Chapter 4


When Yujin arrived at her house, a woman was sitting in the living room. Yujin passed her without greeting.


“Why don’t you greet your mother, An Yujin?”


“You are not my mother and you will never be.” Yujin talked back without facing that woman and went upstairs to her room. She put down her books and papers on the table and threw her body onto the bed. She took a photo frame from a table beside her bed. She looked at the photo. “Mom” her tears rolled down on her cheek. “I miss you a lot” and then she hugged that photo and closed her eyes.


The next day


Yujin was on the way to Yena’s house. She called Yena.


“Duckie, I will be arrived in 3 minutes. Come and open the door.”


“Whattt?” Then the phone went off. Yena ran down and opened the door.


“Why are you coming to my house so early? You didn’t tell me beforehand. Is there any problem with you? What does the old woman do to you?” Yena bombarded with questions.


“Why are you so noisy you duck?”


Yena closed the door and went to her room. They sat on the bed.


“Is there something wrong with you?” Yena asked with worried.


“Everything is ok. I just want to test some notes. I tried with my ipad. But I want to try with the real one.” Yujin, walking to the piano and sat down. She opened the fallboard. She played some keys to warm herself.


“You already finished another song!!! Woww….Yokshi An Yujin. But you upload the song not too long ago. But I haven’t checked that song on the twitter because I have already enough with your songs by listening here.” Yujin said with a laugh.


Yujin glared to Yena while playing some notes.


“Just kidding. I trust you giant puppy. Your music is always perfect. If that incident didn’t happen, you will be like Beethoven.”


Yujin suddenly stopped playing and let out a sigh. And turn her body towards Yena.


“The past is the past. It can’t be changed anymore.” Yujin faced the piano again and start playing her new notes.  


(It was July’s Fall Rain)


“Have you already got the title for that song?” Yena asked.


“Still thinking. May be related with rain cause now is rainy season.”


“When will you record that song? Now?”


“No. I want to edit some parts. I am not fully satisfied.” Yujin closed the fallboard.


“Let’s call Bear and hang out”


“Where do you want to go?” Yujin said uninterestingly.


“Somewhere but not here.” Yena smirked.


After watching movie,

“Let’s have lunch. I’m so hungry” Yena quacked.


They went to the nearby restaurant and ordered what they wanted.


“Giant puppy. How was with Minjoo? Does your discussion go well?” Chaeyeon asked.


Yujin just nodded and had a bite of meat.


“She is really pretty” Chaeyeon added.


Yujin and Yena gave a weird look to Chaeyeon. Yujin shook her head softly.


“There is no medicine for Chaeyeon not to fall in love with pretty girls” Yena sighed.


“Yah you duck” Chaeyeon shouted but not loud.


“Why?? It’s true though” Yujin joined in.


“Not you too giant puppy” Chaeyeon glared at Yujin.

They hung out for the whole day.


The school was alive again with students’ noises. Students entered the school gate with their friends. Minjoo was walking from the right side to enter the school gate but suddenly stopped walking when she saw a certain person in front of her eyes. Yujin was in front of her walking from left side to enter the school gate. They met their eyes but Yujin didn't stop walking. Minjoo followed behind her. She wanted to ask Yujin for paying her order. But she noted to ask her after school but not now.


There were not many students in their classroom because it was still early. As time went by, students entered little by little as Minjoo’s friends arrived too. Suddenly a certain duck was tiptoeing to Yujin’s seat and Minjoo and her friends looked curiously. That duck put a finger on , signaling to close the mouth and approached to Yujin slowly. A poor Yujin didn’t know what happened behind her back as she was thinking and writing her notes. The duck jumped and wrapped her arm around Yujin’s neck.


“What are you doing giant puppy” the duck quacked.


Yujin was surprised and made a short shout “ahhh” but when she heard the known voice, she calmed.


“Get off me you stinky duck” Yujin broke free from the duck’s wings.


Yena was laughing hard as Minjoo laughed silently.


“You should look at yourself giant puppy. You look so scared.” Yena was still laughing.


“I was just surprised. Not more than that” Yujin countered.


“What did I miss” Chaeyeon entered the class with questioningly look.


“You miss the big event Chaeyeon” Yena wiped her tears because of laughing too hard.


“What event”


“Nothing. You know that she was just a crazy duck” Yujin answered.


“They are so stupid” Chaewon shook her head.


“Why??That looks fun.” Sakura said with a big eye.


“Yeah. That’s what friends do” Yuri joined.


“but it was surprised to see with An Yujin involved in that kind of doing” Sakura put her finger to her chin.


“Whatever” Chaewon threw her hands.


Minjoo only looked at what her friends were talking about and glanced at Yujin.


Yujin was waiting in the library, drinking a carton of strawberry milk. Minjoo came in and sat in front of Yujin. They started doing their project. 2 hours has passed.


“Why do you pay for a stranger?” Minjoo asked.


Yujin looked at Minjoo. “Who?”


“You paid my order last Saturday. So why do you pay for a stranger?”


“I just want to treat you for taking your time. Nothing more.”


Silent passed…..


“Thank you for that.”


“No problem. So let’s stop here today.” Yujin packed her things and walked away. Suddenly she stopped walking and came back to Minjoo.


Minjoo looked at Yujin “Did you forget something?”


“I think I haven’t introduced myself properly to you. I’m An Yujin.”


Minjoo blinked her eyes several time. “Yes. I’m Kim Minjoo”


“Take care on your way back home. It’s already late.” Then Yujin walked away.


Minjoo was speechless for the third time. “Did she worry for me? I know she is a weird person but she is weirder than I thought.” 







Sorry if there are mistakes!



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J1nj00 #1
Chapter 16: Come back author-nim :(
Chapter 16: Still here :((
Chapter 16: I want more :(
279 streak #4
Chapter 16: Authornim! I just read this now and it was good! I hope you update hihi fighting!
Chapter 16: I missed this ;-; Thank you for coming back and updating :)
Pwyngng #6
Chapter 16: I really miss this fic! Thanks for the update
bluejin #7
Chapter 16: now i need to re-read this fic ahhahahah
Chapter 16: Thanks for updating.
Chapter 16: I miss this. And awww minjoo
Chapter 16: I really miss this fic! Thank you for the update author nim!