Chapter 10



Yujin looked at when she heard her name and saw Minjoo with a confused face.


“What are you doing here at this hour??” Minjoo walked to Yujin who was wearing a thin sweater.


Minjoo mother was also looking at Yujin. When Minjoo was near Yujin, she clearly saw Yujin face was a little bit wet. She quickly sat beside Yujin and wiped the tears which was falling on Yujin face. She also saw a red finger print on Yujin face.


It was the first time Minjoo saw Yujin’s tears. She felt hurt in her chest when she saw those tears.


“What happen? Are you ok??” Minjoo said with a very soft and concerned voice. Yujin hung her head but Minjoo lifted her head and looked at Yujin’s eyes. Yujin also looked at Minjoo. They stared each other eyes.


“Heyyy…do you want to come to my house?” Minjoo asked.


Yujin softly shook her head.


“Am I a stranger to you?” Minjoo furrowed her eyes. “I thought you said I am your friend” Minjoo pouted.


Yujin gave a little smile. Minjoo was relieved when she saw Yujin’s smile. She started feeling those unknown thing in her chest but she shrugged that because Yujin was more important now.


“Come on. It’s too late and it’s cold. And you only wear a thin sweater. You will catch a cold.  If you don’t want to go back to your house, come with me. Yena and Chaeyeon house may be a little bit far.”


Minjoo’s mother came to Yujin “Come with us” said softly.


Yujin was sitting on Minjoo’s bed.


“Here wear it” Minjoo gave a thick sweater for Yujin to wear because Yujin seemed cold.


Yujin took and wore it.


“Did you have your dinner?”


Yujin shook her head.


“Oh my god” Minjoo was in shock. “You should not skip your dinner” Minjoo stood up and looked something to eat in her room. “These snacks can’t make your stomach full” 


“It’s ok. I’m not hungry” Yujin said to the busy girl.


“No. Ah ha…Please wait a moment. I’m going to make a ramyeon”


“It’s ok. Don’t mak-….”


Minjoo left her room. Yujin was alone in Minjoo’s room. She scanned the room. The room was just like a ordinary girl room. She stopped her eyes at Minjoo’s photos which was beside the bed. She took a look.


There were 3 photos on Minjoo’s side table.

One was Minjoo photo.

Another one was with Chaewon and

the last one was Minjoo’s childhood photo with another girl.






Minjoo came back to the room with a bowl in her hand.


“I’m sorry. It takes longer than I think” Minjoo said.


“It’s ok” Yujin made a small smile.


Minjoo stared excitedly at Yujin when Yujin took a first bite to ramyeon.


“How was it” Minjoo asked nervously.


“It tastes like r-ramyeon” Yujin answered with confused tone.


“Ahh.. Ramyeon is ramyeon” Minjoo nodded her head.


Yujin kept eating without knowing it was Minjoo first time making something to someone. She didn’t even make one herself.


Minjoo chuckled when she found the way Yujin used the chopstick again.


“I’m sorry. I gave a burden to you”


“No…don’t feel like that. You can come to my house anytime. You are always welcome.”


“AHH..” Minjoo suddenly remembered something and got out of her room.  And then came back with medicine kit, a blanket and a pillow.


“Come on. Give me your right hand” Minjoo said while preparing her medicine.


Yujin furrowed her eyebrows with a confused look.


“You got hurt yesterday”


“Oh. It’s ok now” Yujin replied.


Minjoo took Yujin’s right hand herself. She rolled up the sleeves and took off the old bandage. Minjoo was startled when she saw a scar on Yujin’s hand. She saw that scar yesterday but not clearly. But now she saw the scar was really big. Minjoo stared that scar sadly.


Yujin sensed that Minjoo’s sudden halt.


Yujin cleared . “How about your leg??” Yujin asked as she wanted to change the topic.


“a little bit hurt. But I can bear with it” Minjoo answered while applying the new one to Yujin’s hand.


“Now done” Minjoo smiled and looked at Yujin.


“Thank you” Yujin stared at Minjoo.


They shared a stare again but longer than the last time. Minjoo couldn’t take that puppy stare so she looked away her eyes.


“You can sleep on my bed. I’m going to sleep here.” Minjoo started preparing a place to sleep.


“No” Yujin rejected. “I will sleep on the floor. You go sleep on your bed”


“I can’t make my visitor to sleep on the floor” Minjoo countered.


“But it will be cold for you to sleep on the floor” Yujin whispered.


Minjoo smiled when she heard those words from Yujin. “You will be also cold, Yujin”


“But I can resist”


“How about we sleep on the bed. I think we can be fit in ” 




Minjoo cursed herself for suggesting Yujin to sleep together on the bed. Now she couldn’t sleep. Minjoo was backfacing to Yujin. She could hear her crazy heartbeats and strange feeling in her stomach. She didn’t dare to turn her  body because what if Yujin was not sleeping.


But after a while, Minjoo heard a light snoring from the girl behind her. She turned her body as soft as she could. She didn’t want Yujin to wake up because of her movement. This is the first time she could look at Yujin face clearly. She looked at Yujin’s dark eyebrows, Yujin’s eyes which were closed, Yujin’s straight nose, Yujin’s lips, Yujin’s cheeks.


“She must be tired because of crying” Minjoo thought in her mind.


One of Minjoo’s hand tried to touch Yujin’s face without herself knowing. When she saw her hand which was trying to touch Yujin, she stopped in the mid way and slapped softly to that hand.


“Are you crazy?? Are you crazy??” Minjoo whispered.


Yujin shifted a little bit which made a concern to Minjoo. But Minjoo was relieved when Yujin was sleeping soundly again.


Minjoo didn’t know much about Yujin.


She might be interested about Yujin but if Yujin didn’t want to tell her, she was ok with that, the current Yujin was fine for her.


But she found many facts about Yujin.


Yujin was cold and quiet. but


Yujin was shy.


Yujin was gentle.


Yujin was kind.


Yujin considered for others before herself.


Yujin was brave.


Yujin was strong.


Yujin was intelligent.


Yujin was c-cutee???


But she also felt hurt when she saw Yujin’s tears and she wanted to protect that girl with all cost. She didn’t want to see those tears on her cheeks. She felt like she and Yujin became closer day by day and smiled herself before she closed her eyes.




Hope you enjoy this!



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J1nj00 #1
Chapter 16: Come back author-nim :(
Chapter 16: Still here :((
Chapter 16: I want more :(
285 streak #4
Chapter 16: Authornim! I just read this now and it was good! I hope you update hihi fighting!
Chapter 16: I missed this ;-; Thank you for coming back and updating :)
Pwyngng #6
Chapter 16: I really miss this fic! Thanks for the update
bluejin #7
Chapter 16: now i need to re-read this fic ahhahahah
Chapter 16: Thanks for updating.
Chapter 16: I miss this. And awww minjoo
Chapter 16: I really miss this fic! Thank you for the update author nim!