Chapter 16



As the days go by, Minjoo keeps her feelings for Yujin. Yujin and Minjoo were with their friends, spending their weekends together. They were now on the way back to their home. Yujin and Minjoo were walking side by side. There were many people on the street as the holidays were coming so it was so crowded with shops promotions. Some people were going back to their homes from works, some were having a dinner with their colleagues, some were selling things on the street. The weather became cold as it enters into December. Suddenly Minjoo stopped walking. Yujin sensed that Minjoo was not beside her. So she looked back and walked to Minjoo. Now they were face to face.


“What’s wrong?” Yujin asked.


Minjoo took out her hand to let the snow touches her palm and looked up the sky. Yujin looked at Minjoo confusingly.


“Snow. The first snow for this year” Minjoo said and Yujin also looked up.


White snow was started falling from the sky.


“It’s snowing.” Yujin whispered.


Both of them looked up the sky for 15 minutes. Yujin looked at Minjoo who was still looking at the snow. Minjoo was smiling while her hands were shaking as she made a small fist to warm her hands. There were some snow on her head. Minjoo was shocked because of Yujin’s sudden action. Her heart was beating uncontrollably.


Yujin was cleaning the snow from Minjoo’s hair carefully. Minjoo could just looked at Yujin. She prayed that Yujin could stop acting like this to her or she couldn’t kept her feeling anymore. They became closer and closer and they didn’t want to separate from each other. If one of them was missing, the other searched the one first. And her feeling for Yujin was getting stronger and stronger. She tried hard not to cross the line.


“It’s getting dark. Let’s go” Minjoo cleared and started walking without waiting Yujin.


Yujin was left dumbfounded. But she kept her pace the same with Minjoo.


“Are you cold?” Yujin asked.


“No. Why?” Minjoo answered coldly.


“Liar. You’re shaking” Yujin smiled softly and next action made Minjoo’s heart, going to jump out from her chest.


Yujin held Minjoo’s hand and slide their hands together in her coat’s pocket.


“You’re going to catch a cold” Yujin said while walking.


Minjoo could not talk anything. This became her limit. No No this exceeded her limit. She couldn’t take it anymore. She hid this feeling for a long time. Minjoo knew that Yujin was innocent and pure and maybe she didn’t know how much her actions affect to Minjoo.


When there were lesser people on the street, Minjoo took her hand from Yujin’s pocket. Yujin was shocked.


“What’s wrong Minjoo?” Yujin asked in a worried tone.


“Stop it” Minjoo whispered while she closed her eyes.


“What?” Yujin asked again because she couldn’t hear what Minjoo said.


“I said stop it”


“Stop what”


“Stop acting too kind to me”


“What happen Minjoo-ah?”


“Stop playing with my heart”


“????? What are you talking about Minjoo” Yujin didn’t have any idea what Minjoo was talking about.


Minjoo slowly opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was Yujin was looking at her worriedly. She took a deep breath. “That’s enough” she thought in her mind.


“I-I li-ke you” Minjoo looked at Yujin.


“I like you too” Yujin answered.


“No. I like you not like a friend”


“What do you mean, Minjoo”


“I like you MORE THAN A FRIEND” Minjoo shouted.


Yujin blinked her eyes twice. She didn’t know what to say after hearing those words from Minjoo.


“I knew you acted to me as a good friend. You took care of me as a good friend. But I am very happy when you act so soft and care to me. I kept this for too long not want to break our friendship.”




“I’m not finished.”


Yujin stood still.


“Your smile became my weakest point. When you smile, I also smile like a crazy person. When you are quiet, I become worried about you. Although I don’t know your past, I worry about you. I don’t care about your past. I like the present An Yujin. I always want to see you happy. I’m happy that you smile a lot these days. You even smile at my not funny jokes. I like all the things you do. Even your style of holding chopstick. It was so cute. How can middle school student still didn’t know how to use chopstick. ” Minjoo gave a weak smile while remembering Yujin’s actions.


“I love the way you smile, the way you talk, the way you look at me, the way you laugh when I make jokes, the way your cheeks deepen and form dimples when you smile or laugh, the way your eyes curve into crescent moon-shaped, the way you protect me, the way you secure my hands, I love our first hug….I want to hug you, hold you, see you…I just want you to be mine. I LOVE YOU”


“So stop messing with my heart Yujin. I don’t think I can handle it anymore. I’m weak. My heart is always weak when it comes to you. I knew if I confess to you, it can damage our friendship. You will stay away from me. I don’t want to stay away from you. But I can’t handle it anymore. So…..good night Yujin.” Minjoo started running while Yujin was in a staute state.


Yujin didn’t know what to talk after Minjoo’s confession. Her mind was completely in blank state. All were too sudden for her. She didn’t know how to handle this situation. When she looked back to Minjoo, she was not in her vision anymore.


Minjoo slammed her bedroom door and jumped onto her bed while sobbing.


“I made a big mistake. Stupid Kim Minjoo. You’re so stupid. Why can’t you handle your feeling? Now what are you going to do huh?” Minjoo buried her face in the pillow.


There were An Yujin, looking at Minjoo’s room from the street, to make sure Minjoo got back home safe. When she saw the light from Minjoo’s room, she turned back and went to her home.



The next day in the classroom,


“Minjoo, What happened to you? Your eyes are swollen.” Chaewon asked in a worried tone.


“Nothing.” Minjoo just sat in her seat.


Yujin glanced at Minjoo and Chaewon was right, her eyes were really swollen and red.


The others gathered around Minjoo and asked her what happened. When they didn’t get any answer, they just returned to their seat.


“Did you know what happened to Minjoo?” Yena asked to Yujin.


“Umm??” Yujin looked at Yena and then looked down.


Chaeyeon and Yena now noticed that something had happened between them. But they didn’t ask anymore to Yujin.


Yujin couldn’t concentrate on her lectures in the classroom. When they were in the canteen to have lunch, Minjoo didn’t eat anything.  Yujin was worried. She was worried for Minjoo. But at the same time, she didn’t know what to say to Minjoo.



Sakura, Yuri and Chaewon also noticed that there was something going on between those two. Who wouldn’t notice when two clingy people suddenly stopped talking and acted like strangers. They knew that Minjoo had a crush on Yujin. But they were not sure with Yujin. Yujin was unpredictable one, couldn’t guess what she was thinking and also her action. They had been friends for 6 months but they still didn’t know much about Yujin.


The whole week was an awkward silence between them. Sometimes, Minjoo didn’t follow to canteen or sometimes Yujin.


“I really don’t understand them.” Yuri pouted her lips.


“They were in good terms when we were at Yena’s house” Sakura added.


“Minjoo’s eyes are always swollen and red when she comes to school” Yuri added.


“She didn’t answer my calls and also didn’t talk with us” Chaewon said.


“I will ask Yujin but it is sure that she will not talk that case” Chaeyeon butted in.


“The atmosphere is so awkward and I can’t take it anymore” Yena held her hair.


“Sakura, Yuri and me will go to Minjoo’s house tomorrow and ask her again” Chaewon suggested and Yuri and Sakura nodded.




The trio went to Minjoo’s house. Chaewon rang the bell and Mrs. Kim opend the door.


“Chaewon-ah, Sakura and Yuri. Come in”


“Good afternoon aunty.” The trio greeted.


“It’s good that you three come today. Minjoo didn’t come out of her room for a week. She didn’t eat much also. Did something happen to Minjoo at school?” Mrs. Kim asked worriedly about her daughter behavior for these days.


“We also didn’t know aunty. But don’t worry. It will be fine.” Chaewon smiled and patted her aunty’s shoulders.


“Ok Ok. Go upstairs. What did you have? Do you want something to eat?” Mrs. Kim asked.


“It’s ok aunty” the trio refused. “We already had our lunch”


They went upstairs and knocked Minjoo’s room door. 


“Knock Knock Knock”


The trio didn’t hear reply from Minjoo. So they knocked again. The trio became impatient and tried to turn the door knob and it opened. The trio entered into the room and found Minjoo’s head was buried into the pillow.


“Minjoo-ah” Chaewon called. When they got near, they heard the sobbing voice.


The trio sat beside Minjoo quickly. Chaewon held Minjoo’s shoulder.


“Minjoo-ah. What’s happening with you? Mind to share with us? We’re all here to listen to your problems. Please let us know ok?” Chaewon said in a soft tone.


“Is it related with Yujin?” Sakura asked.


Minjoo was still covered her face with pillow. Yuri was enough with that pillow and tried to take it off from Minjoo. Minjoo eyes were full with tears. The tears were rolling down to her cheeks like a waterfall.


Minjoo hugged Chaewon.


“What should I do now Chaewonnie? I ruined our friendship.” Minjoo cried again.


Chaewon hugged back and Yuri and Sakura patted Minjoo’s back.


“Did you confess to Yujin?” Chaewon asked.


“I was so stupid. I should not say those words to her. But I really want her. I can’t hide my feeling for her anymore. She looked so shocked after what I said to her. I could not face her now. I-I am so afraid that she will reject me. That’s why I don’t talk these days.  I may not handle that pain if she rejects me. I’m so stupid. I should stay by her side as a friend. ”


The trio didn’t find a word to cheer Minjoo up. They knew that Minjoo loved Yujin so much. She always looked Yujin lovingly. She always took care of Yujin. She always checked Yujin’s condition every day. Sometimes they wanted to beat Minjoo for caring Yujin so much.


“You know that Yujin is not a bad person. She considered other person feeling too.” Yuri said.


“Yah!! Why are you covering up for Yujin” Sakura slapped Yuri’s shoulder.


“It’s not Yujin’s fault though” Yuri pouted.


“Don’t worry Minjoo-ah. We will try our best to know about Yujin’s feeling for you” Chaewon held Minjoo’s shoulders and looked at her.


“She may not hate you. She loves you. We can see it. She is clingy to you the most.” Yuri added.


“Don’t worry Minjoo. I can kick her to regain her conscious.” Sakura joked.


Minjoo smiled alittle when she heard her friends’ silly jokes but deep inside she was afraid.




While in Yujin’s house, Chaeyeon and Yena sat on the chairs while Yujin was deep in her train of thoughts.


“Yah An Puppy, we have been here for 2 hours and you are still in that state” Chaeyeon said.


Yena slapped Yujin’s arms.


“What” Yujin regain her action.


“Mind to explain us what the heck was happening” Yena scoffed.




“I know you have a lot of questions in your mind and you’re trying to figure out on your own.” Yena sat beside Yujin.


“We can help you Yujin-ah. You may not know some things. Please open to us this time” Chaeyeon butted in. It became silence again.


“Duck Bear Do you know what is love?” Yujin asked.


Because of Yujin’s sudden question, the duo was shocked.


“I don’t know what is love until now. I didn’t get love from my own father. The one who gave love to me, my mother, was died when I was young. I don’t know what love is and I don’t know what it feels.”


The duo was sad after hearing Yujin’s statement. What she said was true. Yujin was grown up with her father, who always believed his wife and stepmother, who always looked to attack Yujin one way or another. Most of the time, Yujin was alone. She didn’t know much about feelings. Yena and Chaeyeon showed love to Yujin but it couldn’t compare.


Chaeyeon wanted to ease the situation. “I’m a love expert. I knew those feelings Yujin-ah. I’ll teach you” Chaeyeon broaden her shoulder and chest.


Chaeyeon put her hand into her sweater and made a beating heart, squeezing and pumping her hand while making a heartbeat sound. “dugeun dugeun dugeun


Yena shook her head while looking at Chaeyeon.


“Minjoo told me that she likes me more than a friend. No she said she loves me at that night.” Yujin spoke.


Yena and Chaeyeon noticed that Yujin started to try to open up about Minjoo. So, they stayed quiet, especially Chaeyeon who was doing silly thing.


“I don’t know what to do at that time. Nobody said those words to me until that night. I don’t really know the word love.“ Yujin sighed.


“Don’t overthink kid. Follow your heart.” Yena turned back to Yujin and patted Yujin’s chest where heart existed.


“I don’t feel anything in here” Yujin touch her heart. “But I feel warm when I’m with her.”


 “I don’t know what that kind of feeling but I don’t like our situation now. I kinda miss her but that can’t conclude that I love her right? If I don’t really love her but I’m afraid for losing her and tell her that I love her, it’s not good for both of us right? I don’t want to selfish”


Chaeyeon and Yena could only nod their heads.


“That’s why I have been quiet these days, thinking about what is the best solution for this case”


“But don’t keep her waiting longer. She might think something bad.” Chaeyeon suggested.


Yujin nodded her head like she understood what Chaeyeon wanted to talk about.


“Also take care of yourself. If you need help or something, we are always here for you kid” Yena smiled to Yujin.


“I know” Yujin gave a weak smile.


At that night, a notification popped up from Minjoo’s phone. Minjoo didn’t have energy to pick it up but she tried to pick up to look what that notification was. It was from AYJ’s twitter. It was a tweet from AYJ.


                                                “WHAT IS LOVE?”


Minjoo stared for a minute to that tweet. She saw many comments explaining their opinions about love. She scanned them. Then she closed her eyes and whispered “An Yujin”.




Hello! I don't know if you remember this story. I haven't been updated this fic for too long. Sorry for that. And thank you for missing my fic. I forget my acc password. (My bad) and also i was really busy. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. And let's pray for IZONE tomorrow. We will get the good news for sure. Everyone stay strong. I don't know when will I update again. See you all.

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J1nj00 #1
Chapter 16: Come back author-nim :(
Chapter 16: Still here :((
Chapter 16: I want more :(
279 streak #4
Chapter 16: Authornim! I just read this now and it was good! I hope you update hihi fighting!
Chapter 16: I missed this ;-; Thank you for coming back and updating :)
Pwyngng #6
Chapter 16: I really miss this fic! Thanks for the update
bluejin #7
Chapter 16: now i need to re-read this fic ahhahahah
Chapter 16: Thanks for updating.
Chapter 16: I miss this. And awww minjoo
Chapter 16: I really miss this fic! Thank you for the update author nim!