't hold her weight, it twisted her wrist and the next thing Seulgi remember they had burgers for dinner in emergency room.

Today's photoshoot just like any other photoshoot Seulgi had but this time she did it not in the studio but in the park a little far from downtown. She felt uneasy when she found out they had to do outdoor photoshoot that day but she shrugged it off. She went on full working mode when the photoshoot started. The weather was really nice and everything went well. She sighed, looking at her watch on her wrist she told Irene to have a 15 minutes break since it was past their lunch time and they only had one session left.

She looked around her and smiled a little, seeing the park looks nice and not many people there she made a mental note to bring Wendy there. She took out her phone and saw 2 missed calls from Joy, that's weird she thought. Joy rarely called her except Wendy told her to. She called her back but the younger girl not picked up. She hold her phone tight, is there something happen in the cafe? If there was, Wendy should called her not Joy. Or is it Wendy? She start to panicked and calling her girlfriend but the girl didn't picked up. Irene saw her boss pacing back and forth and decided to go to her.

"Here, drink this. You look thirsty" she handled Seulgi a cup of iced americano.

"Unnie, did the girls from cafe called you? Joy or Yeri perhaps?" Seulgi took the coffee and sip it and thanked her friend.

"Um, i just checked my phone and no. Why?"

"Joy called me twice, i called her back but she didn't pick up. I'm afraid something happen in the cafe, so i called Wendy but she didn't pick up either" Seulgi said in one breath.

"Hey, calm down. Let's hope they're okay. How about we go the the cafe after this? We can wrap this up in thirty. We can reschedule our afternoon meeting, i'll tell the others you have something important to do today" she said holding her friend's shoulder, trying to calm her.

"Yeah, okay, that's good. Let's finish this thing"

They finished it in less than 30 minutes, thanked the crews for their work and sorry for rushing things. Irene drove her to the cafe while she try to calling Wendy, Joy and Yeri. When they about to reach the cafe, Yeri picked up her phone and speak timidly. Seulgi almost yelled at her when Irene stopped suddenly.

There were two police cars with the sirens on, crowd gathered in front of her girlfriend's cafe murmuring something. Irene told her to stay in the car while she checked it. She watched Irene talk with one officer and she realised she still calling Yeri. Yeri explained she was in hospital and told her about a car with drunk driver break through their cafe and smashed their wall when Wendy and Joy cleaning the tables. Irene back to the car and Seulgi furiously asked her to go to the hospital. Irene dropped her in front of emergency room and she just ran to the door and asked the nurse when that feels came.

She was in the room full of antiseptic smell, the walls around her paint in white. Few posters showing organs sticks on the wall, another posters showing tables with names on it. She ran through the aisle and went to a room in her right, ten beds with curtains came to her visions, five on each side. She went to third bed on her left and found her girlfriend lying unconciously on the bed with Yeri on her side.

She just stood there, not minding what the nurse told her. She felt numb, she knew exactly what happen if she goes forward. She felt a tap on her shoulder, it was Irene asking if she was okay. They went together to the ward where Wendy and Joy supposed to be. First room on the right, she remembered. Five beds on each side of the room just like what she saw. She chuckled bitterly, so this is what made her shivering that morning.

Stepping carefully into the room, Irene held her arm afraid if she let it go Seulgi would fall. Third bed on the left, and there she was. Her unconcious girlfriend, lying weakly on the bed. Seulgi reach for her arm and seeing bruises on both Wendy's arms and cast on her right ankle. Yeri left them alone and went to Irene and told her the accident.

She her cheeks with her left hand, her right hand holding her less-bruised arm. Feeling sorry for whatever happen to her girlfriend because she couldn't protect her. She hold back her tears and about to punched herself when Joy greeted her with sling on her hand.

"Hi, unnie" she smiled to her friend

"Joy-ah, i'm so sorry. Are you okay?" She asked with full concern on her face.

"I'm okay, unnie. Just little bruised"

"But your hand and-"

"Shhh, i'm okay and you don't have to be sorry. I'm going to Yeri and Irene unnie, you better stay when she wake up" She winked and left her alone with Wendy again. She looked at her girlfriend and kissed her forehead and booped her nose. She smiled sadly and sat back to her chair.

She woke up with her head on the bed holding Wendy's hand, she didn't realise she fell asleep while watching her. She looked out the window and her watch. It was 7pm and Wendy still sleeping. She sighed and suddenly her stomach grumbling. Right, she ate nothing since breakfast. She heard noises came from bed.

"You should eat" Wendy said weakly and smiled sleepily to the girl in front of her.

"How are you feeling?" Seulgi asked instead, adjusting the pillow and bed to make it comfortable for Wendy

"Ugh, i can't feel anything" Seulgi panicked because she thought her condition worsen. Wendy laughed and the pain attacked her. "Aw! Okay now i feel the pain"

"Damn, Wendy. That's not funny!" she frowned and crossed her arms on her chest

"I'm sorry, c'mere baby" she spread her arm, trying to sit straight and cooing Seulgi. She hugged her tightly and started sobbing on Wendy's neck. She cried all of her frustations until her body shaking, she mumbled sorry, i love you, don't leave me hundred times. "I'm the one who need to say sorry, for worrying and troubling you so much today". She said while her hair, she felt Seulgi calmed down a bit.

"She's awake! Omg, unnie you are awake!" Yeri screamed startling the couple, nurses, doctors and other patients in the ward, they still in the emergency room after all. "Sorry everyone"

"Should we wait outside?" Irene came in followed by Joy

"No, unnie it's okay" she looked the sling on Joy's arm. "Omg, Joy. Are you okay?" Joy chuckled, typical Wendy, selfless eventhough she was the one hurted more.

"Yes, mom" she rolled her eyes playfully, she moved her attention the girl clinging to Wendy "Seulgi unnie, we bring foods, you haven't eat anything since morning, right?" she shook her head, not to answering Joy but to refused to be separated with Wendy. Wendy whispered something convincing her to eat and Seulgi agreed.

"Anyways, unnies. Wendy unnie will be moved to her own ward, yeah you're welcome. And Seulgi unnie, you might want to meet the doctors after you eat" Yeri said.

Wendy smiled hearing their maknae take care of her, it supposed to be the other way. Who knows getting hit by a car and your cafe wall made you realise there are many people cared about you.

Seulgi met the doctors and agreed that Wendy need to stayed in the hospital for a week. She decided to went home, cleaned up herself and brought new clothes for them. On her way back to hospital, she thought how lucky she was for having her ability. Maybe she would be still in her studio meeting with the magazine company, came home with no one greeted her. She was thankful for the preparation she had, thankful to her friends who helps them, thankful for having such a strong girlfriend.

She came into the room and saw Wendy sitting with the pulled up bed, Irene fed her with fruits on her right side. Joy looked so excited telling them the driver was sued for the accident and Yeri listening to her on the other side. She walked in carefully, trying not to interrupting their moments when the maknae saw her. They smiled at her and welcomed her. They talked like that until almost midnight and they decided to went home, gave the couple the privacy the needed. Seulgi thanked them and sent them home.

Seulgi unpacked the bag, telling Wendy she need to stay for a week there. Rambling about how she would not work for the next few weeks saying she wanted to accompany her and took care of her. She told her to asked her help for anything because she couldn't move her body. Seulgi kept rambling and nagging Wendy what she would do, what she couldn't do, what she need to do until she felt grapes thrown to her.

"Ouch! What was that for?! Are you even listening to me?" She glared at Wendy, looking back to her phone reading her notes full of checked list. "You need to eat you medicines thrice a day and the doct-"

Wendy whined to her girlfriend, she took her arm with both hands and shook it. So this is what Seulgi felt when she nagged her, Wendy thought. Still shaking Seulgi's arm childishly hoping to shut her rambling

"Look, who's the childish one here" she said, sitting on the chair beside the bed.

"You keep talking and not paying attention to me. I'm annoyed" she said, puffing her cheeks. "You know it's not good for the baby". Seulgi looked at her girlfriend wide eyed, she couldn't believe what she said. Wendy continued "Yes, i'm the baby" she laughed out loud.

"Dork!" she flicked her forehead "I almost got heart attack"

"I'm sorry" she wiped the tears from her eyes for laughing too much "You should see your expression that's so cute". Seulgi frowned and tickled her until she winced in pain. She stopped and apologised by kissing her lips.

The couple talk to each other in the next few hours, Wendy told Seulgi about the accident. She was cleaning the table by the window when it happened. She was about to bring the empty cups to the dishes when the wall behind her fell and hit her. Seulgi listened to her, eyes scanning the bruises. She hummed and held her hand, she rub her knuckles with her thumb and her other hand her hair. When Wendy finished her talk Seulgi smiled sweetly at her, she told Wendy how she knew the accident and her dejavu. Wendy listened to her, helding her hand the one rubbing her knuckles.

"So that was your dream weeks ago, the one made you shivering that morning" Wendy asked

"Yes, scary wasn't it?"

"I don't know, Seulgi" she tilted her head, asked her what she meant. "I'm okay as long as you stay with me" she said, looking at her and smiled lovingly.

"I love you" she said, smiling back to Wendy. She leaned closer and booped their nose. Wendy could feel her breath, she tried to close the gap when Seulgi suddenly pulled back. "Come on let's sleep, it's 2am now. You need to wake up at 8 and drink your meds"

"Oh, shut up"

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I want to write more but i always stuck in the middle lol


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Chapter 2: this is how doofus jamet got her gf
Chapter 6: awe. seulgi so annoying😂
Chapter 11: Thank you for writing so many stories for my most beloved ship it was beautiful
Chapter 12: Woooooh I thought the fans will scream "Irene" instead of "Sunmi". Good thing, it's not 😅
aglaonema #5
Chapter 11: Yah seulgi
30 streak #6
Chapter 10: Fluff WenSeul is so cute!!!!
Chapter 1: Lmaooo.
That's a good 1st chapter, gonna proceed with the next one.
Chapter 10: aww lovely
aglaonema #9
Chapter 9: lol yerimmie