What If : Friends

What If.

Its pretty quiet sunshine shadowing a tall girl with shoulder length haired a half tied in this morning. Ahn Yujin, just like a day before, she was walking on her way to school when she saw something familiar but its still looks so weird.



“Its been 5 days in line, but she still there?”



Ahn Yujin saying to herself while she passing the river. This is the 5th day she watching the same view. A long black haired girl standing in the same spot at the same place in the edge of the river.



She was there. Every morning.



Yujin didnt knew who she is or what a kind of her face. Everyday the girls is wearing different casual clothes and didnt moving or even look back.



“Is she okay?”



Yujin decide to stay still in her way, even she mind it, that girl. She still had not too much courage to approach the girl or just say it that Yujin didnt want to bother the stranger.



It was Saturday morning, It being Yujin habit when its come to weekend she would going to catch some fresh air if theres no important things to do. She is going into the river. It was 05.30 in the morning. Theres no that girl. Yujin looks disapointed because she have a plan to talk to her.



When she decide to move, that said girl was behind of her. She almost bumped but she can manage her balance well.



“Oh hi” It was Yujin first words instead of apologizing because of the accident.



That girl just smirking.



Oh she is so cute. What the hell im thinking of.  Yujin shake her head.



“Im sorry, i need this place. But if you need it more than i do thats fine ill waiting” She answering with no expression.



Whats wrong with this girl and this place. Is she just do some worship here. Yujin thought.



“Im fine. Im got to go” Yujin trying her best to be friendly.



“Good. Just go” Another shot from that girl.



Yujin drop her jaw. She really dont get it that her peacefull earth just giving birth a rebel cute kids.



That girl walking into her usual spot didnt mind about Yujin existance. Yujin’s eyes following the girl. She turn back her head. She is about 5th meters away with that girl.



“Hei” Yujin shouted. The girl still didnt care.



“I was observing you anw. You were here every morning. Are you okay?” Yujin spoke with a loud voice.


“I am” She answering didnt look back.


“Are you planning to suicide here?” Yujin asking out of the blue.


“You are stupid. Dont you?” She give her next shot.


Shi*t. Yujin cursing internally.



“I just trying to save you. Suicide would never solve the problem. Just face up. I know you can do it” Yujin still in her way and believe that she assume the right things.



Finally she turning back. Yujin give her victory smile.



“Hei stupid girl, mind your business. Poor on your mom, she give her life into that kind of stupid creatures like you” She really are.



Yujin walking closer to face up that girl.



“Did you just give a shi*t kids, I was trying to be nice. To save you. And you saying that im stupid?. Give me a thanks is better than that. You know, i just make my first regret in my life to approach you” Yujin holding back he anger failed.



She give Yujin smile.



And pushed Yujin into the river.



Yujin jumping into the water. She drowning. She trying to swim but failed.



“H—help” Yujin in almost audible.



That girl shook her head.



“You are stupid person ever” She shouted.



“Im bout to di--- What” Yujin just realize, she stand up. The water is only around her waist. But she all wet.



“You couldnt ever die with this small river. I dont give you a sh*t. I just talk the real and help you realize that you are stupid. Say thanks to me then.” She cross her arms in her chest.



Yujin walking into her. She sit in the bench beside her. Sighing. Yujin grey hoodie, short pants and even her favorite black vans all in wet. Her hair is messy.



Yujin sighed.



That girl handing her checkered black and red shirt into Yujin. Yujin dumbfounded. She look like a fool dog just save for almost to the hell accident.



“Tomorrow 6 AM here” She said while walking away with only a white long sleve shirt and jeans because her outer is in Yujin’s right now hands.



“Wait, whats for” Yujin still didnt get it.



That girl turn back.



“I still own that, stupid” She answering while pointing at her shirt.



“Oh okay sorry” Yujin stupid level in another dimension.



Yujin just walking upstair when her mom asking.



“What are you doing Yujin” Her mom shouted looking at her watery kids.



“Its long story mom. I need to wash up” Yujin while mumble.



Yujin laying in her bed. Looking at the hanging shirt.



I never meet the kind of girl in my 17s years of life. She thought.



In the next day, Yujin wake up late. She then grabed the shirt and running into the river. It was 07 AM. She looking for that girl.



She relieved that the girl still there.



“I thought that you was home and mad at me” Yujin spoke while walking behind her.



“First is wrong, the second is right” She answering didnt look back.



Yujin gently wraping the shirt in her. The girl look startled.



“Im sorry” Yujin showing her dimples.



The girl sighed and turning herself to walk away. But Yujin grab her wrist first. The girl turn her head.



“Can we introduce ourself first, Miss?” Yujin sarcasm.



“Wonyoung. Jang Wonyoung. Lemme go now” That Wonyoung girl answer while trying losing Yujin’s grip.



“I still didnt introduce myself” Yujin in cool way.



“I dont care” She with death stare.



“You are so interesting. I like you” Yujin confessing. Wait, Confessing?



“But i dont” Wonyoung rejecting. In sudden.



Yujin pull Wonyoung wrist into the bench. Its not that cold anymore. The little sunshine flashing in warmth way.



Wonyoung pull her hands from Yujin.



“Im Ahn Yujin. Call me baby and ill be yours” Yujin trying to be funny.



Wonyoung looking and sighing.



“Okay im sorry. Call me Yujin” Yujin rose her hands to Wonyoung. Rejection.



“Uhm, you are cute. What are you doin here every morning? You still didnt answer my question yet” Yujin still looking  into the girl beside her. Wonyoung looking straight.



“Say hello to my friends.” She said.



“Your friends. I always see no one here” Yujin innocently.



“Pure water. Fresh air. First splashing shine” Wonyoung still in her position.



“Are you freak?” Yujin jokingly ask. 



“No. Im insane” Wonyoung without looking.



“Wait, your taste of humour really good. I give you one point on that” Yujin dumb proudly.



Wonyoung turning her head. “Do i look like im joking here, Miss Ahn Yujin?” Wonyoung straight eyes made Yujin intimidate.



“O—okay. What do you mean by that?” Yujin stuttering.



“I ve no friends. I ve no family. Im insane” She paused.



 “I like to talk with them. To the rocks, to the flower, to everything and my friends and my family said that im crazy. In elementary school I ever punch my classmate in her face because he always tease me” Wonyoung’s smiling remember how rebel she is.



“Oh Its cooll. I ll do the same like you do” Yujin laughing beside of her.



“My family start to blame me. Im not like a normal kids. Im weird” Wonyoung face turn into sad.



“Thats way im always here. I always stays in my room everyday every night. I didnt going to school for almost a year” Wonyoung paused.



“Since i was kids, i start to have a lot of imagination. Like i do believe that all of creatures in the world have their own soul” Wonyoung looking straight.



“Of course they do have” Yujin advance.



“All of it has their way to communicate with each other. Like the wind, they didnt blowing with no purpose” Wonyoung’s mind going.



“They whispering something” Yujin another advance.



“The shine splashing is not because they should do and like all the scientist ‘s argument” Wonyoung said.



“The shine will sending the warmth to break all the coldheart people” Yujin another.



“The water existance, they didnt only there to serve us a drinking or washing our body” Wonyoungs



“The sounds of water give us a chill moment to comunicate with our deep soul” Yujin another.




“Im really insane” She said.




“So do I” Yujin answering




Wonyoung turning her head. She looking at the blanky Yujin who looking into the river. Wonyoung realize that all her imagination is not only just her’s. But also Yujin’s. She realize that they just do conversation like just the both of them who understand. Wonyoung admiring the girl infront of her. That stupid girl who didnt mad at her even she push her into the water.



“What? are you just whipped by me. I know im that perfect” Yujin didnt even looking but she knew that the latter girl staring at her.



“Yes, i am” Wonyoung in honest.



Yujin lookin at her. Eyes to eyes.



“Im Ahn Yujin. Would you be my friend, Jang Wonyoung ssi?” Yujin offering while the latter girl smilling and nodded.



But i whipped by you first, Wonyoung.







“Hei” Yujin walking towards Wonyoung happily.



“Im sorry im late” Yujin apologizing while cupped the smiling girl’s cheeks.



“Thats fine” Wonyoung answering with beautiful smile ever.



“Are you ready?” Yujin asking the latter nodded.



Both of them is now in the gate of Seoul High School. Yujin’s school and Wonyoung’s wannabe.



It was 6th month after they first meet. Yujin and Wonyoung do all the things together. Wonyoung who strict believe that she was insane day by day changing because of Yujin. Yujin always playing into Wonyoung’s home and even stayover. That made Wonyoung family open her mind that their daughter is normal like the daughter should be.



Its take along time to making sure Wonyoung to do school comeback. And finally she decided to with a one only reason. Ahn Yujin.



Now, Yujin is 3nd grade. And Wonyoung is entering as second grade. Even she is a year younger she should be in Yujin’s grade. But because she skipped for a year, she staying.



“Is that your friends is good?” Wonyoung worriedly asking while tightening her grip in Yujin’s arms.



“Dont worry, they do good. And more insane than us. Of course i will always protect you. The one who kicked me into the river in first day met” Yujin while pinching Wonyoung cheeks. Wonyoung laughing remember the memories.



Even they do know each other in such a time, Wonyoung still didnt know Yujin’s friends yet. They just playing in their internal circle at the time. They knew each other an both family. But Yujin tell her friends about Wonyoung. Yujin’s friends is waiting for her.



After break time, Yujin pick Wonyoung in her class. And made all of Wonyoung ‘s classmates make a noise.



“I dont know that the stupid and insane girl like you is number one girlcrush in this school. Im sorry, i ruinned it” Wonyoung a half teasing Yujin’s.



Their school is all girls. Thats way Yujin who slight handsome have a lot of fans.



“Ive told you im perfect. No doubt. And ill court you because of that” Yujin proudly saying.



“Just do then” Wonyoung challenging and catch Yujin’s hand. Interlocking. Yujin smiling



Both of them in School cafe. Theres a table with 2 people sitting on it. Yujin walking into them while dragging nervous Wonyoung.



“Say hello to my dorky friends” Yujin asking while Wonyoung bowing.



“Im Yena and she is my wife, Yuri” The yellow haired girl proudly introducing. While the other punch her arms.



“They are married couple” Yujin commenting. Wonyoung nodded with O mouthing.



“In that duck’s dream” Yujin said while the slight duck stand up and kick Yujin’s stomach. Yuri drag Wonyoung sitting beside of her. It should be Yena’s but she got kicked and Sitting with Yujin cross with them.



“Wonyoung, dont worry. We will be your good friends” Yuri while hugging the new girl. Wonyoung take a glance on Yujin. Yujin smiling.



“And of course even we will be good friends for you, we could never change that position” Yuri got it easily. Wonyoung blushing and theres also red in Yujin’s cheeks.



“You knew a lot isnt?” Wonyoung shyly admited.



“Because im agree, she is so stupid” Yuri answering make a laughter.




Yujin and Wonyoung walking home in the first day Wonyoung’s class. It was 7 PM. They going home late because they spend their little time with Yujin introducing the school building with Yena and Yuri acompany them and got separated because their home in opposite.



They walk across the river. Yujin drag Wonyoung into their usual place.



“Where are we?” Wonyoung asking.



“I miss my friends” Yujin answering still pull Wonyoung’s wrist.



“You just meet Yena and Yuri already” Wonyoung said.



Yujin stopped. She turn to facing Wonyoung.



“Woo, miss proudly that being normal. Are you forgetting who your truely friends right now?” Yujin asking while Wonyoung laughing.



“I didnt mean to. Im sorry” Wonyoung bowed formally to Yujin. Yujin chuckled.



“Tell them how are you, now. You just doing fine isnt?” Yujin advice while take a seat in the bench while Wonyoung walking forwards and close her eyes. In silent. Like she always did before.



Its too almost a half of hour.



Yujin patiently waiting the girl.



Wonyoung just finished.  She took a seat beside Yujin’s.



“Why its take much longer than your usual. What they said?” Yujin curiously like her usual since she first met Wonyoung.



“They said to be brave” Wonyoung smiling lookin at the river.



“Yes. They were right. You should to be brave with the new of you, Wonyoungie.” Yujin smiling to Wonyoung. Wonyoung look at her.



Wonyoung grab Yujin’s face and peck her in the lips. Yujin frozen.



“Be brave to tell you I love you, Yujinnie” Wonyoung straight eyes made Yujin lose her soul.



Yujin no words still blanky with Wonyoung’s sudden action.



“You really stupid dont you?” Wonyoung giggled while pinch Yujin’s cheeks to waking her up.




“Im sorry, Wonyoungie” Yujin drop her face.




Wonyoung worried.






“No. Im the one who said sorry. I doesnt mind to--- Its okay Yujinnie just tell me honestly” Wonyoung hold up her tears.  



“Are you okay with that?” Yujin making sure. Wonyoung try her best and smiling while nodding.



“Uhm” She said.



Yujin holds both Wonyoung’s hands.



“Im sorry for being stupid. I promise you to study a lot and make you proud of me while saying Yujinnie is mine” Yujin said while Wonyoung let out her tears.



“You stupid” Wonyoung said while sobbing hard.



“Whats again?” Yujin stupidity is no joke.



“I thought you just reject me when you said sorry” Wonyoung wipe her tears. Yujin pulled her and hug her.



“Im not ready yet to get killed by your friends. Drowning in the river, hanging in the storm or even burnt me alive. Believe me they will did it if i rejecting your love” Yujin reasoning. Wonyoung push her and hit her thigh.



“I hate you” Wonyoung annoying.



“I love you too, Wonyoungie. The first time i ask you to be my friends is not a joke. And i really mean it. I want you to be my friends in everything. Friends who acompany where i am. Friends who talk with me about everything. Friends to spend my life with and only. Till the day i ask you to marry me” Yujin give a soft kiss to now her girlfriend.



Wonyoung wrap her arms in Yujin’s neck.



“Promise me to stay with me forever Yujinnie” Wonyoung asking.



“No need to ask me. Because i was do since we first met” Yujin give another kiss. Softly and turn into the bold one. No one give up. Till the wind softly blowing across them. Yujin pulled herself while Wonyoung still locking Yujin’s lower lips and slowly let it go.



“Did you hear that?” Yujin asking. Wonyoung chuckled.



“What they said?” Wonyoung questioning.



“They waiting for the invitation” Yujin proudly and hug Wonyoung. Both of them laughing in their each shoulder.




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Wizoneph #1
Chapter 5: I don't ship gyuri and saerom
I ship gyuri and jisun
Chapter 23: i would really love to read a prologue/series of wrost plan because the whole plot is really intresting to me and i like it
Chapter 31: welcome back author nim, i misss you
maomaomin #4
Chapter 31: so soft…
welcome back:) i love u♡
Chapter 31: Love you. Can you make another Annyeongz fic? Your writing is so good and i really like it 😍😍
maomaomin #6
Chapter 30: I miss u ;(
Chapter 30: I love your stories :( you are one of my best author don't be rude to yourself tho and yeah love u too uwu
Chapter 30: i wish you will write more annyeongz stuff :(