Chapter 3



Minjoo was processing what she just heard. “Did she just talk to me again?”


Yuri scratched her head “Did An Yujin talk to Minjoo??”


“Woww.. I must buy lottery today” Sakura added.


“Do I need to stay together with you? I don’t want you to be alone with that girl” Chaewon said to Minjoo.


“Yah…Minjoo is not a kid and also An Yujin is not a monster. She would not bite Minjoo.” Sakura said and Yuri nodded her head to approve what Sakura said.


“I’m not a kid Chaewonnie. I have already grown up”    


Yujin was sitting near the window at the library, waiting Minjoo. There was not many students since it was a time to go back home. After a while, Minjoo came and saw Yujin was reading a book and writing down something. There was a carton of strawberry milk on the table.  Minjoo knocked the table for Yujin to notice her presence. Yujin looked up and kept her book. Minjoo took a seat in front of Yujin. The two didn’t start the conversation and the atmosphere was really awkward. After 15 minutes, Minjoo broke the awkwardness.


“W-why do you want to meet me?” Minjoo shuttered.


“About project” Yujin looked straightly to Minjoo. Minjoo could not stand the look of Yujin. She looked down to her hand.


“Do you have any idea for project?” Minjoo asked.


“Yes”Yujin started to talk about her idea and Minjoo could only gasp. She thought that Yujin was not interested in project but she was wrong.


“That was my idea” Yujin ended.


"My idea was ........" Minjoo explained about her idea to Yujin.


“Yours is better than mine. So, I think we should stick with your idea”. Minjoo added.


Yujin nodded her head. “So..When will we start? Tomorrow is Saturday” Minjoo asked.


“I don’t want a stranger to come into my house and also I don’t want to go to a stranger’s house” Yujin said straightly.


Minjoo blinked her eyes. In her mind ”I am her classmate and also a team member. How can I be a stranger or is it a stranger?”


“How about we meet at café?” Yujin suggested.


Minjoo was still thinking about the stranger things.


“Kim Minjoo” Yujin called first time but Minjoo didn’t respond. “Minjoo shi” second time calling but still no response. “Minjoo” with a little louder this time.


“Humm” Minjoo looked at Yujin. “What are you saying?”


Yujin sighed “ let’s meet at ***** café tomorrow for project”


“Ahhh…Ok. How about we exchange phone numb-……..”     


“Tomorrow ***** café at 10 am.” And then Yujin got up and left Minjoo alone.


“…-ber” Minjoo finished her sentence. Minjoo turned her body and looked at Yujin walking out from library. “Strange. Really strange.”


Minjoo had a dinner with her family and now she was in her room talking on phone with Chaewon.


“How can she not exchange her phone number with me? Team member usually exchanges phone number to discuss something or just in case. How can she?”


“So you have to go to café to meet with her tomorrow.”


“Yesss. At 10am.”


“Do I need to accompany you?”


“No need. I have to handle alone with that miss strange ice. Good night Chaewonnie”


“Good Night Minjoo-ah”


After ending the phone call, Minjoo clicked the music gallery and opened the AYJ’s songs. She could only relax after listening to that person songs.


Yujin was waiting in the café, writing something into her books. It was 10:04 am now. The bell inside the café rang as someone came into the café. Minjoo walked directly to Yujin. She made a cough to let Yujin know that she arrived. Yujin made a gesture to sit and she stacked the paper and books beside her. Yujin was wearing a hoody. Minjoo saw some musical notes in that paper.  The waiter came to Minjoo.


“May I take the order?”


“Ahh.. one hot choco please. What about you?” Minjoo looked at Yujin.


“No. I already have one.” She pointed to her cup.


“Oops. Ok. I will only have that” Minjoo smiled to waiter and waiter took a leave.


“Shall we start now?” Yujin asked and Minjoo nodded and took her blank papers. They started the discussion and wrote down the notes. An hour and a half has passed.


“Now we need to think about that part.” Yujin said while looking at the notes. “Do you have other things to do today?” Yujin looked at Minjoo. “Or do you want to stop here for today and think at home or do you want to continue?” Yujin added.


“I have nothing to do today.” Minjoo said while thinking. “Let’s finish this part today. The faster the better.”


“Ok. So let’s take a break for 15 minutes. After that, we can start again” Yujin nodded her head.


“Can I listen to my music while taking a break?” Minjoo requested.




Minjoo smiled and plugged her earphone into her ears. She looked at her notes and took a sip of her hot choco. Yujin stared Minjoo for a while and then took out her sheets. After 15 minutes, they started again.


“Let’s stop here. It’s already 2 pm. Is it already passed your lunch time?” Yujin asked.


“It’s ok. I’m not that hungry.” Minjoo replied.


“Ok!” Yujin said and walk away.


Minjoo put her notes into her bag and saw the book what Yujin was reading. “Piano Adventures” Minjoo whispered. Then Yujin came back.


“So, tomorrow, I am busy. Let’s meet again on Monday after school at library.” Yujin said and picked up her things and held.


“Ok” Minjoo replied.


Then Yujin made her way towards the exit without replying, leaving Minjoo alone again.


Minjoo sighed and walked towards the cashier to pay for her order.


“That table was already paid Miss”


“What??” Minjoo was surprised. “Who pay for it?” Minjoo asked to cashier.


“The girl who sit together with you Miss”


Minjoo couldn’t believe what she had heard. She asked again as she thought she misheard it. But the answer was the same. Minjoo bowed to cashier and walked outside.


“Why did she pay for me?? She said that I am a stranger to her. So why does she pay for a stranger?” Minjoo was thinking on her way to home.







Hello! Here is another chaper for you......Hope you enjoy reading this fic.....

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J1nj00 #1
Chapter 16: Come back author-nim :(
Chapter 16: Still here :((
Chapter 16: I want more :(
285 streak #4
Chapter 16: Authornim! I just read this now and it was good! I hope you update hihi fighting!
Chapter 16: I missed this ;-; Thank you for coming back and updating :)
Pwyngng #6
Chapter 16: I really miss this fic! Thanks for the update
bluejin #7
Chapter 16: now i need to re-read this fic ahhahahah
Chapter 16: Thanks for updating.
Chapter 16: I miss this. And awww minjoo
Chapter 16: I really miss this fic! Thank you for the update author nim!