Special : At Least We've Try (Final)

What If.

V Talk Later






After the night drive from Chaeyeon house. Everything seems different. The soul of trial who they always looking for, its fading away and looks like the color of cold a thin air from their shared appartment.

Its not because how low temperature inside or it was snowing outside.


A bit dark and grey.

Nothing really changed at all. Still sharing a room, talking like usual

... but soulless. Who will keep herself in that kind of circumstances. Its can be unhealthy or the worst, made you dying inside.

It was a month past by and its Yujin.

Yujin is the one who notices. Maybe its because the younger keep on a bubbly and expressive face as long as she knew her, but now its just a past tense. The younger looks like not herself anymore.

Of course, Yujin doesnt just stay silent in that way. She do a complain. Not really complaining but she done it everytime she got a chances.


Theres always "whats going on?" in every words that comin from older. But its always simply "Im fine" as the answer.

Is it make an contented in Yujin? Exactly No.

Talking about the past memories the night drive a month ago, Yujin share all of her story. Tell her everything that the younger need to hear. The story that had been told at the meeting day before the engaggment. But in pretty detail version.

After the explaination the younger said "thank you" the short minded Yujin catch it as "thank you for explain me" or maybe its not the meaning of it?. Or it was "thank you" for another things?.

Is there a source from what happened with it?. Is this any connection in between timeline?.


But what's wrong?


Wheres wrong?

Speaking about the truth is Yujin really done it. Her feeling towards her old crush. Kim Minjoo.

It was shown up everytime they met and together with their friends. Yujin and Minjoo its just as same as Yujin with Yuri or Eunbi or Chaewon or the others. In Yujin's perspective.





The light keep flashing and blinking from living room's tv screen. Yujin sat on the couch with her mind on the another side of space.

She need to talk. They need to talk.

Yujin's wishes. She won't too much. Just clear. Everything. Her and Wonyoung.


Not that long the door cracking alarmed that someone just entered their appartment.

It was no other but Wonyoung.

It was 10pm. Wonyoung just coming back from work. She walking straight didnt minding the girl who was waiting for her.

Its always be like that.

"You just come home? Why you didnt answer my call or message. So i can pick you." Yujin worriedly asking with a lot of questions. While the girl who just placed her hand into the doorknob of their bedroom turning her body. Looking to the owner of voice.

"Im sorry." Shortly with not really called as reassuring smile on it.

Yujin about to ask another question, she planning to ask her about all her concern. But she hesitated, looking at how pale the younger's face. Yujin knew that she really tired.

Do a pose in front of camera is tiring. Walking with a rhythm is tiring. Smile to every journalist and fansite is tiring. Make a good face in magazines layout is tiring. Create a persuasive concept in every cf is tiring. Still with a bunch of homework from university that waiting when she coming back.

Compare with jobless Ahn Yujin who just sit down, never doing homework, do nothing except waiting calls from her client about the design concept.

Freelance is no different with jobless. They called it.

"Maybe tomorrow" Yujin tell herself. About the talk.



On the next day Yujin woke up early than usual. She really waiting into the day where is both of them in the fresh looking start.

She is going to the bathroom first then crawling back to her bed. The younger beside her still on deep slumber.

"You really tired arent you?" She smiling looking at how baby the younger's face when she is sleeping.

The younger then did a move. She turn her body into the windows view. Its backing up Yujin. But Yujin saw the younger's side of her face which looks glowing cause the sun who kissing her skin.

"Beautiful." Yujin thought.

Then she pull the warm blanket and wrapping around the younger's body.


And buck hugging her.

When Yujin still enjoying the younger's scent, theres a move from Wonyoung.

The move that Yujin knew it will coming because its always happened when she did that.

The younger pull off Yujin's arm from her and make a little groaning.

"Are you hungry?" The younger asking still facing up the windows.

"You will waking up early when you are hungry" She continued her question and trying to stand up while tied her hair.

Yujin's new hobby. Staring at the action.

"No. Im not, are you have to work today? Its weekend." Yujin whinned and sit up place her back into the headboard.

The younger just shake her head before she going out to the kitchen.

Yujin heavy sighed. Its always been like that. How much Yujin wanna talk, is match enough with how hard headed the younger's refusal.

"Wait, she have a freetime today?" Yujin's mind back to her soul.

In a month Wonyoung always been busy. In weekdays she will going to college then work  and on the weekend she usually coming back to her parent's.




"Hei" Yujin back hugging the younger who busy with a chicken and frying pan.

"Yujin, please move your hand" She ask.

"No." Yujin said while putting her head on the younger's shoulder.

Wonyoung let it be. But the silent make Yujin feeling so bored. Boring than how the class of her university going in a years. Because Yujin hate a quietness.

"Wonyoung... "


"Baby youngie..."



"What?" She look annoyed. But Yujin got attention at the end.

"Im here"


"Dont you see, im here?" 

"Yujin really, can you stop or you cook by yourself." Wonyoung threatening and Yujin following. She walking into the table and sulking.



After they done eating. Yujin sitting at the couch watching a movie and Wonyoung going to the bathroom.

"Wonyoung where are you going? I thought you free today?" Yujin asking the younger who just coming from their room with a nice dress and bag on her hand.

"My parent" She said checking her things on her bag.

"Can i come with you? I mean, i miss them too." Yujin stand up looking at the younger.

Wonyoung didnt give any answer but looking at her strictly.

"I can't right?" Yujin ask start to desperate. She her own hair and sighed.

Wonyoung about to walk pass her but she fastly catch her hand.




"Wonyoung, please." Yujin said didnt let Wonyoung's hand go.

The younger turn her body facing up her.

"You wont let me to visit my parent?" Wonyoung asking in seriouss tone.

"No. Not like that, i mean." Yujin ruffle her own hair in frustration.

Theres s lot of things in Yujin's mind. A bunch of things that yet be spoken but all just about Wonyoung. Every silent she got every guilt she felt.

Thats why, she really need to fixed it. With Wonyoung looking at her in anger, she really got nothing to do.

But pull her in Yujin's embrace.







No one moving.

Just a fade sounds from ignored tv screen as their background music.

"Wonyoung, please..." Yujin begging.

Wonyoung push her lightly. She looking at the older who will tear up anytime soon.




"What ive done to you?." Yujin ask her in her very calm voice.

"You told me to try, i did. I did it" Yujin said.

"Im sorry if i do any stupid things in recent. Im sorry if theres mistake i made but please tell me. Whats wrong with us?" Yujin desperetly.



No words just stare with a lot of meaning from the younger.

"Wonyoungiee, please"



But tears.

Yujin saw a crystal in the corner of the younger's beautiful eyes.

Wonyoung's head fall down.



"Im sorry" Wonyoung keep on mumble.


Yujin know something about to going. Yujin pull her into her arms. She hug her tightly.

Wonyoung finally break down in Yujin's shoulder. She crying out loud.


"Heii" Yujin keep caressing Wonyoung's back.

"Im sorry to forced you" She said.

"Im sorry to coming into your life ...

... Im sorry to ask you for trying ...

... Im sorry..." Wonyoung said in her middle of tearing.

Yujin pull off.

She hold Wonyoung's face. And lift it up. The glass is broken in front of her. Its not even her fault but she felt guilt in her.

"No. What are you talking about? Huh?" She asking in really quiet almost a whisper.

Yujin worrying if she talking n loudly she will end up breaking the broken glass even more.


"Yujin, i know it is me. I know its my mistake. I dragged you into this relationship with my selfish ways. I always asked you to keep on trying without thinking how is your feeling. I keep on asking you to become my fiancé even i dont know what you really want. And you accepted all my need with your greatness. Im selfish to want you to be mine. I know its wrong. You didn't deserve me."

Wonyoung confessing her deep struggles that she kept since the meeting.

"Its wrong. Wonyoung, how come you said that?" Yujin confused.

Its not an expected event. Not like she was expecting a things before but its just surprising for her.


"I dont know. I really dont know Yujin. That was only I think about. After i met your friends." The younger said.

"Is it because Minjoo?. Ive told you right that we d done it. Its really nothing between us" Yujin trying to explaining.

"Noo. Not about Minjoo unnie. I trusted you. And i know that all of you is a pretty as a friend. I just...

... I just realized that it was too soon to decided. We still didnt know each other and i force you into the big things that could change our life. I feel like you still have a lot of times to having fun with your friends. And when thinking about my presence, its just like a burdensome for your freedom life. Im sorry" Wonyoung apologizing.

She keep on apologizing while Yujin still didnt get it what just happened that made the younger think a lot of it. Yujin mind keep on processing every words that coming from the younger's mouth.

"Okay, now what do you want?" Yujin answers didnt give a lot of help.

Yujin still confusing but she should to answer with a words that doesnt make any worst.

"... i dont know" Wonyoung's said.

Yujin really need an dictionary. What is that mean. "I dont know." Its being a vague words when its spoken in this kind of situation.

Is it she really an "i dont know". Or theres another meaning?

"Tell me...

"Im enough with you...

"I hate us...

"Stop trying...


"Please let me stay...

Yujin ed up.

"Maybe we just need a time. Especially you...

... I dont wanna say anything this time in case we still in our heated head. Nothing can changes our opinion even how much i explain in this kind of state. From the book i was reading said so"

Yujin said.

"I ll drive you to your mom and dad's home. Its not because i letting you go, but i will make you feel easier. Maybe without me in some times make you feel better" Yujin who no one expecting, someone who always broke a things but she can be this gentle.

For Wonyoung.





They arrived in front of Jang's family house.

Yujin decide to take a leave without say hi to her parents with the reason she have some schedule. Actually schedule for nothing. She just won't to make a lot appearance in front of someone who need space from her.

"Comeback soon, kay?" Yujin said giving her kiss on the younger's forehead.

Wonyoung just nodded.

"Eat an healthy food, cola and junk food its not good for you." The younger alarmingly like she will going for a long time. Or?


Yujin just giggling.

"No promises." Yujin said.


Yujin and Wonyoung is two person who never met before but trying their best to make a good ending at the end. Just like what the author of this story who she know she had a bad decision but still trying to be good in order to finishing her story as an apology.

But Yujin still cant decide any lil things when theres no Wonyoung because the engagement is between the two. Just like the author of this story who cant decide how to ending her story without her friends (readers) because she starting and made this one to all her friends (readers) who keep on supporting her no matter how bad her story was.

Yujin and Wonyoung just hoping their best to their future even though they are together or not at the end. Just like the author of this story who keep on wishes to our best in our life because we deserve any good things with or without our expectations.

Yujin and Wonyoung really thankful that they're met even they still didnt know what an image that could possibly coming in their future. Just like the author of this story who really glad and pleasure to have a friends (readers) who keep her spirit and give a small talk that really give a big impact to the author.






Back to the story.

Yujin just coming from a movie time, with herself. What are you expected? A lone wolf.

She opening her appartment  door and greeted by smell of something good. Something good that only one person who can make it.

She the rushed, take off her shoes and small running into the source of her curiosity.


"Hei" She greeted, put off her sling bag into the table and walking into her only chef.

"You had a dinner?" The chef asking.

"N no. Not yet" Yujin stuttering.

The chef chuckled while placing her final food, Chicken.

"Bad liar" She said pulling the chair and followed by Yujin.

"Im sorry, but still. I can finished all of this." Yujin whined.

"Im not gonna stop you then." She said.

Yujin grab all of the food in the table all in her plate. She munching all of them in a second.

"Wonyoung you know..." Yujin about to talk with full of food in but end up in mumbling.

"Eat first talk later." Wonyoung strictly.

"N ne" She dig up her food fastly.

After they eat the dinner, Yujin have a task to wash the dishes.




"Im glad you comeback." Yujin said coming from bathroom with messy hair white tshirt and sweatpants.

"You know, you really take a long time to thinking Wonyoung. And you just coming back since spiderman homecoming into far from home release" She sulking but got a flying pillow in her head.

"Can you stop exaggerating. I just going yesterday stupid." She said while pushing the older who trying to hug her.


It was true. Wonyoung going on Saturday morning and coming back in Sunday. Not too much time to thinking isnt?

"So?" Yujin asking. Pull Wonyoung hand, sitting up while crossing their legs face to face.



"Your final decision?"

"What a final?"

"Wonyoung, the last arguments of us?"

"What an argument? Its was my opinion only. Still you didnt give any good speech". Wonyoung said correctly.



"Your turn" Wonyoung commanding.

"Okay fine, ill start." Yujin tak a deep breath before she speak up.

"Wonyoung my fiance, listen to me....

Yujin just starting her speech but Wonyoung brust into laughter and hit the older shoulder with her right hand.

"Give me a time please" She pouting.

Wonyoung nodded then trying to hold her laughter with her red face. She pinched the older's cheeks before interlocking both their hands and looking stright into the older's eyes.


"Think about it. Maybe you were right...

... Maybe i still have a lot of time to having fun. Maybe i still like a free bird. Maybe you forced me into this relationship. Maybe you are the burden of me. Maybe its right...

... But something going wrong"


Wonyoung tilt her head in that words.


"Something wrong happen to me. The wrong things is. Because im enjoying it...

...Im happy with you forcing me. Im happy with you being burden of me. Im happy with you keep your presence in front of me." Yujin said.

"Now the table has turn. At first you are the one who keep on asking me to try and now, im begging you to keep it try with me...

... At first you are the one who being selfish to force me, so its my turn to being selfish to keep my happiness in me...



Can I ?"


Yujin speaking. Yujin asking and Yujin begging.

It was another unexpected event that coming. It was true. That life is full of surprises.



Now they are in almost final decision with tears in both of them. Looking each other with thousand words but nothing come up.


Maybe with action. Because action is better than a tone of words.

Yujin leaning herself into the younger. Crashing their lips in soft way before they pull it off just to take a look on their eyes like an asking permission before they finally close a gap between the both of them. The most-wanted kiss that they are longing for. No one of them trying to give up in a war. Their hands keep roaming into one and another.


Yujin lead the younger to laying theirself into the very comfort bed, Yujin hovering above the younger wipes her tears while caressing her soft cheeks. The younger still keep her hand playing on baby hair in Yujin's nape. And Yujin reaches Wonyoung's soft lips.

"You are my treasure, Jang Wonyoung."

Yujin said before she once again connecting their lips with Wonyoung gladly accept it.

"I lov...."


Before Yujin could finished her sentence in between the kisses. She got lightly pushed by the younger.

"Ive told you, eat first talk later"

Then Yujin's body start to heat up with smile never leaving her face.

Just like what Wonyoung said. She really need to finish all the dish in front of her before anything else. And there she is. Yujin knows how to begin before she dig in into the main course. Gently ride her lips into every side of the younger's face while her hand busy peeling Wonyoung's one piece pajamas.

Wait. Pajamas?. Wonyoung never into pajama before. Or she knew it. She knew that it will coming and to make it into easier access.


No one knows.

With that, they finally reaching into the starting point. The trial as beginning with hope and love bursting in their now's way.

After Yujin finished her task and revealing Wonyoung's beautiful figure, she can do nothing but loving stare. Loving stare into how beautiful the younger bellow without unnecessary article of clothing that covering her. Its take a while to scanning every part of the younger and give any response from staring contest before finally the find out a desire on each other touch.

Shyly but brave enough Wonyoung pulling the frozen figure above her who can't taking eyes off from her to continue what they'd start.




The bird keep chirping in the trees of small village in Jeju. But its not where the setting was.

Still on their appartment, Yujin first woke up. Looking at the girl beside her peacefully sleeping with glowing face. More glowing than before. Because now, its not only her face skin but all of her skin. Recalling memory about last night made Yujin's face red as an oval on Japanese's flag.

Yujin then grab her tshirt and fully dressed, she pull on the blanket into the body beside of her before she going into the kitchen. Night war is tiring. 



She opening her bedroom with struggleness because of the tray and milk in her hand.

Its make the younger chuckled.

Wonyoung woke up sitting up with her back in the headboard and blanket into her shoulder. Guess she still didnt put any of her clothes.

"Why you being this sweet huh?" The younger complain.

"Is'nt it my task to serve you?" Wonyoung still in asking but not moving from the bed.


Yujin then coming closer and handing the glass of milk to the younger. The younger take it with her right hand with the left still holding into the blanket.

"Thanks" She said.

"I know, but i think i should be the one who take care of you this time." Yujin said.

"Why?" The younger tilting her head while start to drinking the milk.

"Because its still hurt isnt?" Yujin said made the younger choke and hand off her glass into Yujin.

"Whats wrong?" Yujin innocently.

"Nothing. You always right. Ahn Yujin" Wonyoung said give her sweet smile but annoying expression.




Yujin put her glass on the table and coming closer to the younger.

"I still have a words to say" Yujin said.

"What is that, Ahn Yujinie" Wonyoung playfully asking.


"I love you"


Yujin said. Short but sure.

"I know it" Wonyoung said without amusing face.

"No i love you too? Really?" Yujin sulking.

Then Wonyoung shift up herself pull off her blanket and sit on the older lap. Yujin blushed because the view in front of her and placed her hand into the younger's waist.

Wonyoung pull the older face then kiss her. Just a peck.

"Is it not enough?"

Wonyoung ask.

Yujin jsmiling in red.

"I will be gentle to you from now on, my princess" Yujin said lovingly.

"So im in a good care now?...

... Thanks and ...

... I love you too, Ahn Yujin." Wonyoung said.

Then Yujin pull her closer into sweet warm hug.

Its really nice starting day in one level of relationship. They create, they build and they protect it.





Mind you to tell me How was it? For this final. Final Comment tho :(



Thanks For The Support.

Annyeongz and Author.



















"What is that???"

A bid of sweat coming into her temple.
"Is not its too sweet?"
"But why"
"Me... with Wonyoung? Really"

Yujin panting hard before she got snapped.



A loud of yell with big attact on her bed room door.

"Really, you just wake up?. Cmon we ll late to school?" She said.
"W wonyoung?" Yujin suddenly blushed because of her dreams and looking weirdly to her best friend Wonyoung.
"Whatt??? Bath and prepare. Ill help aunty to cook. Better in fast or we will got detention" She said grab Yujin's hand to stand up.


"Roger that my past-time-life wifey"

Yujin said and kissing Wonyoung's cheek.


Wonyoung then leave her. Trying to hide her red face.






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Wizoneph #1
Chapter 5: I don't ship gyuri and saerom
I ship gyuri and jisun
Chapter 23: i would really love to read a prologue/series of wrost plan because the whole plot is really intresting to me and i like it
Chapter 31: welcome back author nim, i misss you
maomaomin #4
Chapter 31: so soft…
welcome back:) i love u♡
Chapter 31: Love you. Can you make another Annyeongz fic? Your writing is so good and i really like it 😍😍
maomaomin #6
Chapter 30: I miss u ;(
Chapter 30: I love your stories :( you are one of my best author don't be rude to yourself tho and yeah love u too uwu
Chapter 30: i wish you will write more annyeongz stuff :(