Chapter 5


The days had passed and the day before the deadline of their projects. Minjoo was finishing the project with Yujin in the cafe as usual. It was 1:30 pm but the sky was dark outside. It looked like it could rain anytime soon.


“Don’t be too nervous when you give the presentation. We prepared the best.” Yujin said to Minjoo.


“Ok.” Minjoo replied.


“So let’s stop here.” Yujin packed her things and walked outside first.


Minjoo kept her things and went outside. It was raining heavily. She saw Yujin was waiting under the roof of the cafe. Yujin looked like she was ready to run in the rain. Yujin zipped down her hoody and kept her notes and book under it. She put the hood and took one step but a hand pulled her. So she looked at that person.


“Don’t you bring your umbrella?” Minjoo pulled back Yujin under the roof.


“I forget to bring” Yujin took a step but pulled back again.


“I can take you to your home. I have an umbrella.” Minjoo took her umbrella which was in the bin.


“It’s ok. You can go back and rest well.” Yujin said and tried again but was pull back by the same person.


“I don’t want my member to get sick before the presentation.” Minjoo didn’t let go of her hand this time. She held Yujin’s arm tight. Finally Yujin gave up.


Minjoo was holding the umbrella. The umbrella and Yujin’s head was almost touched. Because of Yujin was taller than Minjoo. Yujin made sure that her notes and books didn’t get wet.


“Why don’t you bring bag to keep books?” Minjoo noticed Yujin’s action.


“I don’t like to carry bag.”


The cars were passing and sometimes the water was splashed to pavement. Yujin sensed that Minjoo was a little bit wet and was uncomfortable with their position now because of their height difference. So she took the umbrella from Minjoo and switched the position.


Minjoo looked at Yujin. Yujin was holding the umbrella with her left hand and held the books with right hand. And Yujin made sure that Minjoo didn’t get wet by decreasing their distance, covering umberlla most to Minjoo. They kept walking and reached to Yujin’s house.


“Make sure you didn’t get a cold and dry up yourself when you get back home.” Yujin said and went inside the house. Minjoo looked at Yujin. Her right arm was completely wet because of splashes and rain.


“She’s the one whose clothes are completely damp though” Minjoo was in a daze.


She walked back to her house and had a bath. She wore the clothes and dried up her hair.


“It’s really cold.” Suddenly she thought of Yujin. She remembered Yuri exchanged phone number with Yujin’s friend, Yena. She called Yuri.


“What’s up Min Min?”


“Yuri-ah, you have Yena’s phone number right? Can I have her number?”


“Is something wrong Min Min?”


“No, I just want to ask something to Yena.”


“Ok. Wait a minute……..Yena’s number is ************.”


“Thanks Yuri”


Minjoo hung up the phone call with Yuri and called Yena.




“Hello Yena shi. This is Kim Minjoo”


“Aww…Yes Minjoo. What can I help you?”


“Hmmmm….C-can I have Yujin’s phone number?”


“Yujin?? You didn’t have her phone number!”




“That giant puppy. Ok Minjoo. I will text you her phone number.”


“Thank you. Yena”


“Is everything ok with her? You didn’t find weird to her, right. She’s a good kid.”


“Yes. I know.”


“Ok Ok. I will send you message now.”


“Ok. Thank you”


After hanging up, she got a message from Yena.


“Should I call her or should I text her” Minjoo battled herself. “Texting may be fine”. She started typing.


“Hello…Yujin. This is Kim Minjoo. Did you dry yourself?” Minjoo reread her message. “This sounds ok”. She clicked send.


She waited for a while but there was no reply. “As expected, it is An Yujin”. Minjoo heard her mother calling to her to have a dinner. She went down to have a dinner with a family. When she went up to her room, she reread her paper for presentation and suddenly she checked her phone if there was any message from a certain person with hope. But there was none. She sighed and continued reading. After 20 minutes,  “dang”, Minjoo’s phone lighted up, indicating that there was a message. She quickly looked at her phone.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                “Yes. How about you?”


Minjoo smiled when she read the message. She thought she would only get short ‘Yes’ from Yujin but Yujin was worried for her. She felt warmth after reading message. She started typing immediately.


“Yes. I already dried myself up. Stay warm.”


She sent without hesitation. After a while, her phone lighted up again.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                      “You too. Thank you for your accompany today.”


Minjoo smiled again, but this time really wide.


“No problem. Fighting for tomorrow”


Minjoo opened her favorite music and restarted her work.





“After presentation, I have good news to you all.” Teacher said the students. “So, let’s start the presentation.” Presentation was started by the group number. Minjoo was really nervous.


“It’s going to be ok Minjoo. This isn’t the first time for you. You have done so many presentations in the past. Calm down” Chaewon patted Minjoo’s back.


“I know but I can’t calm down.” Minjoo nervously said.


Now, it was Yujin and Minjoo turn to do the presentation. Minjoo shuddered when she started the intro. Yujin patted Minjoo’s back. Minjoo turned and looked at Yujin.


“You can do it.” Yujin mouthed.


Minjoo took a deep breath. Somehow Yujin action made her heart calmed down. She started her presentation again. But this time, she could do perfectly fine. After Minjoo, Yujin did her part.  They went back to their respective seat.


“Your presentation is really good.” Sakura turned back and whispered to Minjoo.


“Thank you” Minjoo smiled and glanced at Yujin who was patted by Chaeyeon. Chaewon looked at Minjoo and raised a brow at Yujin.


“Ok class. Firstly, I would like to say thank you to all for trying your best in project. Some are really good. Secondly, today class is over.” The students shouted with happiness. “Lastly, there will be a school trip for 1 night 2 days. The detail will be put on the notice board. I will take a leave now.” The teacher got out from the class and the class became noisy.        




The last bell was rung and all students left the class.


“Minjoo, let’s go. I will take you home today.” Chaewon offered.


Minjoo shook her head to decline Chaewon. “I have something to do Chaewonnie. Go back first.”


“You don’t have discussion right? The presentation is already finished.” Chaewon raised one eyebrow.


“Yes. But I have something to do. That’s why. Don’t wait for me”


“Ok” Chaewon said in a flat voice and left the class.


Minjoo took a carton of strawberry milk from her bag and walked towards Yujin who was sweeping the floor. Today was Yujin’s duty to clean the classroom. Yujin stopped sweeping when she saw someone’s legs. She looked up to see the owner of the legs.


Minjoo smiled at Yujin and gave a carton to Yujin. Yujin stared at a carton.


“Thank you for helping me through this project. If it was not you, I don’t know what to do.”


“It’s ok. We are team members. Member needs to help each other.”


“Come on. Take it. My hands become hurt.” Minjoo signaled Yujin to take a carton from her.


Yujin took it. There was an awkward silence between them. Both of them were standing.


“Do I need to give a hand?” Minjoo broke the silence.


“No. It’s ok. It’s my duty anyway. Go back home and take a rest. You have been tired these weeks.”


“You also were tired. Let’s do it quickly. Two is better than one. So let’s just finish this fast and go back home. Ok?” Minjoo started cleaning the board.


“Come on. An Yujin. Keep sweeping.” Minjoo shouted softly.


“It’s ok though.” Yujin whispered and swept the floor again.





“Ahhhh….finish” Minjoo stretched her arms.


“Thank you” Yujin said.


“My pleasure.” Minjoo smiled.


“Let’s leave now. It’s already late for you.” Yujin took her bag and left.


Minjoo followed behind Yujin. She’s getting used to Yujin took a leave first. While walking, Yujin suddenly stopped walking and turned around. Minjoo who was plugging her earphones also stopped walking. Minjoo gave a question look to Yujin.


“Are you following me?” Yujin asked.


“What?” Minjoo took off her earphones. “Sorry what did you say?”


“Are you following me?”


“No. I’m not. My house is on the same way as your house.”


Yujin furrowed her eyebrows. “But I saw you that you came to school in the opposite direction the other day.”


Minjoo recalled that day. “Ahhh….My father took me to school that day and he had somewhere to go before dropping me off to school.” Minjoo threw her finger in the air with wide eyes.


Yujin nodded her head after hearing the reason then she noticed that the music from Minju’s phone was pretty loud to hear as she knew what song Minjoo was listening.


Yujin turned back and walked “Decrease the volume or you will be a deaf soon.”


Minjoo was stunned and something was not normal within her body. But she kicked off that undefined feeling in her body and walked behind Yujin. She also decrease the volume as Yujin said.


At some place, Yujin turned left while Minjoo turned right. Minjoo wanted to say goodbye but she let it slided off. Yujin felt the absence of a certain girl so she looked back. She looked at Minjoo who was walking opposite direction. Then she went to her house.  






Oops! Another update again! This time a little bit longer than the other chapters. HEE HEE....Hope you enjoy :) 

Sorry if i make any mistakes.

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J1nj00 #1
Chapter 16: Come back author-nim :(
Chapter 16: Still here :((
Chapter 16: I want more :(
285 streak #4
Chapter 16: Authornim! I just read this now and it was good! I hope you update hihi fighting!
Chapter 16: I missed this ;-; Thank you for coming back and updating :)
Pwyngng #6
Chapter 16: I really miss this fic! Thanks for the update
bluejin #7
Chapter 16: now i need to re-read this fic ahhahahah
Chapter 16: Thanks for updating.
Chapter 16: I miss this. And awww minjoo
Chapter 16: I really miss this fic! Thank you for the update author nim!